Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5)

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Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5) Page 6

by Samantha Britt

  Tension thickened, and the frustration and anger pressed down on the males. Alexander looked ready to intervene when a loud bang sounded in the distance. Vibrations traveled across the mansion and rocked the antique vase positioned on a nearby end table.

  Before Thane could reprimand Des for his lack of control, the study door crashed inward.

  Lome stood in the doorway. His eyes were wild. “It’s Darcie.”


  Des reached Lome in two steps. He grabbed his shirt. “What do you mean? Where is she?”

  Lome pulled away from Des’ angry grip. “Darcie and Eshe are safe in her quarters, but Darcie had a vision. We are under attack.”

  Des didn’t hesitate. He blinked out of sight to find his One—to confirm for himself that she was unharmed.

  Alexander and Thane looked at Lome.

  “What happened?” Thane asked.

  “Eshe and I were training Darcie on her immortal abilities,” he huffed. “The vision overcame her for less than a minute. Then the explosion happened. Darcie saw it all. A clan of witches, the warlock’s kin, just discharged a spell on our perimeter. Our shields held it off, but they will continue to attack. They want the warlock.”

  Thane growled. “Meet me on the roof.” He pulled his power inward and disappeared. He knelt down the moment his feet touched the shingles on top of the mansion. Careful to remain out of sight, he used his enhanced vision to examine the defensive barrier protecting the home from intruders.

  The subtle, purple glow remained intact, but the color appeared faded near the far west side of the property. That was where the spell must have detonated.

  Lome appeared at his side. “What is the play?” He didn’t sound worried. Now that the surprise of the attack had worn off, Lome knew the magical beings had little chance of success. The intruders would be lucky if they could cause more damage than weakening the shield before they were stopped.

  “Go back to Darcie. Tell her to contact a member of the Nightsbane clan. We need the barrier reinforced.

  “Then assign immortals to guard the entrance to the dungeon,” Thane added. The chances of the warlock’s rescue were slim, but he’d be damned if the prisoner escaped before he provided them with information about his powerful clan.

  Lome nodded. “What will you do?”

  Thane faced the west. His eyes zeroed in on the cloaked figures standing on the edge of the barricade. “I’m going to speak with our attackers.”

  Thane didn’t bother to faze to the barrier. Instead, he walked out of the terrace door and crossed the immense lawn leisurely. With his hands in his pockets and the wind blowing his brown hair, he looked the picture of ease—like he wasn’t at all concerned with the fact some witches and warlocks were trying to blow up his home.

  As he drew near, he continued to examine the daring rebels. There were four people on the other side of the magical barrier, all of them young. Each one had their black hoods pulled back, and they all watched his approach with apprehension. Thane memorized the tawny hair of the two men, noting their similarities in appearance. Brothers, if he had to guess. His gaze moved to the two women, also committing their appearances to memory. Even if the magical beings managed to escape his family’s grounds, he would make sure they were eventually captured. No one would get away with attacking his home.

  Thane planted himself two feet from the sheer-purple, magical barrier, continuing to convey ease with his lackadaisical stance. Across from him, the warlocks and witches attempted the same, but Thane noted the nervous flutter of one witch’s pulse.

  A warlock stepped forward. “Release our clan member.”

  Thane smirked. They weren’t beating around the bush. “No.”

  “We know he is inside your dungeon.”

  Thane turned his head to the side and looked the second man up and down. “I never said he wasn’t.”

  The warlock swallowed and looked back at his companions for guidance. Something wasn’t right.

  Thane frowned as he compared the warlock in the dungeon to the four individuals standing in front of him. The man in the cell was stoic and calculating. It was obvious he possessed power and distinction. Everything about his mannerisms and words revealed as much. So why were four sniveling youths sent to facilitate his release? It didn’t make sense.

  The hair on the back of Thane’s neck stood on end. He fell to his stomach just as a spell flew above him and collided with the barrier. Light fissured across the purple barrier before fading as the magical energy rejuvenated itself. Thane rolled to the left and leapt to his feet. His eyes widened as he took in the swirling vortex which had silently appeared behind him.

  Thane growled and called forth his power, illuminating his hands with blue fire as he watched seven people step out of the portal, bypassing the mansion’s defensive barrier. He heard the four behind him turn and run away from the barrier. They’d been a distraction. Thane cursed himself for being fooled so easily.

  His opponents lowered their hoods, revealing seven aged warlocks. Thane’s power flared. He anticipated they would be formidable foes.

  “We have come for our brother,” one warlock said in a deep and commanding voice. “Release him to us, and no harm shall befall anyone.”

  The audacious words angered Thane. “You dare to threaten me? In my home?” There was an otherworldly threat laced in his tone. The individuals before him might be powerful for their kind, but they were no match for an Original Immortal.

  The warlocks spread out slowly and formed a straight line.

  Thane’s power coursed underneath his skin, vying for freedom and the chance to decimate the offending beings. Thane pushed the urges down. He needed information. The fight could wait.

  “We are not here for vengeance,” a different warlock stated. “There will be no violence on this day if our brother is released to us.” Thane assumed the familial term was not used in the traditional sibling sense.

  “Not without some answers,” Thane said, letting the warlocks believe there was a chance of them succeeding in their mission.

  He continued. “The rebellion has ended. Adir is gone. Yet, you and your clan continue to scheme on his behalf. Why?”

  “We will never bow to the Originals.” It was the same thing the imprisoned warlock had said. The rogue clan, whoever they were, vehemently despised Original Immortals. Interesting, considering their very existence was only made possible by Charmian’s bloodline.

  “You deny allegiance to Charmian.” Thane sought confirmation of their lack of loyalty.

  “We owe her nothing.”

  Thane shrugged, acting like the venomous tone went unnoticed. “I suppose that is for the best. It would be a shame if my sister and I fought after she learned what happened here.”

  The line of warlocks shifted as they glanced at one another, trying to discern his meaning.

  Thane did not waste another moment. He released the pent-up power and shot two warlocks through the chest. The blue light penetrated their torsos and came out of the other side before retracting. The men crumbled to the ground; their clan’s black cloaks sprawled around them.

  A warlock roared. Several spells flew through the air; their lethal path aimed at Thane’s empty heart.

  With very little thought, Thane’s immortal powers deflected the attacks. The opposing forces collided and sparks of red, orange, and yellow irradiated around them before they fell to the ground. The smell of burning reached Thane’s nostrils, but he was too distracted to check the state of the grass beneath his feet.

  The warlocks continued to volley spells and enchantments at Thane, but none reached him. He admitted the attacks were strong, but it would take a lot more than five pissed off warlocks to cause him physical harm.

  A warlock, the one on the end with the most weathered features, realized the same thing. “Cease.” On command, the other four stopped firing. Though, they did not abandon their aggressive stances.

  Thane lowered his arms but did not extinguish
his flaming power. He eyed the vocal warlock. The men stared at him aggressively, waiting for what came next.

  Thane breathed through his nose and narrowed his gaze. “The prisoner will not be released. You will not succeed in your task. Leave now while you still can.” The threat was not empty. If the warlocks continued to attack him or anyone in his home, Thane would destroy them. He didn’t enjoy killing his enemies, but he would do it. No one threatened his family. Not anymore.

  “Lord Thane.” The use of the respectful title surprised the immortal. He concealed the reaction. “You do not know what will come to pass.”

  As if the words were a secret code, the five warlocks stepped back and fell into a portal they had conjured in the blink of an eye.

  Before Thane could react, they were gone. Two crumbled forms were all that remained of the mysterious rebel clan.

  Thane released his power and frowned at the dead bodies. Killing was distasteful but sometimes necessary. He decided to gather the warlocks and transport them inside the mansion when a loud crash reached his ears.

  Whirling around, Thane looked towards the direction of the noise. His jaw unhinged as he stared at the sight before him. One of pillars supporting the roof of the mansion’s entrance had crashed to the ground. The home was surrounded by swirling portals. He watched as warlocks, witches, and lesser immortals stumbled out of the magical contraptions and raced into his home, firing off attacks as they disappeared through the broken door and windows.


  Thane stared, unmoving and disbelieving. The seven warlocks had been another distraction. They’d drawn him away from the home, attacked him despite knowing they could never defeat an Original Immortal, and managed to succeed in infiltrating the mansion’s defenses and release their forces upon them.

  A shrill, pain-filled scream pierced the air. Thane’s jaw snapped closed, and he envisioned his study. He closed his eyes and opened them, finding himself right where he wanted to be.

  The door to the mahogany and oak study stood open. The sound of fighting carried inside, but they did not sound like they were near. If Thane had to guess, all of the rebel attack would be focused on the first floor as they tried to find their way to the dungeon to save their friend. The imprisoned warlock must be someone of great value for so many rebels to risk such a bold attack.

  The thought spurred Thane on. He stepped into the third-floor hall and navigated the twists and turns with stealth and confidence. He stopped outside Des’ personal rooms. He was not in his study or bedroom. He tried the same for Lome. He wasn’t there either. Thane concluded his siblings were already engaged in the fight below.

  After taking a second to mentally finalize his plan, Thane re-ignited his immortal powers and transported himself into the foyer below—right into the heart of the battle.

  Shouts and cries permeated the space around Thane. The lesser immortals who served his family were actively engaged in the fight, using their own immortal abilities and strength to impede the influx of rebels into the mansion. The family’s servants had not been selected merely for their skills in household etiquette and chores. The well-trained and seasoned fighters hit and neutralized many of the threatening intruders, but some still managed to breach their defenses and disappear farther into the home.

  Thane followed the sounds of fighting, arriving outside of the main sitting room. Furniture cracked and flew across the room to greet him. He lifted a hand and stopped the projectile before it could embed itself in his abdomen. Surveying the scene, Thane was pleased to see Lome. His youngest brother created a lasso of power and flung it in the air towards the exit on the opposite wall. The power sizzled as it wrapped itself around the escaping witch’s torso, cutting through her robe and clothing to touch flesh. The woman screamed.

  “Lome,” Thane called out in a booming voice. “Des?”

  Lome manifested another lasso and captured another retreating rebel. “He’s defending the entrance.” Flames from deflected shots had began climbing up the curtains and nearby tapestry, adding smoke to the already chaotic scene.

  Concluding his brother had the situation under control, Thane moved to join his other brother at the fortified entrance to the dungeon.

  Instead of directly transporting, Thane strolled through the interior of the house, engaging any rebels he encountered on the way. Adrenaline flowed through his veins as he tore down his enemies. Thane reveled in the fear and horror marring the rebel’s faces when they saw him coming. They should be afraid. No one dared to attack him or his family without consequences. Some of the rebels tried to run, but they didn’t make it far.

  Calm yourself, love.

  Thane paused, entranced by the memory of his beloved Bella’s voice. Bella always knew when her husband was close to losing his control, and she always knew what to say or do to bring him back from the brink of total destruction.

  Lifting a hand to his chest, Thane rubbed the ache there. His subconscious was right. He needed to calm down before he lost control of himself in his fury.

  After a few steady and mind-clearing breaths, he resumed his path towards the dungeon. This time, he focused on disabling his opponents rather than ending their existence.

  The expensive carpet smoldered with burns. Countless historic artifacts were smashed to pieces from their fall. The number of rebels increased as he neared the windowless room.

  Crossing the threshold, Thane shot his power into intruders’ backs one by one, but very few turned around to see what caused the painful shouts and moans. They were too focused on breaching Des’ defenses and gaining access to the dungeon. Seeing his brother’s brown hair bobbing up and down as he held his position, Thane transported himself to his side.

  Des whirled on him with a ruthless expression. Recognizing Thane, he lowered his arm and blasted a lesser immortal who had fired a thorny assault their way. Glancing over his shoulder, Thane was relieved to see the door with its automated keypad remained closed. No enemies had infiltrated the dungeon.

  He looked back at his brother. “Is there a reason you haven’t called on your power to incapacitate everyone in this room?” It would take very little effort for Des to blast his bright white power to cleanse their surroundings of their adversaries.

  Des’ teeth grinded as he dropped low and released a dagger-shaped power from his palms. The object embedded itself in a warlock’s leg. The man screeched as he fell to the ground, clutching his injured thigh.

  “Des!” Thane shouted. “End this.”

  Instead of complying, Des continued to bat away the rebels’ attacks, countering with attacks of his own when the opportunity presented itself. But he wasn’t the only one keeping them at bay.

  Thane assisted with offensive maneuvers of his own, effectively neutralizing the rebels on the right side of the room. Des took care of the ones on the left. But despite their success, more enemies crowded into the room from the open doorway. They would keep coming until they were all dead, and Thane did not want to spend all that time and energy when Des could simply do away with the threat in one fell swoop.

  With another burst of adrenaline, a temporary barrier encompassed Thane, his brother, and the door behind them. No one and nothing could get in or out for at least the next two minutes.

  Des turned to Thane, breathing heavy. “What are you doing?”

  Thane straightened and glared at Des. “What am I doing? What are you doing?” He gestured to the violent room on the other side of the protective shield. The rebels’ attacks bounced off the barrier. “Why haven’t you ended this?”

  To anyone else, Des would appear unaffected. His face would seem void of all emotion. But Thane knew better. He saw the subtle flex of his brother’s neck, and he did not miss the flash of unease behind his blank stare.

  Thane connected the dots. “You are afraid.”

  Des said nothing, but the tendon in his neck tightened.

  Thane wanted to shake some sense into his brother. They were in the middle of a violent attack;
their servants were being injured while defending their home. Des had a duty to protect those within the mansion. Now was not the time for reservation. It was time for action.

  “You will not lose control.” Thane knew the memories of his close-calls plagued Des’ mind. Despite Des saying otherwise, Thane knew his brother’s power was constantly pressing against him, looking for any slip of control. Des’ physical form could not contain the enormous power forever, but he could manage it for now. He had to.

  “Think of Darcie,” Thane said. “And Eshe and Lome. And everyone else currently doing battle with these enemies. You need to end this.”

  Des’ eyes swirled with darkness. Thane continued, using the one tactic he knew would be effective. “Do this to protect Darcie.”

  And just like that, Des unleashed the beast within. Thane dropped the shield just in time for the white beams shooting out of his brother’s arms to emanate throughout the space, colliding with every soul in the room before spilling out and traveling the halls to every hidden corner of the first floor, ending the fight.


  Fortunately for the rebels, Des controlled his power enough to knock them unconscious but leave their bodies intact. A feat, considering Thane had called upon his instinctual desire to protect his One from harm. Thane couldn’t imagine not killing anyone who threatened Bella if he were in Des’ state.

  Lome rounded the corner and stumbled into the room. His clothes were burned, but he was unharmed despite the mass of foes he’d neutralized.

  “Bloody hell.” Lome’s dark eyes scanned the number of bodies on the floor. He looked at Des. “You did this?”

  “Yes,” Thane answered for his brother. And it was about time. They’d been wasting energy for no reason.

  Des stood still. His hands opened and closed, and his nostrils flared as he slowly regained control, calling every last tendril of power back into his body.


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