Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6) Page 25

by P. G. Allison

  John waited until Lila had moved a little bit away, out of earshot. Then he said, sotto voce, “Hey, I find magic with Tracy, every single night we’re together. Why, just last night …”

  “John! Please!” snapped Tracy in exasperation, obviously annoyed. “Not helping!” When she saw the way he was laughing at her, that finally made her actually blush. Well, it had been quite a night!

  Robert and Connie walked up just then and they were quickly filled in about the situation and the wards which were now in place. Connie asked, “How was Missy able to sense this person? She never met him, right? I thought she needed to actually get up close and personal, since she’s not a finder witch.”

  Tracy said, “She visited his place in Turkey. She told me if he ever came around, she’d probably recognize him.”

  “When she’s in her spirit form,” explained Millie, “I’m guessing she can experience someone simply by being where that person spends their time and leaves lots of their residual energy. It’s what we air witches can do and when she’s a spirit? Well, it’s probably very similar. Isn’t that why she’s been able to home in on all these terrorists here in Dorchester? As a spirit, she can find someone’s energy and go to them almost instantly, right?”

  John couldn’t help himself and blurted, “Actually, my sister just does it all with magic!”

  While the others all rolled their eyes, knowing he was joking, Tracy’s eyes flashed him a clear warning. She did not want to hear any more from him about magic.

  They checked the seating plan displayed on a large poster board and noted how Julia had them all at two tables over on one side. John and Tracy, Mark and Alice, Millie and Desiree, Robert and Connie would be at one, while Julia and Philip, Mike and Missy, Granddad and Patrick, Sandy and Lila would be at the other. The bride and groom had their own special table. Slowly, they made their way in to find their assigned places and await the arrival of the newly married couple.

  Before long, with all the outdoor photos taken care of, the wedding party made their grand entrance. This, of course, was met with much fanfare and excitement. A receiving line was formed and they began greeting all their guests. Soon the room began filling up with a real party spirit. Donald’s best man took special care of all the envelopes which were presented while Missy made certain all the gifts were collected in one place. Missy also attended to anything Heather needed, whether that be an adjustment for her gown or veil, holding onto her wedding bouquet or merely getting her a glass of water.

  Mike stayed near John and Mark during all this, half listening to them while getting an almost constant flow of Missy’s mental messages. His soulmate was bursting with more emotions than Mike had ever seen her display and, although he’d long ago become used to experiencing her in his mind, today he actually found it distracting. She was amped up to the nth degree and it was all he could do to send back his own emotions, so she was able to experience him in return.

  Meanwhile, Patrick found himself with two young women, both attractive and almost competing for his attention. Actually, he quickly realized, there was no almost about that. They most definitely were competing. As soon as each had been introduced to him, they began asking him question after question, hanging on his every word, clearly vying for him to focus on them individually.

  Lila had recently turned sixteen while Sandy was now only weeks away from her sixteenth birthday. Both girls were sophomores while Patrick was a junior, several months older than they were. Even so, they both were far more mature than he was. Granddad McCrea was oblivious to all the teenage angst and meandered off, looking to get a drink at the bar. Since Patrick’s parents and sisters were still busy at the receiving line, he suddenly found himself alone at his table with only these two young ladies.

  From Lila, it was all about how wonderful it was that she could talk openly with him about her being a witch. From Sandy, it was equally as wonderful that she could talk openly about witches and the supernatural, in spite of her not being a witch. Back and forth the conversation went, both girls looking for his views about dozens of things and then sharing how they felt about each of his responses.

  He worked at entertaining them since he was not at all immune to their charms. Just the opposite. He found himself drawn to each girl in different ways and for different reasons. Of course, while he may have lacked their level of maturity, he had three older siblings from whom he’d learned a great deal over the years. John, in particular, had always loved to flirt and be charming, always ready with a joke. The flirting had ended once Tracy came along, of course, but John’s playful manner had definitely influenced Patrick. He now found himself greatly enjoying himself and playing out his role to the max.

  Sandy was very Italian with an attractive face, taking after her beautiful mother. Typical of her heritage, she was full figured with wide hips and a narrow waist … curvy, busty and buxom. Her dark hair and eyes were seductive but she had inherited high intelligence from her father which quickly shined through. She definitely was a lot more than just a pretty face and figure.

  Lila was Dutch-Irish with light coloring and a slim figure, a few inches taller than Sandy. Her dirty blonde hair was natural and she wore it long and straight. Her bright blue eyes sparkled and when she smiled, her face really lit up. She was every bit as smart as Sandy and had a very mischievous side as well. She was a girl who would always keep a guy on his toes, just trying to keep up.

  By the time his parents finally arrived at the table, followed by Missy and Mike, Patrick found himself rather smitten … with both girls!

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Dec 22, 2019

  Missy had not forgotten about Arvind Pancholi. She could sense he was still in the area, somewhere outside, no doubt spying on them. That’s what he was, after all. A spy. She began thinking how ironic it would be if she could turn the tables and spy on him. Then, several tables over, she spotted Lisa and Marie. They were sitting with Bethany, Heather’s former roommate in college.

  When Missy worked her way over and approached them, Beth said, “Hey, Missy! Long time, no see! But, we’ve been reading all about you in those magazines. Did you really leave West Point to go off and fight in Afghanistan? With the Special Forces?”

  “Well, I did that during the summer but I’m back at the academy again. Long story.”

  Lisa said, “Oh, we’re all dying to hear your long story. Armando never stops talking at the office about you and your various exploits. I think he’s finally given up all hope you might come work for him, though.”

  Missy laughed and said, “Hey, he hired you and Marie, right? What’s he need me there for?” Armando Sanchez headed up the FBI’s Organized Crime Division in Boston and, based on Missy’s recommendation, had hired the two girls. First, that had been for co-op assignments while they’d finished up their degrees. They’d been at the same college as Heather and had alternated with her and Beth, taking turns using the same apartment in Boston when the other two went home and did their co-op jobs. Then, upon graduating and completing their FBI Academy training, they’d joined Armando’s division permanently.

  Lisa had studied criminology while Marie’s specialty had been computer science. Marie now spoke up, saying, “All true, all true! We’ve become such great workers for him we’ve even stopped doing any more modeling gigs.” Both girls were absolutely gorgeous and modeling had paid for all their schooling. It was how they’d met one another, way back when. They’d been in a committed relationship ever since.

  Missy asked Marie, “Remember how you messed with Jonathan Baxter’s computer? You installed that special software of yours, giving you remote access?”

  “Yep, sure did!” laughed Marie. “We’ve been screwing with him ever since. He keeps changing his computer but, every time he does that? Since we know every detail about his identity as well as all of his passwords, whenever he next accesses the Internet? Whamo! We’re right back in there, accessing every file he has on his new computer!” She giggled as she loo
ked over at Lisa. “We’ve even relented and started letting him watch porn again, just so he doesn’t realize we’re still in there, doing stuff.”

  “Yeah,” said Lisa. “We just don’t let him do any videotaping of his own. He’s pretty much given up even trying to do any of that.” Missy had helped them access his computer after he had managed to install spy cameras, filmed the two girls in very explicit detail and then sold the sex tapes to some porn sites. That would have hurt their getting modeling jobs, not to mention the debilitating invasion of privacy issue. Once Marie had turned on file sharing and been able to hack back into his computer remotely, she’d gotten all of those tapes deleted and they’d not suffered any further embarrassment.

  Missy said, “I was wondering … can you do that to anyone’s computer? You know … gain access remotely when they connect to the Internet? Then, get your secret special spyware software downloaded onto their machine and start copying all their files, sending them back to your own computer? Without them ever knowing?”

  Marie looked at Missy closely and realized this wasn’t merely an idle question, just to satisfy her curiosity. “Well, only if I know some of their passwords. Then, maybe! It’s easiest when I know their email account and whatever password they use for that. But, it’s still rather complicated. And, completely illegal of course. I’ll need to know their IP address. It would really help to have them click on a file which I send them or possibly get them to click on a link I’ve set up on the web. Then, once I’ve opened up a port …”

  “You’re losing me. Let me put it this way,” said Missy. “If I can access someone’s computer and use it to log into one of those websites of yours … click a link? Download whatever? Run your program? Will the program then clean up after itself, hiding all traces that anything has been done, etc., etc.?”

  Marie smiled and said, “Ahh, now I see. Just like we did with Jonathan’s computer … only you want to do that on your own, without my actually being there this time for the initial setup. Click a link? Sure!” She wasn’t going to ask how Missy could get inside someone’s place, manage turning on that person’s computer, enter any password to boot up, etc., etc. Missy obviously had a plan. She gave Missy the URL for one of her websites and explained what she would need to do. “Ten minutes, tops. Then you can shut back down. Leave. I’ll have access and can take it from there.”

  “Great! You already know about Robert Ulrey and his new division. I’ll have him work with you on this … make you and Lisa part time members … you’re already FBI. You both may need to sign some more non-disclosure stuff but that shouldn’t be a problem. I’m not going to say what all the legal issues might be but, believe me, you won’t get into any trouble and you’ll be doing your country a great service.”


  Paul Morelli waited about forty minutes and then had no difficulty avoiding his uncle’s two men and entering the hotel. For some reason, he did have difficulty getting into the large ballroom where the wedding reception was going on. But, he persisted and finally managed slipping inside where he could see all the guests, now mostly seated at tables. It wasn’t likely Alice Mathews or her husband would recognize him but the D’Amato girl might, so he was careful. Since it was pretty busy in there and his attire wasn’t all that different from what the hotel staff members were wearing, he figured he could blend in. People had no reason to pay him much attention.

  After searching for a few minutes, he spotted them. They were sitting across the room, over with the bride’s family where a couple tables had been set up off to the side. He continued to watch. Surely an opportunity would present itself and he wanted to be ready.


  Tracy felt the disturbance to their wards and it made the hair on the back of her neck begin to rise. She looked at Millie and Desiree and could see they too had noticed something. When Lila, sitting at the next table, stopped mid-sentence with whatever she was saying to Patrick and turned to look at her, she was certain. Someone was there who didn’t belong. However, that person was not a witch or a supernatural. She’d have been able to sense another supnat anywhere nearby. So, it was not Arvind Pancholi.

  Millie said, “There’s a young man standing just inside the doorway almost directly across the room from where we are. Why don’t we all go to the ladies room? Check him out?”

  “I’ll bring Lila with me and head over to his right,” said Desiree. “You and Tracy approach him from his other side. We’ll go nice and easy. Let’s see what he’s doing over there.”

  Slowly, first two and then the other two got up and casually began wending their way amongst the tables, neither pair going directly towards the man. He took no notice of their gradual approach and then, it was too late. They somehow were standing there, right in front of him.

  Tracy said, “Excuse me … do you have an invitation?”

  Paul had not expected anyone to engage him in conversation but had prepared what he thought would be an acceptable response for any questions, just in case. He looked at Tracy and smiled. “Actually, no. I’m staying here in the hotel and couldn’t help noticing all the activity in here. Looks like quite a wedding. Very impressive. I’m taking notes. You know … for my girlfriend. She and I … well, someday … maybe … you know.” He was really pouring on the charm, which usually worked.

  “Oh, well … in that case … is she here? Your girlfriend?” asked Tracy.

  “Ahh … no, I’m alone. Up here on business.”

  “Too bad.” Tracy acted disappointed while Millie, Desiree and Lila stood idly by, waiting for her. Then she told him, “The thing is … this is really a very private affair. You haven’t been taking any pictures have you? Watching is okay but no photos. Can you show me your cell phone? We only want to make sure.”

  It became obvious to Paul these four women were not going anywhere else but were intent on questioning him further. He said, “I haven’t taken any pictures. I was just passing through. I’ll be on my way now.” He tried to move towards the doorway but found his path was blocked and he couldn’t leave without creating a scene.

  Just then Tracy pulled out her cell phone and started taking pictures of Paul.

  “Whoa! Wait a minute! You can’t do that!” he exclaimed. He went to grab her phone but she quickly stepped back and, again, he was faced with the risk he’d be creating a scene. His original plan was now foiled … clearly, there’d be no opportunity for him to grab anyone. Worse, his ‘don’t get caught’ plan wasn’t working either.

  Once again, he moved towards the doorway and this time, the path was clear. The women all stepped back. They were letting him go. He went.

  Millie and Desiree kept their distance but did follow him and saw that he exited the hotel. Desiree said, “I wonder what that was all about. Let’s get back inside.”

  Meanwhile, Lila came up to Tracy and gushed, “That was awesome! The way you challenged that guy? Wow!” She could see Tracy was sending the photos to someone and asked, “What’s next?”

  “Well, let’s just say I have friends in the government who will gladly identify this asshole. I bet I get a text before we can even return to our seats.” They started back to their tables and, sure enough, before they’d reached them Tracy’s phone dinged. When she checked her message from “P” Branch, she nodded her head and grimaced. Then she said, “What-do-ya-know! Paul Morelli. No wonder our wards reacted to him.”

  Lila asked, “Who is he? Should I know him?”

  Tracy laughed and said, “No, you shouldn’t. But, I’m betting your new best girlfriend Sandy over there will recognize who he is. Let’s go show her his photo and see.”

  Lila was not pleased to hear Tracy joke about Sandy being her girlfriend. Not! She realized Tracy had to have noticed the two of them taking turns flirting with Patrick and she was a teeny bit embarrassed. But, only for a moment. Oh, well! She then was indeed curious to see whether or not Sandy would recognize the photos.

  Sandy reacted immediately, saying “What’s Pa
uli Morelli doing here?” Although Tracy, Missy, Alice and Sandy discussed that question at length, they never did establish any definitive answer. However, one thing was clear. He had been up to no good. His triggering their wards was proof of that.

  Missy ended by saying, “Well, we’ll be watching closely for him from now on. And, Sandy? Be sure to let Ben and Sal know about this. Somehow, I’m betting they’ll want to have a conversation with Paul’s uncle Ray.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Dec 22, 2019

  Missy had briefed Robert and Mike about her plan to spy on Pancholi. Although he never came anywhere near the wedding reception, she’d been able to sense his presence off and on all evening. Finally, around ten p.m., she sensed he’d finally left the area for good. Not long after that, Heather and Donald said their thankyou’s and goodbye’s, walked the gauntlet through all the sparklers which suddenly appeared in everyone’s hands to cheer them off, and departed in their heavily decorated limo which noisily left the parking lot, dragging several tin cans along behind.

  Missy sighed, leaned back against Mike, wrapping his arms around herself as she watched them go and announced, “And a great time was had by all!” The day really had gone well.

  Mike bent down, nuzzled her ear and asked, “How long will this Pancholi Plan of yours take?” Missy and her plans. Her plans always needed to be named with capital letters. Unfortunately, he doubted his plan for taking her upstairs to their hotel room for a couple of hours of lovemaking before her Operation Lily Pad departure was still on the agenda.

  Missy sensed what he was feeling and sighed, saying, “Sorry, Mike. I can’t say for sure but it will probably take several hours. I’ve already texted Marsha to have my plane go on up to Prince Edward Island without me. That will save me some time since I can teleport up there to join them once I succeed with accessing Pancholi’s computer.”


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