Sixth Seal

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Sixth Seal Page 19

by Thornbrugh, Josh

  A petite woman with shoulder length blond hair passed in front of her. She vanished from view, but returned shortly thereafter. A man was with her. Ana couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The man was Doctor Gabriel. What was the book showing her?

  At first their conversation appeared to be genial. Doctor Gabriel showed the woman some pictures, pointing at each in turn, and asking questions. The woman shook her head, and then took one of the pictures from him. She studied it closer, and after a time, she smiled. Ana wished she could hear what they were saying. Doctor Gabriel said something else. The woman spoke a name in response. Hannah? The Doctor smiled. Then he asked her something else. The woman’s features changed, as though a realization came over her. She backed away from him.

  The Doctor took the picture back from her, and then placed it with the others back in his coat pocket. Ana realized for the first time that he was wearing the same clothes as when he found her this morning. She was witnessing recent events. The Doctor’s next action startled her. One moment he was smiling and nodding, and the next he yelled and slapped the woman. She stepped backward, almost out of Ana’s field of vision. The Doctor continued screaming at her, shaking her. What did he want with this woman?

  Another veil of fog lifted in Ana’s mind. If she was witnessing these events, then the book was showing them to her. She knew there was only one possible way that could be, if the Horsemen did indeed have the book. The Eye of Jupiter. She was seeing this scene play out before her from the large clear stone that sat in the center of the book’s interlocking rings. But if she had such a close view of these events, why couldn’t Doctor Gabriel see the Eye? That was obviously what he was after. It had to be right there in front of him.

  The Doctor’s face became demonic. Spittle flew from his mouth as he continued screaming at the woman. She was crying, pleading with him, her face streaked with tears. She either didn’t know where the Eye was, or she was prepared to protect it at all costs, even if it meant her life. A moment later Ana had her answer. Doctor Gabriel drew his arm back and slapped the woman hard across the face with the back of his right hand. Ana could almost hear her neck cracking and the thud as the petite woman slammed into the wall. She painted the surface with her blood as she slid limply down to the floor.

  The last image of the scene was Doctor Gabriel’s face. A face she had known in many other forms. He had pursued her throughout the ages. He was the one who found her after she buried the book at Patay. He helped light the fire beneath her in the square. The familiar rage came to her again. She remembered now where she had last met this vile man. He was there in Toulouse when she removed the Eye of Jupiter from the center of the book. He had been a doctor then as well. Apparently she had been successful in keeping the Eye from him, but now the Horsemen must certainly realize where it is.

  The rage grew stronger. Martin had gotten the truth out of her. Somehow he had forced her to invoke the sequence that played the image in her mind. He witnessed it as well, and then put her in this room when he got what he was after. Her only consolation was that Doctor Gabriel had likely fallen out of favor for his obvious failure. Perhaps they even killed him. She swore that if they had not, she would, and with pleasure.

  Omega. Awaiting digamma. The book spoke to her. The images faded, replaced by the hospital beds and the small, sterile room they were in. Something gnawed at her. Something Lee said to her about the protectors. He hadn’t been able to track them for some time. Now she knew why. These were the other protectors. The Horsemen did have them, and they were keeping them drugged and asleep until they needed them. Are they planning on putting me in that empty bed, she wondered? The rage trembled within her again.

  Awaiting digamma. The book was still waiting for an input, a command. What was she going to do? The Horsemen were surely on their way to retrieve the Eye. Even if she could free herself, she’d be too late to stop them. And after seeing first hand what Martin was capable of, she wasn’t sure she could stop them. Think Ana. Think.

  Awaiting digamma, repeated the book. It was then she understood her true relationship to it. She was digamma, the sixth, the only seal of the seven that could unlock the book’s power. That’s why they needed her above all others. She knew she couldn’t stop them from getting to the Eye, but she could make it difficult for them. Perhaps it would buy her enough time.

  She commanded the book. “Imperio solum digamma. Si ipsi tangere subvertat fulgur. Respondere.”

  Sicut dicitur, the book responded.

  That should give them a shock, she thought. She pulled against the restraints holding her to the chair, relieved that they used rope instead of handcuffs. Of course that could mean they didn’t intend to leave her alone for long. She would just have to be quick.

  A flash of memory came to her. It was brief, more of a reminder than a concrete image. Something Martin had done in her mind unlocked more than he probably intended. She had been in a similar situation before in another life. She used it like a blueprint, twisting and contorting her hands and wrists in a specific sequence. The ropes fell from her hands. She rubbed the feeling back into her wrists before bending down and undoing the restraints at her legs.

  The door to this room was locked, of course. No windows either, so she would just have to bring the enemy to her. She scanned the room again. No obvious weapons other than the chair, but it might be a bit unwieldy for the plan she had in mind.

  She crossed the room and stood next to the little boy’s bed. She bent down and kissed his forehead. In a strange way, he was her family. What had these bastards done to this poor child? Did he even know who he was or what the strange voices in his head meant?

  “I will come back for you, little one.” She squeezed his hand, thinking she felt the faintest of responses before letting go. Tears welled up and she placed a hand over her heart. The necklace. May it bring you luck, Lee had said. She smiled, unclasped the double looped, silver chain that held the dainty chrysanthemum, and stretched it out between her hands.

  “It will bring me more than luck, my Love.”

  A couple of short kicks to the door with the heel of her boot aroused attention from outside. She pressed her back to the wall next to the door, and looped the ends of the chain around her hands.

  The door burst open, and one of the guards rushed in. “What’s going on in he—“ The man didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence.

  Ana threw the chain over his head and cinched it around his neck. She put her knee in his back and slammed him into the wall. She pushed the door shut with her foot, pulling the chain tighter and tighter until the man went slack. She released her grip and guided his body to the floor. Her hands were striated where the chain dug into her skin. She put the necklace back on, making sure the tiny chrysanthemum sat perfectly in place. Then she pulled back the man’s coat and found what she was hoping for, a nice little SIG Pro and an extra clip.

  She stood, gripped the pistol in her right hand, pulled the slide back and released it before opening the door. Hell hath no fury, she thought. Hell hath no fury.


  Reality lapped at Xi Shi like gentle ripples against the lotus. She was in a place between this world and another, aware of a presence all around her. Light radiated from everywhere, but she could not see.


  “Yes, who is there?” She tried to move, but failed.

  It is I, Protector.

  From somewhere outside of herself, Xi Shi felt the familiar warmth of the book. “Where am I?”

  Your body is where you left it. Your being is here with me, in the eye. I have much to share. Are you ready to receive?

  “Ready to receive what?”

  The keys to this instrument. The purpose of our connection. Only the sixth may receive. Are you ready to receive?

  “I suppose, but what of my body?”

  Your body is regenerating. Your efforts to save the boy took much from you. It is fortunate this planet has much ene
rgy to draw upon. I am harnessing it now to restore you. I need you to continue on your journey.

  Xi Shi fought to make sense of what the book told her. It spoke to her intimately, as though inside her traveling the pathways of her body. “Is the boy—“

  The boy is well and resting. Please, Protector, we have little time. Are you ready to receive?

  “I am ready.”

  As soon as she uttered the words, the book went to work. She wanted to ask what it was doing, but found herself unable to speak. Pathways into her mind opened, pathways she had never used. Images and words flowed through these new pathways like the swift currents of a mighty river. At first the images were strange and unfamiliar, but after a time she began to associate words and places with the abstract. She sat with the members of the original counsel as the book was brought down on a silver thread of light from a shimmering ship of silver above the clouds. Each in turn placed their seal upon the book, thereby connecting them to it for all time. She witnessed the first glimmer of betrayal even on that day. The power of the book was enticing, even to those created to protect it.

  More images pulsated through her mind. Strange symbols and ciphers danced behind her eyes. When they stopped and came into focus, she understood them. It was the primal language of the book, not the one that spoke in her mind, for it was just a shell created to bridge the gap between the primitive human mind and the vast knowledge of the protectors. This language had the power to move mountains, to raise oceans, and even to bring down the heavens themselves. These primal words were written on the pages of the book. She knew if she spoke them in the presence of the counsel then the book would respond. It had the power to make them gods. Xi Shi understood now. Those who would twist the book to their purposes wished to be immortal, to sit above men and make this world in their own image.

  Phase complete. Initiating next sequence. Prepare to receive.

  Great pulses of energy rumbled through the pathways, pushing, writhing like snakes into the empty places in her mind. They filled every crevice and kept coming until she thought her head would explode. She screamed out in pain as the book transcribed its pages onto her being.

  Fire coursed through her veins, growing more intense with each beat of her heart. The heat crescendoed until she thought her entire body would erupt in flame. When the burning eventually subsided, she had the sensation she was floating back down into her body. For a time she lay perfectly still, her body throbbing from whatever process the book had initiated. She was aware of a more tangible connection to the book as though it had inscribed a part of its makeup on her soul and vice versa.

  The murmur of the physical world and a gentle tugging at her arm brought her back to the surface. She opened her eyes and focused on the little girl with tears streaming down her face.

  Xi Shi put a hand up to Jia’s face and wiped away the tears. “Do not worry, little one. I am renewed.”

  Jia’s features transformed, an ever-widening smile pushing up rosy cheeks. “I was so scared. I’m glad you came back to me.”

  “And I am glad I have you to come back to, little one.” Xi Shi sat up as the others gathered around her.

  Peng and his wife, Lin, kneeled down beside her. Peng’s strong voice quivered slightly as he spoke. “We can never repay you for bringing our son back to us.” Lin nodded and touched Xi Shi’s hand.

  “If it had not been for me, your son would not have been in such danger. It is I who will never be able to repay you.”

  This time Peng touched her hand. “You are good and you carry the love of the people in your heart. You repay us by your fight against our oppressors.”

  “You are all too kind, but we have already put you in too much danger.” Xi Shi patted Jia on the head and stood up. “I’m afraid we must go now. Our time runs short and there is much to do.”

  Wang Xu stepped closer. “Are you fit to travel? You were convulsing and had a high fever.”

  “The book restored me. The process was violent, but it worked. I am renewed.”

  He studied her eyes for a moment. “There is something different about you, but I cannot quite place what it is?”

  “I think I have become fully attuned to the book. It is truly a part of me and I it.”

  “Have you learned any more about where the place of power is?” He stepped closer to her, putting his back to the others.

  “Not directly, but I have a feeling the book will guide me once we are at sea.” She grabbed his arm. “How are the men? We need to leave soon.”

  “Sheng, the Captain’s mate, died in the fight, but his fellow crewmen, Delun and Fan, faired well. They are ready to travel.”

  She looked into his eyes and lowered her voice. “They are not enough of a crew to man a seaworthy vessel. I think we should leave them here to help protect Peng and his family until the Emperor’s men have lost our trail. We can hire a new crew in Guiji.”

  “I hate to leave these men, they have risked so much already.”

  “As you say, they have risked much. They are not fighters and our mission will surely become more treacherous. Best we should leave them here, and after a time they may return to their villages. Leave them some of the silver you carry for their troubles, just keep enough so we may hire a new ship and crew.”

  He nodded and turned to leave, motioning for the men to follow him. She watched as he took them into the other room. When they were gone, she turned her attention to Peng and his family.

  “We must be on our way, but our mission is perilous and we must travel fast. I am going to leave our men with you to help if any more of the Emperor’s soldiers give you trouble. I will do my best to lead them away from here, but I want you to have extra protection until the Emperor gives up on searching this area for me.”

  Peng nodded and placed an arm around his wife. “We will pack some supplies for your journey.”

  “Thank you, Peng.” She bowed.

  The man and his wife went to the kitchen and began wrapping parcels of food in linen. Only Jia remained, looking pensive.

  “What is wrong, little one?”

  “I do not want you to go.”

  Xi Shi bent down on one knee and held her arms out to the girl. Jia hugged Xi Shi, burying her face in her robes. She stroked the girl’s hair, whispering comforts to her. “Everything will be alright. The people we meet are always with us because they live in our hearts.”

  The girl stirred and pulled her head up out of Xi Shi’s robes, looking up into her eyes. “You promise?”

  “I promise.” Xi Shi reached down into the leather pouch that held the book, brushing past it to find the small, jade hair comb she had brought with her. She pulled it out and handed it to Jia. “Here, keep this comb and you can remember me when you wear it.”

  Jia wiped away her tears and took the comb. She pulled her hair back and tucked it in place using the ornate comb. Xi Shi couldn’t be certain, but she thought the comb shimmered for a moment after Jia placed it in her hair. Had it been affected by the book as the dagger had?

  “The men have agreed. We should prepare to ride.” Wang Xu’s words broke her train of thought.

  She stood and turned to face him. “Ride?”

  He smiled, seeming to note her confusion. “Yes. We managed to catch a few of the soldier’s horses after we got you settled. We can take two and leave the other here.”

  “That will make our journey easier. Make sure the men take the saddle off the horse they keep so any other soldiers coming through won’t recognize it.”

  He nodded and left the hut. Lin brought over a parcel of dried fruits and meats and a flask of water.

  “Thank you, Lin.” Xi Shi took the parcel. “How are your boys?”

  “They are well. In fact, they are already back out in the fields.” She blushed and lowered her head. “There is always work to be done.”

  “Indeed there is.”


  The soldiers’ mounts were bred
for speed and helped to put a great distance between Xi Shi and Peng’s family. She didn’t want to leave the child, but she knew her mission was urgent and to stay would only bring harm to the girl and her family.

  The sun sat low in the sky. Their arrival in Guiji would be enshrouded by darkness, which was probably for the better. Maybe they could make their way through town and to the ports without arousing too much attention.

  For a time they rode at a pace which prevented them from talking. It was only when the little town nestled by the sea came into view that they slowed and talked of the book. Wang Xu broke the silence first.

  “I know there is a place of power that lies to the west, but I know not where it is. Did the book not give you any indication of where we should go?”

  “I got the feeling that we would be guided, but I think getting the book to the place of power is not as important as keeping it out of the hands of those who would unleash its power for their own purposes.”


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