Cherry Bomb

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Cherry Bomb Page 7

by J.W. Phillips

  “Ruby chose to be with friends this weekend. I had nothing to do with it." Or the fact, she would rather chew nails than to ever see you again. "As far as your money . . .” I threw up my arms in disgust, turned around, and flew through the doors of the restaurant, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. I almost fell backwards when James snagged a fistful of the shirt I was wearing.

  “I’m not through talking,” he said, a half-furious, half-stupid look in his eyes.

  “I am,” I snapped, and flattened out my shirt when he finally released me. “I have two boys waiting on me.”

  I tried to walk away, but James stopped me by forcibly gripping my arm.

  “Let me go. You’re the one who fucked up,” I said and finally jerked loose from his grasp. I was reeling at his audacity when James abruptly halted his step, his eyes roamed to the table where Henry and Noah were already sitting at a booth with . . . Drake Hart.

  It had been two months since we had spent the night together and six weeks since he had tried to call, and still I had not been able to get him out of my head. Every night, I went to bed dreaming of his piercing blue eyes and how they looked as he rammed his cock in me. For a moment, I was positive I was hallucinating. But it was no illusion, there he was, sitting across from both my sons, smiling as if they held all the fascination of the world in them.

  “It looks like you have company, whore,” James said before leaving.

  I had no will to care what James said or thought. My walk slowed to almost a crawl as I took in the scene in front of me. Drake Hart and my boys.

  Drake looked almost edible in a soft pink button-down shirt and a faded pair of jeans. I could almost picture the way they hugged his hips when he stood. Get your mind out of the gutter. Your biggest mistake is talking to your kids.

  I paused when a young, auburn hair beauty walked up to the booth they were sitting at. Didn’t he say his favorite color of hair was red? Red brushed her fingers repeatedly through her hair and shifted her weight from one foot to the other, making sure her hip would rub against Drake’s arm.

  “Your son looks just like his dad. A heartbreaker,” Red said with an annoying giggle, and leaned over to give Drake an eyeful of her fake rack.

  Drake spotted me, and the smile that broke out over his face was heart-stopping.

  “Cherry.” His speech softened as his tongue caressed over each letter of my name, causing a wave of lust to course through me but I had to fight it. My sons were about to witness a scene I was not ready for. I walked up to the booth, and as if he knew I needed protection, Noah stood up in front of me.

  “To bad his dad is an ass.”

  I wasn’t sure if I was describing Drake or James at the moment.

  “Who are you? His mom,” Red said and then snarled up her inflated lips.

  “She’s my mom,” Henry, my youngest, said.

  “She’s a beauty that won’t answer her damn phone,” Drake added, his mouth lifted into a sinister smile. Red laid her hand on his shoulder. Drake basically ignored her, causing her to leave in a huff. How did he always know how to get my juices flowing?

  He waved two fingers at my sons. “Come here,” he whispered. “I need to talk to your sweet mother.” He handed them both a twenty, and pointed over to the arcade. “Why don’t you go play a little while and when we are through talking, I will play horse with you at the basketball goal.”

  They didn’t look up to see if I approved before racing off to the change dispenser. Truth be known, I was relieved. I had a clear view of the entire arcade area and they were out of ear shot of whatever Mr. Hart had to say.

  Drake pulled me down beside him. I felt every inch of his taut body as he moved closer to me.

  “I don’t like to be ignored, Mrs. Webb. Maybe I need to take you in that dark corner there and spank that pretty little ass until you orgasm around my finger.” He pointed over to a corner behind the arcade that was dark and desolated.

  “Are you following me?”

  “No, I was leaving when I saw you outside. I meet my sister and her little girl here every Sunday for lunch.”

  My cheeks flamed. I looked away from him and toward my sons.

  “That night was a mistake. I was a mistake.”

  Drake slammed a fist onto the table. “You are the one thing in my life that is not a mistake.” He softly stroked his finger across my chin. “Look at me,” he whispered.

  The humbling tone in his voice made me slump in my seat but I looked.

  Fuck, he’s stunning.

  He twisted his mouth, only reminding me of the pleasure those lips had given me.

  The way his tongue worked over so much of my body.

  “What happened? Why did you leave like you did?” he asked.

  I closed my eyes and swallowed, envisioning my kids only a few feet away. “How old are you?”


  I started fumbling with my bottom lip. “She’s right.”

  “Who’s right?”

  “That girl.” I stood up. “I’m almost old enough to be your mom, or at the least a much older sister.”

  He rose up out of the bench and hovered over me. Oh god, he smells so good. There might’ve been a ten-year age gap between us but Drake made me feel the way every woman should feel.

  “Believe me, you look nothing like my mom. Mom is not even a word I would use to describe you.” He sounded irate. “Now excuse me as I go play with my new buddies.”

  I faltered up close, he was overwhelming.

  “You knew about them, about me.” My voice rose with each word. “How?”

  Drake stumbled back as awareness washed over his face.

  “I already told you. It’s my job. I needed to protect the club."

  “It’s not right. I wasn’t signing up for your club. You can’t just dig into someone’s life.”

  “I’m sorry.” He leaned in, stroking my back with his hand. “I’m going to go over there and play basketball with your boys because I always do what I say. But the next time I see you, I’m going to do things to this body you never dreamed possible,” he whispered, raw, against my ear.

  He rubbed his thumb across my lips. “I need to walk away now. Because the way your cheeks are blazing only reaffirms how turned on you are. How wet that sweet, sweet pussy is.”

  I should’ve shoved him away. My sons were only steps away.

  “If I touch you right now, I won’t be able to stop.” He briefly kissed my cheek. “Noah and Henry, right?” he asked, before turning on his heels.

  I fell back into the booth, trying to get my heart rate under control. Drake had already joined Noah and Henry at the video games. I sighed when Henry reached for Drake’s hand. Watching Drake standing there holding Henry’s little hand and explaining to Noah how to do a trick move on some game captured my attention. Those two had no idea that the last time I saw Drake Hart we had wild monkey sex. He was just a new friend. Good Lord, what am I thinking? I can’t let my boys get involved with that man.

  Drake Hart

  “My dad told me a grown man doesn’t have time to play kid’s games,” Noah said when I started to point out a trick on the video game he was playing.

  “Well, I’m a grown man and I like to play all kinds of games.”

  It felt odd when little Henry reached up and wrapped his tiny hand around mine.

  These boys need a real man in their lives.

  Noah peeked up at me under his fringe of brown bangs. His soft green eyes were questioning my every movement. He was a small male version of Cherry.

  “Do you like my Mommy?”

  Do I like your Mommy?

  I closed my eyes and imagined her emerald green eyes as they widen with each filthy word that I had just let slip from my lips, the way she pulled on her bottom lip when she was nervous. Damn, Cherry had played the good girl, all her damn, boring life. I smiled. She would no longer have to hide who she was anymore. I was more than willing to bring out that naughty girl who would be more
than thrilled to fuck my brains out in the back corner of this dump.

  Fuck, yeah, I like your mom.

  “Sure, I like her. I heard she was fun to play games with.”

  “Mommy, doesn’t play games. She cleans,” Noah said in a tone that was both questioning and serious.

  “She doesn’t. Maybe, that is why I’m here, to teach her how to play.”

  That elicited a laugh out of both boys.

  I planned on having playdates often too, but first, I needed to prove to her that I could enjoy moments like this too.

  Before I knew it, I had played an hour of games with the boys and found myself sitting at a small table devouring a pizza with her family. Hell, I was having fun.

  Those growing boys inhaled two pizzas on their own. Well, Noah inhaled his. Henry wore his from his chin up into his black, shaggy hair. His eyes were dark, and I hated to admit it but he was a smaller version of their dad. I only hoped he inherited his mom’s personality.

  I found myself sitting there listening to Henry talk about super heroes and Noah telling me about the touchdown he made in his first flag football game.

  I glanced over at Cherry. She was leaned back against the booth, smiling. Damn, I even found the way her eyes winkled at the corner as she smiled hot-as-hell.

  “Sorry, I don’t think I’ve heard them talk this much, well ever. But then again, I’m not cool enough for super heroes,” Cherry said. “I’m a girl, you know.”

  “I’m fully aware you’re a girl,” I said and winked. “Girl enough to handle my Superman tricks.”

  Her skin blazed as I traced my upper lip with my tongue.

  She slid out of the seat and held up a finger. “Going to the little girl’s room.”

  Sure, she was trying to slip away, uncomfortable with me, I laughed and offered to play Noah in one more round of old-fashioned pool.

  Noah was an easy target but I had a blast letting him win. Even Henry’s squealing as his brother knocked in a ball was entertaining.

  Drake, you need to get it together. No bitch is worth all this.

  But Cherry was no bitch, and I found this was not only for her but me too. I had loved every second of the day.

  After the game, I gave Henry and Noah enough coins for one more game between them, and found Cherry clearing off the table we had eaten at.

  I slid my arms around her, hoping she wanted it to be me and me alone. She flipped around, when I placed a kiss on her neck. I plastered her body to my side, banning my arm around her waist. I had almost forgotten how delicate her body was; feeling my hard, solid one pressed against her soft one acutely reminded me of that very fact.

  She pressed her lips together at the same moment her eyes lit with what could only be described as hopefulness.

  “I have to go, beautiful,” I whispered in her ear. “Thursday night, at the club, seven sharp.”

  I watched her worry her lips between her teeth. Remembering that they were almost as luscious as other parts of her body, I wrapped my hand around her neck and massaged my fingers deep into her skin. “Tip that beautiful face back, baby. I’m going to kiss you now.”

  I watched her face get closer, specifically her amazing lip. My cock sprung at the thought of those plump lips wrapped tightly around it.

  “Drake, you want to play some more?” Noah said across the dining room.

  “No,” Cherry replied, her eyes darting from my lips to her boys walking in our direction. She jerked from my grasped and straightened her shirt, smiling nervously down at her boys.

  “Seven, don’t be late,” I whispered, tousled Henry’s hair, and walked away leaving a look of shock on her face.

  Cherry Webb

  I threw the mail across the kitchen table after just getting back from the spinning class I had signed up for over a month ago. I was in a funk; I couldn’t seem to shake.

  I needed something to entertain my mind and wear my ass out so Thursday nights would fly by.

  The worst day in my week. James only had visitation every other weekend but he did get to have the kids every Thursday night that he was in town.

  I hadn’t heard from or seen Drake since he walked out of Touchdown Wings the Sunday before. I checked the time on the microwave. It was eight o-three. I had thought about nothing but his invitation to The Dungeon. I grabbed the apple juice from the fridge. I didn’t need Drake screwing with any more of my life. And I sure as hell didn’t need any mental pictures of him at the club floating around in my head. Drake gave me the feeling I was jumping off the roller coaster that had been my life for the last sixteen plus years to leap onto a bigger and scarier one.

  Amy was all for the jump. Actually, I had a feeling Amy was ready to push me. She had encouraged me at every turn to get back in touch with Drake. If she really knew what all he had “showed” me during our interview? She would tie me to the bed, snap a picture, and send it to his twitter account. I picked up my cellphone to check if Drake even had a Twitter account when I heard the doorbell ring.

  I rolled my eyes, sure one of my daughter’s friends was the one calling. Haven’t they learned she is never here on Thursday by now?


  I sat the cellphone on the counter, yanked my yoga pants out of my ass crack, and wandered to the door. I opened the wrought iron front door but left the security door firmly locked, giving me a clear view of the front porch. Drake stood there with his hands shoved in his pockets. On his face was a pair of brown thick framed glasses, which on most people would scream nerd alert, but on Master said he was a man who didn't take no for an answer. Power oozed out of every pore in his body, and it was obvious he didn’t make any apologies for it either. The living version of polished, smart, grace, dominance, and sex on legs.

  “I got tired of waiting on you, baby doll,” he said but never smiled.

  Oh hell, he’s pissed.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Hopefully you.” The corners of his mouth turned up to reveal a perfect set of the whitest teeth.

  The dangerous shadows dancing in his eyes alone, should’ve been enough to set off the alarms in my head, but it didn’t. And common sense told me if he wanted to do me, it would happen. I was positive no woman was capable of saying no to him.

  “You really meant for me to come?”

  “I never say anything I don’t mean. Now open the door and let me in.”

  I stood there staring out at him, dumbfounded. Why was he really here and what did he want from me?

  With a cocked eyebrow, he said, sternly, “Door. Now. Baby.”

  I unlocked the security door, and sighed a sigh of relief when his lips turned up into his heart-stopping smile.

  Drake stepped forward and stopped within inches of me. I could feel the heat pour off his body but he didn’t make contact. I fought with the urge to lean forward. I wanted to run my nose along his collarbone. God, he smelled like leather, musk, and manhood.

  His mouth hit mine for a hard, lingering kiss that included his tongue sweeping over my lips in a way that made my nipples harden instantly. I loved the way he commanded a kiss, as if every cell in his body would combust if he didn’t, and he had almost waited until it was too late. My heart was beating franticly. I clutched his arms as he slid his hand from my jaw to my neck.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he murmured against the skin along my cheekbone. “I’ve done nothing but think of you and what I am going to do to you tonight.”

  I closed my eyes tight, unable to bear the intimate way he was looking at me, and waited until my lips stopped tingling before I opened them. Drake had pushed passed me and sauntered into my living room more like he was at home than a first time visitor.

  “Make yourself at home,” I said.

  “Plan on making myself very comfortable,” he responded, causally planting his fine ass onto my sofa and kicking his ginormous feet onto my antique, wood coffee table. I guess it was true what they say about the size of a man’s shoes. My ex wore a seven.

/>   “Swanky,” he said with a whistle and motioned around the living room. “I’m in the wrong field if you can afford all this on a part-time gig at a small magazine.”

  My home, or as it was also known as James’s mission statement, had become almost an embarrassment to me. James, who was an orthopedic surgeon and the last seven years had owned a research company in North Carolina, demanded only the best. The house was a hundred and fifty year-old Victoria mansion, and only two blocks from the hospital James practiced at. We had spent six months remodeling it to be the showcase it was today. The house even boasted two kitchens. One for the staff when we hosted a party and the other for family dinners and day to day life. Both included top-of-the-line appliances and kickass cabinets and counters. My favorite part of the house was the three acres it sat on. I loved yard work and had spent hours upon hours turning an overgrown jungle into a garden that would turn any gardener green with envy. I found it peaceful to work in the earth, and after the last few years, peace was the thing most void from my life.

  “I married for money,” I said and cut my eyes down to the ground. “Because there sure was not any love in it.”

  “You didn’t love him?”

  His tone floored me. I looked down at my feet and wiggled my manicured toes. Drake’s face was the picture of composure, throwing me because his voice and his mannerism didn’t match up.

  I glanced back up at Drake to see he had stood to his feet.

  “I loved him,” I whispered.

  He studied me. Drake standing, staring down at me, and filling my living room with a butt load of testosterone was calming. I liked having him here.

  “Drake, why did you really?”

  I didn’t finish because I found myself no longer standing across from him but sitting firmly in his lap. Before I could utter another word, I found his lips descending over mine with enough force to knock the air from my lungs. I didn’t quite understand it but the feel of his hard body and the power that naturally emanated from it was more relaxing than anything I had ever experienced before.


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