Lone Star Burn_Whiskey & Women

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Lone Star Burn_Whiskey & Women Page 9

by Stephanie Haefner

  “Who’s this?” an older woman who must be Hayes’ mother asked, her voice hushed.

  He turned to Raelyn, then back his mother. “This is Raelyn.

  His mother eyed her, then noticed their intertwined hands. “A heads up mighta been nice.”

  “Don’t be mad, mama. I brought barbecue.” He held up the bag and flashed her his stellar smile.

  “You know the way to my heart.” She cast her gaze on Raelyn and smiled. “I’m LuLu. Come on in.”

  They let go of each other’s hand and Hayes motioned her in after his mother. It was small and outdated, but tidy. Homey.


  Raelyn turned toward the little voice. Dressed in a pink sundress, Hannah lay on the couch with her ankle wrapped in an Ace bandage, rested on a pillow. Some kind of princess cartoon played on the TV.

  “Hey, Sweetpea,” he said and knelt beside her. “What happened?”

  Hannah regaled him with her tale of falling at the playground and he was enthralled, as if it was the most important story he’d ever heard. Completely adorable. Raelyn couldn’t help but smile like an idiot. But when he leaned down and placed a kiss on Hannah’s little ankle, she thought her heart might explode.

  “You hungry?” he asked his little girl. “I brought your favorite.”

  He stood and headed for the small table in the kitchen, where his mom had already laid out the Styrofoam containers of food. He loaded a plate with saucy ribs and took it to her.

  LuLu caught Raelyn’s puzzled expression. “Oh, she’ll eat it all. She’s got her father’s appetite for barbecue.” She then handed her a plate and said, “Load up before he eats it all and ya get nothin’.”

  “I wouldn’t do that,” Hayes said as he returned to the kitchen. Was there a bit of blush on his cheeks?

  “Wow. You must be special then,” LuLu said and winked at Hayes. More pink on his cheeks.

  They sat to eat and Raelyn answered her questions. Typical getting-to-know-you type stuff. Where she was from, where she worked, what brought her to Fort Mavis. The last was kind of tough to answer. She stuck with, “My sister recently moved there and I needed a change of pace.”

  “How’d ya’ll meet?”

  Raelyn met Hayes’s gaze and they shared an awkward smile.

  “I’m guessin’ there’s a story here.”

  “You wanna tell it, or should I?” Raelyn asked.

  “We met at the bar,” he said and took another bite of brisket.


  “He insulted my choice of beverage,” Raelyn continued. “Then challenged me to try his.”

  “She likes accepting my challenges.”

  “And I’ve met every single one. Even bested you a few times.”

  “He needs to be bested once in a while.” LuLu laughed. “I have a feelin’ there’s more to this story, but I don’t think I wanna know.”

  “Trust me, Mama. You don’t.”

  They spent the rest of the afternoon playing with Hannah. Board games, dolls, even tea party. If Raelyn didn’t think she’d pay dearly for it later, she would have snapped a photo of Hayes with a princess tiara on his head.

  At eight o’clock he helped Hannah change into pajamas and brush her teeth, then knelt with her for prayers. Sweetest thing she’d ever seen. He tucked her in and kissed her forehead, but when he turned to leave, she yelled, “Wait!”

  “Raelyn didn’t give me a hug goodnight.”

  She stepped to the little girl and sat on the edge of the bed. She threw her tiny arms around her and squeezed. “I had fun today. Thank you for playing with me.”

  Raelyn blinked back tears and said, “I had fun, too.”

  After a couple of blown kisses and a “goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite,” he closed the door.

  “She’s amazing.” Raelyn said as she tucked his hand into hers.

  “I’m a lucky man.” He bent and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  They headed back to the kitchen. “We’re gonna get going,” Hayes said to LuLu. “We both need to be up real early for work.”

  “Okay. I just got one thing I need to talk to you about.”


  “I found a buyer for the land. He doesn’t care about the trailer. Gonna scrap it. But he offered me fifteen grand. I took it.”


  “I figure that should help get us in a house sooner than we hoped. Said he’s not in a hurry. We can take as long as we need.”

  “That’s awesome, Mama,” he said and hugged her.

  Raelyn was curious, but didn’t want to be nosey.

  Hayes let go of his mom and faced her. “I’ve been saving for the last two years so I can buy a house in Fort Mavis and bring Mama and Hannah there. So we can all be together.”

  And even more about him clicked into place. The reason he worked so many side jobs. Why he’d quit the Double C because they wouldn’t pay him more money. It was all for them. “That’s really great,” she said, her smile uncontrollable. “I’m really happy for you.”

  They left and Raelyn rode home with Hayes’ hand in hers, feeling differently toward him than she had a few hours ago. This man was nothing like the tough exterior he put up for the world to see. She felt very honored to have been given the chance to see the real him. And what she saw was a man she fell for more and more every minute she spent with him.


  Hayes opened his door and let Raelyn go in ahead of him. Partially because he had manners, but he also like to watch the sway of her ass in those tight jeans she wore.

  “I hope you know that line I gave my mom about having to go because we had to get up early was just an excuse to get out of there and into bed.”

  “I’m fully aware,” she said and yanked her tank top over her head. “And I’m not the least bit tired.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” He started taking his own clothes off, but his ringing phone interrupted them. “It’s my mom.”

  “Answer it,” she said and kissed his cheek. “I’ll be waiting in bed.”

  “Hey, Mama,” he said.

  “I wasn’t expecting you to bring a girl with you today.”

  “Neither was I.”

  “She’s sweet. But sassy. I like her.”

  He looked over at Raelyn, lying in his bed as she checked emails or whatever on her phone. “I like her, too.”

  “It must be serious if you brought her home to meet Hannah.”

  He didn’t know what to say, how to word any of what he was feeling. “I think maybe it could be.”

  “I hope so. You know I’ve always wanted you to move on and find someone. You deserve it. And Hannah seems to adore her.”

  “I noticed.”

  “Well, I just wanted you to know that I approve. I really want you to be happy. And it seems like she does that.”

  “I am. And she does.”

  “Good night, honey.”

  He hung up and looked at Raelyn. Naked in his bed, she’d pulled the sheet to cover her breasts, her chocolate hair spread out over one of his pillows.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  “Perfect,” he replied, then got in bed, pulling her close. He kissed her, but wouldn’t let it turn into anything. Not yet. He needed to say something. “Today was…nice. I’m glad you came with me.”

  “I’m glad, too. Thank you for letting me meet her.”

  His heart raced in his chest as she gazed up at him, adoration in her eyes. He wanted her, in his arms, in his bed, in his life. Indefinitely. But how did he tell her that?

  “I want this,” he said. “I want to be with you. More than just sex every night.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair, an action he really loved. “I want this, too.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll be any good at it. I’m pretty rusty.”

  “It’s okay. I’m not going anywhere.”

  He kissed her again, needed to be as close as humanly possible. They made love and
it felt different from any of the other times they’d had sex. This time it meant something and it was an amazing feeling.

  Chapter 12

  Raelyn hated the sound of her alarm. She so did not want to get out of bed, out of Hayes’ arms. But they both needed to get to work.

  “What time are you working til tonight?” she asked.

  “Probably late. At least seven, maybe eight. I gotta make up for the day off yesterday.”

  “Why don’t you come over to my place? I’ll cook for you.”

  “I’m not welcome there, and you know it.”

  “I don’t care what Sawyer thinks. I live there, too. And you’re my…” She cut herself off, her cheeks warming.

  An adorable smirk blossomed across his lips. “You can say it.”

  “You’re my boyfriend and I’m allowed to have visitors.”

  He stepped to her, his arms wrapping around her tight. “I love that you want me there, that you want to make dinner for me, but I just don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s okay. Meet me here and I’m sure I can find something to nibble on.” He then proceeded to nip at her neck with his teeth.

  With a final kiss, they parted ways, she heading home to change into her diner uniform, and he to the Magnolia Acres ranch. When she walked into the apartment, Sawyer was once again at the table having his breakfast. They exchanged greetings and Raelyn headed toward her bedroom, but stopped. She needed to get something straight with Sawyer.

  “I know you’re not a fan of Hayes, but I am. A really big fan, actually. And since we’re officially dating now, I want you to know that he will be visiting me here. I live here, too, and as soon as I start getting a paycheck, I’ll be helping with rent, so I’m entitled to entertain whomever I want.”

  “He’s not a good man. You should stay away from him.”

  “You’ve said that. But you don’t know shit about him.” Raelyn was done being nice. “He’s not the guy you think he is.”

  “You’ve known him for what, two weeks? If that? I certainly know him a lot better than you.”

  Steam billowed out of her ears and her instinct to defend Hayes came on full force. “In case you’re wondering, the rumor is true. He does have a kid. Her name is Hannah and she’s five. She’s the sweetest little girl ever and that guy you think is a monster is completely wrapped around her little pinky. He’s been working his ass off and saving every dime for the last two years so he can buy a house for her and his mom so they can move to Fort Mavis and be with him.”

  Sawyer looked a little shell-shocked. She continued before he could say anything.

  “His ex wife walked out on them when Hannah was a baby and the only contact he’s had with her since was divorce papers sent through her lawyer’s office. So if he’s a little rough around the edges, you can surely understand why.”

  “I had no idea,” Sawyer said.

  “Well, now you do, so cut him some slack.”

  She turned her back on him and headed to her room, hoping to find a way to calm herself down.

  Her phone dinged in her pocket. A text from Hayes.

  Thinking of you, darlin’. I already can’t wait to see you tonight.

  And it was exactly what she needed to calm her pounding heart and put a smile on her face.


  After working non-stop at the ranch all morning, Hayes headed to the diner for some lunch before job number two. He asked to be seated in Raelyn’s section and waited for her.

  “Hey you,” she said as she approached.

  He stood and bent to her, a PG kiss, then pulled back before it turned R rated. “Hi.”

  “If we’re not careful, everyone in town will be gossiping about us again.”

  “Let ‘em talk. I’m gonna kiss you whenever and wherever I damn well please.”

  “I think I can be okay with that.” She pecked his lips once more then stepped back, pen in her hand, poised over her order pad. “What are you craving today?”

  “That’s a loaded question.”

  “Are we back here again?”

  “Sweetheart, I never left.”

  She crinkled her nose then said, “Later. But for now, what kind of food can I get you? Charlie’s got a steak sandwich special. Wanna try it?”


  She jotted it down. “Comin’ right up.”

  He grabbed her hand before she could get too far. “I had a thought. Maybe instead of you cooking me dinner and bringing it to my place, how about we pack some sandwiches and a blanket and have a picnic in the park by the pond. It’s a good place to watch the sun set.”

  “Wow. For a guy who only days ago told me he didn’t do dates, I’m impressed.”

  So badly he wanted to yank her into his lap, wrap her arms around his neck, and suck on those delicious lips.

  “But wait a minute. Are we legally allowed in the park? Can we return to the scene of our crime?” A devious smile crossed her lips.

  “See. I told you we’d laugh about that someday.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Stories for my grandkids.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him then headed for the kitchen, leaving him with the image of her with grandkids and him sitting next to her telling stories. A sappy life he’d never thought he’d have. Never thought he’d wanted it. But Raelyn made him think differently about his life, his future. And he was more than okay with that.


  Raelyn stayed late at the diner to cover for Mindy until she could get a replacement sitter since her usual bailed on her. The extra cash was good, and she liked helping a friend out. As she walked toward the apartment, her phone rang.

  “Where are you?” Laney asked. “I thought you only worked til two.”

  “I stayed late today.”

  “Will you be home soon?”

  “In like three minutes. Why?”

  “Uh… There’s someone here who needs to talk to both of us.”

  Raelyn wracked her brain. Who could she be talking about? But as she neared the hardware store and saw the Jaguar parked out front, she knew.

  Walking up the steps to the apartment felt like being led to the guillotine. But there wouldn’t be a masked man waiting to release the rope and chop her head off. This was worse. It was her mother.

  “There she is. Finally.”

  “Hello to you too, Mom.” Raelyn dropped her purse on the kitchen table where her mother sat with a glass of wine, Laney next to her. “Why are you here?”

  “Please sit.”

  Please? That was new. Raelyn met Laney’s stare. She shrugged her shoulders so Raelyn played along and sat down, too.

  “I came here today because I have something to tell you,” their mother started, “and I needed to do it in person.”

  Raelyn’s irritation dropped and her gut swirled, in a bad way. Something was wrong.

  Her mother continued. “I found a lump and the biopsy came back positive for cancer. We caught it early and my oncologist is optimistic, but he suggests a round of radiation.”

  This had to be a dream. A nightmare. Raelyn must have tripped on her way home and smacked her head. She was really lying unconscious on Main Street. This was not actually happening. She may be pissed at her, but this was her mom.

  Raelyn met Laney’s wide and watery eyes. Obviously both of them were in shock, neither knowing what to say.

  “I haven’t told anyone but you. And I don’t want anyone to know. Not even your grandmother. So please don’t tell her.” She took a sip of wine and spoke again. “This all has made me think about my life and reevaluate many parts of it. Especially my relationship with you two. I’m sorry for the way I’ve behaved. I turned my back when you needed me most. But I miss you both terribly. I miss having you in my life.”

  Raelyn closed her eyes and breathed deep. This couldn’t be real.

  “I spent far too much energy worrying about the wrong things. I know that now. I forgot what it’s like to be young and in love, what it’s like to get caught up. I shouldn’t have
come down so hard on you for your mistakes. I shouldn’t have judged you so harshly. That’s not what a mother should do.”

  Laney burst into tears and jumped up to hug her. She’d experienced their mother’s disappointment far more than Raelyn had, but Raelyn felt the sting of tears, too. Her mother waved her into a group hug.

  “I love you and I know it’s a lot to ask, but I want you to come home. I need you by my side while I deal with this,” she said. “I can’t do it alone. And I want to reconnect with you. Make it up to you. I need us to be a family again.”

  Both girls pulled away, looked at each other, then back at her.

  Laney spoke first. “But I have a life here, a business. I can’t just leave.”

  She nodded, tears in her eyes. “I understand.” She then looked to Raelyn with hopefulness.

  “I don’t know.”

  “But you’ve only just moved here.”

  Raelyn’s new life flashed through her head. The diner, her new friends. Hayes and Hannah. But this was her mother. She was sick. She needed her. “I have to think about it.”

  She nodded. “I understand.” She stood and reached for her purse. “I should go. Thank you for hearing me out.”

  “Mom, you don’t have to leave,” Laney said. “At least stay the night. Have dinner. You can meet Sawyer. I really want you to meet him.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Laney turned to Raelyn. “You’ll come to dinner, too, right? You can bring Hayes. I’ll make sure Sawyer’s on his best behavior.”

  “I don’t know. He has plans for us tonight.”

  “It’s okay,” her mom said and smiled. “Another time.” She took one of their hands in each of hers. “I know I’m asking a lot, especially with asking you to keep this all a secret. But I need you to keep it quiet from your boyfriends, too. Promise me you will.”

  They nodded.

  “It may not make sense to you, but I don’t want to be defined as sick. I don’t want anyone to look at me as weak. I’m trying hard not to care what others think of me, but for this, I just can’t do it.”

  “We understand,” Laney said. “We’ll deal with this. Just the three of us. Like it’s always been.”

  As conversation turned from cancer to their current lives, Laney excitedly told their mom about the business and how well things were going, but Raelyn kind of checked out mentally. What the hell am I gonna do? She’d just started something real with Hayes and now her mother was sick and asking her to come home. She wanted her by her side, wanted to rebuild their relationship. How could she possibly make this decision? This was some sort of hell on earth.


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