Where There's Smoke

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Where There's Smoke Page 25

by B L Morticia

  Santiago joined in with us, feeding us both a sample of his own release before we shared a three way kiss. Our tongues tangled wild and frantic while all of us breathed hard, moaning through the complicated lip lock.

  I’d never experienced something so beautiful, not even in my days as a single, young, gay man because I’d never had a ménage. Not until now, and I had a feeling I wouldn’t want anything less than this ever again.

  * * * *


  After our first encounter as a threesome, I woke up from my nap with mixed feelings. I enjoyed the moment so much I wanted more and wished Myles would return to Cobalt with us.

  When I turned over, I noticed the sheets wrapped around only me and the spots next to me were empty. I sighed and shifted to the edge before forcing myself up to put clothing on. Since we’d driven here, we didn’t have to leave right away, but I needed rest before I went back to work tomorrow. I was about to start another rough week of four ten-hour shifts in a row before I had a three-day weekend.

  Chief had told me to be prepared for it since one of my brethren got hurt in a fire close to downtown that looked to be arson. We’d be short staffed until he recovered which was why I’d be picking up additional hours.

  After tossing on a t-shirt and basketball shorts, I slipped into my sandals, then made my way to the living room. I grimaced when the sun shining through the windows hit my eyes. Still, I continued walking because I wanted to see Macy before we got back on the road.

  When I made it to my destination, I saw Santiago on the floor playing with Macy and her toys. He looked to be so content, and she did too.

  “Hey sunshine,” I spoke to Macy and leaned down, pressing a light kiss onto Santiago’s head. I kissed her head too, and she held her hands out for me to take her.

  “Ah, I should’ve washed my hands before I came out here. Hold on, sweetie I’ll be right back.”

  When I straightened up and walked towards the kitchen, Macy whimpered.

  Once I hurried into the kitchen, Sarah greeted me. I rushed past her to put my hands under soap and water.

  After chatting with Sarah a little, I walked back to where Macy and Santiago were sitting on the floor. I leaned down and lifted Macy up into my arms. She squealed and hopped up, like she was happy to see me. I held on to her tighter because she looked as if she would jump out being so excited.

  “She is so happy to see you,” Santiago said, standing up next to me.

  “I guess she is. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of room to play horsey in here. Unless we move some furniture around.” I looked at Macy. “Would you like to play some pony? Would you? Huh?” I asked Macy in a silly voice.

  Macy laughed and placed her tiny hands on my face, slapping my lips.

  “We could, or we could go in her bedroom. Her nursery is as big as our living room,” Santiago said.

  “That’s true. To the nursery.” I played with her and bounced like a horse would, galloping down the hallway until we reached the room. Santiago opened the door, and we walked inside to a bright yellow room with a play mat on the floor, plenty of toys, stuffed animals, and anything else she could want. She had her own closet and a wall full of books. Myles had taken such great care of her so far and I wanted to duplicate this space, just not in Chicago because Santiago couldn’t stay here.

  “Jonas? Hey, babes you zoned out on me and Macy. She’s been hitting you and you haven’t responded.”

  I chuckled and leaned into Macy, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Sorry, little momma, and Santi. I was just loving this condo.”

  “Yeah, it’s gorgeous. It’s only missing a few antiques.” Santiago sat in the rocking chair closest to the crib.

  I laughed and crouched down so I could get on the floor next to Macy’s play mat. When I laid her on it, she moved her arms and legs, almost in a swimming motion, making both of us chuckle.

  “No, it’s actually fine the way it is,” I responded and eyed Santiago.

  Santiago gasped. “You don’t like the way I decorate?”

  “Oh, honey, I didn’t say that, just...” I bit my lip so I wouldn’t hurt his feelings. “I love modern style better. That’s all.”

  “Mhmm. It’s fine. I found another couch by the way. They’re delivering it next week.”

  Hearing that statement I groaned and eyed Macy again. “Wonderful.” I didn’t say anything else and tuned my attention back to my-to-be daughter on the mat.

  “C’mon, baby girl, roll for me and then we’ll play pony, okay?” I encouraged Macy and seemingly like clockwork, she rolled onto her back and giggled when she accomplished it.

  “Yay!” Santiago clapped.

  I rubbed her tummy as a reward. “Well, I guess that means I better saddle up then. Arrrruuhhh.” I made a noise like a horse and leaned down close to her, nuzzling her neck.

  Santiago came over and kissed my head. “You’re a natural daddy, you know that?”

  I smiled at him. “And you are too. I’m sure Macy will appreciate how we only want the best for her and her uncle.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Although last night was wonderful, I had to face my reality. If I were to accept being in a ménage with Santiago and Jonas, I had to take steps to do so. That meant talking with my best friend, who I hoped would still be that once I told him my intentions. Knowing the person he was, he’d probably disagree, but I was confident he’d still care for me and wish me the best.

  When I arrived at the building, many of my employees reiterated their condolences and asked why I was at work so soon. I didn’t go into details, only saying thank you and that I appreciated their concerns.

  “Myles, you’re back here so soon?” My secretary Diane asked me with a confused expression.

  “Yes. I still have business.” Though it was true, it was the furthest thing from my mind. Talking to Garrett was first and then getting back home to see Jonas and Santiago off before they returned to Cobalt.

  “You just lost your mother.”

  “Yes.” I shrugged. “Business doesn’t stop no matter what, Diane, especially when you’re the CEO.” I passed her desk and walked over to the right, knocking on Garrett’s door.

  “Yes, Diane.”

  “Garrett, it’s me, Myles. Can I come in? It’s important.”

  I heard some rumbling around and then Garrett opened the door. “Myles, I wasn’t expecting you back so soon. I was just on the phone with our favorite client. I told him you were on bereavement. He sends his regards.”

  “That’s nice of him. In all honesty, I don’t have the brain capacity to deal with his insults. Could you take care of that please?” I walked past him and headed straight for his sofa to sit down. If I didn’t I might’ve fallen over. My head still felt like a hundred-pound weight on my shoulders. With such pain, I couldn’t drive so I hopped in a cab.

  “Of course. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming in? And why are you wearing sunglasses?” Garrett took a seat on the edge of his desk.

  “Because the light is making my head hurt. If you want to see my eyes, then close the blinds.”

  “Gotcha.” Garrett did just that, shutting them as I asked. “I feel something is going on you need to talk to me about. And I have something to ask you.”

  Garrett picked up his phone. “Diane, hold all calls until further notice and please tell no one Myles is back. Continue saying he’s on bereavement leave if anyone asks. Thank you.”

  Garrett hung up and took a seat back in the same spot he was. “So, um. Should I ask first? I couldn’t do it at the hospital because it wasn’t appropriate. Plus, when you stayed with us the night before the memorial, Sherri was there the whole time.”

  “Mhmm. I have a feeling what you’re going to ask has a lot to do with what I’m going to tell you. So, let’s just save that for last, okay?”

  “Uh, all right. I’ve held in my confusion this long, I suppose I could do it longer. What’s up? And please take off those glass

  I removed my RayBans as Garrett asked and slipped them in my pocket.

  “Well, you look relaxed.”

  “That’s good. Okay.” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to get ready to tell Garrett what I wanted. Actually, this was the easy part. The reason would be harder.

  “I want to step down from CEO. I’d like you to take over and we name someone as your successor. I’d like to stay on the board, but not have an active role in the company.”

  “What? Myles, why?” Garrett got up from the desk and forced his hands into his pockets.

  “Garrett you’ve been doing it. You deserve the promotion. When mother got sick and then eventually went into the hospital a few weeks ago, you took over again. Why shouldn’t you be in charge?”

  “Well, that might be true, but we started Greyson, Barnes together. We have plans to expand. I can’t do that with someone else.”

  “You can, Garrett, and you will.” I straightened my body and leaned my elbows on my knees. “Look, I love the financial world, but it has taken its toll on me. I want to live. I have a beautiful niece I want to take care of and spend time with. I want her to know me as her guardian, not Sarah, as much as I love her.”

  Garrett smiled and nodded. “Aw, Myles. That’s great but, damn man, I’m gonna miss you. I… dammit. I’ll still see you on the board and all. It won’t be the same.”

  “But… I have a bigger responsibility now. Macy needs me and…” I gulped hard and closed my eyes. “And I want to be in a relationship.”

  Garrett clapped his hands. “Okay, so when should we look for you, then? Sherri has all these things lined up. Widowers who need friends, gay singles with kids. We got your back, man. We’ll help you find−”

  I put my hand up, shaking my head. “Garrett, I appreciate all your help, but I already have someone in mind.”

  “You do?” Garrett sounded surprised. “I had no idea, did you… wait.” Garrett stopped smiling and took a seat. “Uh, the only men I’ve seen you around are Santiago and his man.”


  “And they have a man for you?”

  I shrugged and leaned back on the sofa. “Santiago is that man. Along with… Jonas.”

  Garrett gasped and forced his hands back into his pockets. “Myles, you are not.”

  “I am. Eventually. I’m still working out all the details in my head−”

  Garrett cut me off. “Is that why I saw you locking lips with Jonas the other day?”

  “Yes and no. Jonas came up here to support me, and well, it ended up being so much more. We…” I stopped talking to gather my thoughts. I had to find the easiest way to say all of this to my straight and married friend.

  “We had some time alone after Mother passed and, I don’t know, Garrett, it was exactly what I needed.”

  Garrett frowned. “What the − you aren’t doing this, Myles. You’re going to raise this child in an open relationship?”

  “I prefer to call it a throuple. It sounds so much better.”

  Garrett grimaced and turned around a moment, not facing me. “Throuple? I’ve never heard of such a thing. Is that something that exists in gay circles because I’ve never −”

  “Sarah told me about it. And, Garrett, I was against it at first. Then, Sarah told me something and truer words have never been spoken. She reminded me of what I’ve been through and how this kind of situation works for me. I could have two men who love me and Macy unconditionally. And I could love them back. The more I thought about it, the more I realized this could be a win win for Macy and me. I love Santiago already and… God, Garrett, Jonas is amazing. He came up here to support me when my mother was on her deathbed. He held my hand, and he comforted me through everything. I… I’ve never had that kind of support from anyone.”

  “You had that support from me and Sherri.”

  I sighed, knowing he wouldn’t get it. “Garrett, I’m a gay man, remember?”

  “I most certainly do. What does that have to do with anything?” Garrett replied, indignantly.

  “You couldn’t give me the kind of support I really needed. It had been so long and I needed that release. I needed that comfort, that acknowledgement. Besides, this is more for Macy. She has essentially no mother and father. Her grandmother just passed and because I’m not friendly with either one of my parent’s families, she won’t hear much from them either. She needs more people around her who have her best interest at heart. We could give her all the love in the world.”

  “Myles, you don’t even know Jonas that well. You’re confusing the hell out of that child. Whose going to be daddy?”

  “All three of us. Santiago, Jonas, and I. In typical gay relationships, there are two dads. What is the harm of there being one more?”

  “Oh God, Myles.” Garrett spun on his heel, running his hand over the back of his neck. “Don’t do this to yourself. You are intruding on their relationship because you’re horny.”

  “Perhaps, but that’s not my main reason for wanting this.”

  He turned back around to face me. “And you’re putting your daughter in a precarious position.”

  “How, Garrett? She’s six months old!”

  “What about when she gets older? Are you going to tell her she has three daddies? Or is Jonas going to be her uncle that always sleeps over?”

  I inhaled sharp at that comment. I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I’d hoped my friend would be more open-minded.

  “No Garrett. I won’t be lying to her. We will tell her the truth. Dammit, Garrett I’ve spent my whole life living the way people have expected me to and look where it’s gotten me? Sure, I have a successful company, but I’ve lost both my parents, my first lover to a car accident, and my sister to drugs. My mother’s and father’s families want nothing to do with me because I’m gay. For fuck sake, Garrett, it’s my turn to throw all caution to the wind and be happy. I love Santiago and I’m falling in love with Jonas. I want Macy to grow up with love, so much love she’ll probably hate me when she’s older. I want to spoil her rotten, give her the world and be happy while I give it to her.”

  “And being with two men is the only way to do that?” Garrett countered.

  “These aren’t just any men, Garrett. We’ve all gotten close and I realize I can’t be happy without him or Santiago in my life.”

  Garrett huffed and shook his head. “All right. Well, it seems like your mind is made up. When are you gonna tell them this is what you want?”

  I smiled and straightened up on the sofa. “Garrett, it actually wasn’t my idea. It was Jonas’s and Santiago’s.”


  “Really. Garrett, this is an opportunity for me to be fulfilled in every facet of my life. My professional life is set. I have more money than I know what to do with. Now I can spend it on my daughter and my men. I’ll be putting Santiago as father and Jonas as guardian. I leave this company in your capable hands and if you still want me to be part of it, I’ll help it grow bigger so you and Sherri can also have generational wealth.”

  From the pensive look on Garrett’s face I could tell the wheels were turning in his head. “All right. I don’t like this, Myles, but it looks like you’ve given it a lot of thought.”

  “Why don’t you like it? Not that it matters because I’m going to do it whether you like it or not.”

  Garrett harrumphed. “You’re still an asshole, you know that? But I love you. I just can’t wrap my brain around anyone who wants more than one lover in their lives. To me it’s as if you’re giving someone the right to cheat.”

  “I’m not cheating. I don’t want anyone but them.”

  “What if you guys tire of each other later? I mean, sexual chemistry can only last so long, right?”

  “You raise a good point, but as I said, the sex isn’t the main reason I want to be with them. It’s the chance for Macy to have everything in the world and be loved by two amazing men.”

  “And you really think it will work? I m
ean, you won’t have issues later on down the line that make you regret this decision?”

  I nodded in agreement. “I have full confidence it’ll work, Garrett, because Santiago, Jonas, and I will make it work for Macy.”

  * * * *


  With our time with Macy and Myles coming to a close, I couldn’t help feeling the sense of loss. Sure, Myles and Macy would eventually join us, hopefully in Cobalt. Regardless, I’d still feel as if I was leaving a piece of me behind.

  Despite my emotions, I followed Myles to the living room so we could chat. I made a place for myself on the couch and he sat next to me, taking my hand into his. Myles planted a light kiss on the back of it, then repeated the gesture on my lips. I smiled and waited for him to speak.

  “Look, I wanted to inform you I told Garrett.”

  “About?” I said with little emotion.

  “About us and what we’re trying to do. I’m accepting this, Santiago, because I love you and I’m falling in love with Jonas.”

  I let out a sigh of relief and grinned. “I’m glad. And I love you too. How did Garrett take the news?”

  Myles shrugged. “He doesn’t like it, but he supports me, which is good. Although I want to start our lives immediately, I can’t. I have to stay here in Chicago so he can pick a successor.”

  “Wait, what?” I stared at him, confused.

  “I’m stepping down as CEO. He’ll take over and I’ll take his position as VP until we find a good replacement.”

  I gasped in shock and held onto his hand. “Myles, why?”

  “Because I can’t be a good uncle/father/lover spending so much time in business. I’ll work remotely when I have to. I told Garrett I’d still like to be part of the board. Nothing more. I want to spend the time raising Macy and with you and Jonas.”

  I squeezed Myles hands and brought both up to my lips, kissing them. “I’m so happy to hear you say that. I don’t want you to give up the career you love for us though.”

  “I’m not. I’ll still be involved, just in a smaller capacity. Santiago, Macy needs me as much as she needs you and Jonas. Although the two of you and Sarah will be there, I’m the only true connection to her as a Greyson. I don’t want to miss first steps, first words, first day at school, or anything else. I would hope you and Jonas don’t either.”


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