Chosen by the Dragon (Dragonspark Brothers Book 2)

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Chosen by the Dragon (Dragonspark Brothers Book 2) Page 8

by Tully Belle

  Lyson beelined straight for the Cheetos next to the counter. He grabbed the largest bag and lifted them up so she could see what he’d chosen. She turned away, but not before he saw her grinning wildly.

  He paid for the gas and the snacks, after adding some drinks and a chocolate bar as well. It was still a few more hours to the city, he wasn’t about to go hungry.

  When they returned to the car he wondered what she was thinking. He'd worked out that there were two Elle’s, and while he liked the feisty side of her, this softer side was nice too. He wondered which side she’d show in bed and then reminded himself that she was his enemy, even if she sure didn't feel like it. Pity he didn’t get to bring the cuffs along. He would have liked to find out if there were more sides to her. He wanted to find out everything about her now.


  It wasn’t fair that the whole trip back to the city, which took a good five hours, was the most fun Elle had had in a long while. Lyson was her prisoner, her hostage, her enemy, her . . . She looked over at him, now that she was sitting beside him. He was laughing at her jokes, telling her stories. He wasn’t threatening her or belittling the choices she’d made. He didn’t make her feel like she was worthless or using her for his own gain.

  Apart from the always present underlying tension of attraction that she could no longer deny, she liked him as a person. Actually liked him. Even though he could change into that creature that she’d always believed had to be destroyed, there was no denying that he had been right. He wasn’t unnatural, and he didn’t need to die. Not him. She glanced out of the window, watching the trees in the distance. She’d once been part of a group that killed a dragon and even though it wasn’t a shifter, today was the first time she felt bad about her past choices.

  Elle rested her hand on the handle of the knife that was still in her lap. It was only pretense that she had it, they both knew she wouldn’t use it. The thin line of blood on Lyson’s neck had turned dark and crusted. She wanted to tell him that she was sorry, that all she wanted was to get out of there. It wasn’t fair what he’d done to her, locking her up like that . . . but could she blame him? Look at everything that she’d done to him.

  It was easy to forget that they were heading back to Princess, but the reality was that once they reached the city, they would no longer be like this. It wouldn’t be . . . easy between them like it was now. He’d be her prisoner there. Locked up, just like he’d done to her.

  “Does it hurt?” she asked.

  “What? My throat, no it’s just a scratch.”

  “I meant . . . When you change. What does it feel like?”

  “When I transition?” She nodded. “Well, I . . .” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, it hurts. It’s like your skin is stretching and being pulled beyond what it’s naturally capable of. But the pain fades. I guess it’s because of the dragon blood, it changes how your senses work. Everything is bigger, more.”

  “More? What do you mean?”

  “Hmm, like, your smell is acute and you can detect the faintest hint of odor, and sound becomes crystal clear like the volume has been turned way up. I feel strong too, not just physically but also like nothing could ever stop me from doing anything I wanted."

  Feeling like that sounded wonderful. No wonder they did it.

  "There are down sides though.”

  “Like what?”

  “Communication is almost impossible, aggression is through the roof, and I’m hungry all the time. Ravenous, like I haven’t eaten in days.”

  Elle shuddered, reminded of what she was so scared of. The dangerous beast that was unpredictable and couldn’t be reasoned with. She looked away, trying to separate her feelings about such a creature from the man sitting beside her. He’d been honest with her about it. It wasn’t fair.

  “We’ll be there soon,” she said softly.

  The conversation had stalled after that. What could she say? Oh, that sounds interesting Lyson, but you still have to be my prisoner when we get to Princess? She wondered if she should let him out now and let him escape and go back to Dragonspark. It would be the right thing to do. But as much as she wanted him safe, she also wanted him where she could see him.

  Tessa wouldn’t hurt him as long as she kept him away from her. Elle could control how it played and make sure that he didn’t get caught in a situation that could lead him to getting hurt. Or worse.

  She didn’t think Tessa would kill Lyson in cold blood. Her anger was deep, but she wouldn’t do that. Elle noticed she’d been chewing her finger nails. She pulled her hands away and reached for her bag pulling out her cell phone.

  Her phone needed charging. There was still a few percent that she could make a call or two, and now that they’d reached the city, it’s what she was required to do. Informing Tessa that she was about to turn up to Princess with a Dragonspark brother in her custody was basic protocol.

  She switched the phone off.

  “Turn left up ahead,” she instructed. Lyson turned where she’d indicated and all the turns she told him thereafter.

  Princess had a parking lot underneath the building, but she directed Lyson to a parking station a block away instead. That would give him time to run and get away from her. If he was smart he'd do just that. She wouldn’t pursue him in the city, there were too many people around. He should know that.

  Except? God, she had no idea what she’d actually do if he did run. She didn’t want him to, even though it would be the safest thing for him.

  They parked and made their way outside to the street.

  “It’s that building.” She pointed to the tall glass structure on the corner. It was white brick, with dark glass on all four sides. The front door was a steel revolving door, so shiny it was almost mirror like. There was no logo or anything on the front of it. Just the street number above the door in stylish black lettering.

  He should run now. She paused, almost expecting him to do exactly that. But he didn’t. He remained by her side.

  "You're going to have to put the knife at my throat again," he said.

  "I'm not going to do that."

  "I didn't say I wanted you to hurt me, but if we walk inside smiling and holding hands it's not going to be good for either of us.”

  Elle braced herself and grabbed his arm, pulling him down and placing the knife back at his throat. They walked toward the building. She pushed him through the revolving door first and then followed closely behind, returning the knife to his neck once she was inside. Lyson didn’t struggle, he let her lead him in the direction she had to go.

  The front desk receptionist looked up as she approached. Her eyes widened as Lyson walked in her direction. She would know who he was, everyone that worked here did. They'd seen the photos of the brothers.

  Elle cleared her throat. “Please set up a meeting with Tessa. I’ll be in my room.” She shoved Lyson forward to the elevator. She didn’t have a clue where she was going to put him now she’d got him here. But she did know one place that was safe.

  Her bedroom.


  Princess was exactly as Caran had described it, the sleek marble floors and pristine white walls. The artwork on the walls was abstract shades of greys and blacks that emphasized the stark simplicity of the architecture. Lyson knew that would be deliberate. Everything Tessa did was.

  Where did she get the money for this? She wasn’t rich when her and Mac were together, and this place must cost a fortune. She had to be funded by someone, but who? Did they know her vendetta against Mac?

  Elle’s fingers pressed into his forearm as she pulled him along. The knife wasn't close to his neck, not enough to cut him anyway. He knew it was for show. She had to make it seem like he was her prisoner, even though it was very clear that he could escape at any time. He had to play the game. He winced and looked scared. Tessa would see though it otherwise. That made being here more difficult. It could also make things tricky for Elle, who would likely suffer Tessa’s wrath for bringing him here.

/>   The elevator bell dinged and the doors opened.

  Elle shoved him inside the elevator. She was acting more aggressive now, not that he minded. There were thirty floors according to the buttons. Elle pressed floor twenty nine. If Tessa was at the top, Elle was one floor under her. It showed the importance of her position here.

  “Keep your mouth shut,” said Elle. “One wrong word and everything could go to shit.”

  “Whatever you say,” he said.

  Elle glared at him. She didn’t take the knife away from him until she reached her door. She opened it, pushing her back into it so she could watch his every move. She was more cautious now, and had good reason to be. It was expected of her and she was close to Tessa. He’d have to play along to keep both of them safe.

  It was strange that she brought him to her room though. It wasn’t like she would have a cell inside her bedroom. Why here? How was she going to restrain him and keep him as a prisoner?

  Elle closed the door behind her. Her breathing erratic and she looked at him like she had no idea what to do next.

  “And?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Shut up and let me think.”


  Everything was messed up. She done more than she was asked bringing Lyson here, but now that he was here everything screamed danger and she didn’t know how to keep things under control. Everyone at Princess would know that Lyson Dragonspark was her, including Tessa. Oh god, what explanation was she going to say to Tessa? Tessa trusted her and she trusted Tessa. But not over this. Not over Lyson.

  She stared at him, trying to figure out her next move. She could help him escape, but that would make her look bad. There was only one option, and she had to follow through otherwise both of them could get into serious hell. By keeping him by her side she could keep him safe. She had to hope that was true.

  She’d never had a man in her room especially someone who was supposed to be her mortal enemy. She hadn’t thought this through and that was the problem. It wasn’t like her. She was usually one step ahead and could anticipate what was going to happen next. Elle didn’t like feeling out of her depth, especially when her whole outlook had been challenged.

  “I’ll take the floor,” said Lyson as he paced her room. She wondered what he would be thinking. Did he approve of his prison? She shook her head and chided herself for even worrying about such a thing. Who cares if he liked her room or not, that wasn’t the issue. “Unless you want to share the bed?” He raised an eyebrow and was smirking at her again.

  Damn asshole. “You sleep where I tell you.”

  He lay down on the floor at the foot of her bed and stretched out, his hands behind his neck. “Not the most comfortable, but it’ll do.”

  “Over there.” She pointed to the furthest point of the room. Having him at the foot of her bed wasn’t going to happen.

  “I know it was a mistake.”

  “What are you talking about?” She threw her pack in her closet and set her phone on the charger.

  “Shooting Ash. Tessa didn’t mean to do that, did she?”

  Elle dragged her tongue over her bottom lip while she thought about how to respond to his question. She needed to be careful about how much information she let slip. Needed to be careful about a lot of things. He was trying to draw her into conversation, and while she appreciated him breaking the tension, it wasn’t a topic that she could discuss, he knew that. He was baiting her into something. She couldn’t tell what yet. “What do you think she meant to do?”

  Lyson sat up, crossed his legs casually on the floor. She circled around him, giving him distance. “The gun went off when Caran pushed her. She didn’t mean it, of course, neither of them did.”

  “And you’re theory is that you’re in no danger. Is that it?”

  “Something like that.” He stood up and walked over to her dresser, examining what was on top. Elle felt a rush of heat in her cheeks as he looked at everything she owned. She didn’t like the feeling.

  “Can you stop looking through my things?”

  “Got something you don’t want me to see?” He grinned as he played with the top drawer of her dresser. “You could always tie me up if you don’t want me snooping.”

  “Stop it! Stop all the talk about tying up and sharing beds.” She flexed her fingers trying to release the tension. “It’s not funny.”

  He looked over his shoulder at her. “I wasn’t trying to be funny.”

  “You’re trying to unnerve me.”

  “Is it working?”

  “You’re infuriating.”

  “So are you.”

  “What do you mean? I’ve done nothing to lead you on or anything like that. You were the one that kissed me.”

  He turned, walking over to her. Elle froze as he came close. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t move, but she didn’t want to. She both wanted him near her, yet was afraid of it. His finger brushed against her cheek. “I liked that kiss.”

  He was going to kiss her again, she was sure of it. She hated that he was so in control. She wasn’t having it, she would refuse him. Except . . . Elle looked up at him, her lips parting.

  As Lyson bent down, his lips inches from hers, her phone rang.

  Her heart leapt into her throat and she quickly turned picking it up. It was Tessa.

  “Yep. Yes, okay.” She glanced over at Lyson. “He can’t get out, don’t worry. Right away.” She hung up and pointed her finger at him. “They think you’re secured, so don’t try and escape or it’ll end badly for both of us.”

  Lyson held his hands up. “Wouldn’t dream of leaving.” She glared at him.

  Elle glanced back over her shoulder as she walked to her door, ready to meet with Tessa. Her heart was hammering against her chest but she didn’t know if it was because of Lyson or Tessa. “And don’t go through my stuff or I will slit your throat.”

  “Whatever you say,” he said. Then he winked at her.


  Lyson waited a good five minutes to make sure she’d gone and wasn’t coming back before he ripped off the tracking device he’d strapped to his chest. The longer he kept it on, the more risk he bought upon himself and Elle.

  There wasn’t anywhere to discard it, it was too big to flush. He opened the window, surveying the surrounding ledge outside. They were up high here, and while heights didn’t bother him, this wasn’t somewhere where he could escape. Not that he needed to do that yet.

  Below this side of the building was a road and path with people going about their business. That meant he couldn't drop the equipment on the ground, in case it hit someone. He turned back and surveyed the room. He’d have to stash it somewhere that Elle wouldn’t look. The toilet cistern seemed most obvious, and while the water would ruin the device and make it unusable, it didn’t matter anymore, it had done its job.

  He closed the bathroom door behind him and slid the top of the porcelain cistern away, dropping the tracker. It sunk to the bottom, hiding amongst the pulleys and pipes. Good. He returned the lid and washed his hands.

  The surveillance equipment was next although he was now wondering how he could install them without being seen. He’d seen the cameras set up around the building. Perhaps he could access the existing network. It would be far less intrusive and arouse less suspicion, although getting to the control room would be tricky. He would need to find where the feed went and how they were being monitored. Did Tessa have a need to watch every member of Princess going about their business? He didn’t know but he wouldn’t put it past her.

  That left recording. He needed to hear what she was saying. That meant finding a way into her office and planting it somewhere. Almost impossible he figured.

  He’d think more on it later, he had some time. He couldn't do anything in daylight anyway. He had to use the cover of night.

  Lyson sat on the edge of Elle’s bed, testing the mattress firmness. It was soft which amused him. He didn’t pick Elle liking soft. He preferred her hard edges. The rest
of the room gave a deeper insight into her. She kept few books, the only ones she had were combat training manuals. He already knew she could fight.

  There was very little decor, and what she had served dual purpose. An abstract picture on the wall of black brush strokes with flecks of gold hid the wiring of the television next to it, fastened to the wall. One lamp next to the bed. Not two on either side that matched.

  He walked into the closet inspecting her clothing. Tight fitting, jeans, t-shirts, workout clothes. No dresses. One business pants suit shoved to the back. Tessa would have made her get that to uphold the ruse that this was a real business.

  She also had one pair of heels, probably to go with the business suit. The rest flats, boots and joggers. Nothing else of use in here, at least nothing he could use. He walked back in the bedroom wondering what else she had. He would respect her wishes not to go through her drawers, although he was curious about them.

  Now what was he going to do? The only time he'd ever stayed the night in a woman's room was because they were sleeping together. This was new territory. They both weren't going to sleep with the other, it was a ruse. Yet. He’d read her signals loud and clear and knew she was attracted to him. There may also be more, but he couldn’t tell yet. Her attitude toward him had changed for the better, and he appreciated that. But what did it mean, exactly? He hadn’t figured that out.

  He ran his fingers through his hair as he decided what to do next. Even though he wasn’t in a cell, he was still her prisoner. Held here against his will. Well, not exactly, but he played the part.

  He tested the door, it wasn’t locked. Sloppy. He could walk out right now and no one could stop him. Would anyone stop him? He wondered. Night would fall in a few hours, he could leave tonight once Elle and everyone else here was asleep. It would get Elle into an awful lot of trouble though.


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