Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6) Page 2

by P. G. Allison

  Her mother had slowly recovered, with help from her uncle, and had been in AA for the past two years. And, her sister was older and no longer needed her help. So, her focus now could be on preparing for a career where she could best make a contribution to her country. And, this embassy tour her uncle had arranged was indeed helping with that.

  Candace continued her comments to Donna and the others by saying, “I realize I’m only in my second year at college but I intend to graduate with a degree in Political Science and all the qualifications needed to join the Foreign Service.” She paused and looked at her soulmate. Turning back to look at everyone else gathered there, she smiled. “Oliver has his degree and is already working as a social worker. But, we’re pretty confident his qualifications will be considered desirable and he can join me, wherever I end up going.”

  While they all enjoyed their meal, the conversation about life in the Foreign Service continued and both Candace and Oliver were enthralled. Donna and the others shared many anecdotes and, by the time Colonel Chory finally joined them, the mood was very festive. He waited until the meal was over, the embassy staffers had all said their goodbyes and departed, and it was only the four of them still sitting there. Then he said, “There’s been a change of plans.”

  Major Grimes laughed right away and said, “Sergeant Hernandez wins fifty bucks! He predicted there’d be new orders before we were finished here.”

  Oliver grinned and said, “Is there anything you Army guys don’t place bets on? I know there was even some betting on how many bullets our vehicles got hit with on the way over here.”

  The colonel ignored both men and looked at Candace. “Rather than going to Kabul tomorrow we’re going to Ankara. Your uncle is concerned about how quickly your enemies managed finding out about you being here, so if there’s been any leaks about your itinerary, he wants to change things up. Plus, he can’t get to Kabul for a few more days and he really does want to see you.”

  Candace said, “That’s fine with me. We’ll do the embassy in Turkey first and then finish with the one in Afghanistan. I wouldn’t want to miss seeing him either. He’s the one who made this tour possible for us. Besides, this way Oliver will have finished checking for supnats at all three locations and can give him a complete report.”

  Chapter Two

  Nov 29, 2019

  When the lightning bolts began coming down from the dark storm clouds which had suddenly gathered overhead, everyone inside the large circle Tracy had set was able to experience power and energy being drawn through them. A lot of power and energy. Except for John, they were all witches. They had been inside circles before and had often provided their support to other witches in the past. But, even so, they were really quite amazed at what Tracy was now doing.

  Cra-a-a-ck! Boom! Crack-crack-crack-boom! One after another, the lightning bolts zigzagged down and the display was awesome!

  They were at a small park in Marblehead with a few acres right on the ocean having a nice view of the harbor. It also had a small lighthouse and, to the east, less than a half mile out to sea, there was a small uninhabited island. John had thought this would make an excellent target for Tracy. She was bringing down her lightning bolts and hitting that island without risk of any property damage and the thunderstorm activity would merely be considered some sort of meteorological anomaly.

  It had been two months since Tracy had last used her power in a way which provided her the release she needed. Lighting a few candles or creating a few balls of light was simply not enough for her anymore. As the weeks went by, the energy she would draw in from all around herself would gradually accumulate, even though she wasn’t purposely drawing that energy. She could go for a few months but then she had to toss her fireballs around or send down her lightning bolts.

  Just as his sister Missy needed to Shift every once in a while and be a cat, John knew his soulmate Tracy needed to burn off some of her special energy. This was normal, something powerful witches experienced as they grew and developed. And, yeah … now that she’d bonded with him, she’d become a very powerful witch indeed. Tracy needed to use her ability and expend some energy, just to keep from going a bit crazy.

  So, John had called Desiree Yerger from the Salem coven earlier in the week and they’d talked about this. Would she or any of her fellow coven members be interested in coming out to watch Tracy do her stuff that Friday afternoon? Oh, yes! Then, later that evening, he and Tracy would attend a special meeting with all the witches. And, yeah … he agreed to bring Missy and Mike. Yes, Missy would finally get introduced to the entire Salem coven, as Mike had promised them.

  Desiree had been very pleased at John’s invitation and had brought several other witches along, including her own daughter Delilah. They were not disappointed. Tracy’s demonstration exceeded all expectations and this was in spite of the wonderful reputation her mentor Millie Pratt from the Texas coven had given her. All agreed Millie had not exaggerated … far from it!

  Desiree had come down to a New York coven meeting with five other witches from Salem, back a few weeks earlier, when they’d all first learned about Missy. Missy the werecat-witch from Salem whom none of them had ever heard about before! This had all evolved after Robert Ulrey had gone to them asking for finder witches to join Millie and Oliver as part of his new FBI Psychic Division.

  Desiree was an air witch and had ended up agreeing to join Robert’s Division after being introduced to Missy, Tracy and Oliver at that meeting in New York. Candace Axtell had been there and had shared her story about how those three young witches had rescued her from WIJO. While the highly classified details for that operation had not been revealed, that hadn’t been necessary. Desiree, like everyone else at that meeting, had been very impressed.

  Like other finder witches being recruited by Robert, she had wanted to do her part, helping the authorities locate kidnap victims and missing persons. While trusting anyone in the government was very difficult for a witch to do, Robert had proven he was special and had more than earned that trust. His offer to provide official FBI credentials was very convincing. While claiming to be a psychic was an acceptable cover, that didn’t always provide the credibility the finder witches needed for what they did. Now, with Robert’s Division, they had the government’s official endorsement plus added resources not possible before.

  Of course, no one had anticipated how some of Robert’s witches would soon end up helping to locate terrorists. But, not only had that happened, with countless lives saved because those terrorists had been prevented from detonating explosives amongst the crowds of onlookers at three different Thanksgiving Day Parades, but Missy McCrea had played a very active role in that as well. While the general public would never know the details, there now were those in the U.S. government who were very appreciative. Although this partnership of theirs with witches would always be kept secret, that’s exactly what these recent events had brought about: a partnership.

  Even Angelina Dangelmeyer, leader of the New York coven and well known for her anti-establishment views, was now a supporter of this new arrangement. Of course, her son Troy was one of the finder witches who had helped stop the bombing which otherwise would have taken place right there in New York City. Although it had only been twenty-four hours since then, she had already contacted the other eleven covens in the U.S. Her message was clear: rather than hiding from the world, witches were now saving the world! It was the dawn of a new era.

  Thus, with not only Desiree’s encouragement but with word from Angelina as well, the witches from the Salem coven had come out to meet and watch Tracy, one of the leaders in this new alliance. Yes, Tracy and Missy were at West Point and the consensus was this actually was a very good thing. While there were those witches who might not have fully embraced this latest notion as yet, they were all being told not to view these girls as rogue witches but instead as representatives from the supernatural community in the vanguard for this new era.

  John was not really all that concerne
d about the various perceptions by all the witches around the country. Rather, he merely wanted Tracy to have this opportunity to mix and mingle amongst more of her own kind … amongst other supernaturals. He knew how much it meant to her, having them there. Plus, by allowing her to draw energy through them and reinforcing her, they were enabling yet further growth of her powers and abilities. And yes … any incremental growth would be permanent. While Tracy had already managed to become extremely powerful, she was still growing and gaining, developing more and more. Yeah, for various reasons, she might end up being one of the most powerful fire witches of all time.

  Her bond with him was one of those reasons, of course. A very big reason. But, his focus was not on helping her become powerful but rather on making her happy. And, watching her stand there, her arms outstretched as she brought down more and more bolts of lightning, directing them to strike the island off shore again and again? He knew she was experiencing great happiness. She was fulfilling her potential, indeed being “all she could be”. That they had found each other, surely with some help from those Fabulous Fates, was something he in turn would forever be thankful for.

  Desiree had an added reason for wanting to come and watch Tracy. Her daughter Delilah, who insisted on being called Lila, was a fire witch and had only recently been coming into her full powers at sixteen. Lila was in awe of everything Tracy was doing, totally mesmerized.

  Finally, Tracy lowered her arms and turned around, turning her back on the sea. She had a huge smile on her face and her brown eyes were sparkling. “Thank you, thank you, everyone! That was really special! I think it will get me through the next few weeks until Christmas vacation.” She walked over and slipped an arm through one of John’s arms and hugged him close, raising her lips so he could kiss her. He gladly obliged with a quick, light kiss while the others murmured their approval.

  Desiree said, “Special doesn’t really adequately describe what we’ve all just witnessed and participated in, Tracy. That was beyond anything which any of us have ever seen or experienced before. Wow!” She laughed and added, “Millie tells me your ability with creating and controlling fireballs is equally as impressive.”

  Tracy giggled and said, “Her mentoring these past three years has been very helpful. And, you know how helpful it is having my soulmate John in my life now.”

  John pulled her even closer, wrapping his arms around her and grinning at the others. “Thank you all for coming out for this today. It really means a great deal to my girl here. And, we’ll be there at your meeting tonight with my sister Missy. Those of you who’ve not met her yet will finally get your chance. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!”

  A male voice asked, “Is it true what they’re saying? Your sister can not only Shift forms and become a werecat but she can also exist in between, in spirit form?”

  Another voice said, “Don’t forget the teleporting … we want to know about that too! I hear she can travel hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye, right?”

  “That’s what I’ve heard,” said John. “Of course, I can’t say I’ve actually seen her when she does these things … after all, she’s invisible when she does them!” That got several laughs from the group.

  Tracy said, “Stop teasing them, John!” Looking at the others she added, “I can say I’ve seen her do these things. And, let’s not forget her telekinesis abilities. We’ll just have to wait and see what Missy McCrea will show everyone tonight!”

  Chapter Three

  Nov 29, 2019

  Missy and Mike, meanwhile, were busy entertaining their other family members out at the state forest in Andover, one of Missy’s favorite places where she could enjoy being in her cat form. Her brother Patrick was there, hoping he’d finally get to watch her make herself invisible. Likewise, Heather and Donald had come along and so had Michelle and Aaron; both “newly engaged” couples had very much wanted to be there.

  While Donald had almost managed getting used to the fact his future wife’s sister was a supernatural, this was all very new to Michelle and Aaron. Missy had only revealed her secrets to them two days earlier and hadn’t actually demonstrated all the incredible things she could do. Yes, they were believers but they were more than ready for the “seeing is believing” stuff nonetheless.

  They all were glad to have a glorious day, weather-wise, with the sun shining down brightly. Although the temperature was cool and crisp in the low fifties, it did not really seem all that cold since there was little wind. It was “sweater weather” and as they followed the path through the woods which Missy had selected, their mood was excited and adventurous.

  Michelle kept asking both Heather and Patrick about how they’d managed dealing with all of Missy’s secrets. They both laughed and pointed out that Missy kept revealing new secrets about herself almost every time they saw her and how they were quite certain Missy was still keeping many things to herself.

  Michelle had said, “Yeah, I get that. She and Mike won’t say where she was yesterday morning but I know she went somewhere and whatever she was doing, it was something serious. Mike was locked inside his room for a couple of hours, talking on that special phone he has from the government. I’ve been learning he does that a lot, translating whatever magic messages Missy might be sending him. Your sister has turned my brother into some sort of a super-spy. Geez!”

  Missy had been able to hear all of this, of course, in spite of being several feet ahead. She stopped and announced, “Hey, we are not out here to talk about my secrets or the government or Mike being a spy. No, no … we’re here to enjoy ourselves, spending quality family time together, right? And … maybe … if you’re lucky … to just maybe see if I can do yet more new things!”

  Mike then said, “Missy has experienced being in her spirit form on numerous occasions now, each time by pausing in-between, in the middle of one of her Shifts. Then, she always completes the Shift, from human to cat or cat to human. Today, she wants to see if she can merely Shift directly to her spirit form and then? She’ll try to Shift back to whichever form she started out in, rather than Changing to her other form.”

  Aaron said, “Wow! I don’t understand any of that but you make it sound as though there’s a big difference.” He looked at Missy and asked, “You’ll just Shift directly to whichever form you want? So, becoming a spirit won’t actually be part of doing something else, but will be …? What …? You get why I’m confused about this, right?” He laughed and the others joined him.

  Missy smiled and said, “Exactly! I never would have thought doing that would be possible but, after existing in my spirit form for so many hours and getting used to controlling my energy that way, I now am confident I can do it.”

  Mike chuckled and said, “What she means is she now has gotten very comfortable out of her own skin.” More laughter.

  Missy sighed and said, “It’s all about energy and being not only a Shifter but an earth witch as well. That gives me the extra abilities and power. You know, before I learned how to draw energy from all around myself, I needed to eat a gazillion calories every day, just to replenish all the energy I was using. Now, I don’t need to do that as much.”

  “Really?” exclaimed Patrick. “Funny how I haven’t noticed this. You still eat more at every meal then the rest of us combined!” Again, everyone laughed.

  But, Missy knew it was true. She no longer required the huge quantities of food the way she had before. Whatever energy her system might need to avoid losing weight and body fat she now was able to get from her surroundings. It was all a balance and as she had learned to harness and use energy from outside herself, her body had gradually stabilized, with her weight around a hundred and fifty pounds and her body fat at about fifteen percent.

  Learning to Shift, being able to control her forms, these were very important things for Missy. After her involuntary Change into a mountain lion had happened, she had learned how to go places in her mind, exercise her will and harness whatever energy she needed to Shift back an
d forth and always be in control ever since. She had pushed all boundaries and had trained to the greatest extremes possible: mentally, physically and spiritually. She was very aware of how much the Fates had given her and she took nothing for granted. That, in turn, had enabled her growth as a supernatural to become almost exponential. Yeah, she knew she was probably far beyond where any supnat had ever gone before. But, she trusted her instincts and would continue striving.

  Mike had tried to point out all the risks, all the reasons why this latest idea of hers might not be the best. But, she had awakened that morning and just knew. She had discussed it with him and had finally convinced him this was a step she felt she had to take, a completion to something she was experiencing inside. She was thrilled when he gave his full support, saying it would indeed be best to test herself when it would be easy, while amongst family and on a day when there was no duress.

  When their little group reached the top of a small hill, Missy used her senses to check that no one else was anywhere near. Then she said, “Okay, first I’ll Change to my cat form, pausing for only a minute or so in my spirit form before re-appearing. Aaron and Michelle haven’t seen me Shift and I know they’ll enjoy that. Then, I’ll disappear and spend some time in my spirit form. That will be my first time, Changing into a spirit directly. Then, I’ll Change back to my cat again. I want to do this a few times, making Changes directly, back and forth, again and again. Since I’ll be re-appearing each time as a cat, I won’t need any clothes.”


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