The Feisty One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance

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The Feisty One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance Page 11

by Checketts, Cami

  She smiled. “I need to keep my wits about me when I’m with you.”

  “Because I’m so irresistible?”

  “Keep telling yourself that.” They used to have such fun banter and Maryn missed their lighthearted friendship.

  He winked. “You should be very proud, Maryn. Everyone is clamoring for that article tomorrow. It will be the highest distribution we’ve ever had.”

  Maryn shrugged. “You did a good job of promoting it.” She tried to keep the venom out of her voice, but James had splayed her picture and the story of the bear attack all over the place. He’d made Tucker look like a hero, which she appreciated, but she knew it was to sell magazines and get more advertising dollars because he definitely didn’t like Tucker.

  James’ phone beeped. He pulled it out, read the text, and frowned. “I apologize, Mar. Can you excuse me for a minute?”

  “If I must.”

  He chuckled and patted her hand.

  She glanced over her menu, debating between the salmon and the scallops as she waited for James. She heard his voice out on the street. “I need you to bring my car up for a minute, I forgot something.”

  “I could retrieve whatever you need,” the valet said.

  “No. I need to get it myself.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  Maryn sat up straighter. Please say James wasn’t getting a ring or some kind of present for her. He’d proposed more times than she could count, but she’d always been able to laugh him off as he’d never done the formal get down on his knee or anything. Her palms started sweating. She sat still and listened until she heard James thanking the valet. Slipping out of her chair, she passed their waitress on her way through the restaurant.

  “Is everything all right, miss?” the waitress asked.

  Maryn wondered how pale her face was. “Oh, yes.” She waved a hand. “If my date returns will you please tell him I went to the restroom?”

  “Of course.”

  Maryn slipped out the restaurant door in time to see James lift a small present from his trunk then give the valet some cash and stride off around the back of the restaurant. Weird. If the present was for her, wouldn’t he be bringing it back inside? She should feel relief, but something was off.

  She quietly followed him, not sure what her excuse would be if he caught her, but it was James. He wouldn’t care. He usually shared everything with her. Yet for some reason, she didn’t want him to see her.

  Low voices reached her as she paused at the edge of the building. Peeking her head around, she saw James and two really rough-looking dudes—tats, shaggy heads, and scruffy clothes—at the back of the alley. James handed over the package and the guy gave him an envelope. What in the ecosphere was going on? At least she didn’t have to worry about the present being for her.

  One of the guys lifted his head and stared right at her. Maryn scurried around the side of the building, flattening herself against the wall.

  “What?” James said.

  “Some blonde chick was spying on us.”

  Maryn took off at a run. She had to make it back into the restaurant before they saw her. Her heels slowed her down. Oh, crap, they were going to catch her. A service entrance was to her right. Not stopping to think, she jerked it open and then slowly closed it. Leaning against it, she heard footsteps pounding past. She turned around and swallowed hard. The entire kitchen staff was watching her.

  Patting her hair, she gave them a smile and walked straight through. “Is this the way to the restroom?”

  “Um, yes, ma’am,” a chef with a starched apron and white chef’s hat said to her.

  “Everything smells fabulous,” she said and waved a hand like she knew what she was doing. “Carry on.”

  Ignoring the whispers and stares, Maryn hurried through the kitchen and out into the restaurant. Trying to get her ragged breathing under control, she slowed her steps and prayed the sweat dripping down her neck and chest wasn’t visible.

  Finally, she reached their table, sank into her seat, and took a long drink of water, using her napkin to dab at the moisture on her forehead. Her heartbeat wouldn’t slow down, but she thought she looked under control when James reappeared a few minutes later.

  She arched an eyebrow. “Everything okay?”

  “What do you mean?” He stared at her like he knew she’d spied on him.

  “You were gone for a while.”

  “Sorry. Just had to meet with a source about a story.” He held up a hand and pumped his eyebrows. “Nope, not sharing the scoop. It’s a good one and you’d try to steal it out from under me.”

  “Come on, I’ve never done that.” Maryn laughed, exhaling in relief. Oh, thank heavens. James wasn’t involved in some nefarious plot. Everything made sense now. Those scary guys were the source. He’d given them a gift and they’d given him some information. She almost confided that she’d watched, but something in her gut still felt uneasy.

  “You have done that.” James pointed an accusatory finger at her. “And probably still will, even though you’re going to be famous in your own right after tomorrow.”

  Maryn forced a smile at him, grateful when the waitress appeared. She used to be so driven about her career, but for some reason it didn’t matter as much to her anymore. Okay, she knew the reason and it was currently nine hundred and seventy eight miles away. She really needed to stop asking Siri that distance.

  Tucker tried to keep himself busy, but it didn’t work. It didn’t come close to working. He thought about Maryn nonstop, but he still couldn’t stand the fact that she’d left. If she cared for him and wanted to be with him, why had she left with that James guy and why hadn’t she come back?

  He marched into his office and clicked his mouse. Maybe some time spent programming could distract him. He’d used physical exertion to divert himself many times before, but it wasn’t doing a thing for him right now. No matter how hard he ran, boxed, lifted weights, chopped wood, or cleared dead trees out of his forest, he could still think, and when he thought, it was about the blonde beauty who had walked out his front door on the arm of a fake pretty boy loser. The guy dressed like a flamer, punched about as hard as Mama when she caught Tuck sneaking cookie dough, and looked like his hair was highlighted. Tucker rolled his eyes. If that was Maryn’s semi-boyfriend then Tucker definitely wasn’t her type. That thought made him even more grumpy.

  Next to his computer was a magazine… with a picture of him, Mama Porter, Braxton, and Johnson on the front page. The Rising Star. His breath caught. He wondered who had snuck it in. He knew the article was supposed to come out this week, they’d hyped it so much on social media he would’ve had to be a hermit without the internet to not know. Maryn had emailed him to approve the article, but he’d told her he trusted her and whatever she printed was fine with him. It didn’t really matter to him how the public perceived him, no matter what his PR people stressed about. He’d told Sylvia, his PR contact yesterday to just deal with Johnson from now on. He was done worrying about that kind of bunk and Johnson didn’t mind it. Yet, he was still terrified of how Maryn truly perceived him.

  He swallowed hard and picked up the glossy magazine. Slowly, he turned the pages until he saw the spread. Lots of pictures of him, his friends, and his house. Johnson had taken those pictures and Tuck had tried to pose and look happy. It had been torture. He scanned the entire article but there were no pictures of Maryn. He breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t like how that James guy had exploited her to advertise the article. He considered threatening the guy with a lawsuit or better yet a boxing match, but he kept reminding himself that Maryn was a big girl and could stand up for herself if she wanted to.

  Leaning back in his office chair, he started reading.

  The first impression I had of Tucker Shaffer was to wonder why in Hades a fine-looking, charismatic, and well-spoken man would hide away from the world. As I learned his story, I realized he has every right to stay hidden and it’s the world who is missing out.

bsp; Tucker grinned. He devoured the article, gratitude for that feisty blonde and an even stronger craving to be with her accompanied him. She painted him in much too kind of light, sharing a bit about his history and the way he developed Friend Zone and how Johnson helped it take off. She told about the feelings of warmth and friendship in his house. How he’d taken in these people, and though at first she thought they were kind of an odd bunch, four adults living the life of recluses together, they were one of the most amazing family units she’d ever been around. The article went on sharing how generous he was and all they each did to help others.

  Tuck sat the magazine down and gazed out the window. The snow had almost melted over the past few weeks and everything looked fresh outside, the green boughs of the pine trees sparkling in the sun. Another storm would bring more snow, but he wondered if he’d be here to see it. He needed Maryn. Two weeks apart had done nothing to detox him from craving her laugh, her touch, her funny expressions. The only cure was Maryn. What was he doing giving James unlimited access to her and not fighting for his chance?

  He stood and strode into the living room. Johnson, Braxton, and Mama were all there talking. “What do you think if we pack some clothes and fly to California?”

  Mama whooped and clapped her hands together. Braxton gave him a knowing smile. Johnson muttered, “Finally pulled your head out.”

  Tucker grinned and turned on his heel.

  “Where are you going?” Mama Porter asked.

  “To pack.”

  She giggled and he couldn’t help laughing at himself. Now that the decision was made he couldn’t get to Maryn fast enough.

  Maryn dried off from the shower and threw on an old t-shirt and jogging shorts. She’d driven to the beach and gone for a run earlier tonight. Her own treat for the article’s success and it had been a huge success. Highest circulation in the history of the magazine. James told her she was getting a bonus. He tried to talk her into dinner again but she begged off, claiming she was tired.

  She checked her phone one more time, hoping for another text from Tuck. The texts helped, but weren’t enough to satiate her craving for Tucker Shaffer. Not even close to enough. She missed him, Mama Porter, Braxton, and Johnson, but especially she missed him. When would she see him again? She hadn’t asked if he’d read the article, but hoped he liked it if he had.

  Her doorbell rang. Wet hair and not a stitch of makeup. Oh, well, it was probably just James. He claimed he loved her so he’d better not be bugged by seeing her au naturale. Tuck had seen her looking absolutely horrible, banged up and makeup running down her face and he’d told her she was beautiful and taken the sweetest care of her. Dang she missed him and wished their goodbye kiss hadn’t been a one and done kind of kiss.

  Glancing through the peephole, her legs trembled and she braced herself against the doorframe. “Tuck,” she whispered. Even distorted by the peephole, he looked amazing. She swung the door open wide and just stared. His dark hair seemed a bit longer, but still had that amazing curl. His large frame filled out a pair of jeans and short-sleeved button down shirt in a way only Tuck could do. Those chocolate brown eyes were warm and fastened on her face.

  Maryn ran a hand through her hair and bit her lip. “Hey,” she managed. Her mouth was dry. All words were gone. All she could think about was the last time she’d seen him and that kiss. Had he missed her as much as she’d missed him?

  “Maryn.” He gave her a ghost of a smile. “I’m sorry, I didn’t call before, but I wanted to surprise you and…” His eyes swept over her then he crossed the threshold in one large step and pulled her fiercely against him. His mouth covered hers with a possessiveness and fire that was all Tuck. He pulled back much too soon, dropping his arms to his side. “I’m sorry… I missed you.”

  “No, it’s fine, it’s great.” It was better than great. Why had he pulled back? She self-consciously pushed her wet hair out of her face. “Do you want to come in?” And keep kissing me, please.

  Tuck shook his head quickly. “I shouldn’t.”

  Maryn felt a pang. Despite the kiss, there was an awkwardness between them. Didn’t he want to be alone with her? Why was he here and why had he kissed her like that? Just to elevate her hopes and then crush them? That was so cruel.

  “I, um, wanted to ask you on a date.”

  “A date?” She stared at him with her mouth open. Come on, girl, you know what a date is!

  “Yes.” He shuffled his feet and glanced past her. “But I understand if you don’t have… time.”

  “Oh, I have time. Freelance writer, remember? I can work anytime I want. In fact, I do, work anytime I want, sometimes four a.m. if I can’t sleep and it’s too dark to go for a run and the stinking gym doesn’t open until five even though I’ve begged and offered to pay extra…” She trailed off. “Sorry, I’m rambling. I’d love to go on a date with you.”

  His slow grin had appeared during her monologue. When she finally stopped talking, he turned serious again. “Tomorrow at eight a.m.?”

  Whoa. She was not a morning girl, despite her desire to have the gym open at four. That was only when she couldn’t sleep for all the ideas percolating in her head or when she was missing Tuck so horribly sleep wouldn’t come. Usually, she fell asleep around two a.m. and woke after nine. “Sure. Eight sounds perfect.”

  “I’ll see you then.” He smiled again and turned on his heel.


  He looked back over his shoulder.

  “I’m… glad you’re here.”

  Studying her for a second, his smile made that scar appear at the corner of his mouth and her knees quivered. “Me too,” he said. “See you in the morning.”

  She watched him walk away and pressed a hand to her heart. Tuck was taking her on a date. Screaming, she did a little dance and then ran back into her apartment. She was going to work her tail off tonight so tomorrow she could be completely free.

  Her phone rang. She looked at the name. James. Hmm. Ignore it or deal with him? She forced herself to press the green button. “Hey.”

  “Hey, you. Sure you don’t want to go out tonight? I’m on cloud seventeen here. You rocked that article, love. I have no idea how you can be tired. I’m living on adrenaline.”

  Maryn smiled. She did appreciate his enthusiasm. “I’m glad, James. It’s been a great day.” She thought of the reason for her great day and the way Tuck had looked. Why hadn’t she attacked him? Was it going to be awkward between them for a while? They’d gotten so close in those three days, she never thought it would change but now it was like they were starting all over again with him asking her on a date and why couldn’t they just skip back to the familiarity and nonstop kissing? Definitely needed the kissing. But at least he was here. He’d come here, to southern California. She hadn’t even asked him why. To be with her? Oh, my, she hoped so.

  “Maryn? Maryn?”

  “Oh, excuse me, James. Did you ask me something?” She walked into her kitchen and pulled out a pan, filling it with water. Noodles and marinara would have to do for dinner tonight.

  “Only about twenty somethings.” He chuckled. “Hey, I get it. You’re so happy you’re exhausted. Go to bed early or better yet go get a massage or mani-pedi.”

  Maryn smirked. Tuck would probably have no clue what a mani-pedi was and she liked that. “Okay. Thanks for understanding.”

  “But tomorrow I’m not taking no for an answer. I’ve got a reservation at Perch.”

  Oh, man. What excuse now? And Perch. Yikes. That was fancy and romantic. She really needed to break James’ heart. It was so hard with the friendship they’d developed and their working relationship as well. He’d been a solid friend for her the past few years.

  “I can’t tomorrow. How about Friday instead?”


  “Alyssa gets home tomorrow. I want to spend the day with her and Beck.” She stared into the water that wasn’t boiling and swallowed hard.

  “And I can’t come along? I love Alyssa and I
’d like to meet Beck again. What a great interview those two would be.”

  “You’re not interviewing them.”

  “I know, but you got to admit it would be a good one.”

  Maryn agreed, but she would protect her friends’ privacy. She hated herself for lying to James. She couldn’t do this to one of the few longtime friends she had. “James. I lied.”

  “What? The Maryn I know isn’t capable of lying. The truth just shoots out of her beautiful mouth. Sometimes too much truth.”

  She exhaled loudly. “I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you.”


  The water finally popped a few bubbles and Maryn poured in some farfalle noodles.

  “What’s going on Mar? You in trouble? I can help. You know I’m here for you.”

  “I know that James.” Oh, she was a jerk. She poked at the noodles and finally let it spill out. “Tucker stopped by tonight and asked me on a date.”

  “Tucker Shaffer?” She couldn’t tell if James sounded more hurt or incredulous.


  “What is he doing in town? I thought you said in your article that he always followed some schedule like a robot. He’s a weirdo, Mar. I know he was good to you, but you need to be careful.”

  Maryn prickled as she jammed the fork at the noodles. “He’s an amazing man, James. I’d suggest you lay off bagging on him.”

  “O-kay. So what are you doing on your date?” There was a definite sneer coming through the line now.

  “I don’t know. He’s picking me up at eight.”

  “Kind of late.”

  “In the morning.”

  “What! Are you spending the night with him again? Don’t give me your bull, Maryn. You slept with him, didn’t you?” His voice was so full of rage she could feel it through the phone line.

  Maryn gasped and clenched the phone until her knuckles turned white, and then she hung up on him.

  She poked furiously at the noodles then opened a bottle of marinara sauce and poured a quarter of it into a saucepan. “Stupid idiot. He has no right. I hate him so much!”


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