West Coast Erotica: Series Bundle (Contemporary BBW)

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West Coast Erotica: Series Bundle (Contemporary BBW) Page 13

by Ruby Madden

  “Sure, that’s harmless enough. On one condition.” Angela suddenly spun around and ruffled through a pile of books on hold for customers. When she found what she was looking for, she turned back around and laid it on the cashier counter. “You buy this and give it to her yourself, when she calls. Believe me, she’ll call.”

  Clay found himself breaking into a big smile. “You’re sure about that are you?”

  Angela nodded, “I’m sure. I have a feeling about this. About you two.”

  “You do?” Clay arched his eyebrows heavenward, intrigued.

  “I do. Believe me, I’ve got other skills besides being a bookstore salesclerk.” She winked at him.

  “Ok then, what do I owe you?” Clay asked, wondering what skills she was referring to.

  Angela scanned the book’s barcode. “Eleven, ninety-nine. For the book. For the psychic reading, this one is free. This time around.”

  “Thank you Angela.” Clay said, then swiped his credit card.

  “I promise to deliver her your biz-card as soon as I see her again.” Angela said while putting his purchase in a bag.

  “Thank you again Angela, it means a lot to me.” Clay said.

  “I know it does. You’re obviously in love with her. Have a good day!”

  Yes, I am… Clay thought to himself as he walked away, a little embarrassed and wondering what was next.

  Patience and some time.

  A little bit of time…

  { GRACE }

  A month had passed since Grace’s serendipitous encounter with Clay. It was the long Holiday weekend and the city was slipping into the last days of fall and first days of winter. Today, weary and cranky travelers were packed in the very crowded lobby of the boutique hotel she worked at.

  No one has any manners or patience anymore in the U.S. and everyone behaves as if they are the most important guest at the hotel, which none of them are... Grace thought to herself as she struggled to appease one irked guest after the other.

  Needy, needy, needy…

  The headache pounding between her temples wasn’t helping matters as she did her best to remain positive and polite. She’d already clocked forty hours for the week and today would make it forty-eight. The overtime pay she loved, the exhaustion and lack of sleep, not so much.

  Jake, the Hotel General Manager noticed how tired his Guest Relations Manager was looking and decided to give her a break. Sneaking up to her side, and under his breath, he drolled out in his sexy southern voice a question, that only she would recognize was an order, disguised as it were in front of all their guests.

  “Grace, I think you need a break?”

  She beamed her best smile at Jake and would have kissed him in front of all their guests if she could have.

  “God bless you, Jake… Thank you, thank you, thank you…”

  She dashed away before any more demands of her could be made and she grabbed her wallet and coat. Today, she would make the quick walk three blocks away to get a cinnamon mocha from her favorite place in the world, Moonstruck Chocolate. Nothing else was going to get her through the rest of her shift but one large cup of gourmet chocolate and coffee.

  Walking quickly, Grace relished the feel of the season. As she walked, she felt the usual stares from passerby’s making her tense. She disliked all this unwanted attention.

  Look at someone else!

  Doing her best to dodge the glances and avoid the admiring stares, she was relieved to arrive at her destination. Thankfully, the barista behind the counter recognized her instantly and waved her over, past the holiday line and crowd. They exchanged knowing grins and chit-chatted about their plans for the long Holiday weekend. Not surprisinlgly, they were both working through it.

  Cassie and Grace clicked right from the get-go. Cassie was spunky and spontaneous. A bit of a rebel, she was working her way through massage school. Her spiky, black hair had as much personality as she did and Grace secretly envied the brash, fun-loving confidence that Cassie was blessed with.

  “Grace, you should definitely come join us for some drinks at the TugBoat. Since we’re trudging our way working through the holiday weekend, a group of us want to hang out a bit and unwind from the workday. Someone from the gang is bound to be there from ten on each night.”

  Grace nodded. She didn’t typically hang out with Cassie’s group but she could see the need for alcohol at the end of her working shifts this holiday weekend. The week had already been long and she needed to push herself through a few more before she got a few days off.

  “Ok, fair enough. I already need a drink. Got anything back there to spike my mocha with?”

  Cassie winked at her, “If only…”

  The sounds of the busy chocolatier shop hummed around her. It was a snug fit in the boutique shop. Eager patrons seeking succulent holiday treats who also needed warm, espresso and chocolate indulgent drinks to fuel their day. They were likely all in the same rush that she was. Sometimes, Grace wondered, why does the world always need to move at the speed of light?

  Why can’t we all just slow down?

  Waiting patiently for her drink, Grace perused her smart-phone. She felt his gaze before she saw him. A current of penetrating energy went through her and before she could stop herself, she looked up.

  Clay was standing in line, his wallet in hand and staring right at her, a look of mystification on his handsome face. He smiled at her and before she could look away, he stepped out of the line and walked right up to her.

  “Grace? How are you?” His amber-green eyes flashed both excitement and hesitation, as if he were unsure what she might say or do.

  It served her right, she’d slapped the man in the face after-all…

  Just then, Cassie handed Grace her cinnamon mocha and with a curious look of puzzlement flashed in Clay’s direction, she noted the spell-bound looks on both their faces and stepped away to start on other customer’s drinks, giving them some space and a modicum of privacy.

  Grace stammered a bit and went mute. She didn’t know what to say. She was still so embarrassed by what had happened. Finally, she found her voice and whispered out softly, “I’m so sorry… I, I. I don’t know what happened that day. I just sorta, reacted. I was mortified, later, once I realized what I’d done.”

  She hadn’t even said hello to him. She’d just launched into an awkward public apology without thinking.

  Good grief Grace, where are your social skills!?

  Clay observed her closely and saw that tears were beginning to well up in her eyes. The last thing he wanted was to make her cry again or make her unhappy. He certainly didn’t want a repeat of what happened the last time. He stepped back a bit, giving her more space.

  “Grace, I’m so sorry. I should have been patient and more of a gentleman. I’ll leave you be, I certainly don’t want to make you cry.” Although his manners said one thing, his body language said another.

  Grace was impressed that despite being in a cozy, busy establishment with customers everywhere, he managed to say this in a soft enough voice that only her ears could hear. She found the courage to look him in the eye.

  “Clay, I’m glad we ran into each other again. I felt so foolish. I wanted to apologize but realized that we hadn’t exchanged our cell numbers. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see you again?”

  He nodded, a warm smile coming back to his face. “Grace, it’s ok. There’s no need for an apology.”

  He paused and gently touched her elbow. “How about this. I give you my contact info and it’s entirely up to you if we ever meet again. As much as it kills me, I won’t ask for your number or anything like that. It’s all on you. Your choice. Is that fair?”

  Grace could see clearly that this was very hard for him to do.

  “That’s not necessary Clay, I already know I want to see you again.” Grace whipped out her phone, “What’s your number?”

  Despite her nervousness, her thumbs managed to work somehow and a
minute later Clay’s cell number and home number were forever stored in the memory of her phone.

  Grace suddenly noted the time and that her break was going to be longer than expected. She didn’t want to push Jake’s kind regard for her as he was less than generous with the employees who didn’t work hard, like her. She had gained his favor and wanted to keep it.

  “Clay, I apologize – I have to get back to work but I promise to call soon. Again, I’m so, so sorry about what happened…”

  Clay smiled down at her and she felt the wave of desire and heat rolling between them. He was studying her face so hard that he seemed mesmerized. He started to lean in towards her, as if to kiss her, but caught himself.

  “Ok Grace. Let’s try this again, shall we?” He grinned at her in the most charming, endearing way possible. “Call me soon.”

  Grace took a gulp, felt her knees go wobbly and smiled back at him. The chemistry between them was palpable, and so electric. “I promise.”

  She turned on her heel and as if carried by the wind itself, made her way back to the hotel in no time.

  Grace was in love.

  { CLAY }

  Clay was on cloud nine as he made his way back to his car. On an impulse, when driving by the boutique chocolatier shop, he’d decided to stop and buy some chocolates for his friends that would soon be in town for the Holiday. What were the chances that he’d run into Grace?!

  Actually, once he started to think about it more, he should have figured this out sooner. Of course she would frequent the gourmet chocolatier’s stores in the downtown Portland area. Why hadn’t he though to go to them more often? No matter, the serendipitous gods had smiled kindly on them once again.

  All was right in his world.

  It had been an awful month since he’d first met Grace. The news about his Father’s illness and then the new boss at work. Despite the many demands made of his attention and time, he hadn’t stopped thinking about her once. The heavy cloud of regret had hung in his mind and he’d silently cursed himself enough times to believe he had somehow been jinxed.

  But here he was sitting in his car, and she had has phone numbers now. He’d felt the electric chemistry between them, just like the first time they had met. She’d call, there was no doubt in his mind.

  He smiled and turned up the music. His heart a bit brighter than it had been when the day had started, he sang silly tunes out loud in his car all the way home to make his place presentable for his friends who’d soon be arriving.

  { GRACE }

  Her long, grueling shift over, Grace contemplated if she should go to the TugBoat to meet up with Cassie’s group or go home and soak in a long bubble bath.

  She felt that her luck had made a turn for the better. After running into Clay again, she was infused with a playful energy and mood that was contagious. She wanted to go out, have fun, and be with people. She hadn’t felt like this since before she’d left the university and moved to Portland. Her second run-in with Clay was fueling her good mood and she wanted to share it.

  When she stepped inside the TugBoat, Grace saw Cassie and her work-friends had pulled together a couple of tables and were already well on their way to drinking through two large pitchers of locally brewed beer. Laughing and chatting, she joined them, shyly glancing at them.

  “Grace! So glad you decided to come. How was the rest of your shift?” Cassie quickly poured Grace a beer and the group shifted around the table to make room for her.

  Grace gave a long, exasperated sigh. “Do I have to answer that?”

  “That good, eh?” A lanky, auburn haired guy named Greg stated, flipping his lighter nervously in his left hand. He gave her a flirtatious smile. Grace smiled back, surprised at how attracted she was to him.

  “What is it about American holidays that just turns everyone into cantankerous, royal asses?” She laid her head down on the table in exasperation, raising her hand as if waiving a white flag of surrender.

  The group let out a whoop of laughter and Grace felt welcomed. Her snarky honesty sincerely appreciated amongst them, she was soon laughing, bitching, groaning and moaning about her job along with the best of them.

  The conversation was random, as were the many interactions with Cassie’s crew of friends. Grace already knew she was a bit more conservative than the lot of them, but with Cassie’s approval, she found herself welcome amongst them.

  The auburn-haired guy had brought some desserts for the tipsy group. As if everyone was in on some secret or inside joke that Grace was yet included in, the sampling of the desserts started a commentary of ratings.

  “Succulent. Caramelized. Firm seven.” Murmured Cassie after taking her first couple of bites.

  “Warm, custardy. I’ll give it a six.” Greg said.

  Andy, Cassie’s boyfriend chimed in. “I stand by what I always say, deliciously sinful. Eight. You’re too hard on yourself, Greg.”

  “You can’t give every dessert of his you try an eight, Andy. That’s not how this works. Greg’s in school, remember? He needs honest feedback.” Cassie poked him gently with her fork, teasing him.

  “I can if they’re that good and his stuff is always at least an eight, if not better.” Andy persisted.

  Greg patted Andy on the back, “Thank you, thank you my man. I’m glad you enjoy them.”

  The group continued to eat, drink and rate the delightful range of desserts. Grace found herself even more amused and drawn in by Cassie’s circle.

  She got brave and gave up on any public shame she may feel about eating in public and sunk her fork into the first dessert. Rolling her eyes heavenward, she sighed with the deep satisfaction of the sweet treat in her mouth, delighting her taste buds. She moved to the next dessert and enjoyed it as much. Then the final one. It was the best. She let out a delicious, long Mmm… and the conversation stopped.

  All eyes were on her.

  “What?” She asked.

  Greg looked her directly in the eye. “Two of the best words to describe each dessert and then a rating from one to ten. Go!”

  Grace looked at the key lime pie, the custard, and the chocolate cake she had just sampled. “Refreshing, delightsome. Six.” She paused, moving her eyes from the key lime pie to the custard. “Simple, caramel-vanilla’esque. Seven.” Then her gaze moved from the custard to the chocolate cake, the one she had enjoyed the most. “Classic, near-perfect icing. Eight. The only thing wrong with it was that there was no vanilla bean ice cream to enjoy it with. ”

  Grace winked at Greg, awaiting his response.

  Am I flirting? Shameless!

  Greg nodded slowly in approval. “Well done, well done.” He taunted, leaning back casually in his chair, his gaze heavy on Grace.

  Cassie flicked her eyes in Greg’s direction, and decided to end Grace’s befuddlement. “Greg is attending Le Cordon Bleu to be a Pastry Chef.”

  “Oh wow. How cool is that?!” Grace exclaimed, perhaps a bit more excitedly than she wanted. “Do you like it?” She asked Greg.

  “Very much so, it’s been my ambition for a long time. I enjoy it.” Greg answered, keenly appraising Grace.

  “I’ve heard that it’s an excellent school. What a great skill to have. So much talent to be explored there…” Grace commented.

  “It’s intimidating at times, for sure. High standards and intense critique. That’s why I play this game with the gang. Keeps me on my toes.” Greg shared.

  Grace leaned in for another tasty bite, smiling warmly in approval at the tantalizing flavor hitting her taste buds. “So good…” She said, her mouth somewhat full, her eyes rolling upwards in appreciation of his baking efforts.

  Greg continued to flirt with her and Grace continued to play with it a bit. Why not, what would it hurt? Despite herself, she was attracted to his lanky, relaxed demeanor.

  After an hour of drinking and chatting, a cluster of them went outside. Grace wanted to get some fresh air and a few from the group needed to smok
e. Grace didn’t smoke, but didn’t mind if others did and besides, she was enjoying the friendly banter. She loved the cool air of late fall.

  A bit tipsy from beer, warm from her thoughts about Clay while enjoying the company of Cassie’s friends, she didn’t notice when her cell phone slipped from her jacket’s pocket and straight into a puddle, just on the curb’s edge.

  It was Greg who heard the splash, saw what it was and quickly leaned down to pick it up for her. However, tipsy himself, Greg lost his balance and fell. Trying to catch his fall, he had no choice but to let go of her cell phone. Grace’s cell went skidding across the street and before they could all register what had happened, they heard the deafening crunch as a car drove over it.

  Grace stood there, in shock as Greg’s friends rescued him from the ground. Car after car smashed her phone into smithereens and Grace’s heart froze cold.

  Clay’s numbers were on her cell…

  And she hadn’t given him her number.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid!!

  Realizing that her good fortune had just completely reversed itself, she blamed herself. She’d been flirting all night with Greg, appreciating his attention while thinking about Clay. Was this the universe’s way of punishing her?

  Grace fought hard to hold back her tears and before anyone could stop her, she ran away into the night, hailing a taxi to take her home. Without uttering a word or goodbye, the group was stunned at her disappearing act.

  Greg finally managed to get his bearings and with the help of some of his friends who stopped traffic, he picked up the remnants of her smashed cell phone from the street. Cassie had joined them outside at this point and they shared what happened. Brows furrowed and with a look of determination, she invited Greg to join her.

  “Where are we going?” he asked.

  “To her place. I think I know why she’s so upset. We need to get to her place ASAP.”

  * * *

  Cassie rapped at Grace’s apartment door. “Grace, honey – it’s Cassie. You ok hon?”


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