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Slick Page 23

by Kristi Pelton

  He signs the paper, taking his time. He caps the pen and places it and the paper in my hand, closing my hand around the items so I don't drop them. He doesn't let go of my hand and my eyes zoom in on that. Holy hell. Jesse Kingston is holding my hand—it was just for a few seconds, but he held my hand! His fingers are slightly callused, no doubt from playing his guitar and wow, am I starting to sweat?

  "Are you going to be alright, Lucy?"

  "Um…" Hey! It's better than unh.

  Sera sighs in exasperation. "She'll be fine. She's just had the biggest crush on you forever."

  I register what she said and vow that as soon as I can move I'm going to kick her ass. And here it comes—the blush. It creeps up my neck to my face. I'm sure I'm a lovely shade of red right now and red is so not my color.


  "Oh yeah. She's been following your career since you went national your junior year in high school."

  "Wow," he says with a smile at me. "That's a long time."

  "Yeah, it is. She ran around screaming when your first album debuted and when your video came out she threw a party."

  "That's dedication."

  He's still smiling. I stare at those amazing lips. I want to lick them. Nibble on them and tug on that lip ring a bit with my teeth.

  I manage to blink.

  "Hey, I think she's coming out of it," he says.

  I shake my head. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry."

  He flashes those pearly whites again—and those dimples. "No worries."

  "I'm Lucy."

  "Nice to meet you Lucy," he says, that callused thumb caressing my hand as he shakes it, sparks zinging up my arm, more moisture pooling at the apex of my thighs—I am a hormonal teenager and let me tell you this man makes them rage. He reaches out and tucks a strand of my brown hair behind my ear and I don't think my heart can take it.

  "Nice to meet you too." I thrust the pen and autograph toward Sera who takes them.

  "Let's walk and talk. I think my flight might be ready."

  "No private plane today?" Ha! Look at me talking normal.

  "Nah. Not for just me and the big guys," he says, pointing to his bodyguards. "When the band travels then we take the jet."

  I nod. God. To have a private jet. Better yet, to be on their private jet when they're all on board. Heaven.

  "So you're a fan."

  "Mhmm." We're walking super close, so close our arms are touching as we walk. When our hands brush against one another, he winks at me. Winks! He's seriously tall. I mean, I know from his bio and from going to the concerts he's six-three, but compared to my five-three, he's a giant. His shoulders are broad and I swear I can see his muscles ripple in his stomach as he walks. Another place I'd like to lick. Is it hot in here?

  I look at Sera out of the corner of my eye. She's grinning and she fans herself. Definitely hot in here. Like the bodyguards trailing behind us aren't going to tell him she did that? I just bite my bottom lip then grin wide.

  "Where are you headed?" he asks.


  "I'm headed back there myself."

  "Oh, were you at Comic Con?"

  Jesse's involved with a company that makes comics, ones based on rockers, of course. He heads to as many Comic Cons as he can—I know this because I stal-, uh, follow him online. I would never stalk him. Okay, I do follow him closely sometimes. I sigh. Alright, alright, I follow him closely all the time. I've even got a Google alert. That doesn't make me a stalker. It just makes me a die-hard fan. That's all. I'm sticking with that so shush.

  "Good guess. I was. There was a great turnout. It's part of what I love about the Midwest. People have passion and they're not afraid to go the extra mile to show their dedication."

  "Hmmm," was all I could manage.

  "Excuse me while I check in." He squeezes my shoulder gently, then walks up to the counter, the same counter we checked in at, and the airline chick all but puddles at his feet. Who can blame her? With his wavy, dark hair that touches his collar and those whiskey-colored eyes that had me captivated. Jesse Kingston is a walking, talking bundle of testosterone. A woman's equivalent to a man's walking wet dream.

  "Do you think he's on our flight?" I whisper to Sera.

  "It looks like it. Holy shit! Jesse Kingston!"

  "I think I just fangirled all over the place."

  Sera laughs.

  "I can't believe this is happening. This has got to be a dream."

  Sera pinches me—hard.

  "Ow! What the fuck?"

  "Not a dream. Just proving it to you."

  "You're so violent."

  She shrugs and snaps more photos of Jesse. I didn't notice before, but I think she's been snapping away since she first saw him. I need her to send me those photos. Every single one. I don't care if it's of the back of his head.

  Oh, here he comes. His gaze zeroes in on mine and I can't help the smile that pulls across my face. Oh, he is seriously beautiful.

  "Looks like the flight will be ready in a few minutes," he says as he stands in front of me.

  "Can I get a picture with you?"

  He smiles. "Of course."

  I hand Sera my phone as Jesse leads me over to a less crowded area. He puts his arm around me and, oh my God, does he smell good. Like the ocean and sandalwood and yum. He pulls me closer to him and I wrap my arm around his waist. Oh my, even his side is hard and muscular. Damn. I rest my head against his chest. I'm sure I've got some goofy smile on my face but I honestly don't care.

  "All done?" he asks Sera.

  No! Keep holding me close.



  He turns to face me and there's about an inch of space separating our bodies. Oh this works, though I'm tempted to take that baby step and press myself up against his hard body, maybe even do a little rubbing.

  They call for boarding and I can't look away, I'm mesmerized by his gaze, those amazing golden eyes with tiny flecks of green and brown. No! Don't go. Please don't go, or if you do take me with you! He doesn't look away until one of the big guys clears his throat signaling it's time to go.

  "Lucy. It was really great to meet you."

  I want to shout that he can't leave me, howl at the moon, or flop down at his feet and beg him to never leave me. I can honestly see myself wrapping my arms around his leg and him having to drag me along behind him.

  He's holding my hands, both of them, in both of his and I really, really don't want to let go.

  "Thank you. And thanks for the autograph and photos."

  He brings my hands to his lips and kisses them. My breath stalls in my chest. "Honestly, it was my pleasure."

  He tilts his head to the side just a bit as if he's trying to figure something out.

  "Have we—" He pauses then shakes his head. Then he smiles that panty-melting smile. He runs his knuckles gently down the side of my face and with that he's gone.

  I feel like I'm going to cry. How stupid is that? I mean, he's Jesse Kingston and he was just being sweet to a fan. I get it. I know it, but the sting of tears won't stop.

  Sera knows and she pulls me into a hug.

  "God, Luce."

  I nod and sniffle, blinking back ridiculous tears.

  "Girls, we need to board," my mom calls.

  "Dude, was that Jesse Kingston?" Joey asks.

  I nod.

  "I bet Lucy needs a change of panties."

  Even though he's totally right, I reach over and punch him in the arm. "Pig."

  "Joseph Anthony Russo you will watch your tongue."

  Sera hands me the autograph and pen. I look at her.

  "Did that really just happen?"

  She nods. "And you have proof."

  She hands me my phone and there's a picture of me and Jesse. My breath catches. We're staring into one another's eyes as he caresses my face.

  "Oh my God, Sera." This time there's no holding back the tears.

  "I know," she says and throws an arm over my shoulders as we board the
plane, pulling me in for a half-hug. "The electricity was zapping around you two. I thought we were going to be electrocuted."

  I sigh.

  Sera looks around to see if she can spot Jesse.

  "He's likely in first class."

  "Yeah, probably," she says, taking her seat.

  I sit next to her and look out the window. I can't believe this. In two days I audition for a major starring role in a movie that would make my career if I land the part, I'm moving to Los Angeles and I met Jesse Kingston, touched him, and he kissed my hand—a hand that's still tingling from his lips.

  "We should have let mom upgrade us. Do you think we can sneak up to first class?" Sera asks.

  I smile softly. "As much as I'd love that, I'm not a stalker and I don't want him to think I am. I'm going to hold on to what he's given me today and keep it close." See? I'm not a stalker.

  She nods. "I can see that."

  "Maybe one day…"


  We sit in silence for a minute as the flight attendant tells us about the emergency exits, my mind blank as if it can't comprehend what just happened.

  The jet engines fire up and we're lifted off the ground.

  "You going to send me those pictures?"

  Sera smiles. "Already done, darling. Already done."


  "I got an amazing picture of his ass."

  "Only one?"

  She gives me a look of exasperation. "Please. Try twelve."

  "Twelve? Why twelve?"

  She grins. "A dozen hot buns."

  I laugh. My sister totally rocks.





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