Dirty Little Secret: New Adult Rock Star Romance (Not Exactly A Stepbrother Romance Book 1)

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Dirty Little Secret: New Adult Rock Star Romance (Not Exactly A Stepbrother Romance Book 1) Page 4

by Kristen Strassel

  “Look at me,” he said, just before he slammed all the way back in. “I want to watch you while I fuck you.” His green eyes glowed with pure, forbidden lust. There was nowhere to look but at him. I’d let him inside me. Our never-ending tangle finally crossed the line. We deserved each other.

  Nothing so absolutely forbidden should feel like this. Long, deep strokes took my breath away. His balls slapped against me, and tiny explosions detonated in my brain. I clamped down on his shaft to slow him down. I didn’t want this to end. I wanted to stay suspended, forever floating above the bubbling lava in the purgatory we’d brought ourselves to. If I came, it would be over, and I didn’t want to deal with the aftermath of what we’d done. There would be pieces to pick up, and we’d never put them back together the same way.

  I wrapped my legs around Bret’s hips and sent him crashing down on my body, clawing at his skin. I was probably tearing the shit out of his tats, but I didn’t care. I needed to leave my mark on him. Like a souvenir. I’d smile when I saw it later. Gemma was here, bitches. It was the only proof I could ever have of this union. A sound best described as purely hedonistic vibrated low in his throat, rolling through his whole body like thunder, as he came. When he pulled out of me, I grabbed his shaft, tore the condom off, and drank down every drop of his hot, salty release.

  We lay there, panting, spent, and speechless. What was there to say after that? I smoothed out my dress and tied the straps in a tight bow behind my neck, erasing all evidence of our encounter. Bret got dressed. Dark spots pooled against the back of his shirt. I’d drawn blood when I scratched him.

  I propped myself up on one elbow. “Is that how you fuck your groupies?”

  “Yeah.” He furrowed his brow, confused, and zipped his shorts. “You know that.”

  There was no use trying to contain my smile. “So that’s all you’ve got?”

  Bret leaned forward, his mouth open. “Are you trash talking me?”

  Really, that was what shocked him about tonight?

  “Yeah. I am.”

  He put one finger on my breast and rubbed it hard over my nipple through the thin fabric. “I went easy on you because you can’t fucking handle me at my best.”

  I burst out laughing, rolling away from him even though I knew what those fingers could do to my nipples. “Whatever.”

  “What are your limits, Gemma?”

  He wasn’t kidding. I shrugged and straightened up. It was less dangerous this way. “Before tonight, I would’ve said fucking my stepbrother, but there goes that theory. Anything else, you couldn’t hit on your best day.”

  “If you were really my sister, this would be vile. But you’re not, and it’s perfect.” He sat beside me, grinning wickedly. “That’s how we’re going to settle this. Whoever gives in first loses. Winner takes five mil.”

  I couldn’t be hearing him right. “This is going to be a thing now?” I asked. Bret nodded. I curled a lock of his hair around my finger and tugged. “Tell me how I’m taking your money.”

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard I’ll ruin you for every man that comes after me. You won’t be able to move without thinking of me. Every muscle you have will remind you how I pushed your body to the absolute limit. Your throat will be raw from screaming my name.” He paused, probably expecting me to swoon or some dumb shit like that. Inside, I was breaking into a thousand little pieces, but I’d die before I let him know. I rolled my eyes, and he went on. “I have absolutely no limits, Gemma. Unless it’s barnyard animals. So unless you’re willing to suck off a goat and let me put the footage on Tumblr, you’re never going to see a dime of that money.”

  He had me there, but I wasn’t giving in. “I’m going to break you, Bret Starling. You’ll come crawling to me, begging for more. That’s what I’m going to post on Tumblr. None one of your fangirls on the back of the bus can hold a candle to what I’m going to do to this pretty body.”

  “You think I’m pretty?” Bret’s lips hovered over mine. “You’re either going to break me or make me fall in love with you.”

  Oh, hell no. “I just threw up in my mouth.”

  “Your gag reflex better be stronger than that.” He laughed.

  “And there’s my hard limit,” I said. “Yours is barnyard animals. Mine is falling in love with you. Make a note of it.”

  “Game. Fucking. On.”

  Chapter Five

  I pulled one of Dad’s perfectly pressed shirts from the dry cleaning hanger. “Can’t we just keep it?” In case he comes back, I wanted to add. A part of me still expected it to be some big misunderstanding. He’d gone away for business, and his flight got delayed. He was out on his boat. Anything but the truth.

  Mom and I packed his belongings into boxes, and Bret loaded them into the SUV to bring everything to a donation center. Dad had taken meticulous care of everything he had. His shoes were polished, his cufflinks and tie tacks in perfect order. “It’s a shame to throw it all away,” I said.

  “We’re not throwing it away. We’re giving it to people who need it. It can sit here and collect dust, or we can do some good with it.” Mom looked older since I came home from New York. I hadn’t seen her smile very much lately. If she did, it never met her eyes.

  “It’s not fair to anyone to leave it here, Gem,” Bret added, as he came in for another load of boxes. “Have you made any decisions about the house, Ellen?”

  “Wait a minute. You’re selling the house?” I never even considered that could be a possibility. And why did she talk about it with Bret and not me?

  “I don’t know.” Mom sighed. She sat in the empty space on the bed Bret just cleared. “It’s a lot. And when you two leave after the summer’s over, it’s going to be all on me.”

  “What about the boat?” I asked. Dad was so proud of that thing, and he never got to take it out.

  “We’ll keep it for the summer,” Mom said, going back to work. “See if we use it. If not, I’ll sell it.”

  “I definitely want to take the boat out.” It was the closest thing to spending time with him.

  Bret leaned too close and whispered in my ear, “Stop acting like a selfish brat.” He picked up his boxes and left.

  “They’re legit questions,” I called after him. He ignored me, and I gave his back the finger.

  “Gemma.” Mom turned around and glared at me. “I’m tired of the two of you being at each other’s throats.”

  “Talk to Bret about it.” I sulked as I pulled another shirt off a hanger. “He started it. I’m scared. All right? Everything’s changing, and I want to hang on to some piece of Dad. If that makes me a selfish brat, so be it. I miss him.”

  “I do too, honey.” Mom pulled me into a hug. “But it is a lot. I’m overwhelmed. Even though he made sure to take very good care of us, I need to think with my head and not my heart.” We both managed to avoid crying.

  “I know.” It didn’t make me feel any better. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. This isn’t an easy time for any of us. We’re all going to have our moments.” Mom chuckled as she pulled away from me, her gaze lingering on my pajamas. “You should probably go put some clothes on.”

  What? “These are clothes. What’s wrong with them?” I pulled another shirt off its hanger.

  “It’s just”—her expression said I wouldn’t like this—“with Bret here…”

  Did she know? Bret and I had exchanged some smoldering looks during this little project. A hand might have brushed against a tit or a cock while passing off boxes, totally by accident of course, but I thought we were being pretty cool about the whole thing. Tonight was our first… whatever it was called. Date. Appointment. Showdown. Fuck off. The tension was ratcheted up to an all-time high.

  “If he has an issue with what I’m wearing, you need to talk to him about that.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “He’s my stepbrother. That’s disgusting.”


  “I’m going to go easy on you,” Bret said, as I sat on the edge of his bed. H
e was hosting the first in our series of summer sexcapades. “Break you in slow for the first time.”

  I should’ve talked myself out of this by now, but I needed to feel something tonight, after the numbness of giving Dad’s stuff away.

  That was my excuse this time.

  I wouldn’t wish my stepbrother on my worst enemy, yet here I was, in his disaster of a boyhood bedroom. He hadn’t changed it since high school, all the dusty posters of metal bands still on the walls. A layer of grime settled on my skin as soon as I came in. Butterflies danced in my stomach, excitement mixed with shame. Bret would feed off those emotions like a vampire. I’d been an unwilling student of his game for years, and I had a strategy to beat him. I lay back, my top riding up. I left my pajamas on all day. Mom was pissed, but I refused to be made uncomfortable in my own home.

  “You said that last time, too,” I said. “The real reason you keep lobbing these softballs at me is that you don’t have anything else. You’re just praying you stumble upon something I can’t deal with.”

  Bret’s gaze followed my hand down my bare stomach. He smirked. “It wouldn’t be any fun if I won so early into the competition. I’m working you up slowly, so when I hit the shit you can’t handle—and I will—it won’t seem so bad. Then I can push you even harder.” He crawled over to me and pushed my shirt all the way up, exposing my breasts. He locked his gaze with mine and rubbed a nipple between his fingers like an afterthought.

  The pull brought my whole body to attention, but I lay there heavy-lidded like he might put me to sleep. Do not show emotion.

  “You won’t be able to look at yourself in the mirror after I’m done with you,” he said.

  “Promises, promises.” I turned over on my stomach. He’d have plenty of time to play with me later. I’d make him work for it. “What’s on the menu for tonight, boss?”

  Bret grabbed his laptop. “See, I’ve got you calling me boss already. It’s just a matter of time—“

  “It’s called sarcasm.” I rolled my eyes. “Whatever it is, hurry up. Today was a bitch, and I’m pretty sure whatever’s happening in the book I’m reading is better than this.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “What are you reading?”

  I didn’t come in here to start a book club. “Some filthy thing, with a CEO who dominates his secretary and brings scandal to his whole company. I’ll let you borrow it when I’m done. You clearly need the pointers.”

  “You like to watch, don’t you?”

  Yeah, I supposed I did. I nodded.

  “Good. This will be perfect.” Bret turned the computer toward me. His Tumblr page blazed the screen in all its pornographic glory. “Pick your favorite video.”

  “We’re going to watch videos?” I had no idea where he was going with this. His plan couldn’t be this lame.

  “No. We’re going to reenact your favorite one, so choose wisely.”

  Okay, that was hot. But he still let me off easy, giving me a choice. Maybe he was trying to figure out what I was into. The bend-but-don’t-break strategy was pretty close to what I came up with for my nights to host this debacle. Bret put one hand on either side of me. His lips moved in my hair. “If you pick one with two girls, I can get someone here. No problem.”

  I looked back at him. “What if I pick one with another guy?”

  “Whatever you want.” He shrugged.

  Calling his bluff on this no limits thing was tempting. This was the second time I’d brought up another guy, and he didn’t so much as bat an eyelash. Another time. Even though I was curious, I wanted to keep this twisted shit between us. “This is fucked up enough without getting another person involved.”

  I’d watched all the videos before, but now I saw them in a totally different light. I’d gotten off to them and fantasized about this but never expected to act on it. My heart thumped in my chest like a firefly trying to get out of a jar. I scrolled through, stopping to watch my favorites. Bret still hovered over me, his breath hot against my cheek.

  “That one was hot.” I pointed at the screen.

  “That girl?” He chuckled. “Yeah, she was a freak. I’ll totally do that to you.”

  “How does it work?” I turned, his body inches over mine. “With these girls?”

  He chewed on his lip. “I meet them at shows or at parties, we hit it off, and what happens, happens. Same way I’ve always met people. Isn’t that how you do it?” His hair fell in my face. I’d never been much into long hair, but there was something sexy about it. So many possibilities.

  “Yeah. I just don’t fuck them right away.” Most of the time I waited, but he didn’t need any ammunition in our little war. “So that’s it? You just hook up and never see them again?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve kept in touch with a few of them. And contrary to popular belief, I don’t fuck every girl I meet. Only the ones that turn me on.” His gaze was like the sunrise hitting a lush meadow. A stolen moment that took my breath away. “Some of them are cool, and we hang out.”

  “Do they know about the videos?” I would never let him film us, but the thought of it had me wet already. I squirmed underneath him, but stopped. I couldn’t make it this easy.

  “Everyone knows about the videos.” Bret chuckled. “No one gets filmed without their consent. Now the girls ask for it. I don’t have to do anything.”

  “Why do you do it?” I asked.

  He wrinkled his nose in confusion.

  “Film the girls?” I said.

  “Because I can.”

  “Spoiled brat.” I threw his words from earlier today back at him, lifting my face so we almost touched.

  Bret didn’t move away, but he didn’t kiss me, either. We locked gazes, the moment more intense than a kiss. A kiss would’ve been a concession. A gateway to something truly forbidden. Something we could never do. Those kind of feelings were my hard limit.

  “What’s your fantasy?” Bret’s voice was raspy. “What have you always wanted to do but would never dare ask for?”

  It was a trap. He already got me out of my comfort zone by having me pick the video, and now he wanted to take advantage of my exposed, frazzled nerves. My heart pounded even harder at the question, because I was actually going to tell him.

  Anything you say can and will be used against you.

  Stop thinking, Gemma.

  “I want to be watched.” I whispered the words, on the off-chance he didn’t hear me. But he did, coming closer, paying attention to me like I was the only person in the world.

  “I think that’s why I can’t tear myself away from those videos,” I said. “Because that’s my fantasy. To have everyone watch me fuck and be completely captivated with me.”

  “I know some people who are hiring.” He smirked. “You could be famous, too.”

  I knew he’d ruin it. “Asshole.”

  “You suggested I get paid for it first.” He wiggled his eyebrows, and it took everything in my power to resist slapping him. “It’s a two way street. You want to play dirty, you better be able to take what I dish out.”

  “Fine. We can both be porn stars.” I set my jaw in a hard line. “So what about you? What’s the thing you want that you haven’t done yet?” Since he claimed to have no limits, this should be good.

  “I’m not telling you that.”

  He had my blood at a violent boil. “You just asked—“

  “Doesn’t mean I’m willing to share.”

  I knew it. And still I fell for it. “Cheater.”

  “I’ve earned everything I have, Gemma.” He growled. “I’m not afraid of hard work.”

  I broke out in a sweat from the heat rolling off his body. “Neither am I.”

  “Good. Take your clothes off, and let’s do this.” Bret rolled back on his knees and hooked his shirt over his head.

  I didn’t move. “No. You do it.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Since you’re so into working for everything.”

  “Fine.” He stripped out of his shorts first, his cock alread
y rock hard. “I’ve been thinking about getting you out of this all day long.” He yanked on the collar of my shirt. The fabric ripped away easily.

  Shit. “Mom spoke to me about my outfit.” I lifted my hips and let him pull away my boxer shorts. “She thought it was too scandalous to wear in front of my poor, innocent stepbrother.”

  “Really?” His face fell. “I thought I was being discreet.” He brushed his thumb over one of my nipples.

  I laughed. “You never are. Your eyes practically have lasers shooting out of them that point straight at my boobs. You look like a cartoon character.” And it made my nipples rock hard, like they were right now, every time I caught him.

  He laughed at my googly-eyed impression of him staring at my tits.

  “What if we get caught, Bret?”

  “We’re smarter than that.” He didn’t look convinced. “And if she catches on, we deny everything.”

  It stung, but it was the only way. This shouldn’t even be what it was, and it could never be more, unless we were looking to get famous on the freak talk show circuit.

  Bret hung over the side of the bed, and I couldn’t resist slapping his ass. He shot me a wicked smile over his shoulder, so I did it again. His skin turned pink under the tattoos that trailed halfway down his cheeks. I could swear he sighed. When he sat up, he had a vibrator in his hand.

  “Why do you even have that?” I asked. “Should I be worried about where that thing’s been?”

  “Lie down and don’t touch me.” That sexy tone back. He was such an intriguing mix. Commanding, yet he liked pain.

  I wondered what he’d be like when it was my turn to call the shots. If he’d completely surrender to what I wanted or if he’d challenge me. I lay back, curious to see where he was going to take this.

  “It’s fun to try new things, isn’t it?” His words tickled my ear. He turned on the vibrator and brought it to my nipple. I moaned, and his hair moved against my neck as he nodded. “I was hoping you’d choose that video, because I love making you come just by touching your tits.”

  “That was a fluke.” My words were strained, as he trapped my nipple between his fingers and pressed the vibrator against it. The pulsation rollicked through my body. I gripped handfuls of sheets. I wasn’t going to come. Nope, not going to happen.


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