Texas Rebels--Paxton

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Texas Rebels--Paxton Page 3

by Linda Warren

  Gran got to her feet. “Oh, Lordy, I hate doing this. I’m afraid I might hurt you and that’s...”

  Gran’s voice faded away as Remi’s thoughts turned to Paxton. How odd it was that they’d met on a deserted beach. She’d been running away from her fears. She wondered if he had been, too.

  * * *

  PAXTON DROVE STRAIGHT to the equipment shed to park the trailer. His mother’s truck was still at the office so he jumped back into his truck and headed there.

  He took one of the leather chairs in front of her desk. She glanced up from the ledger she was writing in. There were several computers in the office, but his mother liked to do things the old way. She wrote things down in the ledger to keep track of cattle and horses and sales and payments.

  “How did it go?”

  He removed his hat and laid it on the desk. “I didn’t know Miss Bertie had a granddaughter—a granddaughter who is Ezra McCray’s daughter.”

  His mother’s eyes opened wide. “Remington is here? Bertie must be pleased.”

  “Remington is her name?” For some reason he found that a little strange. The name didn’t fit the feminine woman he’d met.

  “Yes, but I think she’s called Remi. Ezra named his children Ruger and Remington, after guns. He was one crazy man.”

  He didn’t want to push his privileges as her son, but he had to know. He leaned forward, his hands clasped between his knees. “I don’t understand this relationship you have with Miss Bertie. Her daughter was Ezra McCray’s wife. And Miss Bertie’s much older than you.”

  She slowly closed the ledger and then glanced at him, her brown eyes dark and serious. “You see, son, Bertie and I have something in common. We both hate the McCrays.”

  “Yeah. She made that clear.”

  “To be honest I never thought I’d be friends with Bertie. I met her at one of the Elvis get-togethers some ladies have in town. We found we had a lot to talk about. Bertie and Edgar were devastated when Ava married Ezra. They eloped and they both were of age so there was nothing Bertie or Edgar could do but watch their daughter be brutalized by that horrible man. Time after time Bertie reported Ezra to the sheriff, but Ava would never testify against him.”

  Paxton listened, and even though it was something he didn’t know, what caught his attention were the Elvis get-togethers. “You go to Elvis parties?”

  His mother lifted an eyebrow. “Yes, with the sheriff’s mother, Mrs. Peabody and several other ladies. We have a good time. We play poker, listen to music, eat, drink a few beers and talk about the latest gossip in Horseshoe.”

  “You drink beer?” All his life he’d never seen his mother drink any type of liquor, especially after what had happened to their father. She was against drinking, but she never told any of her sons to stop. They were grown men and she mostly tried to stay out of their lives.

  “Is that against the law?”

  “No. I’m just surprised.”

  “You know, son, I’m entitled to get out every once in a while. I enjoy spending time with women with similar interests. We’re talking about visiting Graceland in the summer and I’m thinking of going. We need a driver, though. Are you available?” There was a smile in her voice, and he knew she was teasing him.

  He shifted uncomfortably, not wanting to say no, but he would rather have his teeth pulled than drive several old ladies to Graceland. Being a dutiful son, he replied, “If you need me to.”

  His mother laughed, and he realized he hadn’t heard her laugh in a long time. She spent all of her time worrying about the ranch and her sons. If she wanted to drink beer and visit Graceland, who was he to judge?

  “Don’t worry, son. I’m the youngest in the group and I can drive us.”

  “Are you sure?” He’d try to work it into his schedule if his mother needed him.

  “I’ve hauled cattle all over this country and I think I can get us to Graceland.”

  “Okay.” He stood and pulled five dollars out of his pocket and laid it on the desk. “From Miss Bertie for gas.”

  “I forgot to tell you about that. I’m so glad you didn’t refuse it.”

  “Mom, the woman was standing there with a shotgun in her hand. I wasn’t going to refuse too much.”

  “I’m proud of you, son. You’re turning into a nice young man. I’m glad you put all that Lisa business behind you.”

  Lisa? He still hadn’t called her, and that was the old Pax, avoiding a confrontation. To be the man he wanted to be, he had to call her and break it off—for good.

  He turned to leave the room, but something in him needed to know. “What happened to Miss Bertie’s granddaughter? She looks ill.”

  “I believe she was in a motorcycle accident.”

  “Motorcycle? I don’t see her as a motorcycle chick.”

  His mother lifted an eyebrow again, which all of her sons knew well. It meant she was either disappointed in what they’d done or what they’d said.

  He tried hard not to fidget. “You know what I mean. Piercings, tattoos and leather. This girl is very slight and I can’t see her riding a motorcycle.”

  “It was the boyfriend’s, I believe.” His mother studied his face and he wanted to squirm again. “Why are you so interested in Remington?”

  “I’m not.” That was the truth. He was just...curious.

  “We just went through this with Phoenix and Rosemary’s relationship. Even though I have accepted Rosie, I wouldn’t like to see another of my sons getting involved with a McCray.”

  “Whoa.” He held up a hand. “There’s nothing like that going on. She’s not my type. When she found out I was a Rebel, it was like opening a freezer. Rest assured there’s nothing going on. I was just asking.”

  “Are you sure?”


  She got up and walked around her desk to stand in front of him. She lightly touched his face. “I don’t think you realize just how handsome you are. This girl is very vulnerable right now and I wouldn’t like to see you hurt her in any way. Not that you would intentionally because I know you, and you have a big heart when it counts.”

  He couldn’t believe he was having this conversation with his mother. Avoiding a deep emotional conversation was his top priority when talking to his mother. He didn’t know what else to say, except the truth.

  “Okay. I promise I won’t hurt her. I don’t see how that can happen since I’ve only had one conversation with her. And believe me, I’ll never forget that she’s Ezra McCray’s daughter.”

  Chapter Three

  For the next couple of days Paxton helped on the ranch and worked on his rodeo schedule. He and his friends had ridden in a rodeo in Louisiana and at the Fort Worth Livestock Show and Rodeo. It was now February and he decided not to ride in as many rodeos as he had before. He was getting older and it had taken a toll on his body, so he would ride the big rodeos for the money and for a chance to make it to Las Vegas.

  After a hard day of working cattle, he showered and sat on the sofa still going over his schedule. He lived with Jericho in the bunkhouse and they got along well. Jericho never caused trouble and was a good friend to the Rebels.

  His brother Egan had met him in prison when Egan had been unjustly accused of a crime. He saved Egan’s life and they’d become fast friends. For saving her son’s life, their mother had offered him a job on the ranch and he had gladly taken it. He’d grown up on the streets in Houston and had been involved with gangs. But today he was a changed man and the Rebels trusted him completely.

  They took turns doing chores around the house. Tonight Rico had kitchen duty. Since they used paper plates for convenience, it was mainly pots, pans and utensils. Pax looked up from his phone and thought he’d talk about something that had been on his mind. He could trust Rico not to say anything.

  “I had
this strange encounter with a woman.”

  Rico folded a dishtowel and laid it on the counter. He was well over six feet tall with long hair tied into a ponytail at his neck. A scar was slashed down the side of his face that made him a little off-putting to most. His nationality was a mystery, but Egan had said he was part white, Mexican, black and Indian. He was an intimidating figure.

  “You can forget it if you’re asking for advice. I don’t know a thing about women. I don’t think any man does.”

  “No, I don’t want advice. I met this woman while I was in Port Aransas. She was sitting on the beach and couldn’t get up so I helped her and that seemed to make her mad. She didn’t even say thank you. It was very clear she was ill, but she kept insisting she was fine. Then I went over to haul Miss Bertie’s calves and found out she’s Miss Bertie’s granddaughter. And Ezra McCray’s daughter.”

  “Man, don’t you see the sign? Stay Away is blinking in front of you.”

  “I know. I know. I’m not interested in her or anything. I’m just curious as to why she won’t admit she’s ill.”

  “What does it matter?”

  Paxton shrugged. “There’s just something about her.”

  “Oh, man, don’t you have enough girls chasing you around the rodeo circuit instead of getting involved with someone who’s gonna upset your mother?”

  “I already told Mom about her.”

  “What did she say?”

  He cleared his throat. “Stay away from her.”

  “Exactly. Listen to your mother, that’s all I’m going to say.”

  They heard a little voice they knew well—Jake, Phoenix’s almost-three-year-old son.

  A light tap sounded at the door and reminded Paxton of a rat scratching in a wall. He jumped up and yanked open the door. “Boo,” he shouted. Jake stumbled backward, giggling. Then he ran into Paxton’s arms, and Paxton swung him up into the air.

  “You ’cared me.”

  He noticed that Jake only had underwear and boots on and it was cold outside. “Where’s your clothes, buddy?”

  Phoenix and Rosie, who were standing in the doorway, came inside. “Tell him, son.”

  Jake looked down at his underwear. “I got underwear like Daddy’s. I’m a big boy.”

  “We’re potty training,” Rosie said. With her red hair and sweet personality, Rosie was a gorgeous woman.

  “I wasn’t aware Phoenix wore SpongeBob SquarePants underwear.”

  “Don’t start.” Over the years, he and Phoenix had teased each other a lot, but of the two of them Phoenix was always the big jokester.

  Paxton hugged Jake again. “I’m proud of you, buddy.”

  Jake hugged him back. “Me big boy now.” Jake noticed Rico and held out his arms. Rico took him. “Lookie, Rico.” Jake pointed to his underwear.

  “I see, big boy.”

  Jake smiled. “Gotta go show Grandma.” He wiggled down and ran to Phoenix.

  “We have to put on your coat,” Phoenix said.

  “He wouldn’t wear his clothes.” Rosie helped Jake with his coat. “He wants everybody to see his underwear.”

  Jake waved goodbye and Phoenix closed the door.

  “Do you ever think of having kids, Rico?”

  “Nah. I’m content the way I am.”

  “I always thought I wouldn’t want kids. They’re a lot of work, but every time I hold Jake I get this feeling that it would be great to have a kid.”

  Rico sank into his recliner. “That shouldn’t be much of a problem for you.”

  “I want to fall in love first.”

  Rico clicked on the TV. “Now that could be a problem.”

  “You don’t think I can fall in love?”

  “I think this discussion has gone on long enough.” He turned up the TV, and Paxton walked into his room. His cell buzzed with a message. He looked at the name. Lisa.

  It was time to cowboy-up and do the right thing—the mature thing. He touched her name and her cell rang. She answered right away.

  “Oh, teddy bear, I knew you’d call. I knew you’d realize we belong together.”

  “No, that’s not why I’m calling.” He took a deep breath. “I thought you would get the message if I didn’t answer your calls, but evidently the message has eluded you. When we broke up two years ago, it was final. It’s still final for me.”

  “I know I was a bitch back then, but I’ve changed and I know what I want. I want you in my life.”

  “I’m sorry, Lisa. That’s not going to happen.”

  “Have you found someone else?”

  He started to lie and put an end to this. But again, that would be the old Paxton and he was working very hard to change his bad habits. “No. It’s just the way I feel. Please don’t call me again.”

  “Paxton, baby. You don’t mean that.”

  “Goodbye, Lisa. I wish you the best.” He clicked off and blocked her number from his phone. It was over and it wasn’t as bad as he’d thought it would be. Maybe he should buy some SpongeBob SquarePants underwear, too.

  * * *

  THE NEXT MORNING in the office, Falcon was doling out orders.

  “Mr. Busby wants ten heifers. He picked them out two days ago. Elias was with me so he’ll remember which heifers to load.”

  “What?” Elias sat up straight in his chair.

  “Those heifers we looked at the other day with Mr. Busby. Did you lose your memory?”

  “Oh, yeah. Got it.” Paxton knew Elias and he knew every cow and calf on the ranch. He was just jacking with Falcon. Elias leaned over and whispered loudly to Paxton, “All heifers look alike, right?”

  “You’re an idiot.”

  Their mother’s cell rang before Falcon could figure out what Elias was saying. She clicked off and looked at Quincy. “That was Miss Bertie. She wants to know if you can help her with a cow whose udder is too big for the calf to suck. It was born last night and she’s wants to get it to the pen, but the cow keeps charging her.”

  “I don’t mind helping Miss Bertie, Mom,” Quincy said. “But I don’t want to get too far away from Jenny. Her dad and sister are over there now and she made me leave the house for a while. I want to be nearby in case she goes into premature labor.”

  Paxton stood. “I’ll go.”

  Everyone, including Elias, who had his hat pulled over his face and was teetering on the two back legs of his chair, looked at him. Grandpa’s mouth fell open and everyone seemed to be speechless.

  “What? I can’t be neighborly and helpful?”

  “It’s just something we’ve never seen before,” Egan said.

  “Kind of like Phoenix doing a full day’s work. It’s just something you don’t see too often.” Elias was always cruising for a fight, but today he wasn’t going to get one.

  Phoenix threw his arm around Elias’s shoulders. “And like Elias being stone-cold sober all day.”

  “Enough with the joking around.” Falcon frowned. “We have work to do. Paxton will help Miss Bertie and the rest of you will saddle up and bring those heifers to the corral to load. Elias and Jude will deliver them. After that, there’s feeding to do.”

  His brothers filed out of the office. Falcon followed, still dishing out orders. As Rico passed Paxton, he slapped him on the back. “Didn’t see the sign, did you?”

  No one heard Rico but Paxton. He knew he was acting out of character, but he was going to get her sea-green eyes out of his head. One more encounter should do it.

  “Want me to go with you?” Grandpa asked. “I’ve known Bertie all my life and she’s a handful. Always was. In school she was tough as leather and still is. But boy, she could dance the soles right off her shoes.”

  “I got it, Grandpa, but thanks.”

  Grandpa slowly pushed to h
is feet, and Paxton noticed, maybe for the first time, that Grandpa was slowing down. It was hard to see someone you love getting older, but Grandpa had so much vinegar in him he was going to last a long time.

  “Good. I’m going over to see Jenny.”

  “Abe, don’t you think you bother them enough? Let Jenny rest.” It was well-known that their mother and grandfather didn’t get along and it was a strain on all of them, but somehow they managed to live on the same property and keep the anger from boiling over. It had to do with their father’s death. They blamed each other when the only person to blame was John Rebel himself. Paxton didn’t want to think about his father and quickly switched his thoughts to the conversation at hand.

  “I can visit Jenny anytime I want.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  Grandpa stomped out.

  His mother glanced at him. “Thank you, son, for helping. I appreciate it. You might take a horse. Bertie doesn’t have one anymore.”

  “I will.”


  He turned back.

  “This isn’t about the granddaughter, is it?”

  He looked into his mom’s worried eyes and something like fear uncurled in his stomach. “Why are you so worried about me and Remi?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. You’re just so charming and girls fall for you.”

  He didn’t know what to say to that, but he was old enough to make his own decisions, even though it might disappoint his mother.

  Chapter Four

  When Paxton crossed the cattle guard with the trailer clanging behind him, first thing he noticed was Remi standing at the edge of the corral. She seemed to be holding on to it, huddled in a blue coat with the hood over her head. Much as the first time he’d seen her. Her dog was at her feet.

  In the distance near a pond he could see Miss Bertie with a stick in her hand trying to shoo a red-and-white-faced cow with a baby calf toward the pen, but she wasn’t having any luck.

  He parked the truck and got out. Remi came toward him, holding on to the dog’s collar. It hit him for the first time that she used the dog for balance.


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