Home > Other > LOVE QUAKES: BOXED SET (BOOKS 1-4) > Page 23

by J. S. Luxor

  "It wasn't my idea. Joanna made some good points about the fact that it seemed we were completely alone. She was wrong. However, the breeze felt good and her body looked amazing," I add while I chuckle at the memory. "I got carried away, Jim."

  "Well, Tristan, it's great to see you having so much fun. Joanna really brings out the playful side of your personality."

  "You have no idea! I hope these photos are the end of the matter. In fact, I'll be more than happy to add the shots to my collection. They're priceless."

  "However, you've come to see me about more than an invasion of your privacy, I suspect."

  "Jim, I'm in uncharted territory with the relationship. These feelings are all so new and my sense of vulnerability is being stoked."

  "Relationships always entail some level of risk. No risk, no reward. The question you need to weigh is whether you think Joanna is worth the risk."

  "From all that I can see, she's certainly worth it, Jim. However, the person who sent the pics also sent me a warning about Carmen, Joanna's mother, and her motives."

  "Have you investigated Carmen?"

  "To some extent but she's quite different from Joanna. Carmen's all about impulses and cheap thrills. Joanna's about depth and thoughtful, careful actions."

  "So, your question is?"

  "Whether Carmen can twist Joanna's feelings about me."

  "Does Joanna seem particularly close to Carmen?"

  "No, not really. In fact, she appears disdainful at times. She thinks her mother doesn't care enough about her. She seems to think that her mother is selfish. Joanna says she more the parent and Carmen, the child."

  "What's your gut instinct, Tristan?"

  "That I'm safe with Joanna. I think she’s falling in love with me."

  "I would trust that instinct," he urges me with feeling.

  "In truth, Wong, I'm in love with her," I blurt out suddenly. "I just don't want to think that I'm being shaken down by an outside force."

  "Tristan, I'm not at all surprised to hear your admission. Someone with your resources needs to be careful. Have you discussed these feelings with Joanna?"

  "I've said the words 'I love you' to Joanna a couple of times already. Typically, I huff them out when I’m in the throes of passion but I’ve told her that at other times as well."

  "That sounds more than appropriate. Well, what's Joanna's response?"

  "She hasn't admitted that she loves me, yet."

  "Joanna's got baggage but so have you Tristan. Maybe you're more ready for a committed relationship than Joanna is at this point."

  "Should I give her more time?"

  "Why don't you explore the issues with her? Only she knows the answer to your question. My instinct is that Joanna has no intention of manipulating you. She's truly smitten by you."

  I nod my head as a sense of relief floods my body. Wong's instincts are never wrong. "I'm going to speak with her tonight about making our relationship exclusive, Jim. However, I don't want to frighten her."

  "How long have you known Joanna?"

  "A little more than five weeks," I admit with some hesitation. "Am I rushing it?"

  "That's for the two of you to decide," he advises. "But, it looks as if it's time for you to eat. Give my regards to Joanna." At that, he rises and sees me to his door.

  I pick Joanna up from my condo at 6:30pm. She looks excited and pleased to see me. I give her a quick kiss and then drive to a nearby intimate Italian restaurant.

  Once we're seated and our wine's been ordered, I take out my phone and share the texts and photos with her. She's turning crimson as she flips through the pictures.

  "I'm so sorry that I convinced you to take a chance with our privacy," she apologizes. "I guess I'm a poor judge of safety and I've lost my credibility with you."

  "When you're as visible as I am, there are all sorts of crazies out there looking for a quick payday. You're just not accustomed to all the attention, Joanna."

  "I love the pics of you and me, though," she gushes and points to my favorite.

  "Me too," I admit with a smirk. "I should have paid someone to take the shots of me tasting you. Now I'll be paying this nut but I'll have the photos forever." Joanna giggles and that sends a quiver through my member.

  "What really disturbs me is what this 'crazy' said about Carmen," she admits. "Are you sure that Kristen didn't send these pics? That's her way of communicating, to date."

  "The language isn’t what Kristen would use. My gut tells me that the C&D letter has put Kristen on ice for now. Further, how would Kristen know anything about Carmen?"

  "That's a good point, Tristan. Let's see. Who would know about Carmen, has expensive photographic equipment, and also knows about us?"

  I look directly into Joanna’s eyes as I make the connection. "Juan," I suggest as we both look at one another in horror.

  "No, he would never do such a thing. I've known him for years, Tristan. He's such a great guy and our dads are best friends."

  "Remember how ardent Juan was with you, after your move to San Diego?"

  "Tristan, that's true but he accepted the fact that I didn't care for him as anything other than a friend, eventually."

  "Are you sure, Joanna?"

  "Well, sort of," she admits at last. "I haven't really kept in touch with him for the last month or so."

  "He's never had any major competition. He may be holding a major grudge against you by now. I'll get Hawk on his case, immediately."

  "Look, his Summer Solstice party is coming up in a few days. He often asks a faculty member to talk about the importance of the solstice from a historical point of view. Then, he shows pictures of various solstice suns. Perhaps we should both attend and pay him a visit," Joanna suggests.

  "We'll more than pay him a visit," I assure her. "We'll surprise him."

  "I've already promised Juan that I'd attend his party on Thursday."

  "What Juan won't expect, is me. Don't give him any advance warning."

  "Alright," she agrees with some discomfort. "But, I feel like such a traitor. He's always been there for me."

  "Believe me, Joanna, there's nothing worse than a young man who's been scorned in love. In the meantime, I'll have Hawk check into his recent whereabouts. If he's been to San Diego on Sunday, he's a dead man."

  "I've just lost my appetite, Tristan. To think that Juan was taking pictures of us making out and me running around topless on your yacht. It makes me cringe with embarrassment."

  "At least there's no doubt in his mind that we're a couple. However, since I want to talk with you about something after you eat, let's change the subject. How about some more wine?"

  "Alright. Thank you. Can I see those pictures again?"

  "Later. For now, baby, I just want to talk about us."

  She immediately calms when I refocus the conversation. "Well, what about us?"

  "Joanna, I'd like you to be with me, exclusively," I start and look into her eyes for a reaction.

  Her blue orbs soften with affection and a strong emotion. Could it be love? "I don't think there's any doubt that we are exclusive, Tristan."

  "Good. That's what I need to hear, again and again."

  Joanna sighs. "Have I given you any reason to think there's someone else?"

  "Well, the videos of you and Michael from NYC had me in a bit of a tailspin."

  "Yeah, I noticed, but remember that I gave you my virginity that night," she oozes and squeezes my hand in reassurance. "If that doesn't convince you, I can’t imagine what else would."

  "I know I'm more than over the top when it comes to you, Joanna. But, I want some outward symbol of our commitment."

  "OK, would you like me to wear some sort of jewelry? Maybe a bracelet?"

  "How about a ring?" I venture but the look in her eyes tells me it's too soon.

  "Maybe an Irish friendship ring would be nice," she suggests to dial things back.

  "You're not ready for something more?" I tease with a sexy smile.

"Tristan, we're not ready for something more at this point."

  "How do you know that?" I test her.

  "For one thing, you've never told me about your abduction and torture as a child, yet."

  "And, if I did tell you more details about it that would mean what?"

  "Trust. That you really trusted me, Tristan. You aren't ready yet to take that step. You always need so much reassurance even when we make love."

  "Sorry, Joanna. I just don’t want to upset you."

  "Maybe we should talk about that before anything else gets discussed."

  "Alright. Perhaps we can start on that tonight," I offer and feel quite bold. However, my anxiety level has just registered on the Richter scale.

  "You're on, Grant."

  Chapter Seven – Nightmares

  Tristan’s POV

  We have a great time tasting each other’s pasta dishes at the Italian restaurant. Joanna’s decided on a delicious spinach ravioli while I’ve opted for a seafood risotto. Of course, the cabernet from Tuscany puts us both in a mellow mood. I’ve got Joanna wrapped in my arms as we bid the owner farewell.

  Then, it’s on to my condo. Tonight’s going to entail a litmus test for our relationship. I’m testing to see how much of my past I can share with Joanna. Her reactions to my childhood traumas should be telling. Before that event unfolds, however, I need to be reassured about our love.

  One sure method of easing my anxiety happens during our sexual encounters. Joanna’s responsiveness during our sexual hookups signal that she wants me and that she cares about me on a primal level. In my view, that’s essential to our relationship. From the moment I first touched Joanna, I felt an electric spark that entailed powerful sexual and chemical bonds unlike anything I’ve ever encountered before. It’s far beyond sexual chemistry and speaks to something akin to connecting with a soul mate. I want Joanna to be my soul mate, forever.

  As we climb into the elevator and head for the penthouse, the tension mounts between us. Before the doors of the lift close, I’m giving Joanna a French kiss that’s filled with heat. She’s lost in the moment as her arms encircle my head and neck in a powerful hold. The sounds coming from her throat indicate that I’ve sparked her sexual desire. I’ve got Joanna’s torso wrapped in my arms and I’m breathing heavily as our kiss deepens. We stumble out of the elevator and encounter Bailey’s knowing smirk. We both nod to him briefly as I guide our entwined bodies toward my bedroom.

  She pulls gently on my tie and then helps me undo that as well as my jacket. Before one minute has elapsed, my belt has been removed and all my shirt buttons are undone. I’m stroking Joanna’s body while my dress shirt hangs open and my pants get tighter. She inches me toward her chest by tugging on the waist of my pants. We’re both standing up and stroking the other’s arms and face while also exchanging a heated kiss. My arms have found their way around her back while hers wrap around my chest.

  “Let me take off your dress and see you in your underwear,” I suggest in between our tongue exchanges.

  She moves back a bit to enable me. I peel her pastel colored shift off slowly and marvel as her curves emerge from beneath the material. I toss her dress on the closest chair, near her purse and jacket. I don’t even remember removing those items. She steps out of her shoes while I push off my leather Brunei loafers. I stand back to admire the way Joanna looks in her matching designer bra and thong. She’s pulling off my shirt while I look her up and down with eagerness.

  “Lay down on the bed,” I command as I take off my pants and slip off my socks. Now we’re both dressed in underwear only. She moves to the middle of my mattress and slides backward as I hover over her.

  “You look wonderful in your underclothing. I’m glad we ordered several pairs of this design. It really emphasizes your slim waist and full breasts,” I huff while licking my lips.

  “I can’t wait to remove your tight boxers and undershirt,” she whispers seductively.

  “Let’s leave my underwear in place for now and concentrate on yours.”

  She moans in response. I’ve got Joanna pinned beneath me while I begin to kiss every part of her. I start with her head and neck then work my way down to her chest. Before either of us know it, she’s out of her bra. My mouth finds its way to each of her nipples. I get stuck there for a while. She’s writhing beneath me as I suck and twist away. Her arms are now gripping my biceps with desire. Then I move further south to her navel. My tongue finds its way into her belly button while my fingers slowly move her thong down and off her rear. She helps me push it all the way off.

  Joanna’s now completely nude while my hands and mouth work their magic on her clitoris.

  “Tristan, this is wonderful,” she gushes while I bury my tongue and mouth into her folds. She smells and tastes like the most exquisite perfume. Every nerve in my body is engaged in the task of stimulating my Joanna. She’s mumbling something incoherent as I make my way up and down her legs and thighs with nips and kisses.

  “Are you ready for me, angel?” I ask.

  “Please Tristan. I need to feel connected to you,” she begs while pushing my boxers off my ass.

  I position myself carefully at her entrance and then thrust with gusto into her very wet and warm opening. She greedily pulls me in with a clench. Once our connection is made, we’re very energetic. We rock back and forth rapidly in our coupling and its feels amazing. Joanna’s huffing and moaning as I push and pull myself up and down, in and out.

  “Joanna. I love you,” I whisper with awe as I pump away on her. She lifts her hips effectively to meet each of my thrusts.

  “Oh, baby, don’t slow down,” she urges me in a hurried whisper. “You’re doing a great job.”

  “Thanks!’ I chuckle as I realize that Joanna doesn’t have any basis for comparison. She’s the best sex partner I’ve ever had because of her enthusiasm and energy. I’m lost to desire as we both climax at the same time and fall back on the mattress in a breathless orgasmic release.

  “That was fantastic, baby!” I announce as I withdraw from our coupling. I kiss her face and hair with passion as I roll to my side. Then I pull my lovely girl to my chest. She rests her head on my torso. Her arms slink around my waist.

  “Do you want to go again, my love?” I ask while petting her face.

  “How about after I’ve had a chance to see and maybe hear about your kidnapping?” she suggests softly.

  “Just give me a minute or two.” I need to pass this test, to prove that I trust Joanna.

  “OK, Tristan,” she agrees while kissing my face and head with adoration.

  “Our sex life is magic,” I tell her honestly. “You wouldn’t know, but I do. You are amazing.”

  “Oh, Tristan. I’m so happy that I please you. And, you’ve had so much experience over the years. If I’m as good as you say, then it’s due to your training, baby. All I know is that I love having sex with you.”

  “Ditto and don’t forget about how much your enthusiasm, energy and desire adds to my experience,” I add to round out the equation.

  Then, Joanna looks at me with innocence. “I’m waiting to hear your story, Tristan. Tell me what you feel comfortable with, for a start.”

  “At the age of four, a deranged sex offender took me from a playground near my preschool. He kept me against my will for nearly one year. During that year, he beat me with a belt and tortured me when I didn’t obey his every command. He did things to me, sexual things, that no preschooler should ever have to endure.”

  “Where were you kept?”

  “In a trailer next to his house, at first. Later on, he moved me inside his rat trap of a house.”

  “Was anyone else around?”

  “He had an older woman who helped him. Sometimes she fed me.”

  “Did she sexually abuse you as well?”

  “No, but she didn’t protect me either.”

  “How did it end?”

  “His probation officer finally noticed some children’s clothing in the
home and scoped it out. I got liberated and he went to prison.”

  “Your parents went through hell during that year, I’ll bet.”

  “All of us went through hell and back that year. It took years of therapy before I could trust adults again. In high school, I sought out the physical. That’s why Kristen Powers appealed to me. My parents thought it was great that I had a girlfriend. If they only knew how abusive our relationship happened to be.”


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