Meanwhile Animals silently conducted magnificent suite deep into of the Hall, to the room of the Hostess.
The door had an honourable protection from golems. At the sight of Knowledge, they saluted and got up on standing at attention. At doors emergence of their Knowledge expected two fairies of "STING" - those that "accepted unconditional surrender".
- Well and that new, sisters? - passionlessly the Second asked.
- In total also, your Knowledge. Sits, as paralyzed, near it, having seized tightly her hands. We tried to unhook it - it is impossible. Only if electroshock …
- It is not necessary! - sharply the Second of Three tore off. - To you an electroshock to correct everything! The person has a grief, and you - an electroshock …
Both fairies blushed to the roots of hair and bashfully became silent.
Animals quietly opened doors and let in their Knowledge the room.
All three lamps flew inside and thanks to them to a look of Triune Knowledge the surprising picture opened.
On a bed, the head of the zolotovolosy fairy was based upon highly lifted and specially shaken up pillows. Her face was fatally pale, under eyes dark circles, cheeks stiffened - deeply fell, the thin and exhausted white hands lay on a breast. The person was quiet, majestic, peacefully, faint smile forever stiffened on pale lips. It gave to her exhausted face some share of charm, instead of irrevocably lost beauty. Near the fairy on a bed sat stiffened as the golem, the person.
The prince - and it was he - it was impossible to learn. Hunched as the aged man, with sharp wrinkles at corners of lips and on a forehead, from a prosedyama in hair. White as a cloth a face, eyes which swelled up from tears, the glazed-over unseeing look …
He did not even look towards Knowledge and did not get up at their emergence. One of maids of honor wanted something was angry to tell it, but the Second Knowledge sharply raised a hand, and she kept silent.
- How she died? - quietly the Second asked.
- Quietly. Quietly. She … reconciled with the Creator … - with a great effort, in a whisper, as if being afraid to wake deceased, Prinze said.
- Praise to God! - said all Three Knowledge, having reverentially put handles on a breast. - Be based in the world, the sister. Let fire which will capture this transitory body will uplift your rebellious soul to places of eternal rest.
And then They approached a headboard of a bed and three times blessed with a sacred banner her face, and on a bed the easy honey fragrance was carried. The person died, being before faintly gray, turned pink at once, lips were poured by paint, as well as cheeks, and traces of bags under eyes were gone. It seemed, Lily did not die, but sleeps.
- She asked you …
- We know. The bat will find a new body tomorrow. At us just one of newly married fairies prepares for conception so the soul of this sister will not remain homeless, - the Knowledge clicked fingers and one of maids of honor brought a gold cage to which carefully moved a bat and carried away.
After that the Second Knowledge addressed other maid of honor:
- Dispose, the sister that brought all potrebny for transfer of a body. We have to bury her on our ceremony with all the honors which are due to it according to the status.
- Yes sir, your Knowledge, - bowed the maid of honor and right there left.
- Azail ran with the child, whether taka? I feel its presence here …
- Yes, - everything was told also with detachment by Prinze.
- To call here the best intelligence agents and to immediately scan this room and to establish the fugitive's trace, - She addressed other maid of honor. - Azaila - to Us, live or dead … - a short pause, - … is better - live. Here, on this plateau, We will organize a zoo from rare animals of the Oversea country, we think, one Murina will be a good exhibit. And to deliver an illegitimate puppy to Us personally. We will personally take care of his education. The order is clear?
- Yes sir, your Knowledge, - and one more maid of honor left the room.
- And what to do with it? He defiantly escaped from prison and under our laws has to be severely punished! - the young maid of honor with hostility looking at Prinze dared to give a vote.
- It is punished?. It is punished, the darling?. - all Knowledge grinned at once, and the Second continued then. - For what? For the fact that, thanks to it, We overcame almost impregnable enemy? - And for the first time for long time all three Knowledge burst out laughing.
- Really you think, the darling that he made all this not from our permission?! We specially suited its conclusion on Islands Blissful though, in essence, any fault on it is mute and was not - he absolutely incidentally never interfered with this game and any threat to us and did not represent. We hid it there, knowing that the Invincible Sun will peck on this bait and for the sake of the beloved will be embodied in a body, having completely lost the invulnerability and the most part of forces. We specially popustit to patrol of "STING" to get to a trap that it had an opportunity to be embodied. We specially allowed them to remain in safety on "Stone Tooth" that the child conceived by them there accelerated process of exhaustion of her body. And for what to punish him now, the darling? Yes he should be awarded if …
Fairies with eyes, round from surprise, it is absolutely dumbfounded looked at their Knowledge.
- … if We did not know what the only award for this person will be … - simply to return him to the beloved wife - only it is capable to inhale in him the life stolen by the Invincible Sun. I swear the Creator, - having turned facing court ladies, the Second Knowledge told with an ironical smile, - very strange couple! When We asked what award she wants for the services rendered to Community, she told - the husband's lives and when We answered that it is not an award as to execute him there is nothing, she told - I want to leave with it in the hut at the Limit again … You hear, the sister, instead of increase she asked to lower her in a rank! Amazingly! No, really they are two of a kind …
Grumble of condemnation swept on crowd of maids of honor: "As! To exchange greatness of service at Thrones of their Knowledge for some backwoods! Not slykhano!"
- We think, however, what for these odd fellows is the place … Well, and it is time for us especially as someone waits and will not wait until We leave from here, - Knowledge smiled and quietly left the room, and after Them, rustling with folds of dresses, and all its numerous snow-white and elegant suite. And after them on tiptoe there were Animals.
The prince remained one, but for a while. Two fairies with a black-silvery stretcher for a body entered and got up in indecision at a bed, they were forbidden to apply an electroshock and how still to achieve delivery of a body by Prinze?
At this moment the silent rustle of a women's dress was heard and the room entered … Beautiful Fairy.
Her face was sad and pale, but not as earlier. It was not tear-stained, grown thin, rather it the grief was light and quiet.
She quietly approached Lily's bed and sat down on an edge. Then she kissed deceased on a forehead and quietly whispered something. And then embraced Prinze and put the head to him on the left shoulder. So they silently stayed several minutes. And then she quietly and gently whispered to Prinze on an ear:
- Hey, my Kind Prinze, is time for us … You hear? Oslenok already misses, houses everything is already ready to a festive dinner, children already gave you a gift … Wait will not wait …
But Prinze was silent.
Then the Fairy turned to Lily and addressed her:
- Release it, Poured! Your destinies, on trade of the Creator, were once weaved, and now both you, and at it have different ways … Release it and go with the world in prepared to you halls. Release, my one and only real girlfriend … Lily …
Cold hands of Lily were suddenly unclenched, and Prinze, at last, took away an unwinking gaze from the dead persons Lili and for the first time as if having regained consciousness from a dream, saw the person Fei:
- Darling you here … I … I … I ….
- More quietly, more quietl
y, - the Fairy whispered, putting a thin finger to his lips, - do not say anything … I know everything … Let's better go, and us wait for that for a long time.
The prince silently nodded. The fairy took him by hand and, having got up, moved to an exit from the room, having on the run made hardly noticeable sign to two fairies. Those, having nodded in reply, approached a bed died to execute all that is usually done with dead women.
But neither Kind Prinze, nor the Beautiful Fairy saw it any more, going to an exit from the bewitched Gold Hall to which they, to their supreme happiness, were never fated to return any more.
Chapter 26. Return.
On a plateau at the Gold Tower of Prinze and the Fairy already waited. There was a big balloon harnessed by the six of big white eagles. And at a sphere - having been built in a rank, there were tens of fairies of the highest ranks including representatives Ordena "STING". Among them - Triune Knowledge.
Fairies were in full rigging. Long silk dresses in which they were dressed, demonstrated approach of the world. Told about it also hairdresses on their heads, and the pearl threads interwoven into hair, and the jewelry decorating them fingers, necks, wrists …
At appearance of Prinze and Fairy invisible silver fanfares played, solemn music of the whole orchestra of flutes, string and drums began to sound. And all fairies started congratulating happy reunion of lovers. Everyone wished them good luck, strove to embrace and kiss happy spouses. Also the Knowledge did not stand aside. All three Knowledge in turn kissed both Prinze, and the Fairy.
- On behalf of all sisters of Community, We express you our greatest gratitude for that contribution to a victory over the forces of evil which you brought. Who knows what would become with our world without you? And for this reason, after all event, to us it is unclear and bitter from the fact that you leave Skies … Perhaps, you after all share our pleasure, pleasure of all Community in celebrations which are outlined today?
- Oh, your Knowledge, you are very kind and generous to us, - the Fairy elegantly politely answered, - but we so were tired of all event, so yearned on the house that at all desire we cannot remain. We are waited by the house, we are waited by children …
The prince kept silent. To participate in celebrations in only several hours after Lily's death it seemed to it madness top. But also to speak about it is too there was no wish - wounds in soul are still so fresh! He wanted only one - to leave home somewhat quicker and not to see any more anybody, and especially fairies, "STING" and their Knowledge combined. Not to see anybody, except the closest, most dear friends.
- … Well, we will not disturb you, my dear, - softly and gently the Second said. - The best medicine for the occurred storms is a rest of the family center and mutual matrimonial love. You deserved it and We release you. We hope, however, that you, my dear, nevertheless appear at our yard when wounds in your soul drag on finally. Our yard will lose a lot of things without your society! For now - go and have a rest. You, my dear, can start in your obligations for Service when you consider it necessary - you so, one may say, in the advance payment, for all life fulfilled the duty to Tselestiya. Go, and yes the Creator will be with you!
The triune Knowledge once again kissed both and gave a sign hands. Fairies parted, and the road to the balloon was open. And Animals already opened a door and displayed a ladder.
The sphere was quite spacious: a wattled basket of the size of the small room, with soft seats, the cylinder from red silk filled with the air which is artificially warmed up by spells a team from six big white-headed eagles ready to soar up just about up and to incur for itself a sphere.
The prince and the Fairy, holding hands, climbed a ladder and sat down in chairs. And Animals already lifted a ladder and unhooked an anchor. Eagles waved wide wings and the sphere directed in air space. Reins were held by the Puppy, and the Kitten got up at height regulator. The prince and the Fairy finally waved with hands to fairies. The gold Mountain together with an ominous Gold Tower in several moments forever disappeared from a look.
Having remained one, the Fairy and Prinze did not utter words. Animals did not intrude upon their leisure and at them was full of affairs - it was hard to operate a sphere. All the time it was necessary to watch that eagles flew to the necessary party to warm up the cooling-down air when it was necessary to gain height, or, on the contrary, to cool it when it was necessary to fly lower.
Cool wind pleasantly refreshed persons Fei and Prinze, played them hair. The fairy kept Prinze's hands in the and, without coming off, looked at him. The prince it is thoughtful and pensive as it happened to him earlier, looked somewhere afar, at the line of the horizon, at the white clouds curling in the distance. It seemed, it again not here, it somewhere in other world … But it also filled heart of the Fairy with pleasure. Means, Prinze gradually recovers, gradually becomes former. The fairy was not upset by his detachment. No, she most of all also loved it in Prinze, maybe, just because itself was not such.
By them floated clouds, birds welcomed them the shouts, and they did not notice anything.
- What you so thought of, road? - at last, without having sustained, the Fairy asked.
- About what strange at us with you left history - it still does not go in at me at all, - Prinze answered with an echo. - We with you did one and wanted one, and there was something absolutely, absolutely another … Without thinking of it at all, I and you suddenly were forever entered in Tselestiya's History and even if we will strongly want, we will not be able to be former any more - provincial eccentric lovers. We are forever connected now with those events which we generated, and with those forces which we awakened to life …
For an instant the person Fei was saddened by an alarm shadow - Kind Prinze never delivered such speeches earlier and it frightened her. But she mastered itself and, having softly smiled, stroked Prinze's hair disheveled from wind.
- And, in my opinion, everything is good … - the Fairy forcedly cheerfully answered. - I believe that everything will be still, once we come back home, to our children and our small river and a lawn. You will go on the wood again and to talk to trees, animals and birds, to be on friendly terms with mermaids, and I … I you will like and to care for children, about the house and I will be how before to wait for you by a lunch and a dinner, and, probably, I will become angry again for the fact that you come all dirty and absolutely at the wrong time, and you will tell me new fairy tales which composed while you walked, and I will set them then to music and to sing them to kids for the night …
The prince, at last, tore off the look from clouds and the horizon and looked at the Fairy. As she was beautiful! The gentle kind smile, eyes radiating love, fluttering from wind golden hair …
- I trust in it too, my Beautiful Fairy, - Prinze whispered and embraced her.
Soon the sphere began to descend. Eagles reached the necessary point, and the Puppy unhooked reins, having released the birds who fairly worked for them. Eagles, having taken a detour before a sphere, at parting published loud klekot, and then departed back - to the native Rocky Mountains.
And at this time Oslenok, having finished preparations for a dinner, walked children. They just made the homework - wrote the small composition "As I love mother and the father", learned the new unpretentious spell causing a fragrance of roses and also studied execution of one children's song on a lute.
However, practically all task was made by Milena - she, though the younger brother for the whole two years, all went to mother - same clever, vigorous and capable. The brother at it wrote off all in the end, all day only and doing that furtively ran from occupations to bathe in the small river, to catch on a backyard of butterflies, to gather full pockets of pine cones.
"For some reason at all fairies always was so how many I remember, - Oslenok from whom was not to hide the boy's tricks noticed about himself. - Girls were always born vigorous and capable and any more remarkable abilities, but boys nearly from the cradle show
ed - always remained such idlers and rakes absolutely not capable to study and was born them always less, than girls, usually - at one-two fairies on ten. Probably, with genes here something not so", - Oslenok drew about himself a conclusion, the next time observing from a window escape of the boy from the room for occupations.
"It is interesting that at the majority of insects - bees, wasps, bumblebees, ants - absolutely the same history - only female individuals are rather strong in everything".
Oslenok unexpectedly for himself understood that that without knowing made a big discovery and thought that it would be quite good to conduct the real research on this subject and to write the book.
"And to call it - "The treatise about some features of development of posterity of race of fairies" and to sign - the master of pedagogics Oslenok executed".
From this thought Oslenok became cheerful, and he pensively closed the glass eyes, having presented as this book what at it will be cover, a cover will look and as on the title page gold letters will write a name of the author on tasty smelling back.
"I will surely be engaged in this research as the hostess will return, then I will have more time" - he solved.
Now Oslenok, having put on, as usual, the old straw hat with wide obgryzanny fields and round starushach points a nose, walked kids by hands.
The sun already drooped, but was still hot. The gentle breeze from the river informed of a pleasant cool. Kids joyfully started running on a meadow, to play dogonyashka and a hide-and-seek. And Oslenok lay on a grass and read the book of fairy tales which he wrote down according to stories of the Prince, resembling estimating what of them can be peredelozhit poetically that then the Fairy wrote to them music. At the same time he for a second did not lose sight of children.
To it was evident again that in all games the six-year-old boy the four-year-old little sister won. In dogonyashka it without effort caught up with the brother, always found him in a hide-and-seek that to speak about more difficult games!
Unconquered Sun Page 79