Midnight Sun (Arctic Love Book 3)

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Midnight Sun (Arctic Love Book 3) Page 6

by T. T. Kove

  It made Jørgen miss his own parents, but they'd been gone a long while. They'd been good parents though; even if they hadn't quite been comfortable with his homosexuality, they'd tried their best. It was too bad they'd died so early. Jørgen thought they'd actually like Frey, even if they'd been pretty reserved about the few boyfriends he'd let them meet through his years of dating.

  "I do want to," Frey said. "I just worry."

  "You have nothing to worry about." Jørgen really wanted Frey to meet his kids and their mothers. They were Jørgen's family now that he didn't have any other relatives left.

  Frey's lips inched up into a tiny smile. "Let's go then."

  Jørgen grinned and put the car in gear. It didn't take long to drive to Karina and Sara's house. They lived only a minute's drive from Frey's flat, about four from Christian and Andreas' house.


  "Yeah?" Jørgen kept his eyes on the road.

  "I really enjoyed this morning," Frey whispered.

  That did bring Jørgen's attention around to him for a couple of seconds. "I did too. I liked it very much."

  Frey started squirming in his seat as Jørgen drove up the stretch towards the little house. "What if they don't like me?"

  "It'll be fine," Jørgen assured him. "They'll like you just fine. What's not to like?" Jørgen parked the car and squeezed Frey's hand. "Come on, let's get it over with." He grinned and got out.

  He walked around the car to help Frey get out without putting too much weight on his injured leg. When he turned around again, Karina was standing on the front steps.

  "Hey, girl." Jørgen greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "This is Frey."

  "I know who he is, Jørgen." But Karina none the less smiled and nodded in greeting to Frey, who looked immensely relieved. "Though it is nice to finally meet you officially."

  Frey blushed slightly. "It's nice to meet you too."

  "Come on in. Sara and the kids are in the living room." She walked inside first, and Jørgen motioned for Frey to follow her.

  He helped Frey take off his boots and snowsuit, then started in on his own. "Ready?" he asked when he was done.

  Frey still seemed very nervous. "As ready as I can be."

  Jørgen couldn't help it, he stepped forward and pressed a light kiss to Frey's lips. "It'll be fine. Trust me. Karina's the picky one, actually, and she likes you. The bad part's over."

  Frey smiled slightly, but it did seem like some of his nervousness dissipated. That's good, Jørgen thought, because he meant it. They would like Frey. How could anyone not like Frey? He was too adorable for words.



  Jørgen turned around at the sound of his name and found Radimir and Aleksandr, a man he recognised only from a couple of photos Radimir had shown him, striding towards him.


  Radimir gave him a strained smile. He looked uncertain. "Look, Jørgen. We had no idea what our mates were up to," he said. "If we'd known, we would've turned them in. Shooting a bear is just despicable. And what they did to you and your man..."

  "Don't worry about it," Jørgen assured him, clapping him on the shoulder. "We're both fine. We'll be fine. Besides, it wasn't your fault. You couldn't possibly know if they wanted to keep it from you."

  Radimir smiled slightly, seemingly relieved. "Thanks, mate. I was worried, I got to admit."

  "Nothing to be worried about."

  "Good." Radimir nodded, then reached out and clapped Jørgen's shoulder. "No hard feelings?"

  "No hard feelings." It was completely sincere. Jørgen didn't blame Radimir for what had happened. Not when Radimir was innocent. The only thing he was guilty of was having his friends over for a visit. He couldn't know they'd commit a felony.

  Aleksandr came forward when Radimir stepped back. "Thank you," he murmured, shaking Jørgen's hand, then went back to stand behind Radimir.

  "See you around, Jørgen." Radimir threw an arm up in farewell as they started walking away.

  "Yeah, see you!" Jørgen closed the trunk of his car then jumped into the driver's seat.

  Frey looked at him curiously from where he was sitting in the passenger seat. "He seems really nice, that Russian mate of yours."

  "He is." Jørgen smiled. "He's one of the nicest blokes I know." Which was why it kind of sucked that Radimir's love for Aleksandr would always be unrequited. At least Jørgen supposed it would be, considering how many years Radimir had been in love with his friend. "So," Jørgen started as he drove towards Frey's flat. "Today didn't go so bad, did it?"

  Frey shook his head slightly. "No, it didn't. They are very nice. Your kids are so cute."

  Jørgen beamed. He couldn't help it. Frey had hit it off with the kids. Emilie and Elias had simply fallen head over heels for him. They'd been shy at first, as all kids were, but they'd warmed up quickly. Sara had been welcoming, and while Karina was always more difficult to read, Jørgen knew her well enough to know that she was happy for him and that she did like Frey.

  Frey looked at Jørgen shyly once they parked outside his flat. "Do you want to come in?"

  Jørgen looked at his lovely face, not about to say no to the invitation. "Yeah. Of course I want to."



  Frey had stopped looking at Jørgen once he'd sat down on the couch.

  "Yeah?" Jørgen sat down tentatively next to him. He hoped Frey hadn't changed his mind. He'd seemed fine all through dinner. Though they hadn't touched once, Jørgen had constantly felt Frey's gaze linger on him.

  "About this morning. I want to—" Frey wrung his hands in his lap. "I want to reciprocate. I really do. But first I need to tell you something. Something about me."

  "Okay. Whatever it is, I'm here for you. I'm listening."

  Frey nodded, but he kept his focus on his lap. "I had this boyfriend. It's a couple of years ago now, but it's all still fresh in my memory. He wasn't a very good bloke, you know, he could be quite violent sometimes. Especially after he'd been drinking. He liked to push me around. It wasn't anything major, you know, just a little shoving. But it, well, it started to escalate after a while." Frey once again wrung his hands together. "He'd hit me, he'd be forceful with me in front of his mates and he'd guilt-trip me into sex. When I finally called up the courage to break it off with him, he went mental.

  "He started following me around. Stalking me, I guess. He'd be really crude and threaten me, and one night when I was coming home from the night shift at the hospital..."

  Frey closed his eyes. "I'd unlocked my door and he was suddenly there behind me, pushing me inside. He covered my mouth, threatened me if I made a sound. He shoved me into my bedroom. I'm not sure if I'm grateful or not that he left the lights off. But he did... well, he did me. I tried to fight him, but I'm so small, I couldn't throw him off. So, yeah... it happened. Afterwards he just left."

  Frey's eyes opened slowly. "I didn't report him. I was too afraid. Afraid he'd come back for me. He just made me so afraid of everything. I was afraid of other people, of them getting close to me, I was afraid of walking home alone when it was dark outside. I was afraid of letting anyone inside again."

  "Frey..." Jørgen didn't know what to say. What could he say? Nothing would make Frey feel better about what happened to him. Jørgen had never experienced an abusive relationship. Never experienced an abusive anything. He didn't know what it was like.

  "I'm still afraid." Frey finally turned his head to face Jørgen. "I'm still afraid I'm going to be hurt again. But you've been nothing but kind to me, Jørgen, and you took care of me yesterday and you made me feel so good this morning. I haven't felt so good in years. I want to finally be brave and take a shot at someone again. To take a shot at you."

  "You really mean that?" Jørgen felt breathless.

  Frey's eyes were steady. "I'm not afraid of you."

  "I hope you'll never have any reason to be."

  Frey scooted over a bit, closer to Jørgen, his moss-green eyes still
staring into Jørgen's. "Will you take me to bed? Will you love me?"

  "There is nothing I want more, Frey. I only want to make you feel good."

  Frey nodded, then slowly rose to his feet. He grabbed once crutch, then reached the other hand out to Jørgen. "I trust you, Jørgen."

  Jørgen knew, he could tell, that those words were hard for Frey to say. That trusting someone didn't come easy to him anymore. Jørgen would do his very best to never let Frey down. So he took Frey's hand and walked with him into the bedroom, where Frey put his single crutch aside and hobbled over to sit on the bed.

  Jørgen swallowed as he looked at him. He knew very well what he wanted, but was it too soon? Frey said he trusted him, but if Jørgen went to bed with him now, if he did more than give him a blow-job, would it be too much for Frey? Frey had been hurt badly and Jørgen didn't want to contribute to it.

  "Are you absolutely sure, Frey?" His throat felt scratched and dry. "If you're not, that's fine. I can wait."

  Frey blinked up at him, moss-green eyes wide. He seemed nervous, but also determined. "I'm sure. I know you won't hurt me, Jørgen. You've proven that ever since I moved up here. Especially yesterday, with how you took care of me, and this morning... I want to be with you."

  Jørgen couldn't hold himself back anymore. He walked over to Frey and stooped down to kiss him. He kept the kiss soft at first, but when Frey's lips parted on a silent sigh, Jørgen deepened it. Frey's arms came up to coil around his shoulders and Jørgen sat down on the bed so that they were on a more even ground. He wrapped his own arms around Frey's torso, pulling Frey up against him.

  Frey felt good against him and Jørgen wanted him naked right now. He wanted to feel Frey's smooth skin, wanted to bury himself in Frey's heat. A thought occurred to him suddenly that had him pulling out of the kiss.

  "I haven't got any stuff." Condoms and lube were at home. He wasn't the kind of bloke who went around with it in his pocket. Especially not now when he lived on Svalbard.

  "Don't worry," Frey breathed. "I have."

  "You do?"

  Frey blushed. "Yeah. I never planned on meeting anyone up here, you know, but stuff like that's always nice to have, anyway."

  "True. So true." Jørgen ran his hands down Frey's side. He tugged at Frey's jumper and shirt, pulling them up and off so he could get to the soft, warm skin underneath. He splayed one hand on Frey's stomach and slowly ran it upwards, pausing to circle around and brush over Frey's nipples until the two pink nubs were hard and erect. Jørgen buried his face in Frey's neck, kissing and licking and sucking his way over the thin, smooth skin.

  Frey moaned and his arms clutched at Jørgen's shoulders for several more seconds before they fluttered down to start tugging on Jørgen's clothing. He got Jørgen's jumper and tee halfway up before Jørgen had to sit back and lift his arms so Frey could get the garments over his head.

  "I want to make up for this morning," Frey whispered. "It's your turn now to enjoy."

  Frey bent down and started in on Jørgen's jeans. Jørgen looked down at the long, slim fingers working his zipper. When Frey had got his jeans unzipped, Jørgen lifted his hips up slightly so Frey could slide the jeans down his thighs.

  When Jørgen was naked, Frey's eyes flicked up to meet Jørgen's for a second. A faint blush covered his cheeks. Then Frey leant in and took the head of Jørgen's cock into his mouth. He licked and sucked on the crown, before taking half the length inside.

  "Aw, fuck." Jørgen groaned as he let himself fall back down on the bed. Frey was actually good at sucking cock, even if he hadn't been sexually active in quite a while. Jørgen presumed he'd learned the skills he was now showing from back before he'd been hurt by that psycho ex-boyfriend of his.

  Jørgen hadn't been with a man in a while either though, not since his last time with Radimir a couple of months ago, and his orgasm was approaching too fast.

  "Stop, stop, stop. I don't want to come yet."

  Frey pulled off his cock, and he gave it a couple of nice, long strokes before he crawled back up on the bed. He bent over to his bedside table and produced a condom and lube. Jørgen watched as Frey threw them on the bed, then scooted up so he was resting against his pillows.

  Jørgen ripped the condom packet open with his teeth and rolled the rubber over his leaking cock. When he was prepared, he reached for the lube. He needed to prep Frey properly, needed him to be completely relaxed before they took it any further. Jørgen wouldn't have Frey hurting in any kind of way if they were going to do this.

  Frey's cheeks were still tinted red, but his eyes were steady on Jørgen's cock. He didn't seem too worried. But then Jørgen wasn't exactly big.

  "If you feel it's too much, let me know," Jørgen said as he scooted up to rest between Frey's thighs. "If you feel you don't want to continue, we'll stop. Okay?"

  Frey nodded jerkily.

  Jørgen squeezed a good amount of lube onto his fingers, then he stroked down the inside of Frey's thigh with his other hand. Frey's legs fell further apart and Jørgen slowly and carefully ran a lubed finger down the crack of Frey's arse. Frey's breathing hitched when Jørgen circled his hole, but he lay quietly and seemed calm.

  Jørgen bent further down to nuzzle against Frey's skin. He lapped at his tight balls, nipping them gently. Frey's moan told him loud and clear that the attention was appreciated and Jørgen continued licking and sucking Frey's skin while his index finger slowly pushed into Frey's body.

  Frey tensed under him at the intrusion, but when Jørgen continued his ministrations in slow, sure movements, he relaxed again.

  Jørgen licked a trail up the underside of Frey's cock when he inserted his second finger, and a long, drawn-out moan escaped him, his back bucking up off the bed. Frey's cock was leaking pre-come and Jørgen sucked the head between his lips. He inserted a third finger, and spent several long minutes making sure Frey was properly loosened up.

  "Now, Jørgen," Frey whispered in a husky voice. "Now."

  Jørgen didn't have to be asked twice. He pulled his fingers out of Frey and sat up on his knees. He scooted forward so that the back of Frey's thighs rested against the front of his own. Looking down into Frey's now lust-filled eyes, Jørgen lubed his cock up and positioned the head at the stretched opening. He pushed inside slowly, eyes locked on Frey's face to gauge his reaction.

  Frey's breathing sped up, but he kept his eyes on Jørgen as well. Jørgen stopped when he'd sunk all the way in. It had been some time, and he needed to gather himself before he could continue.

  Frey's legs wrapped around him, and he was soon bucking his hips, urging Jørgen to start moving. Jørgen did, first pulling back slowly before thrusting back in. He pulled back again, thrust back in, faster and faster.

  Bending down, he captured Frey's lips in a hot, fiery kiss. Frey felt so good against him. It was perfect. Frey was perfect. Perfect for Jørgen.

  Frey's arms came up to lock around his neck, and one of his hands tangled in Jørgen's short, black hair as he pressed him further down into a harder kiss. Their bodies rocked together rapidly.

  Jørgen knew he wasn't going to last much longer. Reaching one hand down between them he grasped Frey's cock and started stroking it in time with his own thrusts. Frey's body was so tight around him and his moans sounded like music to Jørgen's ears, as cliché as that sounded.

  When Frey suddenly climaxed, with a startled groan, it tipped Jørgen over the edge as well. He collapsed atop Frey and held him tightly as his breathing slowed down to normal. They were both sweaty, their stomachs were covered in Frey's semen, but Jørgen didn't care. It felt too good lying there with Frey in his arms in post-orgasmic bliss.

  Frey's hands started running over Jørgen's hair and back. Jørgen sighed and relaxed further. It seemed that Frey didn't mind having him sprawled on top of him. He did move a little to the side though, just so he wouldn't completely crush Frey's smaller body.

  "That felt really good," Frey whispered against his hair.

  "Yes." Jørgen
tilted his head and pressed a kiss to Frey's collarbone. "It certainly did." He pushed up a bit so he could look down at Frey, who gazed back with a sated smile on his lips.

  "Thank you." Frey nuzzled the side of Jørgen's face and hugged him close. "Thank you for being so good to me. Maybe I can give you what you need, after all."

  "You are what I need, Frey." Jørgen captured Frey's lips, kissing him softly. "Only you." Jørgen slid out of bed to get rid of the condom, which he threw in the rubbish bin in the bathroom. He wetted a towel and went back into the bedroom to wash the semen off Frey's stomach, then himself.

  Frey held the duvet up for him as he threw the towel aside, and Jørgen climbed into bed. He slid his arms around Frey and drew him in close. One of Frey's arms came to rest over Jørgen's waist while the other was pressed up against his chest. Frey slid one foot over Jørgen's hips, resting it comfortably.

  Jørgen leaned in to kiss him again. He simply wasn't able to resist. Frey was too irresistible. He'd never thought he'd actually have a shot with Frey, not with how afraid Frey always used to be, but lying there with Frey relaxed in his arms... nothing felt more right. And Jørgen was happy that no matter how hurt Frey had been in the past, he'd taken a shot at Jørgen. Jørgen swore he wouldn't blow the trust Frey had shown in him. He would make sure Frey was safe and happy, no matter what.


  About the Author

  T.T. Kove has been writing stories since she knew how to, though they did not always involve gay boys as they now do. Now she also occasionally writes about gay girls. A fantasy setting is the current obsession, but T.T. also writes contemporary romances—some of them quite erotic.

  A native of Norway, T.T. loves the country—in fiction. In real life, she wishes it could be warmer. T.T. works a regular job by day, and spends the rest of her time writing. Her iPad is her best friend, and it travels with her everywhere she goes, but at home the Mac rules the house.

  If you have any comments, questions or other feedback, you can contact T. T. at [email protected]. You can also visit T.T.’s website at www.ttkove.com and her blog at www.ttkove.com/theblog.


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