Billionaires, Boarders, and Bastards: A Limited-Time Collection of Reverse Harem Romance Novellas

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Billionaires, Boarders, and Bastards: A Limited-Time Collection of Reverse Harem Romance Novellas Page 16

by C. M. Stunich

  "Wait, are you going to tell me if I'm right?" I asked, confused. This was a new theory that I had literally only just developed, and I was burning to know if I was right or not! Even the callous way Ryder and Drex had just treated those girls had come off as fake somehow. Like an act. Or maybe that was just me trying to justify their actions to make my attraction toward them all seem more acceptable?

  "Nope. Here. Have some cheese. You're so skinny." Blaze passed me a slice of cheese and met my gaze with a sultry grin on his face that made me want to slap him and kiss him all at the same time.

  God-fucking-damn it. I knew that little make out in the gondola was a bad idea. Now I couldn't stop thinking about what it felt like to run my tongue over that lip piercing, or the feeling of his long, tattooed fingers inside my—

  "Hey guys, what are we eating?" Drex bounced out of a bedroom and slid onto the stool beside me.

  "Cheesy toast," Blaze responded, still holding my gaze, "but I know what I'd rather be eating …" He dropped a sexy wink at me before breaking eye contact and I legitimately choked on the cheese I'd just placed in my mouth.

  "Blaze, is it totally necessary to try and kill Mila-elf?" Ryder asked, appearing from nowhere and patting me on the back while I coughed up the bit of cheese stuck in my windpipe.

  Blaze just smirked and turned back to retrieve the cheesy toast from the oven.

  "So what's the four-one-one? Santa the Douche-canoe got Blitzen fired?" Drex asked, leaning over and snagging a piece of toast from the tray. "What are we doing about it? Fucking him up?"

  "No one is fucking anyone up," I growled, taking a piece of cheese toast for myself. I really was hungry, damn it! "Gary is Graham Ridgemont's cousin, and Graham is probably richer than the four of you assholes combined. It's cool; I hated that job anyway. I was only here for the free room and board, plus access to the mountain so I could take photos for this huge ass photo competition. Not that that will be happening without a camera …" I glared at Drex and he blushed red.

  "So that's what you really want to do?" Ryder asked, pulling up a stool for himself and grabbing some toast. "Take pictures?"

  "Yup." I nodded, swallowing my mouthful. "The Candid Moments Photography comp was going to be my big break. Not only do they showcase the winners in a month long exhibition in Manhattan, there's also a half a million in prize money, which would pay for me to set up a studio."

  "Shit, I'm so sorry, Blitz …" Drex hung his head, looking devastated. "I'll for sure pay to get it fixed for you. Do you still have it here?"

  "It'll be with my stuff whenever they deliver it. The repair job takes way too long though, so I'll just have to try again next year." Hopefully.

  "Right, well for now that storm is about to hit so I say we order room service and watch a movie or something." Slade arched his pierced eyebrow at me, teasingly. "Unless you want to play drinking games instead?"

  Of course, I knew he was fucking with me. But I really couldn't seem to back down from a challenge with these wankers.

  "You're on," I accepted, and felt a surge of satisfaction seeing the surprise on his face. Score one to Mila the Elf.

  "Well …" Blaze smirked. "In that case I'll call down for room service. Anything in particular you want, babe?"

  "Uh yeah, for you to stop calling me babe," I half-joked, and he barked a loud laugh.

  "Never going to happen, babe. It's just part of our vernacular. Boys, place your orders!" He grabbed the phone off the counter and dialed down to the kitchen while the others rattled off their food wishes.

  In the end, he ordered a steak with mash and vegetables for me, along with every dessert on the menu and several bottles of tequila.

  "Guess we're going Mexican, then?" I asked as Drex fished out shot glasses from one of the cabinets and lined them up on the coffee table alongside a deck of cards.

  "Si," he replied, flopping his sinful body down onto a giant beanbag chair. "Now, what are we playing? Spin the bottle? Truth or Dare? Strip Poker?" he grinned at me and ran his tongue over his teeth. Fuck if I didn't want to do it for him too …

  "Truth or dare," I blurted out, before my sex drive could take him up on the strip poker offer. That quickie orgasm in the gondola seemed to have awakened a need in me that was going to make this night with the Winter Wankers very painful indeed.

  "Bold choice, Mila-elf." Ryder nodded, and parked himself on the couch. "Sure you don't want to change your mind to strip poker instead?"

  Ugh, so damn tempting. I've never had a five-way before …

  "Nope," I lied, "I'm good. Room service takes freaking ages though so …"

  "Not for us they don't," Slade said quietly. "Twenty minutes max. Why don't you go take a shower in the meantime and I can give the boys a lecture on using their manners when we have guests?"

  I gave him a small frown, not altogether sure I wanted the boys using their manners. But I was still pretty chilled from being out in the snow all day, and a shower sounded heavenly.

  "I'll grab you some sweats to wear, babe," Blaze offered. "You're here all night so you may as well get comfy."

  Hmm, he had a point. Tight jeans were an absolute bitch to sleep in.

  "Sure, sounds good." I nodded, and he led me into one of the bedrooms and rifled through a drawer.

  "Here." He handed me a pair of soft grey sweatpants and a T-shirt. "They're clean; I promise."

  "I trust you." I rolled my eyes, taking the clothes, then realized what I'd just said. Strangely … I did trust him, for more than just clean clothing.

  "Shower's through there and I'll give you a yell when the food arrives." He indicated the door behind him and moved to get out of my way.

  "Thanks, Blaze." Without really knowing what the hell possessed me, I pushed up on my tiptoes and pecked a quick kiss on his lips before ducking into the attached bathroom and locking the door behind me.


  Slade hadn't been joking when he said room service would only take twenty minutes. I had barely stepped out of the shower when Ryder tapped on the door to tell me it'd arrived.

  In the three weeks I'd worked at The Ridge, I had yet to actually try the food, but holy crap it lived up to expectation. The steak was cooked to perfection and by the time I'd finished sampling all the desserts my stomach felt like it was about to burst.

  "Okay, Mila. Truth or dare?" Slade coughed, having just completed his dare of drinking a Tabasco sauce shooter. We'd been picking mainly truths or easy dares while everyone ate and now we were all laying around in various versions of a food coma.

  "Um … truth." I was facedown on the couch with my feet in Drex's lap. He'd been rubbing them with his strong fingers for a good five minutes already and I had no intention of moving.

  "Okay …" Slade stared up at the ceiling while he pretended to think. "Tell us about your last threesome."

  "My last threesome?" I snickered, already a bit tipsy. There had been a few hairy questions about my past already which I'd opted to take a shot for rather than answer.

  "Your last one before today," Slade corrected, realizing the loophole I was about to take. Damn.

  "Wait, what?" Ryder interrupted, sitting up from where he'd been lying on the floor. "You had a threesome today? With who?"

  A laugh bubbled out of me as he speared Blaze and Slade with a glare that said he already had a fair idea with whom. His gaze was just a little bit this side of glassy, as I wasn't the only one opting for shots. None of us were drunk, but neither were any of us sober anymore.

  "Barely," I replied, groaning as Drex's skilled fingers worked the ball of my foot. "It was only a fraction more than a make out session … right, Slade?" I tilted my face on the couch so I could meet his heated gaze, and fuck it if my pussy didn't clench a little.

  "Right …" he murmured, holding my eyes until I looked away first. "So tell us about your last one before today."

  My last threesome … I turned it over in my mind, debating whether this was a topic I really wanted to discus
s with the Kings of Snow. On the one hand, I was burning to know why they'd never shared a woman before and if they ever would, but on the other hand it opened me to more questions about my past and my old life which I wasn't ready to answer.

  "I'll take the shot," I replied, pushing up from the couch just enough to take the little glass of amber liquid Blaze was holding out to me. Our fingers brushed as he handed it over and I met his eyes flirtatiously while I threw the shot back.

  "There's definitely a story there, Mila-elf," Ryder grumbled, reclining onto the floor and looking up at me.

  "That there is," I murmured, lying back on the couch and wiggling my toes for Drex to keep going.

  "Your turn, Mila," Slade prompted, sitting on the floor with his back against the couch, only inches from my face.

  "Hmm," I pondered, trying not to groan aloud again when Drex's finger's hit a good spot. "Ryder … dare?"

  It didn't need to be an either or scenario. He had picked dare every time and only turned down the ones he couldn't be bothered doing. It gave me the distinct impression he was a man with many secrets, but also not afraid of a challenge.

  "You know it," he replied and I chewed my lip while I thought. On the one hand, I could get him to do something outrageous. Now that we were all finished eating, he'd probably do it too. On the other hand, if he didn't want to do it, then he just got more shots.

  "I dare you … to … streak the length of the hallway." I paused, thinking. "Twice."

  Ryder was quiet for a moment while he stared up at the ceiling then pushed up off the floor and grinned at me.

  "Done." He whipped his shirt over his head and threw it at me.

  "Seriously?" I scrambled to sit up, but he was fast and by the time I'd righted myself and yanked the warm, man-smelling shirt off my face, he was already out the door and running.

  "He's quick," Slade snickered. "Let's hide his clothes while he's gone."

  Wow, Slade was evil. I freaking loved it. Tossing him Ryder's shirt, he quickly threw it all into one of the bedrooms then used a little set of keys to lock all of the bedroom doors.

  "Smart." I nodded, and he threw me a sexy smirk.

  "Not our first rodeo, Mila." Damn it … now I'm thinking about riding him.

  "Seriously, Slade?" Ryder yelled, arriving back into the room panting and holding his hands over his junk. "You locked them all, didn't you?"

  "Payback, bitch," Slade laughed, and threw himself down on the couch between me and Drex.

  Ryder narrowed his eyes at us all trying and failing to contain laughter, then shrugged one sinfully toned shoulder.

  "Suit yourselves. I'll just sit here naked for the rest of the night then." He sat down in the armchair facing the couch and, sadly, placed a pillow over his crotch. "My turn."

  The evil glint in his eye told me payback was coming. Oh well, I'd just take a shot instead of whatever he had in mind. My tequila tolerance was way up there, so I had no concerns of getting plastered … yet …

  "Drex," he said, instead of Mila—which was what I'd expected. "Truth or dare, bro?"

  "Dare please, kind sir," Drex replied, giving me a grin that was equally as evil as Ryder's. Shit. Those two were like the dynamic duo, so this couldn't be good.

  "I dare you … Drex Bailey … to kiss someone in this room for a minimum of thirty seconds. With tongue. Groping optional." Ryder nodded, like he'd just come up with a bloody Nobel Prize winning idea. The bastard. Actually, come to think of it … I was pretty okay with this dare …

  "What is this, high school?" Blaze snorted but Drex threw a cushion at him to shut him up.

  "Done!" he announced and I bit my lip nervously. Butterflies seemed to spawn and erupt all through my belly and my damn nipples hardened just thinking about this little game turning dirty.

  "Don't fucking look at me," Blaze snickered. "My lips are all chapped from snowboarding today. Babe, you don't mind taking one for the team, do you?" His gaze burned into me while his teeth tugged and pulled at his lip piercing.

  "You don't have to, Blitz," Drex said. "I suppose I can man up and take another shot. But can we switch to something other than tequila?"

  "Oh my god, you're such a baby, Drex," I teased, then leaned over Slade to grab him by the chin. "Only because I don't want you getting too drunk too quickly, yeah?"

  He nodded eagerly then closed the distance between us and pressed his lips to mine in a sort of tentative kiss. With a frustrated noise, I slid my hand around to the back of his head and used it to pull him closer, demanding more. Drex clearly took direction well as he came back at me with the forceful domination that I'd been craving. A small whimper of encouragement slipped past my lips as I let him take the lead and a warm hand slid under my shirt at the small of my back.

  "Ahem, that's time," Ryder coughed, and I deliberately continued the kiss a few moments more before releasing Drex. When we separated, each moving back to our seats, Ryder was looking decidedly flushed and clutching the pillow in his lap just a fraction tighter. Slade left his hand under my shirt where he had slid it during my kiss with Drex, and made no attempt to hide the hardness in his pants.

  "Um, so … my turn?" Drex chuckled a bit awkwardly, sitting back into the corner of the couch and tucking a knee up.

  "Sure is!" I answered him brightly, seeing as the other boys all seemed a bit speechless. Something told me they really hadn't expected me to go through with that dare. I could really have fun with this …

  "Perfect …" Drex gave me a long, heated look then turned to stare at the guys as if selecting his target. "Blaze … truth or dare, dude?"

  "Dare." Blaze hadn't hesitated for even a second on that answer, and my stomach flipped with excitement. Who knew this game could be so fun?

  "I dare you to do a tequila body shot." Drex hopped up and cleared off the coffee table, just leaving the bottle of tequila, a wedge of lime, and the salt shaker.

  "Off of whose body?" Blaze asked suspiciously … and rightly so. If it'd been me, I probably would've made him do it off one of the guys, just for fun.

  "Your choice, bro." Drex shrugged, but when his gaze turned back to me it was pretty damn obvious who he was hoping Blaze would choose.

  "You'd better do it off me, Blaze," I sighed dramatically. "Ryder is still naked so that might be a bit weird for you guys."

  "Oh, and she's a team player!" Ryder gasped, just as dramatically, and I smothered a grin.

  "You have no idea what a team player I can be," I replied with a sassy sort of brow raise, then stood up and pulled my borrowed T-shirt over my head, leaving me in just my lace bra and loose sweatpants.

  "Body shots are a messy business," I informed the guys, who all seemed to be sharing the same stunned looks on their faces. Slade and Blaze recovered the fastest though, having already been exposed to my unique brand of brazenness in the gondola.

  "Let's do this then." Blaze nodded, holding my hand to help me lie on the coffee table. Carefully, he handed me the full shot glass to hold at waist level, then dusted salt down the length of my stomach and placed a wedge of lime between my teeth.

  "Bottoms up," Blaze winked, then dipped his head low and licked a long, hot line down the salt on my belly. Reaching the waistband of my pants where I held the shot glass, he took it in his lips and tossed his head back to drink the tequila. Tossing it aside, he bent back over to take the lime from my mouth.

  As he took the little wedge from between my teeth, he deliberately allowed his lips to brush mine. Blaze pulled back and I ran my tongue over my lower lip, pretending to be licking off the lime juice. I held his gaze as I did it though and his eyes widened.

  "Fuck it," he muttered, spitting the lime aside and bending back down to capture my mouth with his own.

  Shit, yes. My teeth grabbed his lip piercing and I teased at it while my hands slid up to circle his neck. With a frustrated growl, Blaze ramped up the intensity, tangling his tongue with mine like we'd been kissing for years. His hand slid down my throat, brushing the top
of my breast before teasing at my hard nipple through the sheer lace of my bra. Ripples of pleasure radiated from his teasing fingers and I groaned, arching my back to encourage him, but instead he released my lips and pulled back an inch.

  "Truth or dare, Mila?" he whispered, his voice husky with desire. Something about the way he said it, though …

  "Truth," I whispered back, curious to see what it was that he wanted to ask.

  "How drunk are you right now?" he asked, all traces of joking gone from his face and I frowned.

  "What?" I sat up on the coffee table and brushed the excess salt off my belly. "That's not exactly where I thought you were going …"

  "But it's an important question right now," Slade answered instead, and I turned to look at him. All four guys were watching me with serious expressions as I tilted my head and frowned again.

  "We know you don't really have the highest opinion of our moral compass and that's deserved, given the image we portray. But we don't ever take advantage of women who are too inebriated to consent." Slade wasn't fucking around. Neither were the others …

  "You've had quite a few shots," Drex pondered, running a hand through his shaggy blonde hair.

  A slow grin spread over my face when I realized they were actually serious.

  "Wow, I really did misjudge you all, huh? Don't worry though, I have an insanely high tolerance for tequila. I'm not even halfway to drunk, I promise."

  Slade continued to watch me through narrowed eyes and I raised my brows at him indignantly.

  "But I mean, if you're all not into this … I know it's not your usual thing …" I stood up and picked up my T-shirt to put it back on, but Slade growled a warning noise and grabbed it out of my hands.

  "To be clear, what is this that we're doing, Mila?" He clearly spoke for all of them here, and I grinned on the inside. This was shaping up to be a very interesting night, after all.

  "I believe the technical term here would be an orgy, as dictated by five or more participants. A fivesome, if you will. Group sex." I said it casually, glancing at each of them from under my lashes. Oh, yeah. They were intrigued as fuck.


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