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Cut Page 2

by Danielle Llanes

  “Phyllis…” I called the to elderly woman, she turned in her seat as I looked to her then the girl.

  “The rules are to keep it clean, don’t get naughty Mr. Tres.” She smiled as her thoughts had scanned my own. I nodded as I looked to the girl once more,

  “Well so much for doing it the old fashioned way.” Her eyes widened as she smiled,

  “I can meet you outside of here if you’d like.” She frowned as I had already taken her wrist and bit down before the last word had left her lips. She let out a small cry as I gripped her arm tight, I drank only what I needed as I let her go. She stared at the wounds sealing as her eyes became large again,

  “Make me like you.” I shook my head as I got to my feet,

  “I’ve made that mistake one too many times, my dear.” I turned to walk away as she scooted off the bed and began to follow. The elderly woman snapped her head back as she looked to the girl,

  “Young lady, you are on duty, you will not be paid if you follow the client out.” The girl realizing her obligations stopped in her tracks. I drank without tasting her soul and only now did it hit me that she had a small child at home. Her name was Jane. I nodded to Phyllis as I headed for the door, I didn’t look back as I made my way out of the building.

  “Tell me again that hunting is still in vogue.” Octavius nodded as he stared at me,

  “Did something happen back there?” I nodded as I looked out the rearview hoping we were not being followed.

  “It was a young girl, she begged me to turn her.” We sped along the freeway as Octavius shook his head,

  “You know some of the worst people make it past the pre-screening. Was Phyllis there tonight?”

  I nodded as he replied,

  “Good, she generally kicks them out. She is not up for games like that.” I rolled down the window to feel the night air, it was cool against my skin. Her blood was still pulsing through my veins as we headed back to the cemetery. I looked to him as he said,

  “I figured we could advance your days into the sunlight.” I smiled at him,

  “You’re a good friend.”

  “Thanks, I can only ask that you do the same when the time comes for me.” I nodded as I reached over and turned on the ipod docked. Soon the car was flooded with the sounds of Aphex Twin. I was glad his taste in music hadn’t changed.

  “I’m so glad I didn’t have to explain that one to you.”

  “You did…I heard you reading the instruction manual. There was nothing to it, you just plug it in and start uploading your favorite songs.”

  “Maybe I liked it when you were sleeping…” He turned off the freeway and turned toward the cemetery already closed for the evening.

  We were back to sitting atop the tombs. Already I had spied others keeping watch alongside us. It was not a slow night in the city, we had decided. The scent of death was thick here. I looked to a dark man lounging in the shadows as he nodded to me,

  “The great Rent Tres is awake, welcome back my friend.”

  “Thank you, Matthieu, how has the night been to you?” He shrugged as he looked to his cell phone,

  “Another two hours till dawn and not a single drink. I really hate to pay for it but the truth is most of these humans are infected with some form of disease.” I nodded as I had caught the scent from many of the people in the Quarter.

  “If it’s not the crap they shoot into their veins, it’s the goddamn diets they keep.”

  “And don’t get me started on the people they share their beds with!” His thick south American accent broke through as he looked to a couple strolling along the tombs. He inhaled the air as he shook his head,

  “No good, they have the hpv.”

  “What is that? Something new?” He nodded as he cracked a smile,

  “Oh it doesn’t seem bad now but it totally gets you later. Almost makes me want to go primal and eat babies…” from the look on my face he broke into laughter, “Oh Rent, it’s been too long. How I missed you!” I hugged him as he held me tight,

  “I really wanted to take her out for you. Octavius said she would be her own destruction. I want to believe this for truth.” I managed a nod as I patted his back and stepped away,

  “Yeah, you’re a good guy, Matthieu. Stay away from babies!” He laughed a toothy grin as he leaped from the tomb and to another as he continued to scan the city below.

  “Babies…” I looked to Octavius as I nodded,

  “I think he was kidding.”

  “It’s not a bad idea,” he said as he saw he horror in my face, “it was good enough for Vlad.”

  “That guy was a real ass,” I said as I stopped, I turned to see a dark figure shoot across the tombs. I looked to Octavius and could see Matthieu still standing on his tomb. I motioned to Matthieu as he nodded to us, we leapt onto his tomb to get a better look. Most times it would be one of our own that was motivated by an insatiable hunger to rush on a victim. We scanned the cemetery until our sights were set on the figure sitting over its victim.

  “Who the hell is that?” Octavius moved ahead of us as we followed. Matthieu leapt from tomb to tomb to get a better view as we moved through the cemetery until we saw the dark figure hunched over the woman we had seen walking with the boy moments before. Her throat had been ripped open from the blood that pooled around her. I could see her dark hair spread on the gravel.

  “The cemetery has rules for hunting, guy.” The figure whipped around, I backed away for a moment as the pale figure held the woman’s flesh between its teeth. The eyes wild as it whipped its head inhaling our scent. Matthieu sat above watching the display.

  “Man, that is some sick shit, not good blood.” The pale figure was a boy with skin as white as the tombs surrounding us. The dark black hair was flat against his head. He bared his fangs at Matthieu as he held up his hands,

  “Hey man, I do not want your dirty meal there. It’s all yours, say guys since all is safe I’m headed for the blood bank. Have fun with the Addams boy there.” Octavius waved him off as he kneeled beside the boy, he reached into his pocket as he fished out a syringe. I stared at the blue liquid awaiting to do its work.

  “What’s your name kid?” I looked to Octavius as he reached over to tap the boy just as he lurched forward at me. I caught him as Octavius slammed the syringe into the boy’s neck. He let out a cry as he collapsed before me.

  “Still potent as ever?” Octavius nodded as the boy dropped before me to the ground. I looked to the girl’s body lying on the gravel then to the boy. I knew the big sleep had not changed the laws of living and dying. I looked to Octavius as he wiped the boys mouth then backed away from him,

  “This one belongs to someone that had no idea what they were doing. He’s still in a zombie state…we could complete his change or end it now.” I looked back at the girl then said,

  “If what Matthieu says is true, he’ll suffer later on. End it now.” I backed away and headed off to find a wooden object until I heard a small explosion, I looked back as Octavius held a stake in his hand, “I come prepared, my friend.” The boy’s body was gone now and floating in the air around us. I looked to the girl as I nodded to her,

  “Oh right,” he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number, “uh yeah, we’re down at St. Louis Number 4 – it was a Non Vamp kill. Alright, thanks again.” He shoved the phone in his pocket as he looked to me,

  “Well that was exciting.” I managed a smile as I shook my head,

  “I need to sleep, we’ll hunt again tomorrow.” He nodded as we headed back to his car.


  I awoke with the late morning sun on my face. I pulled the covers to shield the sun then stopped realising that my skin did not burn. I sat up as I pushed the covers away. I sat a moment knowing full well that the blood from the young girl had given me the strength I needed. I looked around the small guest room, I had refused to return to the hotel and my home was in no state to sleep in. I once again was staying with Octavius. He had been a kind friend to stick ar
ound this long. I thought about the boy in the cemetery the night before, it was always a mystery to me why someone would go the length to take a sire but then turn them out. In my life I had sired a few but they were long gone now. It was hard to keep a fledgling alive when everyone was set on making them a meal. I had gone to great lengths to stop before the heart gave out.

  I noticed a grey shirt and a pair of jeans were laid out on a chair near the bed. I would have to repay Octavius for his kindness. Already he had done far more than most. I dressed and headed downstairs where I heard him talking to Marc.

  “I’m telling you, it is a great expense right now. Are you sure you want to set up a house of your own? That house alone needs a lot of work.” He stopped as he saw me standing in the doorway. Marc turned to face me as he nodded,

  “Hello Rent.”

  “How’s it going, man?” I walked over as I patted him on the shoulder.

  “It’s going, I was just telling my dad about a place I saw on Harmony. It’s a nice looking place…some guys I know thought it would be cool to live in. My dad doesn’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Well its good to want your own place – but Phillip tried the roommate thing for awhile. He found he liked living alone. It’s totally up to you though. I mean as far as having girls over…” I looked to Octavius as he shook his head. I looked at him dumbfounded as Marc grinned,

  “It’s ok, dad.”

  “Oh, I had no idea…I really missed a lot.” Marc laughed as he nodded,

  “Some of my friends still haven’t gotten used to it but it doesn’t bother me.”

  “As long as you are happy,” I said as I headed for the fridge.

  “Yeah, it was worse when I was lying to everyone about it. Anyway, I’m heading out, I’ll see you all later?”

  “Sure, call me later,” called Octavius as Marc headed out the kitchen door. I watched him walk around to the front of the house as I looked to Octavius,

  “He had me fooled, I thought he was dating the girl around the corner.”

  “I thought so too, that is until I found out he was actually helping her walk in heels. I’m not shocked at all – I had a moment of androgyny back in the seventies.” I thought a moment to the gold lame boots and heavy makeup,

  “Oh I couldn’t forget that in a million years.” I pulled a bottle of water from the fridge as I looked to the steaming mug sitting on the counter. He motioned to it as I reached for it,

  “So what’s the plan for the day?”

  “I thought I would get someone to look at the damage at the old place, maybe talk to a realtor.”

  “Well, I’ll be in the confines of the house till dark, be safe.” I nodded as I recalled the windows being covered in a protective film to block the ultraviolet rays. I took the mug as I said,

  “My car is in the garage, yes?” He nodded as he replied,

  “And the keys are in the visor.”

  I sat at a stoplight with the sun beating down on my head. I would have to have an ipod dock installed in my car. I had met with a woman that was willing to take the house on Second off my hands. The house had generated interest as it had sat in disrepair for so long.

  “I was out of the country,” I said when asked about the damage to the second floor window. She nodded as she offered up a contractor that could do the repairs.

  “Thank you and please let me know if anyone meets my offer – I’m ready to let it go for next to nothing.”

  “Well, I will be sure to get you a good price, Mr. Tres.” I had left her office feeling like a hundred years had been taken off my chest.

  “Could I get you another drink?” I looked up at the girl pointing to the empty glass before me, I nodded as she snatched it up and disappeared. I looked around Port O’ Call, it was still teaming with life since I had last been. The one thing I refused to change was my diet once I turned, I still dined on food and liquor. The only thing that separated me from the others was the fact that I had never died. When people asked of my origin it was hard for me to explain. The truth is that I had forgotten. The names and faces of my family had erased with time. It was bound to happen to anyone that lived as long as me. I knew Octavius was having a hard time with forgetting his origin at times. I had found him so long ago wandering in the rain sometime after the French Revolution. He spoke French and I was only interested in his blood. Unfortunately we both had the problem that we shared a common affliction. He couldn’t name the one that made him, it was understandable as she was female and recently staked.

  “Ok, here’s your coke…anything else I can get you?” I looked up into her dark eyes as she smiled down at me. I shook my head as I replied,

  “I think I’m good for now, thanks.” She flashed a smile as she spun around and headed for another table. I found it hard to think of falling for someone else again. I took a drink as I thought about the last time I had sat in this place. Samara sitting across from me with her arms crossed. She was aggravated by something at the time. Samara.

  “Why do we come here?” I looked up at her as I took a bite out of my hamburger. I wiped my mouth as I chewed and shrugged,

  “I like it – I’ve been coming here forever.” She narrowed her eyes as she said,

  “Don’t you find it strange that no one else can have a meal? I mean I don’t even recall my last meal. It’s hard to sit here and wait for you to eat like a human.”

  “Uh, last I checked, I still had a pulse.”

  “You’re an anomaly.”

  “Damn right,” I said as I sat back and stared at her. She had a way of making me feel dirty for the things I enjoyed.

  “Can we go now?” I hadn’t returned after that night.

  “Octavius?” I knocked on the door to his study as he looked up from the books on his desk; he was wearing his glasses. I found it interesting that a turned gambler could cure the vampires lurking in the dark.

  “I was a terrible card player.”

  “Yes I know…we lost many houses because of it.” He narrowed his eyes as he replied,

  “Oh remember that pretty little English girl…Clara…she was beautiful…her house was even nicer.” I thought of the petite red head that had lived in the countryside and had land for as far as the eye could see. She had fallen for Octavius until she realised he had lost her home in a bad card game. I could recall her screaming at him from the road as we rode on horseback and never looked back.

  “Until you lost it! God, she hated us both for that.” I laughed as I sank into the leather chair before him.

  “So what’s the visit, I take it the house is on the market.”

  “It’s as good as sold. She had a place on Chestnut that was available. I told her I would take a look at it, I think it’s the old Dumas place.”

  “It had a ballroom…” I nodded to him as I smiled,

  “That was a beautiful house.” I looked down at my clothes as I looked up to him,

  “I also phoned someone to pick up a few things from one of the clothing stores – I felt like I was putting you out with the expense.” He shook his head,

  “That was something that Marc was doing for you.” I thought to the boy lathered in sunscreen that headed out of the house earlier.

  “So what are you working on?” He looked down at his books then shrugged,

  “Nothing really, I was actually talking to someone back East earlier about the boy that we took care of last night.” In all the time I had known Octavius he never talked about his work in detail. He refused to talk ill of his patients – no matter the case.

  “It seems he was turned by someone that was unfamiliar to this. I asked if this person had made others and sadly yes. This person has left many fledglings to fend for themselves and thus they have all been killed.” I shook my head at the idea.

  “Any ideas?” He shook his head as he replied,

  “They’ve been staked before anyone could gather a blood sample. These guys have no scent to them…they hunt alone which means they have no clan.

  “That’s ridiculous,” I said as I tried to think back to a time when I was alone. It was hard to imagine a time when I had no affiliations. Only someone hiding from the world above would do such a thing.

  “I just had a funny thought.” He smirked at the idea,

  “It’s not far from what I was thinking as well.” The very thought that she would attempt the feat of turning others made me angry.

  “She must have learned from others,” I said as I crossed my arms.

  “Or the very least it was by accident.”

  We were back at Jean Lafitte’s again and sharing a bottle of absinthe. He refused the cube of sugar as he drank his straight,

  “Of all the rotten things she has done.”

  “Nearly draining me was the worst,” I said as I looked around the bar. Already it was crawling with tourists, I had forgotten it was the weekend.

  “This place is like amateur hour – is that house on Chestnut vacant?” I shrugged as I picked up the bottle and nodded to the bartender. We headed for the exit as we made our way back to my car.

  “Wait,” he said holding out his hand. I stopped in my tracks as I realised her scent was everywhere around us. I turned until I saw her standing across the street watching us. She wore a white suit her blonde hair was loose around her shoulders. She looked away as a car stopped before her. The valet stepped out as she handed him a tip and got in. I looked to Octavius as he cursed,

  “What the hell is she doing back here?”

  “She knew I didn’t die that day.” He shook his head as he looked to my car,

  “Well if she’s sniffing around your old place, you don’t live there anymore.”

  “I think she knew a day would come that I would wake up. She doesn’t look like anyone that is suffering…” I had long imagined that she was sitting in a room locked up cursing the day we met. To think I was the one lying in my own lie. I cursed under my breath as I got into the drivers seat.

  “Rent, we made a truce in the first days after your attack.” I looked to him as I sped off down the street and headed back toward the freeway.

  “The truce was with her?”

  “Yeah, all of us agreed that she could go her way and we would not attack as long as she stayed out of the city. She broke that tonight.”


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