West Coast Erotica: Series Bundle (Contemporary BBW)

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West Coast Erotica: Series Bundle (Contemporary BBW) Page 29

by Ruby Madden

  “Yes, very.”

  “I love a woman who isn’t shy about eating in front of a man.” He said, teasingly.

  I blushed, “Well, I enjoy food. Clearly. It’s not like I can hide it.”

  “True, very true indeed…”

  I realized I had no idea what to talk with him about. I barely knew the guy. I knew I was attracted to him and that he worked with Kat and that he had Tuesdays off. That was it.

  “How was the game?” I asked.

  He perked up, “You like sports?”

  “Sadly, no. I wouldn’t have a clue truthfully.” I said matter-of-factly with a tone of apology.

  He laughed, “Silly girl. The game was good. The team I was routing for won.”

  “Nice.” I said, blushing again.

  An awkward silence descended up on us. I was silently praying for our drinks to get to us soon as we clearly needed some liquid lubricant to get our conversation going.

  “So, how do you stay in such great shape?” I asked.

  Marty shifted and looked pleased with himself. “I’ve always been physical. Ironically, it all started when I was a boy and my Mom realized I like to beat things up. After getting in trouble one too many times with the school principal, my Mom bought me a boxing bag and hung it in the basement. She knew I was aggressive and needed to have an outlet for it. It worked. From there, I got into boxing, wrestling and later, martial arts. Also, I served in the military.”

  “Wow…” I was a bit in shock. “No wonder you’re the head bouncer at the Club.”

  He grinned. “Nawh, half the battle is learning how to intimidate and keeping the peace without anything needing to get physical. That’s what I do, in a nutshell. I intimidate grown-ass men to behave and not act like a bunch of male gorillas.”

  I laughed outright, charmed. “Love it!”

  “Good, because in every other way, I’m a gentleman at heart. A bit of a perv, I admit, but a gentleman.” He said, unashamed.

  Our beverages arrived. I downed my shot and looked to the server for another. Marty followed suit. We each took a frothy sip of our beers, now waiting for our food.

  “What did you do in the Military?” I asked.

  “I was in the Marines.” He answered.

  “Wow. Again, wow…”

  All this masculinity made me feel like I was drowning in a testosterone bath. It was luscious. God, what it would feel like to finally hook up with him, to feel his body and touch.

  “I could never serve in the military. I’d be the worst soldier ever.” I said.

  “It’s not for everyone, that’s for sure.” He acknowledged. “For me, I got a nearly-free education out of it. And discovered that I hated the idea of killing another human. Love to defend, not game to kill.” Marty shared.

  I gulped, “Thank goodness for that.”

  We grinned at each other a bit and our food arrived. As we dug in, the conversation hit its stride. We laughed, we joked, shared and opened up to each other. He was so much more than he seemed on the surface. Our meals done and empty plates cleared, a few more beverages consumed and a check lying on the table, we sat gazing at each other hungrily. Aroused.

  “Shall we commence with the evening Miss Tamsin?” He asked while laying down a fifty to cover our drinks and meal.

  “Yes, let’s do.” I said, standing up to gather myself. Truthfully, I had no idea what I would or wouldn’t do. I knew what I had agreed and promised to Kat, but my body was on it’s own trajectory at this point, under the influence of beer, whiskey, and a sexy piece of strong, man meat who was charming me silly.

  As we strode outside into the dark night, he grazed his hand on my upper hip, enclosing me at the waist and curled me snugly up to his warm, strong body. Lured in, we walked without talking to his truck which was parked thankfully, close to my car.

  His truck beeped when he unlocked it and he opened the passenger door for me. Obediently, I hopped in and he closed the door behind me.

  Once he got in, I blurted out, “I promised Kat I wouldn’t play with you unless she was involved.”

  “I know. That’s why we’re gonna sit here a bit, kiss and make-out.”

  I let out a relieved half-laugh. “Oh we are, are we?”

  “Yes…” His hot breath was on my neck and lower ear as he nuzzled into me. I felt a wave of melting desire come over me.



  “If I kiss you, it won’t stop there. That’s not how I’m made.” I said.

  He didn’t stop kissing me. “Ok then, I’ll just kiss and worship your body. You don’t have to kiss. Just sit here and let me kiss you all over.”

  I gasped. His mouth was expertly kissing my collarbone. I was tingling with delight. I gave into his kisses and moaned softly.

  “You taste amazing. Your skin is so soft…” He murmured into my flesh.

  He tarried southwards towards my cleavage and continued nuzzling and kissing me. “You smell as sweet as you are.”

  I giggled and he reached to grasp and gently squeeze my breast. Right then and there I knew I was in trouble and in danger of going overboard. My head was woozy and my body was so turned on, swimming in desire. That ache of need coming alive in my groin.

  “Marty…” I said breathlessly.


  “Marty, I need you to stop. Please.”

  Marty pulled away slowly. “You’re that ready to go aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” I nodded meekly, demurely.

  He grinned and shook his head in amusement. “Ok sexy, I won’t torment you any longer.”

  He pulled out his phone and started texting. “Who are you texting?”

  “Kat Lady. Letting her know that her girl is all primed and ready for some good lovin.”

  I rolled my eyes. His phone quickly pinged her response.

  “Ah, you’re in trouble now. She’s gonna come get us. Says she’s on her way.”

  I grabbed his phone, “Let me look at that!”

  Sure enough, there was a dialogue between him and Kat. She was indeed on her way over. I couldn’t believe it. She’d planned this. She knew I couldn’t resist. That I wasn’t strong enough. My fantasy was coming to life so fast. I had to pinch myself.

  “I think I need another drink!” I attempted to open the door and climb out of his truck to go back into the bar.

  Marty grabbed my arm gently, keeping me in my place with ease, “Now, now plump doll. You’ve had plenty. No need to get too tipsy. You’ll enjoy it more.”

  I sighed in playful defeat. I fidgeted with my phone not knowing what to say. The energy in the air, in the cab of his truck between us was thick with attraction and desire. I’d never exercised such restraint in my entire life. In a way, it was thrilling. As if I was sitting on my hands. As if I couldn’t move.

  We waited, in somewhat awkward silence. I had no clue where Kat was coming from so I hoped that it was close by. Very close by.

  About fifteen minutes passed by and a text message from her hit both our phones.

  ‘Almost there’

  Conveniently, the parking spot next to Marty’s was empty and Kat’s SUV pulled in. She smiled knowingly at us through her window, waiting patiently for us to climb into her vehicle. I slid out of Marty’s passenger seat and when I opened the door, Kat rolled down her window.

  “Kitten, I hear you’re being naughty – but good. Such a good girl…”

  I knew I was beet-red. I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing.

  “Get your ass in here, you and your boy-toy.” She taunted.

  “Hey, I heard that.” Marty quipped coming around the back-side of his truck and making his way to the passenger side of Kat’s SUV. I followed suit and soon, the three of us were on the road.

  “Shall we take this to your casa, Marty? Is your place decent enough for two ladies?” Kat asked.

  “Indeed it is Kat Lady. I even made my
bed.” Marty answered.

  I wasn’t so sure about realizing how much these two had conspired to have a threesome, but I was too flattered to make mention of it.

  Sitting shotgun, in the front seat, I felt Marty’s hand reach around and squeeze my tits.

  “Marty!” I gasped.

  It didn’t deter him and Kat just giggled.

  Secretly, I loved it. His big paws massaged them nice and slow, getting my nipples hard. Tipsy from the drinks had certainly loosened me up and I was behaving a bit more audaciously than usual. That and the comforting knowledge that Kat had set this up – for me, for us. I felt safe, wanted, desired. I wanted to go with it, despite all my trepidation and worry. Let my hair down and experience something new. Something formerly forbidden. Something so hot that just the thought of it got my panties wet.

  Thankfully, Marty’s place wasn’t too far away and when Kat parked in front of his place, she leaned across the seat and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. “Tonight is about you. Don’t hold back. Ask for what you want to experience, k?”

  I nodded shyly, loving how in control of the situation she was.

  We all climbed out her SUV and Marty was soon showing us inside his place. For a former marine turned bouncer, Marty did well for himself. His place was mannish, yet tasteful. Warm leathers contrasted with stainless steel. Tidy, clean and modern. I liked it.

  “Nice place you got here, Marty.” I quipped, trailing my finger along the top of his Oxford brown leather sofa.

  He walked into his kitchen to make us drinks. “Thanks, I inherited it from my Grandfather, he was an attorney. I’d never be able to afford a place like this otherwise.”

  Kat perked up, “I didn’t know that Marty, got law in your blood do you?”

  Marty grinned while opening a few beers for us. Then some shots of quality tequila. “I’ve actually entertained the idea of going to law school.”

  “So, you’re not just a muscle man are ya? Got some smarts in yer noggin do ya?” I teased, playing a faked Irish accent.

  “That’s right lassie, I got me some smarts.” He winked at me.

  We were each settling into the relaxing, sexy end of the night and Marty’s place was far more inviting than I had anticipated. He dimmed the lights and turned on some low, sexy music in the background.

  Kat picked up a lighter from the coffee table and set about lighting various cream-colored candles around his place that soon began to emit a sexy, masculine scent of amber. She kicked off her shoes which cued me to do the same.

  To get more comfortable.

  Marty opened his back sliding door that led to a private deck and the sound of the ocean poured into his place. The evening night sea air smelled good and calmed me.

  He brought the drinks to us on a tray and set them down on the coffee table. We all sat, grabbed ourselves a drink and soon Marty was cheering to, ‘A hot toss in the sack with Kat Lady and her girl.’

  I love tequila and chasing it with a pale beer was all I needed.

  “Kiss me, Kat. I want to taste the tequila from your lips…” I asked, somewhat demurely. Surprised at my own forthright braveness.

  Kat didn’t waste much time before she cozied up next to me and began petting and caressing my neck and shoulders while nuzzling me behind my ear. She kissed her way up and down my neck, causing me to moan slightly, my head falling slightly sideways and back to give her better access. I closed my eyes and soon felt the warm, moistness of her lips and mouth laying claim to mine, her tongue gently probing my mouth open to tease my tongue.

  When she shifted to move to the other side of me, I noticed how intently Marty was watching us. I smiled at him sideways and patted the now empty spot next to me. He stood up and sat down next to me. The two of them on either side of me, their warmth - the sensual energy going back and forth between us was deliciously intoxicating. I felt my inhibitions melting away.

  I reached for Marty’s face and pulled it down to mine so our lips could meet. His kiss was gruffer naturally, but his lips were tender. I enjoyed his day-old stubble, the sensation teasing my face. The smell of him.

  { MARTY }

  The sight of Kat Lady and Tamsin kissing was stirring.

  Marty enjoyed Tamsin’s warm personality and playful energy. Getting to know her better over drinks and dinner had been a smart move on Kat’s part. Watching her with Kat revealed her sensual side. He saw the lustful kitten hiding beneath her skin better now…

  They were such opposites in personality and physique but it worked perfectly. They complimented each other. Like chocolate and peanut butter, coffee and cream. On their own, pretty tasty. But together, fairly delicious!

  Now, here he was, lips locked with Tamsin.

  She kissed like a tart in heat. Sucking him in with desire. Her bosom luring Marty in and the soft, feminine smell of her white, freckled skin. He reached up to massage her full breasts, finding an already perky nipple piercing through her bra and shirt.

  It was time to unleash these beauties. He’d been admiring them all night and as a breast man, he wanted to touch the flesh of her. Taste the flavor of, what he was certain were, her pink nipples.

  As if on cue, Kat Lady smirked at Marty and he pulled back a bit from Tamsin’s hungry kiss. Kat peeled Tamsin’s shirt right off of her and then undid her bra with the ease that only women have. Tamsin’s full chest spilled out before she could protest and they each took a breast to enjoy. Marty massaged one while Kat began to lick at the other.

  Tamsin moaned softly and he saw her eyes nearly roll back in her head.

  Kat giggled, “Tamsin loves breast play, she has sensitive nipples.”

  That turned him on even more and he felt his bulge leap to attention in his tight jeans. He rolled her tender, hot pink nipple and then wrapped his mouth around it, sucking tenderly. The warmth of her and the taste spurred his need on. His need to feel all of her doughy, soft flesh. Her inviting plush body.

  “Hand in my pussy, someone please…” Tamsin panted out.

  Marty looked at Kat who winked at him. Of course he’d oblige, being a gentleman when it comes to the ladies.

  He unbuttoned Tamsin’s jean top and slowly unzipped her zipper. He slid his hand down into her sexy pink colored underwear and wiggled his way into the folds of her pussy. She shifted her body, opening her legs wider for easier access.

  He petted, then probed, finding her wetness and the sweet nub of her already swollen clit. He gently fingered it and lubed it up so the friction was pleasant.

  Tamsin sighed deeply, “Oh my god…”

  Kat once again locked lips with Tamsin while massaging her ample tit. Marty continued suckling on the other one while fingering Tamsin’s chubby pussy. He loved the warmth, the wetness, the way he made her squirm and moan as he teased and tormented her clit. Soon, she was writhing and panting as he brought her to her first climax of the evening.

  Coming down from her orgasm, Tamsin broke her lip-lock with Kat and reached for Marty, to kiss him. Her passion surprised and pleased him, spurring his desire for them both. It was time to move this to his bedroom.

  Marty stood and motioned for them, “Shall we ladies? To my bed?”

  Tamsin and Kat stood up, in tangled unison, reluctantly separating from their languorous kissing. Marty gently grabbed Tamsin’s hand and led them to his bedroom.

  When he turned to re-embrace Tamsin, Kat was already naked, a trail of her clothing behind her in the hallway. She was indeed, a stripper. Although he’d seen Kat naked plenty of nights when she stripped in the club and wasn’t doing private dances for solo clients, he was still gob-smacked by her lean, perfect curves and never-ending, well-defined legs.

  Kat was one type of Goddess and Tamsin another kind. Both uniquely sexy, desirable and beautiful in their own way.

  Trailing Tamsin into his bedroom, she walked like a runway model – naturally. Effortless grace and sexual elegance. Although Marty knew he wouldn’t get a
taste of Kat, just being in her presence with her lover was enough for now. He could admire from afar and use his imagination.

  Tamsin however was still wearing her jeans and panties. Marty pushed her gently towards and onto his bed. She took his cue and shifted so that he could peel her jeans off of her. Resting back on her elbows and lifting her hips so he could finesse them off of her.

  Then her damp, sexy pink thong.

  Her scent and musky desire hit him and his cock was officially begging to be let out of his jeans. Tamsin reached forward and obliged him by unbuttoning his jeans and then pulling them down. His cock was at near full attention, its impressive length and bulge manufactured a pleased expression on her sexy-cute face.

  “You’re a big boy Marty.” She said coy and excited all at the same time.

  “Thank you Tamsin.”

  Marty peeled his briefs off, his manhood naked, standing firm and strong before her. Tamsin’s eyes glistened with delight and before he knew it, her hot little lips and tongue were already tasting his cock-head.

  Kat hadn’t joined them yet on Marty’s bed – she watched, bemused. “My Tamsin is oral, very oral.”

  God was she, she was already working Marty’s cock like it was a lolli-pop and she was a sugar whore who’d been deprived of her favorite treat. She wasn’t shy in the least. Hand’s on, she was working his shaft with her petite hand and was all tongue and mouth with his cockhead.


  He loved it when a woman genuinely loved to suck cock. So sexy, so hot. Marty went back and forth from watching Tamsin’s succulent mouth and tongue working on him, to Kat’s sexy stance, still standing to the side of the bed watching her lover devour his erect cock. Marty wondered what Kat was thinking.

  Kat shimmied to the bed, laid down and smacked Tamsin’s ass playfully. He made a mental note that spanking was okay. He’d ask, of course but the sight of Tamsin’s pale skin getting pink turned him on even more.

  “On your knees, Kitten. Legs spread.” Kat said, while fondling Tamsin’s pussy.

  Tamsin paused momentarily from her oral worship and did as she was told. They each responded, in unison, with some form of verbal delight when Kat slid herself under Tamsin, between her thighs. Tamsin practically squealed when Kat’s first probing lick flicked her pussy lips. Tamsin bent back over, straddling Kat’s face, managing to keep herself hoisted on one arm and quickly resumed sucking Marty’s cock.


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