Dakota Love Me: Tiller Brothers Book 2

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Dakota Love Me: Tiller Brothers Book 2 Page 8

by Lee, Judith

  She took his hand and led him back inside and closed the French doors. It was a little chilly.

  “Super glue, huh?” she kissed him. “Flypaper, huh?” she kissed him again. “Maybe those aren’t first class lady charmer comments, but I can live with them. Come to bed and stick to me for a few minutes before we shower.”

  The sheet dropped and Georgia sat on the edge of the bed. She looked up and saw her long tousled and tangled hair in the dresser mirror. Her lips were still swollen from all the kissing. He loved to suck on her lips before he slipped inside her mouth. Dakota dropped to his knees and spread her legs. His growl sent her heart fluttering. She leaned back on her hands and opened for him.

  “Dakota, you will tell me what you were thinking about but first I need your mouth on my pussy.”

  “Yes ma'am, my pleasure.”

  About twenty minutes later they ended up in the shower together. The shower was gently spraying on them. Dakota’s arms were wrapped around her and she rested her head back on his chest with her eyes closed. “Feels nice,” she purred.

  “Me or the water?” his big hand caressed her breast.

  As if he didn’t know, she thought to herself with a smile. Dakota dripped self- confidence. “Hmmm, you first and the water second. I’ve use muscles I didn’t know existed and the hot water feels relaxing.” She reached for the soap to start washing and he snatched it out of her hands and started administrating to her well used body rubbing the soap over every inch. He took her shampoo and poured some in his hands. She saw Dakota smell it before he applied it to her hair and started massaging her scalp and hair. She made a small humming noise.

  “I always wondered why you smelled like fresh oranges. Now I’ll never be able to eat an orange without thinking about you.”

  After showering, they stepped out into the heated bathroom. The mirrors were fogged over. After wrapping a towel around his hips, he dried Georgia off with the big fluffy and absorbent towel. She really loved how he took such good care of her. After he towel dried her hair, she reached over and sprayed some leave on conditioner in her hair and started combing it through her hair. “Here, let me do that. I like your hair…a lot.”

  Georgia thought, I could get used to this. His naked chest kept bumping against her body as he combed her hair.

  “What were you thinking about this morning Dakota?”

  “Nothin’ important. Just worried about the bull ride tomorrow. I am used to riding the bull, hitting the road and doing it all over again in a day or two. It’s been over a week since I’ve ridden and I feel like I’m not mentally or physically ready.”

  “Because of me?” she spun to look at him.

  “No honey. You are actually centering me. I feel whole when I’m with you. Just worried about my stupid shoulder…and wish I’d ridden a bull this week. Just worried that lack of being on a bull might hurt me.”

  She wrapped her arms around him. “While I’m working, can you go find a bull to practice on, or maybe one of those automated bulls? I’m sure some casino brought one in to attract you tough cowboys or there’s one at the Mack.”

  He tried not to laugh at her. “Not a simple task to just go find a bull to practice on. You need the man power around you to help you get the bull in the chute and to make sure the bull doesn’t sit down on your rope or your leg and another man or two to get the gate open, and several bull fighters to keep you safe if you fall. The medical staff likes to have someone on hand for emergencies, and then a couple of riders to get the bull back to the pens. I know a few of the bull suppliers who might let me sit on the bull in the chute just to get the feel of going through my routine before the actual ride but I’m not thinking they’re going to let me practice and not open it up to all the other fourteen bull riders. Plus the arenas are busy with lots of other rodeo events,” he kissed her nose. “But finding an automated bull might be worth a try. That’s how we practice at home. I’ll have to ask the clerk downstairs if he knows who has one.”

  He took a towel and dried off the mirror. She ran her hand over his day old beard. It made him look even more rugged and handsome. “It’s okay if you don’t shave. I like it.”

  “You do, do you? It’s giving you some abrasions.” He ran his hand around her throat and down her chest to her breast. “I’ll shave later when I go to my room to get some change of clothing, but first I need to get you fed before your first day of work. I’ll ride over with you on the shuttle and take care of Damian for you so you don’t get all dirty before you have to go to work.”

  She turned to face him, stood on her tip toes, and put her hands on his face and looked into his eyes, “Did anyone ever tell you what a kind,” she kissed him, “considerate,” she kissed him again, “and totally sexy hot bull riding cowboy you are?”

  This time he pulled her into his arms and ravished her mouth. “I want to be the only bull riding cowboy you ever know,” he declared in a possessive voice. He pulled back, took a deep breath. As much as I’d like to take you right here on this bathroom counter so I can watch you in the mirror as I make love to you, I’ve got to get you some breakfast, so quit plying me with all your compliments and kisses…can’t have you late on your first day of work.”

  She smiled. After brushing her teeth with her tooth brush, she rinsed it off in hot water and put more tooth paste on it and handed it to him.

  He smutched her before he took her tooth brush and cleaned his teeth. The intimacy of getting dressed together didn’t go unnoticed by either of them. Again for about the hundredth time she thought to herself, I could get used to this.

  “Dakota, what do you normally do the night before you ride to get ready to compete.”

  She slipped into her work clothes as they talked. He was in his jeans and buckling his belt. His shirt was on but still open at the front.

  If I’m on the road, Cameron and I usually get a drink or two. Before I met you in Cheyenne, I might have looked for a woman to get a quick fuck,” she pouted. “But not since I’ve met you,” he kissed her lips quickly. “Anyway, after releasing some of my…tension,” he smiled at her, “I’d go to my room and watch some of my previous bull rides. Jenny, my sister, you remember her?”

  She said “yes.”

  “Jenny always records my rides if she’s there, or she records them on TV and sends them to me by internet. I can study what I did right or wrong. It helps. Gets me in the right frame of mind.”

  After she was dressed and put her hair in a low ponytail so she could still wear her cowgirl hat, she took Dakota’s hand. “I’ve been thinking. I know how nice it was of your brother Cody to get two more tickets for the Carrie Underwood’s show, but do you think he could give them to Cameron. Maybe he could ask Kate to go with him. Then you and I could spend a quiet evening here. Get room service and I’d like to watch those videos with you. I’ve only seen you ride a few times and you can show me what you think you did right or wrong.”

  He looked at her. “No, honey, it’s alright, I love to watch how excited you get at concerts.”

  “Really, I can’t think of anything I would rather do than spend some quiet time with you. And really, after working today, I know I’m going to be nervous and maybe a little stressed so a night with just you and me would be really nice.”

  “Are you sure, honey?” she shook her head yes. “Then we’ll talk to Cameron at breakfast and I’ll text Cody and Tammy that Cameron and a date will be going instead of us. I’m sure Cody thought Cameron would be working and that’s why he didn’t offer to get him a ticket, too.”

  They went to the breakfast buffet, and Georgia got in line and had them make her an omelet with sausage, cheese, tomatoes, spinach, and white onions. She left the chef a dollar tip and joined Cameron and Dakota who were already chowing down with more food then she thought anyone could ever possibly eat. “Didn’t we eat yesterday, she asked them?”

  They both laughed. “We’re just storing up our energy so we can handle spirited cowgirls who keep us up all
night.” Dakota said as Georgia punched him in the arm with a gleam in her eyes.

  I seemed to remember a different version of that,” she kissed him quickly before she started devouring her omelet. “Hmmm, so good,” she hummed.

  He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “Me or the omelet?”

  With a mischievous and playful grin, she whispered, “The omelet, of course. It couldn’t be for the man, I can’t keep my hands off for two seconds. Nope, it’s definitely the omelet.”

  He tried to take a bite of her omelet, and she tapped his hand with her fork, “Back off partner, nobody is stealing this delicious omelet, in fact, I might get another one. Ahhh yummy.”

  Their easy comradery during breakfast was very relaxing and enjoyable. Finally, she noticed Cameron squirming. She knew he was dying to ask her about Kate, and opened his mouth several times only to shut his mouth. She decided to put him out of his misery.

  “Okay Cameron here is the scoop on Kate last night.” He moved forward to make sure he didn’t miss anything. His body language was screaming, tell me everything. “I introduced myself to Kate. And she introduced me to her little girl. Her name is Kit short for Kitrina. Evidently Kit wants to be a barrel racer when she grows up and has watched me race before when she was with her mom. I asked her if she would like a poster of me riding my horse around a barrel and she was thrilled. I love encouraging little girls. I got Kate’s address and her cell phone number and put it in my contact list. She lives in Rapid City, South Dakota, by the way. Kate told me her mom and dad watch Kit while she works but they came to Vegas for a few days to watch the rodeo and brought Kit to see her mom. Her mom and dad and Kit are going back home this morning.”

  “Did she say anything about me?” Cameron asked. He was trying not to act like he cared.

  Georgia looked at him, “You know if she did say something to me about you in private, I would feel obligated not to betray her confidence. And I wouldn’t tell you, but since I brought you up, when you told me you’d handle it, I believe I can tell you what I said to her. She asked me if I was dating Dakota.” She looked at Dakota with a smile, “I told her we were certainly getting to know each other better to see where things were going. Then I said to her, you know Dakota’s brother Cameron is really a nice guy. He really wants to talk to you and straighten things out since you both work together.”

  Both brothers just looked at her expectantly. She took a big swallow of orange juice. She heard Dakota say under his breath, “Georgia…”

  “Well, Kate was quiet for a few minutes. She thanked me for my interest in her daughter and for the promise of the poster…and…she said, Guess I’ll just have to hear him out because he’s twisting my stomach into knots. Then we came out of the ladies room and said good bye.”

  Cameron smiled broadly. Georgia thought to herself he definitely has that Tiller knock-a-woman-off-her-feet smile going. He just needed to use it on Kate instead of growling at her every time he sees her.

  “You know Cameron, if you would just talk to her without looking like you’re going to snarl and snap at her… maybe smile at her, I’m sure you could get her to listen to you,” Georgia said.

  Dakota punched his brother on the arm, “Listen to my lady, she’s wise beyond words. And speaking of talking to Kate, I texted Cody and Tammy that Georgia and I were going to skip the concert tonight, and he should give the other set of tickets to you and Kate, that is if you don’t blow it when you talk with her today and grow a set of balls. Try to be civil. A strange concept, I’m sure, but it usually gets you a date if you don’t act like a dick.”

  “She hasn’t exactly been sweet to me either,” Cameron actually blushed and leaned back in his chair with a big smile on his face. When they got up to leave, Cameron leaned down and kissed Georgia on her forehead, “Thanks sweetie, you do know you’re too good for Dakota right?” He jumped out of the way and took off before Dakota could hit him in the arm again.

  “Damn youngster,” Dakota said smiling as he watched Cameron walk off. Okay so he’s twenty-four but he’s still such a shit. Then he looked at Georgia, “I’ll have to beat him up later for kissing my girl. Let’s get you to work. I promise I’ll come by a couple of times today for you to work on my shoulder.”

  “That’s a promise you better keep Mr. Bull Rider.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Dakota received a text from Cameron: Kate took my piece offering to go to the concert tonight with me and we’ll talk afterwards. So the truce is on, at least temporarily. I’m glad we weren’t working so we could go. Thanks for thinking about me.

  Dakota smiled and closed his phone. It would be interesting to see how long that truce lasted the way they always ended up growling at each other, Dakota thought as he walked over to the Sport’s Center to see Georgia.

  As he entered the door, he held back and watched her working on a cowboy’s knee. He guessed she was doing an evaluation by the way she was pushing his knee up and down and sideways. He’s had a few of those evals himself; luckily for him he’d only had sprained knees and no ACL problems. The cowboy’s expression told Dakota that she was giving him bad news. Dr. Witting came over and watched and listened to what she said. He followed up with a quick recheck and confirmed the bad news. She put her hand on his shoulder and talked to him for a few minutes before she went to get some ice. On her way back she saw him and her eyes lit up. There was that smile he loved so much.

  “Dakota, it’s about time you brought me that sorry shoulder to work on. Get over here,” she patted an empty padded bench, while she finished taping the ice to the other cowboy’s knee. She told the cowboy to stay there for twenty minutes and she’d try to find him some crutches.

  “No shitting way…I mean sorry, ma’am, but I can walk on my own without crutches,” she just looked at him and shook her head.

  Then she turned her full attention to Dakota. Since it was her first day on the job he didn’t grab her and plant a big kiss on her like he wanted, but he did reach for her hand. “Let me see how your shoulder is doing today?” she said.

  He whispered in her ear, “I think you checked it last night, darlin’ and I had plenty of movement when we...” And he quickly kissed her ear when no one was looking.

  Her face flamed red. “Dakota behave,” she playfully growled at him. After doing a few tests, she told him that she was going to hook up some electrodes to his shoulder that should help with the pain. She’d ice him at the same time. After applying the wires, and turning the dials up to see how high he could stand, she stopped at ten. “You cowboys have such a high tolerance for pain. If this gets too much you let me know and I’ll back it down a little. We’ll do this for twenty minutes and then I’ll massage your shoulder.”

  “Like last night?” he smiled at her.

  “You’re so going to get punished tonight if you don’t behave.”

  “Honey, I can’t wait. By the way,” he handed her a room card. “Here is my extra room key in case I’m running late. I have to meet with my sponsors at three-thirty. Do you want me to get Cameron to walk or ride with you back to the hotel?”

  She put the key card in her back pocket. “No, I’m a big cowgirl, and I’ve been on my own for a while. I think I can get myself back to the hotel, but thank you for thinking of me. I’ll bring beer and dinner, okay?”

  “Yep. Sounds good.” He was already thinking about what he’d like to do to her tonight.

  “You find a bull to ride today yet?” she asked.

  She laid him back on the table and pillow once the ice was taped on over the electrodes.

  He smiled up at her, “No riding but I got to sit on one they had in the chute and went through my pre-ride sequence. Feel better just getting on the back of the damn bull even though he tried to crash his body against my leg.”

  She grimaced. “Don’t really like those bulls. When I was a kid, one about took me out when I slipped off the fence. Dad jumped down and plunked me over the fence and he got gored in his shoul
der in the process. Still has the scar. Oh, I’ve been a rodeo girl long enough to enjoy watching a cowboy conquering a 2000 pound bull, but they still scare me to death. Those nasty bulls are one thing I don’t help dad with on the ranch. You take care tomorrow, okay?” Without thinking, she touched his forehead and ran her fingers through his hair.

  “That’s my plan.”

  She was with another cowboy when Dakota’s timer went off. Doc Witting came over and removed the ice and electrodes. “You pull that arm out of its socket many more times and you’re going to have to have some major surgeries which will probably end your career.”

  Dakota liked competing and riding the bulls, but even he knew the body could only take so much. He had been thinking about Cody retiring this year while he was on top. Dakota had made lots of money on the bulls and won lots of buckles and saddles, but he had never won the big one. He looked over at Georgia. He enjoyed the adrenaline rush of excitement during and after the ride, the traveling and the glory that came with riding the bulls in the prime spot of the event, but lately he was thinking of settling down. And the women that threw themselves at him in the past had always been a nice bonus especially in his younger years, but since Cheyenne, he’d only been thinking about one beautiful brunette cowgirl. Again he looked at Georgia. She had changed him. Was she enough to give up the bull riding life? Hell yeah.

  He smiled and waved good bye to her. She couldn’t wave back, her hands were rubbing ointment on the young cowboy’s bruised and scraped looking leg, but her smile promised him the massage she said she’d give him later. Oh yeah, damn right I’ll get that massage.

  Chapter Twelve

  Georgia’s first day working at her new profession had been thrilling. Everything she had dreamed it would be. There had been a major emergency right at the end of her shift so she had stayed on longer to take care of the other patients while Dr. Witting worked on a cowboy who had a bad concussion. He kept mumbling that he didn’t want to go to the hospital in the ambulance. They were checking him out but he kept sliding into unconsciousness and the Doc wanted to send him over to the hospital. Most of the cowboys fought going to the hospital by ambulance as it ate up any winnings they had received at the Rodeo. In most small cities the ambulances were privately owned and charged an arm and a leg in fees. She didn’t know if the ambulances in Vegas were contracted by the NFR. He was really getting riled up. He told them, “I have health insurance for the hospital but it don’t pay the damn ambulance fees.” But all the staff felt he should really get to the hospital in case he had any bleeding in his brain. Between his bouts of unconsciousness he threw up a couple of times, but still refused to go to the hospital.


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