Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5)

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Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5) Page 3

by Samantha Britt

  Des’ eyes sharpened. He knew exactly what his brother meant. “Indeed.” He looked at Darcie. “I’m sorry. Looks like I need to spar with Lome and Thane more often.” He smiled charmingly, doing his part to convince her everything was alright.

  Darcie pursed her lips. For a second, Thane thought she was going to call them out on their lie.

  Instead, she rose from her seat and nodded. “My mom is expecting me to call her at five.”

  “Of course,” Des continued to smile. “Please tell her and your father that I say hello.”

  Darcie nodded again. She eyed both males curiously before rounding the table and exiting through the doors. It wasn’t until the sound of her light footsteps disappeared that Des dropped the façade.

  The male fell against the back of his chair, running a tired hand down his face. “How bad was it?”

  Thane didn’t hold back. “The worst one yet.”


  “You need to tell her.”

  “No.” Des shook his head. “Absolutely not. It would only burden her.”

  “So will endangering innocents,” Thane countered, “which is exactly what you are doing.”

  “I’ve got it under control.”

  “Sorry to break it to you, Des, but what I just saw was not control.”

  Des didn’t argue. He let his head roll back until he stared at the ceiling, lost in his own thoughts. Finally, he said in a low voice, “I don’t want to pressure her.”

  For centuries, Des had intentionally stayed away from his One. He’d believed he only caused trouble for the young women unfortunate enough to possess the other half of his soul. It went against Des’ old habits to be around Darcie and allow himself to feel for her, let alone reveal the struggles their proximity caused him. That would be a tough subject to bring up considering the only viable solution might be asking Darcie to do something she wasn’t ready for.

  Thane understood why his brother hesitated to tell Darcie the truth, but that didn’t mean it didn’t need to be done. “She is going to find out one way or another.”

  Des lifted his head and met his brother’s gaze. A host of emotions swirled in the male’s green eyes—the most prominent being panic. “I know.”

  Thane thought about continuing, but after one long sigh, he decided to let the topic drop. Des needed time to come back from his episode and choose how to proceed on his own. He didn’t need Thane telling him what to do; he already knew what to do.

  “Come.” Thane clasped a hand on Des’ shoulder. “Let’s go clear the air with the rest of The Council. I am certain everyone is waiting to see if you turned me to stone.”

  Des’ responding laugh was half-hearted at best as the two immortals ventured out of the room. They quickly agreed on the story they’d share with their fellow immortals—the same lie they told Darcie.

  No one questioned the excuse. Everyone knew of Des’ impressive power. It was far greater than any of the other Originals. They were not surprised to hear that there were consequences for Des not using them.

  Thane was relieved by their easy acceptance. But when he returned to his private balcony and stared off at the horizon, he couldn’t help but wonder if his days would ever not be filled with dangerous or deceptive situations.

  Almost immediately, he scoffed at the naïve thought. Thane’s existence would never be normal or happy again.

  It wouldn’t be possible…

  Not without Bella.


  “Are you going to tell me what happened last night?”

  Thane cringed behind his book. He’d successfully avoided Darcie since the previous evening’s meeting. She may have left the scene without questioning Des’ odd and unnerving behavior, but Thane knew she would come for an explanation eventually. He’d just hoped he would not be the one forced to give it.

  Aiming to appear relaxed, Thane lowered the tome to his lap. Darcie stood at the entry of his study, arms crossed.


  “Don’t give me that,” she returned, entering the room. “What happened to Des?”

  “Why not ask Des?” It was his story to tell.

  “Because he’s lying to me.”

  Thane laced his fingers and rested his hands against his abdomen. “What makes you believe he is lying?”

  “He spent months lying to me,” she said without hesitation, “and I know when he is doing it now.” Darcie referenced the long and arduous months when Des had denied his feelings for her. Not only had Des managed to conceal the depths of his connection to Darcie, but he was able to hide it from everyone else too. Thane still didn’t know he did it.

  The guy was strong.

  And stubborn.

  “For real, Thane. Just tell me. What the heck happened?”

  Thane shifted. He was uncomfortable lying to Darcie, but equally uncomfortable with discussing his brother’s business. “Des should be the one to tell you.”

  It turned out that was the wrong thing to say. Thane’s attempt to let his brother and his mate handle the issue on their own only confirmed for Darcie that something was going on.

  “I knew it.” She walked closer and sat down on the ottoman beside Thane’s leather-backed chair. Her eyes shifted from frustrated to pleading. “I’m worried about him. Des is intentionally hiding something from me, and I know that means its serious.”

  Thane pressed his lips together, fighting the urge to lie and say nothing was wrong with his brother.

  Darcie’s shoulders rolled forward. She stared at the floor, looking defeated. “I only want to help him, Thane.”

  He sighed. He hated being caught in the middle. “I know.”

  The problem was, Des was a person who rarely accepted help from others. It was a major character flaw, and one that Thane and Lome spent many years trying to fix.

  “I’ll talk to Des,” he offered. Thane would not betray his brother by sharing his secret, but he could speak up and make sure Des told Darcie the truth.

  Her eyes shifted between his. She saw his sincerity and realized it was the best she could hope for. “Alright.” She bobbed her head. “Thank you.”

  When Darcie didn’t immediately stand to leave, Thane asked, “Is there something else you wish to discuss?”

  She looked back up and gave him a tentative smile. “How’d you know?”

  Thane returned the grin. His long existence made him good at reading people. “Lucky guess. What is it?”

  Darcie looked towards the entrance to make sure they were alone. “It’s about my training… with the Elder.”

  “What about it?”

  She breathed in through her nose. “He is coming to the mansion today for a training session. Before he leaves, he would like to meet with you.”

  “With me?” Thane hadn’t expected that. So far, the Elder only interacted with Darcie. She possessed great power and it captivated the mysterious being. He’d dedicated himself to helping her master her abilities.

  “I’ve told him about everyone’s fascination with Eirie,” she explained. “Charmian, in particular, is constantly trying to corner me and ask me about the Elder’s home realm.”

  “And that bothers you?”

  Darcie shrugged. “It makes me uneasy. I’m not sure what the Elder would want me to say and what to keep to myself. It would be easier if he spoke with a member of The Council about any questions council members have. That way, he can answer them himself.”

  “Are his people really so secretive?”

  “They are… private.”

  Thane rubbed his chin. “Does Des know?” If anyone wanted to speak about the mystical land of Eirie, it would be his brother. After all, he had a vested interest regarding the safety and security of the location.

  “Not yet.”

  Thane released a breath. “I will not meet with the Elder without Des knowing.”

  Darcie grimaced. “He gets too upset when we talk about Eirie. He knows more about the land than everyone else, but no matter
what I say, he worries and overreacts. I don’t think a conversation between him and the Elder would be productive.”

  “But a conversation with me will?” Thane did not understand why he was the once chosen for the task.

  “You are the leader of The Council,” she pointed out. “The Elder understands immortals want information about Eirie, and you and the Elder can open up the lines of communication. It will help curb people’s curiosity while also maintaining discretion for the Elder’s people.”

  The reasons made sense, but Thane still refused to engage in the discussion without his brother’s awareness. “I will meet with the Elder, but only if you and Des join me.”

  Darcie readied herself to object, but Thane forced her to reconsider when he said, “You already admit Des knows many things about Eirie. I will act as a sort of emissary between our two worlds, but I insist you and my brother join me. I will not go behind his back and meet in secret.”

  She rubbed her eyes. They were dry from lack of blinking. “Fine. I’ll mention the compromise after my training with the Elder. If he agrees, will sunset be a good time to meet?”

  “That would work,” Thane confirmed. “On the back terrace?” They would be given adequate privacy outdoors at that hour.

  Darcie pushed off the ottoman. “Okay. But if this blows up in our faces because Des can’t control himself, I’m blaming you.”

  Thane forced himself to laugh off her joking threat, but inside, her words forced the memory of the previous evening to resurface. Darcie had no idea just how little control Des possessed at the moment, or how their relationship was responsible.

  Creator, please let my brother fix this problem. And soon.


  Eirie was unlike anything Thane had ever seen. He, Darcie, and the Elder appeared outside the lustrous city, greeted by a panorama of sleek architecture and a spectrum of colors bouncing off shiny surfaces.

  The Original Immortal had done what Darcie asked and met with the Elder. He and the cloaked male discussed the mysterious Fae realm and addressed The Council’s interest in knowing more about Eirie. Darcie and Des stood off to the side, listening.

  During their talk, Thane voiced several questions he had heard different individuals express. Questions like: how does someone travel to Eirie? Is the land similar to Earth with its seasons and climate? Are there established civilizations?

  The Elder’s responses were both informative and vague. He stated some areas of the realm experienced certain seasonal weather comparable to Earth, while others observed the opposite season. He explained the realm consisted of two major kingdoms, Summer Court and Winter Court. The Elder revealed each court had their own leadership, a royal family, and they were among the most powerful beings in the realm, second only to the Wise One’s who resided in Eirie.

  As for how one traveled to Eirie, only someone from the realm could do so. Unless they were gifted the ability—like Darcie had been.

  The meeting proceeded in such a manner: Thane would ask a question, and the Elder would provide answers that were sometimes vague and other times descriptive. Overall, the discussion was productive and informative. But it wasn’t until the very end that the Elder offered Thane a chance to visit Eirie the next time Darcie went there to train. That was when Des abandoned his quiet observation.

  Thane couldn’t blame him. Des had been requesting to visit Eirie for months. He wanted to examine the place his soulmate visited so frequently and assess its security, but the Elder always denied him. When Des heard Thane was being offered the opportunity, he couldn’t hide his frustration.

  To the Elder’s credit, he did not balk at the immortal’s substantial anger. He simply stated that access to Eirie was not determined by him but by the council of Wise Ones who ruled over the city. The group had agreed to grant Darcie access for her magical training, and now they had decided to permit Thane access in order to facilitate the development of communication and trust between the two powerful groups of people.

  It was a logical explanation, but that did not prevent Des from complaining about the decision for the next two days. While Des went out of his way to hide his frustration from Darcie, Thane hadn’t been so lucky. He’d been subjected to his brother’s incessant demands regarding how he should assess the layout and safety measures of Eirie. Thane could not escape Des’ pushy and unrelenting commands until the moment he and Darcie latched onto the Elder’s dark brown robe and transported to the magnificent city.

  Thane trailed behind Darcie and the Elder, observing his surroundings. They walked through pristine streets lined with cobblestone. Long, cloth banners flapped against the buildings. They alternated between dark green fabric with a golden sun emblem and dark blue fabric featuring a crescent moon and stars. Thane deduced the different designs represented the two Courts the Elder had described. He’d learned Eirie was a neutral location in the strange realm. As such, both powerful regions held equal weight in the city.

  The streets were lined with shops and houses, sharing walls. The sight reminded Thane of Paris back when he first met Bella. His lips lifted as he remembered how she’d collided with him after chasing her younger brother through the marketplace. He could never forget the spark that ignited beneath his skin when he grasped her shoulders to help her balance.

  Bella had looked up at him with a horrified blush and fearful eyes, ready to apologize for running into him. But the moment the pair locked eyes, her fear morphed into awe. Thane knew she felt their connection, and his heart had threatened to beat itself right out of his chest. Bella’s brown hair had curled around her temples from the humidity, and her flawless complexion had glowed pink from exertion and embarrassment. He’d never seen such a lovely creature, and he never would again…


  Thane pulled himself away from the miserable path his mind threatened to travel. He loved Bella. He would always love Bella. No matter what she’d done.

  Bella made mistakes, but so had Thane. Bella lost her life in order to save Darcie, and Thane had been driven mad with grief and even went so far as to blame Darcie for his wife’s death.

  He’d been wrong, and the shame of his acts continued to haunt him during the night. But Thane could not allow himself to wallow in sorrow or guilt. There was too much work to be done.

  The past was the past.

  After avenging Bella by killing Adir, Thane had decided to continue living. It was a hard choice to make, but he knew Bella would have wanted him to continue on without her.

  Besides, despite all that had happened, Thane still considered himself lucky. Not only had he experienced the truest form of love and devotion, but he’d spent centuries with the love of his life. Sure, he’d expected to have more time, but it did not escape him that humans were only gifted decades to spend with those they loved. When he put everything into perspective, Thane knew he was blessed to have had as much time with his wife as he did.

  “We are going to The Citadel,” Darcie’s voice broke through his thoughts. “That is where I train.”

  Thane cleared his throat, thick from emotion. “Is it far?”

  “Not very,” the Elder’s voice traveled from under his dark hood.

  They continued walking. The quaint shops and homes gave way to buildings rising in height. They were made of a marble-resembling substance, though its composition was pure white, no blemishes of color were blended in the stone.

  A steel gate came into view, flanked by two muscular guards in black and grey uniforms. Thane marked their pointed ears, as well as the hands resting on the hilts of large broadswords.

  “Who requests entry into the Sanctuary of the Wise Ones, Sages of the Courts, and Seers of the Realms?”

  Thane forced himself to not react to the strange words and unfamiliar phrases.

  “Elder Niro accompanying the immortals Darcie and Thane.”

  To Thane’s surprise, the guards did not so much as blink at hearing immortals stood in their presence. Then again, he supposed Darcie must
have ventured through the gates numerous times. Perhaps they were used to seeing beings from another world visit their city.

  One of the guards stomped his foot and the steel gate swung open. Darcie hung back and let the Elder lead them into the walled citadel.

  Crossing the courtyard, they entered a building with a tall, rectangular tower. The halls ranged from narrow to broad as they moved through the structure. Several cloaked figures crossed their path. Their attire matched their escort’s except they sported medallions around their neck, distinguishing them as important.

  Some of the beings stopped what they were doing and observed the group from the recesses of their hood, but most continued on their way without sparing them a glance. If Thane had to guess, he’d say they were the Wise Ones.

  Finally, the Elder stopped in front of a tall wooden door. Lifting the metal ring, he pulled and gestured for Darcie and Thane to enter the room.

  Thane followed Darcie as she stepped inside and moved towards the center. A podium stood there, and a clear box encased a leather volume on the podium’s surface. The rest of the room was empty. No artwork decorated the walls, and there was no seating to be found. The entire room was dedicated to displaying the ancient book.

  Thane connected the dots. “The Veritas is kept here?” He’d assumed Darcie kept it with her.

  Darcie nodded and gazed down at the powerful spell book. “The Nightsbane clan requested the Elders secure it in Eirie. Since no one can travel here without permission, they figured it was the safest place.”

  Thane agreed. He’d seen the kind of power Darcie had been able to enact using the book. He didn’t want to imagine the evil someone could cause with its spells. It was best to keep it as far away from their world as possible.

  The Elder closed the door behind them and moved toward the podium.

  “Are we training today?” Darcie asked. She’d only expected a tour for Thane.

  “No, but someone wished to greet you, and this is the most private place in Eirie.”


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