Nobody's Prince Charming

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Nobody's Prince Charming Page 16

by Walker, Aimee Nicole

  It was both painful and pleasant to stop. Painful because I was on the edge of coming that quickly, but pleasant because I wanted to last longer and give him a great show.

  “My turn,” I said. “Pull your dick out and let me see it.”

  “Nope, this is my show.”

  “It was my idea,” I countered. When Wren didn’t make a move to comply I reached for the shade above my head. “If you’re nice, I won’t hang up the call and you can hear me moan your name when I come. You just won’t be able to see it.”

  “Little evil—”

  “Get your cock out,” I repeated. I shook the shade a little to emphasize that my hand was still on it.

  Wren did as I asked, and my mouth salivated. He was too far away for me to see if he was leaking, but I knew he was. I could almost smell his arousal and feel his need for me. He braced one hand on the window and worked his cock with the other.

  “So fucking sexy,” I growled, wanting to be with him more and more every day.

  “Tap the four twice,” Wren said. “Don’t try to trick me by hitting the one or two or I’ll know.”

  Zap. Zap. “Yes! Yes!” I semi-shouted with each tap.

  “That’s my guy,” Wren purred. “So sexy and responsive. I can’t wait to have you all night long. Think you can come more than three times?”

  “No,” I gasped. There was no way.

  “We’ll see about that.” Wren’s dark promise almost sounded like a threat. “I bet you can.”

  “Tease your nipples,” I told him.

  Wren straightened up from the window and grabbed his nipple. “Your mouth feels better.”

  “Pinch and roll it, Wren. Pretend it’s my teeth and imagine you’re fucking my ass instead of your fist.” Hell, my dirty talk to him amped me up even more.

  “Four,” he said breathlessly. I knew his orgasm was close. “Hold it until you come. Don’t you dare stroke your cock either.”

  My heart raced with the pleasure I knew I was going to feel—physically from the plug and emotionally from seeing Wren come undone. I held down the four and my body tensed all over. Zaaaaaaap. My abs tensed harder than during any stomach crunches and my thighs shook.

  “Mmmm, I love the way your cock throbs and jerks when you’re about to come,” Wren growled. “Come for me, baby. Hard and long. Let me hear it.”

  “Ahhhhhhhhh,” I said when the first spurt of cum jettisoned from my cock and splattered against the window. “Wren!” It wasn’t the same as his dick pounding me, but it helped to know he was watching and growling with pleasure as he stroked his dick in fast, jerky motions.

  “Right there with you,” Wren growled seconds before his release hit his chest and stomach.

  “I want to be there with you when you fall asleep,” I said.

  Wren pressed his hand against the window and I did the same. We weren’t holding hands, or even touching, but I felt the connection in my heart as if we were. “Only a few more days, Sparkles. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I didn’t want my sadness to ruin our beautiful night, so I blew him a kiss. “Goodnight, Wren.”

  He reached up and snagged the kiss from the air. “Goodnight, Dare.” We were complete dorks in that moment, but I didn’t care. Three more days, I chanted to myself as I cleaned up my mess on the window, got ready for bed, and waited to fall asleep. Two more days, I chanted to myself the next day at work to help the time pass. One more day, I reminded myself on Friday as if I could forget. I followed that up with, Only a few more hours, in the morning and afternoon at the salon on Saturday.

  After work, I took a shower and packed my overnight bag then spent time with Grandpa while I waited for Maren to arrive. I was nervous about leaving him, but he would be in capable hands.

  “You have a great time, Dare. Bring me back a souvenir.”

  “We’re just going to Cincinnati,” I reminded him.

  “Doesn’t matter,” he said.

  “I’ll get you something great,” I promised him.

  When Maren arrived, I kissed Grandpa’s forehead and hugged her tight. “Thank you,” I whispered gratefully.

  Maren followed me to the door. “You go have yourself a wonderful time, young man. No one deserves a night out with his sweetie like you do.”

  “Thanks, Maren. Don’t hesitate to call if you need me.”

  “You know I will, sugar. Now get on out there. Wren is looking worried like you might stand him up or something.”

  I looked out the door and he did look nervous. That was no way to start off our weekend. I kissed Maren’s cheek and opened the door. The slow smile that spread across Wren’s face was filled with dark promise.

  The first stop on our date was the Newport Aquarium. Both of us had always wanted to visit, but neither made the time. Dare was the perfect person to share the experience with, and I was glad I waited. The aquarium’s acrylic tunnels made you feel like you were a part of the ocean life as you walked through them. Having sharks swimming above you and beside you was surreal. It was dark, peaceful, and even felt romantic for our first official date. Dare loved the penguins and their shenanigans the most, but I was enthralled by the majesty of the jellyfish. Dare and I stopped by the gift shop to buy Ralph a stingray coffee cup as a souvenir before we headed to dinner.

  Since we were already in Newport, I decided to take Dare to Bobby Jack’s. Their food was delicious and the river views were beautiful. I never thought the staff would remember me from the dinner I had with Alaric a few weeks prior.

  “Welcome back to Bobby Jack’s, Mr. Davison,” the hostess cheerfully said when we entered the restaurant. She seemed disappointed that my father wasn’t my plus one and curious about Dare’s role in my life. “Will it just be the two of you tonight?”

  I placed my hand on Dare’s lower back like a lover would do. “Yes, it’s just the two of us.”

  Her eyes widened slightly but the smile never fell from her face. “Follow me, please. We reserved our best table for you.”

  The hostess led us to a table that overlooked the Ohio River as the sun was starting to set. “Oh, this is beautiful,” Dare said then turned to the hostess. “Thank you.” Even if she was disappointed that I was there on a date, she couldn’t help returning Dare’s megawatt smile with one of her own. He had that effect on people. My Sparkles.

  “You’re very welcome. Enjoy your evening.”

  “Aw, I think she had a little crush on you,” Dare said when we were alone. “I can’t blame her. You look so handsome tonight.”

  I just grunted at his compliment and diverted the conversation. “You look delicious.” I planned to take full advantage of our night away and gorge myself on Dare later. Who knew when we’d get our next opportunity for an overnight date.

  “Charmer,” Dare said, blushing adorably pink. He knew exactly where my thoughts had gone.

  “Only for you, Sparkles. Everyone else gets a snarl.”

  “Including me,” said a voice I wasn’t ready to hear again so soon. Why would fate continue to piss on my plans? So caught up in Dare, I didn’t even notice that someone else had entered the little cove. We were hidden from most of the restaurant, which meant the hostess must’ve told him I was here and where he could find me.

  Alaric stopped at our table and smiled tentatively at me. At least he was smart enough to be wary. He’d stuck to his word and stopped calling me. He’d left the ball in my court, and I hadn’t done anything with it yet. I’d thought about it a lot after our dinner together, but I hadn’t made my next move.

  “It’s good to see you, Wren.” Then Alaric turned his focus on Dare.

  My body tightened with tension because I wasn’t sure how he would treat my boyfriend. If Alaric ever hoped to have a relationship with me, he would mind his step with Dare. It seemed that I had nothing to worry about because Alaric gave Dare one of his genuine smiles and extended his hand. I’d seen enough of his fake smiles to know it was the real thing.

  “I didn’t get a
chance to formally introduce myself the first time we met. I’m Alaric Davison.” Not Falcon, not Wren’s dad, just Alaric. I liked it.

  “I’m Darren, but my friends call me Dare.”

  “Dare suits you,” Alaric said. “You have an orneriness about you that challenges people.”

  “You could say that again,” I agreed. “I’m surprised the hostess didn’t tell me you had reservations also.”

  Alaric turned his attention to me. “I used a fake name, so she didn’t know until I arrived. I really don’t want to be lavished with false affection, I just want to take my wife to dinner.”

  “She’s here?” I asked, suddenly curious about the woman he married a few years after my mom died.

  “Yes, Samantha is here. She didn’t want to impose on your dinner.” More like she was afraid of her reception. I wasn’t such a dick that I would’ve snarled or been mean to her, but how would she know that. All Samantha Davison knew about me was that I kept rejecting Alaric’s attempts to be in my life.

  “Where’s your table? I’d like to say hello.” Just like that, I lobbed the ball back into his court. It was a huge step, and everyone at the table knew it. Alaric’s eyes widened with hope and Dare smiled at me like I’d handed him the crown jewels.

  “Stay, I’ll bring Samantha to your table so she can meet Dare too.” Alaric started to walk away but jerked to a stop. “If that’s okay with you.”

  I nodded.

  “I’m so proud of you, Wren,” Dare said when we were alone again.

  “I don’t want him to get his hopes up, but I want to try.” At least to honor the memory of the woman we both loved.

  “A chance was all he asked for and you’re giving it to him. Take it as slow as you need, babe.” His little endearment made me smile.

  “Wow, that’s two smiles in one night,” Alaric said as he approached the table for the second time. This time he was joined by his wife, my stepmother.

  I’d seen Samantha Davison’s picture many times, but I never would’ve recognized her on the street. Of course, it was doubtful she dressed like she was attending a music award show or movie premier every day of her life. I felt like I was seeing the real person without the makeup, glamorous gowns, and Hollywood hair. Samantha Davison was a natural beauty who didn’t need any of that extra stuff to steal everyone’s attention in the room.

  Even though I tried to avoid seeing or reading anything about Alaric, it was big news when Alaric married an African-American woman. Pictures of them were splashed all over the tabloid rags and entertainment magazines at the checkout lane in grocery stores. Should the color of Samantha’s skin have mattered? Hell no, but that never stopped ignorant ass people from spewing hate. It was obvious that Alaric was head over heels for her and that’s all that people needed to know. It was equally obvious that Alaric didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought about his marriage.

  Dare and I both stood up when she arrived.

  “Hi, Samantha. It’s good to finally meet you,” I said warmly. Instead of shaking my hand, she gave me a hug.

  “I must look terrible, but I was so excited to get out for a little bit that I didn’t stop to put on makeup. If I’d have known…”

  “You look beautiful the way you are,” I assured her. “I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Dare.”

  “Hello,” she said, greeting Dare with a hug. “It’s good to meet you.”

  “You too,” he returned, looking a little shell-shocked. “This is you without makeup, huh? Wow.”

  “Alaric is lucky I didn’t just wear my sweats and raggedy T-shirt out the door,” she told us.

  “It would’ve been a slight improvement over pajamas,” he teased then kissed her temple. “I’ll take any moment I can steal with you.”

  “Smooth, Alaric,” she said but smiled up at him.

  “Did I read that you joined a law practice here in Cincinnati?” Dare asked.

  “Kemp, Knolfield, and Barnes,” she replied. “I joined their team of civil lawyers. I’m really looking forward to getting involved in the community.” Samantha Davison was so much more than a pretty face. How an ivy league educated woman such as herself ended up with someone as rough as Alaric was beyond me. Maybe he showed a side to her that he didn’t share with anyone else. Kind of how I saved all my good parts for Dare.

  “Wife, mom, and a kick-ass lawyer,” Alaric said proudly. “I’m a lucky man.”

  “You’re really pouring on the charm tonight,” Samantha said then narrowed her eyes. “This isn’t the part where you tell me you’re coming out of retirement already, is it?”

  “Nope, I’m done with the road.”

  “For good?” I asked in disbelief. I’d heard on the radio that they were taking a year off; they said nothing about retiring.

  “That part is a secret for now. Only our families know, which you,” he pointed to Dare and me, “are family. We’ll break the news to everyone else later.”

  “Alaric is now a stay-at-home dad,” Samantha informed us.

  “You are?” Dare and I both asked.

  “I’m truly insulted that the two of you don’t think I can be content changing diapers and spending time with my youngest son.” Youngest son. It had flowed too naturally to be contrived. No matter how many times I rejected him, I was still his firstborn son.

  “Oh, I didn’t say that,” Dare said, rushing to soothe any ruffled feathers. “It must be a huge change though.”

  “Yes, but the absolute best.”

  Our waiter approached us then with a puzzled look on his face. “Would you prefer to dine together? I can move you to a larger table?”

  “Oh no!” Samantha said. “We’re not infringing on your date night, but hopefully the two of you could have dinner with us soon. Perhaps meet Tobias?”

  “That would be great, Samantha. I would love to meet my little brother.” I looked at Alaric then and said, “I’ll call you soon.”

  “I look forward to it. I hope the two of you have a great night.” Samantha hugged us both again before she headed back to their table, leaving us alone with Alaric.

  An awkwardness descended over me because I wasn’t sure how to end our conversation. A handshake was too formal, and I wasn’t ready for a hug yet. Alaric didn’t seem to have the same reservation because he pulled me in for a tight hug. The hug he gave Dare was a little gentler, but still sincere.

  “I hope to talk to you soon,” Alaric said then reluctantly walked away.

  “Well, that was a pleasant surprise,” Dare said once we were alone again. He picked up his menu and began looking it over. “I’m in the mood for surf and turf, but we just had that the other night.”

  “The dinner you made was delicious,” I told him. “In fact, I think it would rival anything on this menu.”

  “Wren, you’re already getting laid tonight, so you don’t need to lay it on so thick.”

  “Oh, Sparkles. What am I going to do with you?”

  “I can think of many things,” he said sassily. “Can we order our meals to go?”

  “No,” I told him. “We’ll have plenty of time for that later. This date is about more than sex. I want to show you off around town for everyone to see how lucky I am.”

  “Wren,” Dare said, setting his menu down on the table. “We’re around people all the time. I would be happy with spending every second of our time away in that hotel room.”

  “I thought you might like to see a movie or go to a club after dinner.”

  “Nope and nope.” Dare shook his head. “We can stream a movie in between bouts of sex. I can give you that lap dance you’ve been imagining since the day I first brought it up. The only person I want to see is you.” He glanced up at the waiter who was walking toward our table. “And him. I am good and hungry.”

  Dare took advantage of our secluded, candlelit cove and spent the entire meal seducing me with his smiles and teasing touches beneath the table. He slipped off his shoe and ran his foot up the inside of my calf, my inner th
igh, and didn’t stop until he reached my crotch. There, he curled his toes around my cock and sent bolts of pleasure straight to my balls.

  “Dare,” I said softly, warning him that I’d make him pay.

  “If I could get by with it, I’d crawl beneath the table and suck you off right now.”

  Even the way he ate his food was sinful. He kept me hard and on the edge until we got back to my truck. By then it was completely dark, so I didn’t try to stop him when he leaned over the console and released my aching dick from my jeans.

  “You play lookout,” Dare said before he took my stiff cock all the way to the back of his throat. I tried to keep an eye on our surroundings, but it was impossible to look away from his beautiful face pleasuring me in the thin shaft of moonlight coming through the windshield. As my orgasm built, my head felt too heavy for my shoulders. I let it fall back against the headrest and closed my eyes, not worrying if anyone watched Dare suck my dick right then.

  “So good, Dare,” I grunted as he continued to work me to the edge and back me off. Just as I was about to shoot in his mouth, he pulled off and sat up.

  “I think we’re ready for the hotel room now,” he said, wiping the saliva from his lips.

  “I think you need to finish what you started.” I gestured to my wet, throbbing dick that he hadn’t bothered to even tuck away. Of course, if he touched it right then, I might shoot my load. Dare smiled evilly because he knew it too.

  “I will back in our room. I have big plans for you.” He reached over to tease my cock by sliding one finger along its rigid length. “Big plans.” Dare pulled my briefs over my erection and zipped my jeans back up. “Take me back to our room, Wren. I dare you.”

  Traffic was a bitch crossing the bridge and getting back to our hotel. Once in the parking garage, Dare leaned into me with a teasing open-mouth kiss that was so hot that I nearly burst into flames. He tugged my bottom lip with his teeth then licked it to make it better. Dare flitted the tip of his tongue inside my mouth to tease mine then darted back out.

  I vibrated with a need so strong that it bordered on violence. I pulled back from him and opened the door, leaving Dare to choose between staying or going. I needed the chilly air in the parking garage to cool me down. I heard the passenger door open and shut followed by Dare’s footsteps as he followed behind me. His laughter echoed throughout the garage, and I vowed to get the last laugh that night.


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