Chosen by the Dragon (Dragonspark Brothers Book 2)

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Chosen by the Dragon (Dragonspark Brothers Book 2) Page 5

by Tully Belle

  Elle slept rather well. She was still dirty, of course, because she had nothing to wash herself with, but it was quiet down here and dark after they’d turned off the lights outside her cell, it was a perfect requirement for a goods night rest. All she needed for a better sleep was a softer mattress and a pillow so fluffy that her head would sink down into it like a cloud. She decided that when someone came down in the morning she’d put in that very request.

  Now that the lights were back on though, there would be no more rest for her. Today was going to be an interesting day.

  She sniffed the air, trying to determine how high up she might be but it was no use, it was too dank and dusty down here. She could be anywhere, miles under the earth or high above in the tallest mountain.

  She could be in the city for all she knew, hidden away under some fancy building with marble floors.

  Waiting wasn’t a problem either. She’d waited for nearly a week in the rooftop of the grocery store. If they thought it would annoy her if they delayed coming down to her, they were mistaken. It wasn’t the first time she’d had to be alone with her thoughts for an extended period of time. It was her life.

  She would have giggled if she wasn’t so hungry through. The rushed dinner at the hospital last night wasn’t enough to satisfy anyone. Her thoughts turned to Mrs. Crochett and she grinned. One day she’d go visit the old woman, just because she was the type of old person she wanted to be when she was that age.

  Besides there was plenty to do down here while she waited. The dust made a perfect canvas for creating all sorts of art. Elle started with the worst of the curse words she knew. Her finger dragging on the ground leaving a smooth dark mark on the stone below the dust. And now, the dust on her finger meant she could smear it all over the walls. More curse words and obscenities. Just because she could.

  The fun of writing and drawing in the dust soon faded and Elle wondered what else she could do to pass the time. Apart from a pillow, she would also request a television. Internet. A telephone. She couldn’t wait to see Lyson’s face when she would ask for something wicked. She knew exactly what she would do, she’d ask him to give her a sponge bath. Yes, that would send him back into the corner where he belonged.

  Trying to make her feel small when she’d met more than his match before. The men she’d had to encounter and fight off throughout her life were nothing compared to him. Unless he wasn’t the one to come.

  She pushed that thought out of her mind. Of course he would be the one to come. He would delight in making her squirm again. She saw the enjoyment he got over their brief meeting, the way he thrilled in suggesting she would enjoy being chained up. Which of course was a complete lie because she had full use of both her arms and her legs. The only incarceration was this dusty old room, which she was beginning to enjoy being in.

  Elle leaned back against the wall. Who was she kidding? The only thing she liked about being here was that she’d tricked them into bringing her to the very place they shouldn’t. It didn’t matter that she was unconscious for the trip here, she knew exactly where she was, or at least her phone would have been relaying her coordinates right back to Princess on the trip here. Even if they destroyed her phone or turned off its signal it would have been too late once they had arrived. Idiots.

  She heard footsteps outside, they were coming her way. She jumped up and braced herself, standing in the center of the room ready to face whoever was coming. Wait. No, she needed to act much more casual than that. She leaned back against the wall again, looking bored.

  The far door at the end of the corridor unlocked and after a second click, it opened. It was time to see who would grace her with their presence this morning.

  A wicked grin etched on her lips when Lyson walked through the door carrying a tray of food.


  He glanced up as he approached, unsure why he felt a flicker of nervousness around her. Was it her threats, or that she worked for Princess? No. It was something else. Something about the way she looked at him and made him desire to do bad things to her.

  “Cereal and fruit,” said Lyson as he walked toward the cell door. He didn’t bother asking if she was hungry or not, that was a given. He’d seen her diet so far when she’d been hiding out. The tray containing fresh ingredients was sure to make her mouth water.

  She leaned back against the stone wall looking bored, but it was a facade. She wanted out of here and would take any opportunity to do it.

  He placed the tray down. Her gaze flickered down at it but then she looked away as if she wasn’t at all interested. He reached behind his back and drew out the handcuffs that were dangling there. He let them swing on the end of his finger.

  Her lips parted, and was that a slight tremble? Good. He liked this game. He liked the way she responded. But he pushed the thoughts out of his head.

  “I suppose you expect me to handcuff myself. You know that restraining someone against their will is illegal. What would the authorities say to you having a dungeon down here to lock up innocent women? They have nice big prisons for people who do things like that.”

  “Put your hands through the bars.” He kept the handcuffs dangling on his finger.

  “What are you going to do to me?” Her voice was challenging him, without any fear.

  Lyson grinned and stepped closer. Keeping his voice at barely more than a whisper he said, “Nothing you don’t want me to.”

  “Oh, really?” She huffed and placed her hands on her hips but didn’t step closer. “And if I refuse?”

  “If you refuse I’ll leave this tray of food right here where you can see it, but can’t reach it. He kicked the tray further away from her. Some of the milk in the cereal spilled over the side of the bowl. “Hey!” she protested.

  She stepped forward, this time with more bravado than before, glaring him down as she placed her arms through the bars. She was challenging him to do something to her. Her bottom lip quivered but she bit down on it to stop it moving. He’d seen it though. Was it fear or something else?

  Lyson fixed his gaze on her as he clasped the smooth metal handcuffs over both her wrists so that she couldn’t try and escape. His blood was rushing through him, seeing her like this. Helpless, unsure what he would do next. If he wasn’t careful, the blood would rush right to his groin and she'd see it. He needed to take a moment to get under control.

  She broke eye contact first when he’d finished fastening the cuffs. He stepped to the door and unlocked it. The hinges squealed as the door pushed open. He picked up the tray, more carefully this time and bought it into the cell.

  She'd written vulgar curse words on the dusty floor. They were everywhere. It amused him. He knew another great cure for boredom. He turned to look at her, but she wasn’t looking back at him. Her face remained forwards toward the far door. Was she planning her escape? That's what he'd be doing, but it wasn’t going to happen on his watch.

  “I’ll return when you’ve finished.”

  He stepped closer to her. She was breathing heavier than before which meant his plan to unnerve her was working. And all this time he thought she was immune. It was an interesting development.

  “Well?” she said. “Can I eat now?”

  Lyson moved closer still. He was behind her, not sure what to do next. Leave or say something else? His plan had worked, but that didn't mean he had to scare her. Her braid was messy now and he moved it away from her neck, leaning in close to her ear. She stiffened. “Eat up. Although I do like seeing you this hungry.”

  A sound of her voice caught in her throat. Oh god, he was getting turned on. He couldn't let her see that. Her earlobe was so close to his mouth. All he could think about was nibbling it, hearing her groan.

  Jeez, he needed to leave before he got too carried away. Right now!

  “If you need to use the bathroom, I’ll send someone down later to take you.” He exited the cell and closed the door, locking it again. He then came over to her to unlatch the handcuffs.

cheeks had reddened and this time she wasn’t making eye contact. Had he pushed things too far? He hoped not.

  Lyson touched her chin with the back of his finger, lifting her face up so she was looking at him again. “We’re not going to hurt you, Elle. We aren’t the monsters you think we are.”

  Her eyes narrowed and she pulled away, rubbing her wrists. “You’re a dragon shifter. Of course you’re a monster.”

  “You’re the one that kills dragons. We’ve never killed anyone.”

  “You’re wrong about that.”

  “And you’re wrong about my brothers and I. I know you can’t see that and perhaps you never will, but having us as allies is much better than enemies. You’re fighting Tessa’s fight. Not yours.”

  “Not mine? How do you know? You don’t know anything about me.”

  “I know what I see.”

  She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m going to destroy you one day.”

  “Try your best. In the meantime, enjoy breakfast.” He smiled and winked at her. As he turned around he was so tempted to go back and try and explain that she had it all wrong, that Tessa had fed her too many lies. But it wouldn’t do any good. She’d made up her mind and no amount of him telling her differently would change that.

  Such a shame, because there was something about her that was different to the other woman around here, and he wanted to get to know more of her. All of her. Even if she was the enemy. He was crazy to have these thoughts.

  Elle had demons that scarred deep, he could see that clear as anything, and her motive wasn’t revenge.

  But why listen to Tessa? Why fight someone else’s battle? Unless he was wrong about her. Maybe he’d been projecting what he wanted her to be and didn’t see what she truly was. Whatever the case, right now he needed a cold shower so he could get that image of her cuffed to the bars, her gold flecked braid trailing behind her back, the smooth skin of her neck exposed, and the sharp intake of breath when he whispered in her ear, out of his head or he wouldn’t be able to get through the rest of the day.

  He was in serious trouble.


  It wasn’t fair that he made her so flustered. What was wrong with her? She never got flustered around men before, and he wasn’t that good looking. Okay, so there was an appeal to his broad nose and eyes that cut right into your soul when he studied her. There was also those strong muscled arms and the way he walked like he wasn’t scared of anything.

  But—she mentally chided herself for acting like a fool when he was around. Whispering innuendo into her ears when he knew she could do nothing to fight him off. When she was free she would show him how it felt to be treated that way. Maybe she’d handcuff him to a cell and see how he liked it.

  Elle’s cheeks were still warmed after she’d finished scoffing down the delicious breakfast. Good grief, it tasted good. It was like she hadn’t had anything fresh in weeks.

  And cold fresh milk on her cereal. Her body was craving it so much that she lifted the bowl to her mouth and drank every last drop. Not only would it fill her stomach, it would also provide strength so she wouldn’t be so distracted when Lyson came calling again.

  She pushed the tray with the apple core and crushed juice box toward the door of the cell. The bowl was on top but she pocketed the spoon, tucking it into the front waistband of her jeans and letting her t-shirt fall over to cover it. A spoon wasn’t an effective weapon, but it was better than nothing, and who knows whether it would be useful or not.

  After the juice her bladder was full. She really needed to use the bathroom now. She distracted herself and tried not think about it. As much as the idea of peeing to spite them sounded amusing, she was the one that had to stay in the cell, and smelling like piss wasn’t high on her list of pleasures.

  He did say that he would send someone soon to take her to the bathroom. They had better hurry up.

  Ten minutes passed before Elle heard someone at the far end of the corridor. They twisted the two locks and entered. It was a woman this time. Long dark hair, full lips, and a slim frame. She wondered if she belonged to any of the Dragonspark brothers. Did Lyson and her have something going on?

  The woman smiled as she approached. “Hi, I’m Juliana Reece,” she said, holding out her hand like this was some social networking gathering. “You must be Elle Wilde.”

  Elle didn’t bother shaking her hand. What was the point? “If you don’t get me out of this cell right now I’m going to wet myself.”

  Juliana nodded sweetly and handed the handcuffs through the bars. “Put these on. The bathroom is past the door at the end of the corridor.”

  “I see you’re into the same kinky shit as Lyson.”

  Her expression didn’t change, it didn’t even register that she thought it was inappropriate that Elle had said such a thing. She acted like Elle hadn’t said anything. Who were these people? She fastened the cuffs around her wrists while she checked out Juliana. She wasn’t that tall, probably strong, but was she stronger than her?

  “This way,” Juliana said, opening the door and letting Elle out.

  Stepping out of the cell felt like the first steps to freedom, and while she still didn’t know where she was or how she would get out of here, this was an opportunity that she needed to take. She wasn’t going to get other chances.

  Counting the steps to the bathroom, she kept an eye on where everything was. There were no cameras that she could see on this floor, although she knew there would be many of them around. Why not in this section though?

  Maybe it was so Lyson could have his way with whomever he pleased, getting his thrills by chaining them up while he used their bodies. He was in control of the security around here, so there was a reason why no cameras were installed here.

  Juliana pushed open the far door and Elle saw stairs leading upwards to her right. To her left was a sliding door, already open, with two toilet cubicles, a sink and paper to dry your hands.

  “Going to watch me?” asked Elle.

  “Can you manage with the cuffs on?” asked Juliana. “I can help with your jeans if you need me to undo them.”

  “I’ll manage.”

  Juliana waited at the doorway while Elle entered a cubicle, closing the door for privacy, although her feet were still visible below the door. She struggled with the button and zip on her jeans careful to make sure the spoon didn’t fall onto the floor and alert that she had it in her possession. Thankfully, her hands were cuffed at the front, making it easier to manage.

  After relieving herself, Elle needed to think fast.

  She came out to wash her hands when an idea struck her.

  “Finished,” she said brightly.

  Juliana smiled again, it was becoming annoying. Elle followed her back down the corridor toward her cell, studying her pants pocket where the keys were.

  The door to the cell was still open, the food tray at the entrance. Juliana waited for Elle to go back inside the cell. “Are you going to uncuff me now?” asked Elle. “They hurt my wrists.” She shrugged and added. “I’d really appreciate it.”

  “In a moment,” said Juliana. “Let me grab your tray first. Can you step back?”

  “Of course.”

  Juliana looked at the tray. “There’s a spoon missing.”

  “Is there?” Juliana furrowed her brow, looking around the room. “It was there before.” She bent down, pretending to look for it.

  Juliana came into the cell to help the search. It was all Elle needed. She swung her arms, knocking Juliana in the face.

  Juliana fell backwards, giving Elle enough time to pounce, holding her down with her knee while she grabbed the keys from her pocket.

  “No, stop!” Juliana demanded. She lunged back at Elle, but Elle was already on her feet, rushing to the door and closing the gate, leaving Juliana locked inside. Juliana roared out and shook the bars.

  Elle grinned. "Don't worry. It isn't so bad in there." She pulled the spoon from her waistband and let it drop on the
stone floor. The clatter echoed off the walls. They should have sent someone more qualified to handle her.

  Elle walked backwards keeping her gaze on Juliana, the victory surging through her. She fumbled with the keys to unlatch the cuffs and used her mouth to turn the key. The cuffs fell away. “I’ll be seeing you,” said Elle. She gave Juliana a mock salute and turned on her heel.

  Now all she needed to do was get out of this place.


  There was only one camera on the basement level that housed the cell. It was at the top of the stairwell, the last door to lead down to that floor. That door was locked via fingerprint technology, just like many of the locks in the facility. The basement floor used keys simply because he hadn't got around to upgrading the tech there yet.

  Lyson was expecting to see Juliana return with the empty tray, open the door and continue through. But it wasn't Juliana that appeared on screen. He jolted up out of his chair with such force that the chair fell backward onto the floor behind him.

  She banged her fist on the thick steel door, cursing, trying to find a weakness. She could see the camera and knew he would be watching, because she turned to it and stuck up her finger.

  He needed to get this back under control before he told Mac that she’d overpowered Juliana. Shit. Elle better not have hurt her. His chest tightened, panic threatening to overtake his usual calm demeanor. He'd let this happen by underestimating what she was capable of. This was his fault.

  He flicked the microphone on. “Is Juliana alive?”

  Elle rolled her eyes and raised a brow. “Of course she’s alive. I’m not a murderer.”

  That was something at least. Lyson loosed a breath. “Is she conscious? Hurt?”

  “She’s fine." Elle tapped her foot impatiently. "I could change that if you don’t open this door and let me out. Open it, or I’ll go back to the cell and I'll . . . slit her throat.”

  His heart was pounding so hard he thought he was going to collapse. “You won’t. You just said you weren’t a murderer. I believe you.”


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