Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6) Page 30

by P. G. Allison

  Major Grimes said, “If Karimi will only be here one more day, it sounds like he’s finally going to brief the higher-ups. The way this WIJO organization works, they have layers and layers of lower level personnel who insist on screening whatever might be getting presented to the top leaders. Or, maybe I should say, those at the top are the ones insisting on things being done this way. At any rate, Karimi’s theories must be carrying enough weight that he’s finally getting to present them to the top. I’m glad Missy is here and will be able to spy on that.”

  Mike said, “Missy is telling me Karimi is entering the WIJO headquarters right now. It looks like that meeting is maybe finally happening.”


  Karimi was no longer nervous. One advantage about having to make his presentation at so many lower level meetings was that, now when he was finally in front of the top leaders, he was fully prepared. Just about all possible questions had been asked and he’d managed to provide appropriate answers for all of them. He was ready.

  First, of course, there were the introductions. In addition to those he’d briefed earlier, the three top leaders were now there. Mullah Ahmed Kahtar, Mohammad Nabir and Shahid Omar Aziz. Men he’d never met before but whom he’d been told were the ones in charge, making all the key decisions. They had made a special trip into this WIJO headquarters to listen to his presentation. He was honored just to be in their presence. And, if they valued his information, his future in the organization would be assured.

  Kahtar and Aziz seemed to defer slightly to Nabir who was sitting in the center with them at his right and left. All three men had full, heavy beards and were wearing dark turbans. They were not young but they were not that old, either. Nabir’s beard was the only one with a little grey in it. He spoke first, after the preliminaries had been gotten out of the way.

  “Askar-Samar Karimi, we have heard about your demon theories. You claim the U.S. government is employing individuals with demonic powers to interfere with our attacks.”

  Karimi said, “That is correct. I have obtained extensive information and this documentation is from reliable sources. I’ve checked and corroborated almost all of these facts with other sources as well. And, I have photos and videos. The U.S. Army and other U.S. government agencies are definitely using individuals with special abilities. And, these abilities go far beyond what any normal human beings can manage.”

  He then spent over an hour detailing all the various ways in which the U.S. had succeeded in defeating the Taliban and WIJO members, going back to rescuing the three German captives a year ago, locating and then destroying the hidden base in the Korengal Valley that summer, helping the Afghan military capture and kill hundreds during that campaign, rescuing Candace Axtell and stopping all three of their Thanksgiving Day Parade attacks.

  While proving demons were responsible for these things was not an easy task, it was clear that many of the U.S. victories and accomplishments could not be explained any other way. And, the circumstantial evidence was very convincing. It was of particular interest to these leaders how the head of the criminal organization in Colombia, Manuel Rodriguez, had mysteriously vanished. This, after they learned it was Rodriguez who had been responsible for kidnapping and selling the Axtell girl to them, in exchange for drugs worth eighty million dollars.

  And yes, they also agreed there was indeed way too much information pointing to West Point Cadet Missy McCrea. Unlike the leaders in Herat, these leaders did not believe her exploits were merely false propaganda. No, her history and the various videos Karimi showed them were convincing; she was far more than any mere distraction.

  Missy, of course, found Karimi’s presentation very interesting. And, for the most part, quite accurate. All the conversations were in Pashto and she was pleased she could understand almost all of them. She was also busy during all this with experiencing each of the new leaders, adding their unique energy signature to where she kept her awareness of every person she had ever met. Just as by their scents, she would now be able to identify each of them by their energy, their very essence. And, she could now search for and locate them, whenever she wanted, provided they were anywhere within her range.

  Mullah Ahmed Kahtar said, “In summary, the U.S. government has this agency called “P” Branch which is somehow involved along with the FBI’s Psychic Division and the U.S. Army. They have these demons working for them as so-called psychics for the FBI and as cadets at West Point. The problem, of course, is the U.S. government can claim plausible deniability to any accusations we might make.”

  “In other words,” said Shahid Omar Aziz, “it will do us no good to make those accusations, especially since we are not taking credit for the failures which Karimi is saying these demons have caused us.”

  Mohammad Nabir nodded in agreement and said, “Our concern now is not with showing the world how the U.S. has been defeating us, blaming demons. No, it is with making certain these demons do not interfere with our future plans.” He looked at all the others gathered there and noted they were in agreement. “Askar-Samar Karimi, you will continue to gather evidence about these demons. I want you to communicate directly with Shahid with any future information.”

  Mullah asked, “What about further payment to Karimi’s spy?” The fact that, so far, only ten million had been provided had been brought up. “We don’t want this information being provided to others”.

  Mohammad said, “That is true. We can provide an additional five million and promise to pay more in the future.” He looked at Karimi and asked, “Will that satisfy your source?”

  “Yes, I believe that will be acceptable. I have always told him that his demand for twenty-five million was too high.” Karimi added, “He is over in the U.S. right now, working to obtain more for us. I recently received many new photos and other data which I have not yet included.” He did not mention how all the recent attachments and files from Pancholi had been mysteriously corrupted, which was the reason he’d not included them.

  “Very well then,” said Mohammed. “Thank you for providing us with all this. We will review what possible actions we might take.”

  With that, the meeting was over. Everyone left knowing that Karimi would now be reporting to Shahid and that the three leaders would further discuss amongst themselves what WIJO would do concerning these demons. No mention was made concerning the ongoing plans and that was disappointing to Missy. Evidently, these leaders were not willing to discuss such matters in front of Karimi and the others.

  Missy returned to the Camp Eggars office. She was eager to see Mike and knew she’d be returning and paying each person a visit once Lisa and Marie had their remote access software ready.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Dec 28, 2019

  Sally Navarro and Troy Dangelmeyer were making the rounds at the New York coven meeting, following along behind Troy’s mother Angelina who was introducing Sally to all those who had come to this special gathering. It was special due to Angelina’s insistence on everyone coming to meet Sally.

  Yes, in spite of all the dire predictions about Sally not obtaining approval, here she was being presented as though she were royalty. Angelina had recognized how her son’s power and ability had increased in ways only possible when a witch bonds with their soulmate. She was now proudly presenting them as though they were already married; evidently, witch soulmate status trumped any civil ceremony.

  Troy would always recall how the initial meeting between these two had gone. Sally had been nervous but had come inside his home and waited patiently while he presented her as the love of his life. He knew his mother had been ready to challenge this non-witch who couldn’t possibly be good enough for her son but who had somehow seduced him into thinking he loved her.

  But then Sally said, “I’m so happy to finally meet you! Troy has told me so many wonderful things about his amazing mother … I was beginning to think he was maybe making them all up. But, now that I’m here, I can see he was not exaggerating!” Then she gave Angelina
one of her dazzling smiles.

  Angelina was quite taken aback and found herself quite mesmerized by this lovely, beautiful girl. She stared at Troy and said, “He talks about his mother?” Somehow, she couldn’t recall what she had intended on saying.

  Sally laughed and said, “Of course! All the time. He’s been visiting me at the academy all semester and we’ve actually talked about a lot of things. But … he always brings up stories from when he was growing up. He told me how hard you’ve worked to raise him after losing your husband. You’re his inspiration, you know! He only explained about you and him being witches during Thanksgiving. By then, I felt as though I already knew you from all of his stories.”

  Somehow, Angelina and Sally found they were really getting along, and this continued all during Sally’s visit. Angelina even got a kick out of Sally’s feisty Jersey Girl ways, so quick to express some attitude about various topics. Sally was independent and not bashful about expressing her views, even when those were opposite to Angelina’s. But, it was the depth of Sally’s love for Troy and his love for her … so obvious when seeing them together … that completely won over Angelina’s heart. So, yeah … she had insisted on everyone in her coven coming that night to meet her son’s soulmate.

  Sally of course was absolutely thrilled. And, she actually found herself really liking Angelina, in spite of how often they found themselves having opposing views. She was respectful for how this very strong woman had been leading her coven for several years. The Christmas vacation at Troy’s home these past few days had been one of the happiest times Sally had ever had. Naturally, getting to spend the nights in bed with Troy had a great deal to do with that.

  There were almost a hundred people who had come to the meeting. While there were only twelve active witches in the coven, the number of relatives and latent witch members made this coven assembly one of the largest in the U.S. It had deep roots going back centuries into Germany and Europe. The more Sally learned about the coven and its history, the more she appreciated what a significant role Angelina had as its leader.

  Since many believed Troy would someday follow his mother and become the coven’s next leader, Sally’s position at his side and as his soulmate was actually a big deal. She’d need to someday take her place in this hierarchy, regardless of not being a witch herself. Fortunately, she felt fully capable of whatever responsibilities might eventually come her way. As long as she had Troy and as long as she could fulfil her destiny as an officer in the Army? She believed she could handle anything.

  Troy was being questioned about his role in the FBI even more than about his life away at college. His mother had been very vocal: her son and the others working for Robert Ulrey were in this new alliance between witches and the U.S. government. Rather than hiding, witches were now helping. The times had changed and the threat from terrorists was greater each year. Help from supernaturals was needed.

  After Sally heard Troy finish explaining to yet another well wisher how the FBI business was indeed top secret, she managed to finally pull him aside. “Look, isn’t that Emily Robinson over there? I’m going to go talk with her. I need to be with another cadet after all of these witches!” She laughed and he laughed with her.

  Emily was there with her brother Scott and the rest of her family but, when she noticed Sally coming her way, she made a point of breaking away and going to meet her. The two quickly filled each other in on how their vacations were going.

  Sally said, “So, Donald was here visiting until yesterday? I know you’re really sweet on him. How is that going?” She’d heard a few things from Missy and Tracy.

  Emily blushed and said, “It’s going great, all things considered. I’ve managed to keep the big secret about Scott and my grandmother being witches. But, I think my brother might actually be almost ready to let me explain about that. He and Donald spent a lot of time together. It turns out they really hit it off. Donald, of course, has no problem interacting with guys. Just with girls. He’s always had a ton of guy friends. But Scott? Not so much. He’s been reluctant to open up to non-witches and has very few friends.”

  “I think I see what’s happening,” laughed Sally. “Donald shows up, obviously gah-gah about you but, at the same time, being the perfect gentleman. Since he’s visiting you, your brother can’t help but start talking to him. Next thing you know? Donald’s charming ways and macho-man personality gets Scott to relax, open up. Now they’re best bro’s!” Both girls began laughing hysterically.


  Arvind Pancholi was very pleased. Another five million dollars had been deposited into his account and Karimi was saying more might still be available. He merely needed to keep providing information about these demons. Oh, and figure out why all the recent files, photos and videos which he’d sent had gotten corrupted. He’d asked Karimi to send them back so he could have someone examine them and determine what computer glitch had messed them up.

  In addition to staying close to Robert Ulrey while staying far enough back to not be noticed, he’d been exploring Salem. Surprisingly, while he had indeed noticed the occasional witch being in the area, he was not sensing the city to be as witchy as its reputation. Almost all of that was mere hype. Advertising and marketing, for the tourists. And, thankfully, that strange “presence” he’d noted when he’d returned to his hotel that night after the McCrea wedding was gone. It had not been there when he’d awakened the next morning and had not returned since then.

  He had noted both Missy McCrea and her cadet friend Tracy McGonagle had spent much of Christmas day at the McCrea household but he hadn’t seen either of them since then. Millicent Pratt, Desiree Yerger and Delilah Yerger had been staying at the Yerger household. Millicent and Desiree had made a few visits out to Hanscom AFB to meet with Robert Ulrey. He was fairly certain he’d identified a few of the others out there who were part of Robert’s team, but none were supernaturals.

  He had tried learning more about the so-called BAT task force which Homeland Security was running out of a Boston office but security had been very tight and he’d not learned much. He was pretty certain there was a hunt in progress for WIJO terrorist cell members but since he had no real solid data on that, he’d not yet shared that with Karimi.

  Besides, it was not his intent to assist WIJO in whatever they were doing. He merely wanted to be there and document how the “demons” he was watching might interfere with any attacks. He was confident he was in the right place at the right time. More millions would then be sure to follow.

  For evening entertainment and to reward himself, he’d succeeding in locating an agency which provided attractive and willing girls whom he’d visited at their hotels. So far, however, he’d not liked anyone as much as he’d enjoyed Maria in Bogota. But, finding fresh young girls was an enjoyable goal, in and of itself. He knew the agency had many more for him to choose from.


  Sal D’Amato was enjoying one of his best years ever. Christmas had been very nice, with the whole family home for the holidays. His son was doing well in college and his daughter was surprising him more and more, now that he was actually tuning in and paying attention to what she had to say. And, she was very good about keeping secrets.

  He was taking full advantage of Ray Morelli’s nephew being arrested. That attempted kidnapping of his Director Alice had made the papers nationwide, of course, and Sal had twice warned Ray beforehand. That idiot Pauli had actually gotten caught red-handed. Third time was the charm. Ray knew when he was beaten and had already agreed to “sell” several more properties to him. Yes, Sal’s real estate holdings alone would now make him one of the wealthiest businessmen in New York.

  The men he’d had watching Alice had explained what happened. He’d been pissed at their not preventing Pauli from getting inside her apartment building but, probably, that couldn’t have been stopped. And, he’d spoken to Alice. She’d told him her witch friends had protected her. Incredible.

  More and more he was finding himself i
ndebted to witches! He and Ben had discussed this strange turn of events. But, since there was peace amongst the families and his businesses were now providing him with his biggest profits yet, he was happy.


  John and Tracy were enjoying an especially fun night, making love. They’d flown to Dallas that morning and had visited with her family all that day. Now it was play time. The preliminaries were over and their activities were way, way beyond foreplay. Tracy was wearing her cowboy boots, her cowboy hat and nothing else. And, she was in the throes of a passion fueled by unreleased energy which she’d been gradually soaking up for weeks. But, she was getting close.

  John lay on his back with her astride, partially supporting her body up above by gently squeezing her breasts. Tracy was riding him, hips forward, shoulders back, head up, eyes closed, her arms flying back and forth as she gyrated up and down, focused on that one sensitive place which was now making her forget all else. John was deep inside and she moved faster and faster, driving all her weight on him, oblivious to all but reaching that orgasm which was … almost … oh, yes … so close … just starting …

  She indeed had changed during the past twelve months. She truly had been quite innocent when she’d first seduced John. But now? Sex was fun. Role playing? Absolutely. Make-up sex? Sure. Wild, uninhibited sex? All the better. John was her soulmate and exploring all the possible ways to have great sex with him was exciting. Her body now craved it, needed it, loved it, had-to-have it. Oh, yeah!

  And then, as Tracy’s spasms of sensation started? As the convulsions of such wonderful pleasure finally began hitting her with an overwhelming power? She began her most joyous yell, in complete free-fall. “Eeeeiiiii-hahhhhhh!”

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Dec 29, 2019

  Colonel Chory said, “Here are some more messages from Marie. But, they’re in Arabic.” He and Les had been on their computers, waiting for further data from Lisa and Marie, ever since Missy had returned two hours earlier. She’d now managed installing the Missy Virus onto all the computers owned by the key leaders, except for Mohammad Nabir who didn’t have one.


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