Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5)

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Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5) Page 8

by Samantha Britt

  Thane called on his immortal speed and appeared behind the strangled witch’s shoulder. He peered into his brother’s eyes. They were as dark as night and as empty as the black hole created by a dying star.

  Des did not look at his brother. His focus lied solely on the witch.

  Thane shouted above the angry wind, “Call back your spell.”

  The witch gargled, but no words passed her lips. She continued to scratch at Des’ grip, but she would experience no relief.

  Thane shifted his body so the witch could see him. “Free Darcie from your spell and my brother will release you.” He had no way of knowing if his words were true, but it was either that or the witch would be strangled to death.

  Conflict shined behind her bulging eyes. She wasn’t sure Thane’s words were true, either. But she didn’t have any other option.

  The moment Thane registered the compliance in her eyes was the moment Darcie’s body stopped seizing.

  Eshe rushed to the young woman’s side. She sat down and picked up Darcie’s head, placing it in her lap. Lome remained where he was, detaining the other witch. While Des strangled her companion, Lome had gagged and blindfolded the witch. Better to be safe than sorry when it came to witches and their ability to cast magic.

  But despite Darcie’s release, Des had not relinquished his hold on the witch.

  Thane put a hand on his brother’s arm. “Des. Enough. Darcie needs you.”

  Hearing his One’s name had the opposite effect from what Thane intended. Rather than motivating Des to free the woman from his crushing grasp, the statement incensed Des. It reminded him of Darcie’s pain and his need for vengeance. His grip tightened, and Thane realized it a second too late. He cringed as the sharp sound of a neck snapping resounded through the room.

  Thane stared, horrified, as the light disappeared from the witch’s eyes. Her clawing hands fell to the side and her body sagged. Des unclenched his hand, letting her fall to the floor.

  Thane heard a sharp intake of breath.

  He turned and saw Darcie’s lips part as she stared at the unmoving witch. Slowly, her eyes traveled up to Des. She gasped, seeing the coldness in his gaze. He hadn’t regained control yet. Eshe placed a protective hand on Darcie’s shoulder, eyeing her brother-in-law with suspicion.

  Des growled. He did not like someone touching his One. Eshe’s eyes narrowed.

  “What happened?” Thane stepped between Eshe and Des. “How did they get in here?” Darcie’s room was well warded to keep out intruders. It was a task taken up by Des and the Nightsbane clan. It was in many people’s interest to keep Darcie safe.

  When no one responded, Thane asked, “Eshe?”

  Reluctantly, she tore her narrowed gaze from Des, but she did not remove her protective hand from Darcie’s shoulder. “A portal. It bypassed our protective measures.”

  A portal.

  Of course.

  No one had been aware of a clan powerful enough to call upon portals as easily as a cloaking spell. The wards surrounding the room, as well as the shields around the mansion’s grounds, had not been constructed with such an ability in mind. Thane planned to ask his allies to fix that immediately.

  “What did they want?” Thane gestured between the witches.

  “The Veritas,” Eshe confirmed what one of the witches had said. “When they realized it wasn’t here, they were determined to figure out where it was. They were going to invade Darcie’s mind.”

  Des released another disgruntled growl.

  Thane spoke before his brother could do or say anything else. “Mind readers?”

  Eshe shrugged, shooting a glance towards Darcie. “I suppose so, but I don’t really know.”

  Darcie didn’t see the look. She was still staring at the body on the floor.

  “Darcie?” Thane’s voice was gentle. He didn’t want to cause her any more pain, but they needed answers. The longer they waited to ask about the incident, the more likely she would not remember everything. Even the smallest detail might prove useful in figuring out how to defeat their newest enemy.

  She looked up. Her eyes landed on Thane for a moment. Then they swung to Des. Thane followed her gaze and saw his brother’s shaking arms and clenched jaw. Darcie’s eyes were wide and fearful. She was afraid of Des.

  “Darcie, did the witch manage to infiltrate your mind?” Thane knew Darcie had worked to erect a protective mind shield. It was part of her prophetic training with the Elder. She did not want anyone to access to her mind or visions. Both were to be protected at all costs.

  “Darcie?” Eshe leaned in and spoke calmly to her friend. “Did you hear Thane’s question?”

  The young woman looked at Eshe. She swallowed. “No. She did not get in.” Her voice was scratchy. She covered her mouth when she coughed. Specks of blood spotted her palm.

  Des rushed forward and landed on his knees with a loud thump. He took Darcie’s hand and examined the blood, releasing a sound full of anger and sadness. Eshe looked ready to push Des away but Thane shook his head firmly. That would only make things worse.

  Darcie stared at Des. Her face paled. “What is happening to you?”

  Des placed his hand over Darcie’s and pressed it to his chest. “You are hurt.” He’d ignored her question. Des closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose, clutching her hand.

  “You need to convince him you are alright,” Thane told Darcie. She looked at him with a frown. They’d been in a similar situation before. Darcie had to console Des when he was close to losing it after she’d been in danger. But this was something else. The power they had all felt was unlike anything ever experienced. Darcie and Eshe had received a small taste of it during The Council meeting, but that was nothing compared to the overwhelming pressure circulating the room.

  Darcie stared at Thane. She seemed unsure—her fear of her soulmate threatening to keep her from doing what needed to be done.

  Thankfully, she jerked her head in a nod. She stared at Des. “I’m okay, Des.” She placed her free hand over the one pressed against his chest. “I’m not hurt. I’m okay.”

  Des’ shoulders shuddered. He opened his eyes, and his grip tightened. “You are bleeding.” He looked pointedly at her upper lip.

  Darcie wiped away the dried blood from her nostrils. “Not anymore. I promise… I’m okay.”

  Thane inched closer. Eshe had withdrawn her protective arm, but she did not move away from the crouched couple. Her legs were bent beneath her. She was ready to intervene the moment she thought Des might lose control.

  But even if that happened, Thane knew Darcie would be safe from whatever chaos his power unleashed. Everyone else in the room, though, might not be so fortunate.

  “Des.” Darcie’s voice was soft and calm, coaxing her One to abandon his volatile emotions. “Come back to me. I’m okay, now. No one can hurt me.”

  Thane held his breath. The following minutes dragged on as the room waited to see if Des would heed Darcie’s plea.

  Des alternated between looking at his One to shutting his eyes tight and holding onto her hand for dear life—like he feared she’d be taken away at any moment.

  Finally, however, the stressful scene disappeared. Des’ power vanished from the room, locking itself back into his body. He lowered his and Darcie’s hands. When he re-opened his eyes, his emerald green irises had returned.

  Darcie breathed a sigh of relief. She tried to smile, but it wobbled and fell from her lips.

  Des blinked repeatedly. It was like he’d awoken from a dream. He observed Darcie and frowned when he saw her uneasy expression. Rotating his neck, his gaze landed on Eshe, then Lome detaining the witch. His attention traveled to Thane, silently asking his older brother what had happened.

  Thane pressed his lips together as he met his brother’s stare. He wasn’t sure how to tell him what had transpired—not without revealing to Darcie the cause of his brother’s uncontrolled state.

  Then, Des dropped his attention to the floor. He stared at th
e witch’s body. Regret and horror descended. Without saying a word, Des rose to his feet and blinked out of sight, leaving a dumbfounded room in his wake.


  “Where did he go?” Darcie’s voice rose. She stood on shaky legs. Eshe jumped up and helped her stand.

  “Thane?” Darcie’s hands trembled. “Where did Des go?”

  Thane stared at the spot where his brother had been, unsure of how to navigate the upcoming discussion. He didn’t want to ignore Darcie’s question, but he didn’t know what to say either.

  “Lome, take the prisoner to the garages. Make sure an immortal is watching her at all times until we decide what to do with her.

  “Eshe,” Thane continued. “Please reach out to the Nightsbane clan.” He didn’t think Darcie had time to contact her mother before she’d been attacked. “Tell them we need assistance. Immediately.”

  Eshe didn’t move. She glanced between Darcie and Thane, trying to figure out if she should leave her friend or stay behind.

  Darcie saved her from needing to make the decision. “It’s alright,” she told Eshe, gently stepping out of her hold to stand on her own. “Call my mom, too. I’m sure the Nightsbane clan will tell her about the attack. Tell her I’m alright before she freaks out.”

  With reluctance, Eshe left the room.

  Lome had been watching his wife. The tension seeped out of him when she disappeared from sight. He’d been worried about her since the moment he saw her trapped beneath the witch’s power. Seeing her successfully faze was a relief.

  Lome turned to Darcie. He bent his head in acknowledgement before vanishing with the witch. Thankfully, he also took the deceased body with him.

  Now that they were alone, Thane moved and righted a flipped chair. He sat down, tired after the unexpected events of the day.

  Darcie remained where she was.

  Thane didn’t waste another moment. They needed to discuss many things, but he would try to leave the Des conversation for last. “Did the witches tell you anything while they were…” He trailed off, unsure how to phrase the end of the question.

  “While they were torturing me?” Darcie finished for him. Her voice cracked and rose in pitch, sounding crazed. Stress could do that to a person.

  He lowered his chin. “Yes. Did you learn anything about them? Something we might use against them?”

  Darcie crossed her arms and turned to stare out the window. “They’re from Eastern Europe.”

  Thane thought of the abandoned theatre which had hosted the rebel meeting. “Anything else?”

  “They have a powerful clan. Members can trace their lineage back several centuries.” She paused, inhaling deeply before saying, “and many of their female ancestors were Adir’s lovers.”

  Thane’s neck snapped back. He stared at the side of Darcie’s face. “You’re sure?”

  “The witch.” She gestured to the empty spot where the body had fallen. “When she was in my mind, I was able to see into hers.”

  Well that explained how Adir knew Charlotte. It might also explain how they were so powerful. Possessing the bloodline of two Originals could make the offspring quite powerful—as Darcie well knew as the granddaughter of Charmian and distant descendant of Eros on her father’s side.

  “I don’t understand.” Thane jerked his head sideways. “Why have we never encountered them before? How does the Nightsbane clan not know of their existence?”

  Darcie shrugged, still staring out the window. “I don’t know.” She sounded tired. And confused. And a whole host of other emotions.

  Thane wished he could save Darcie from needing to discuss the traumatic situation. But he couldn’t. They were desperate for any information about the mysterious rebels. “Do you know why they wanted The Veritas?”

  Darcie scoffed softly. It was so quiet, Thane wasn’t sure he would have heard it if not for his enhanced hearing.

  “Darcie?” he questioned. “What is it?”

  “Yes. I know why they wanted The Veritas.”

  Hope sprung in Thane’s chest. Knowing your enemy’s motive proved invaluable in predicting their next move and ultimately defeating them. “What is it?”

  Slowly, Darcie dropped her arms to her side and rotated to meet Thane’s gaze. Her eyes had lost their usual shine. Her expression was flat and resigned. “The Negrisi clan wants The Veritas so they can access a spell. A spell that can kill anything. Namely, me.”

  Darcie and Thane sat on the brown leather couch in his study. After her reveal, Darcie requested they finish the conversation somewhere else. Her attention kept landing on the floor where the witch’s body had fallen, preventing her from thinking clearly.

  Thane suggested his personal study. The room remained untouched from the attack, and the change it atmosphere helped distance themselves from the violence and pain caused by the attacks. Now, they were able to speak openly and rationally about the information Darcie had acquired when she had access to the taller witch’s mind.

  “I don’t understand,” Thane said for probably the tenth time. “There is no spell that can kill an Original Immortal. Only another Original can commit such an act.”

  “Apparently there is,” Darcie said with little inflection, “and its somewhere in The Veritas.”

  Thane stared at the carpet. “It is out of their reach.” The Negrisi clan might be strong, but there was no way they could travel into Eirie. Not without the help of an Elder.

  “What if it isn’t?” Darcie asked. “They are powerful. What if they figure out a way to travel to Eirie and get The Veritas?”

  “They won’t. They can’t.”

  Darcie shook her head. “We thought a lot was impossible. Penetrating our defenses… Building a wall that kept you out… They are stronger than we know.”

  Dread began to take root. “Do they know where The Veritas is, Darcie? Did they see it in your mind?” He knew she had said otherwise, but he couldn’t help but wonder if she’d been lying.

  “No,” Darcie confirmed. “They did not infiltrate my mind.”

  Thane picked up the intonation.

  “Who?” he asked. “Who did they read?”

  Darcie’s head fell forward in her hands. “I don’t know, but I saw Eirie in her head. They know where The Veritas is, but they don’t know that it is in another realm. That was what the witch searched for in my mind. She wanted to know how to get to Eirie. They already know the book is there.”

  “Shit.” Thane cursed, gritting his teeth. “Shit.”

  Darcie did not react to his curse. “The only good news is they didn’t learn how to travel to Eirie today.”

  “Today,” Thane emphasized the word. “Tomorrow might be a different story.”

  Darcie laced her fingers and pressed her palms together. She stared at her hands with pursed lips. When she looked back up, Darcie inhaled and repeated her ignored question from earlier, “What happened to Des?”

  Damn. Thane shook his head. He’d managed to delay the conversation and had nearly forgotten about it. He prepared himself to proceed carefully. “Darcie, I—”

  “Before you decide to lie to me.” Darcie cut him off. “You should know that I felt the disturbance in his power. I felt it rise and unleash itself here.” She tapped her chest.

  “I’ve been feeling it on and off for weeks,” she continued. “At first, I thought it was nothing. Then, after that meeting with The Council…” She trailed off, letting Thane put the pieces together.

  He sighed. “You felt the same thing at the meeting.”

  Darcie nodded. She met his gaze. “What’s going on with him?”

  “It is not my place to say.”

  Darcie opened her mouth to object, but a voice near the doorframe interrupted. “No, it is mine.”

  Darcie and Thane turned and saw Des standing by the entrance. His hair was still disheveled from the volatile storm he’d brought forth, and his clothes were rumbled. But he was lucid. Des was back in control.

  “What is going on?�
�� Darcie asked Des, her eyes shifting between the two males. “Tell me.”

  “I should go.” Thane stood.

  “No.” Darcie told him. “Stay.”

  Thane hesitated. Darcie didn’t know it, but the upcoming conversation would be personal. His presence would only make things awkward. But after one approving nod from Des, he moved to position himself by the bookshelf in the back of the room, giving the couple space to talk in the sitting area. He turned his back to them and stared diligently at the leather spines embossed with golden titles. Still, his immortal hearing picked up everything.

  “Talk to me, Des.” Darcie remained sitting on the couch. Thane heard her pat the cushion beside her. Des’ pants brushed together as he moved and sat beside her. He remained silent.

  “Nothing you say will change anything,” she tried to reassure him. “Just… tell me what is going on. We promised there would be no more secrets between us.”

  Seconds ticked by. Thane held his breath, wondering if his brother was going to finally come clean about the state of his power.

  Finally, he heard Des say, “I am losing control of my abilities.”

  A heavy pause fell between them.

  “How?” Darcie breathed.

  “Since I’ve found you, my powers have been growing. Us being together is letting me reach my full potential.”

  “But that’s good… Right?” Darcie sounded so confused. Thane felt sorry for her.

  She continued. “We are together. You are stronger, and the main rebellion is defeated. How does that make you lose control?”

  “My powers are growing, but my body is not always able to manage them. When I experience strong emotions, they can be unleashed.” Des danced so delicately around the truth, but Darcie would not let him keep it up any longer.

  “Thane and Lome manage it.” Thane felt her insisting gaze on his back. “Don’t they?”

  “They do. But my situation is different.”

  “How is it different?”

  Thane braced himself. He sent out encouraging thoughts to his brother. The next words would not be easy.


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