West Coast Erotica: Series Bundle (Contemporary BBW)

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West Coast Erotica: Series Bundle (Contemporary BBW) Page 34

by Ruby Madden

  When he does talk, it’s to tell me that I’m a sexy slut or a gorgeous bitch or a naughty whore. It’s like he’s reading my mind, hearing me self-reproach myself for all of this illicit desire and fucking, while we’re fucking.

  Any time the guilt gets to be too much, he reminds me – my son’s gay, he doesn’t want to fuck you. He’s playing a game with his mother. She wants him to be straight, I’ve known since he was a child. He’s dating you to make himself appear straight to us, to everyone he knows. Enjoy this, later in life, you’ll understand better. You’ll be glad I just took you and gave you what you need, what we both want.

  On and on.

  I realize, despite my naiveté and young age, he is right. Dr. R is right. Besides, I am living in his home. What the hell else am I going to say? Stop fucking me? Especially when I love it so much?

  Jaxon never clues in or if he does, he doesn’t care enough to mention it. I’m still semi-sexual with him but much less so. We do the petting, the kissing, the oral but I always make it brief and besides, I’m no longer interested in his smaller cock.

  What happened there, I wonder?

  Must be from his mother’s side of the family as it certainly isn’t from his father’s.

  Dr. R snuck into my room once again. This time, he leads me out of bed and into the guest bathroom and into the spa tub. He tells me to get in and he turns on the warm water. While we wait for the water to fill the tub, he kneels just outside the tub. He pulls me to him and we kiss. Once the tub is full, he turns on the jets, a very mischievous smile on his lips.

  “Aren’t you going to get in?” I ask.

  He shakes his head, no. He puts his hand into the water and finds the jet directly in front of him. “Face me and put your legs over the edge of the tub.”

  At first, I’m confused, but I do as I told. It’s a bit awkward to move but once I’m positioned just right, I feel the flow of the jet water begin to pulse against my pussy.

  I gasp.

  He smiles.

  “Get closer to it, position yourself just so. Thatta girl…”

  I do and instantly, I know what he’s up to. As the forceful stream of water pounds against my pussy and clit, I start to climax.

  “Look at me.” He demands.

  I do, panting, gasping. Our eyes are locked and I see that he is focused solely on me. Me and my pleasure.

  He leans in and kisses me between orgasm after orgasm. All he does is kiss and watch me. When I can’t come any longer, he guides me out of the tub and pats me dry with a luxurious, soft towel. He guides me back to the bed and puts me in. He gives me one last kiss.

  “Tonight, I’m not gonna fuck you, I just wanted to watch you come. Goodnight.”

  And just like that, he leaves the guest room. Always precise, just like the surgeon that he is.

  * * *

  I move out a month later into my own apartment after living with Jaxon’s family for about four months. I’m told by his mother that the guest bedroom is always there for me when I visit and I’m to make use of it for the nights that I stay late hanging out with Jaxon. I always feel guilty about it until one day, while sipping on a cocktail, lounging by the pool, she mentions how much her husband appreciates it when I visit.

  Stunned, I don’t quite know how to respond and just nod my thanks in her direction.

  She smiles, looks at me coyly and then declares, “I always knew I was never going to be able to keep up with him sexually. He has the sex drive of ten bulls. Hung like one too.” She winked at me and I’m sure the look of astonishment on my face was enough to goad her on, to continue.

  “Smart people in happy marriages figure it out sooner or later that having other play partners is healthy, within reason. As long as everyone understands the parameters, right dear?”

  That unspoken thing between us is now out in the open. A type of a secret and shared understanding that only two women, who are willing lovers to the same man and okay about it, can share.

  She knew, the entire time!

  Over time, my relationship with Jaxon will stay intact and change, but by the time it ends – it’s more like we are siblings ourselves, brother and sister. We love each other very much, but it’s no longer sexual. We’re just very good friends.

  Eventually, he will tell me he is gay and I will tell him that I figured it out. But I never tell him that his father. Dr. R, was fucking me the entire time. I never know if he finds out or if he does, that he doesn’t care or have an issue with it.

  Either way, it doesn’t matter. Dr. R opened up my sexual life unlike any man before him.

  Unlike any man that it is, until I meet my first and only Master one fine Halloween eve.

  A Year Later…

  This is where my story shifts a bit, dear reader. Once I accepted my dalliance into sex-play with some kink, I became more and more curious.

  In a way, I was on a sex-ploration and the world was my carnival.

  Having a taste of the illicit fueled me to understand why the sex was so much better, that way. What was it about kinky sex that made it so good?

  Before you judge me, I will share that I was inordinately mindful of safe, sane, consensual practice with heaping doses of respect and consent.

  Let the frolicking begin!

  * * *

  Chapter 6

  { Threesome in Malibu }

  Halloween weekend started at the beach in Pacific Palisades. My friend, Josh went surfing and I’d joined him despite the very early morning hour his hobby required. We’d crawled out of bed at five a.m., an inhumane hour in my opinion.

  While sitting on the back of his Jeep, watching him and his surfer buddies on the waves, I was thinking about my plans for Halloween weekend. I’d been invited to several parties that evening and I was seriously entertaining the idea of party-hopping to all of them. I wanted to stay up all night to see the sun rise in the early hours of the 'Day of the Dead'.

  Josh came strolling out of the ocean, his lean and toned swimmer body glinting in the California sunshine. Water droplets were flowing down his athletic physique, down his abs to his lean legs. I watched him, noticing how peaceful, calm and relaxed he seemed now that he’d had some time surfing.

  We’d just finished an awesome lunch of fish tacos with lime, chips and a couple of coronas. Not enough sleep and the California sunshine casting its warmer, mid-Fall light had done its work.

  I was sleepy.

  “I’m ready for a nap, Josh.” I said, since I’d begrudgingly woken up at an ungodly early hour to tag along, to watch all the surfers catch the best surf of the day.

  “Me too. Wanna head back?”

  I nodded and admired his sun-kissed six-pack when he stood up from the picnic table we’d been sitting at for lunch. Josh had invited me along and I was glad I’d joined him. I’d never been brave enough to get in the ocean water myself, but I wanted to know what it was all about.

  He loaded up his surfboard first, then got dressed right there, in the parking lot for all the world to see. Surfers have this technique of getting out of their wet suit, peeling it down and off their body while pulling on their dry clothes.

  We climbed into his Jeep and he cranked up the tunes as soon as we hit Pacific Coast Highway.

  “Sing for me, Clara.” He teased.

  “I’m not the chanteuse in this posse, Autumn is.” I said.

  He grinned at me, peeking sideways while pouting and I couldn’t resist. I started to sing. I hated my singing voice but Josh liked it.

  He smiled at me and winks. We croon together, the entire way.

  An hour later, we crash out at Josh’s grandparent’s beach coast home in Malibu. Josh was house-sitting the home while his grandparents vacationed for the next six weeks in Europe and he had made it clear that I was invited to stay the entire time or come and go as I please, if I so desired.

  After finishing her workday, Autumn joined us. I woke up from my nap to the sensa
tion of her delicate, thin hands caressing my unintentionally exposed bottom. The loose, free flowing skirt I wore had hiked itself up around my waist at some point while I was napping.

  She slowly began kissing my ass while teasing my back with gentle nail-scratching. The thong I wore provided little in the way of preventing a curious hand or mouth from appreciating my firm, round, ample ass.

  “Gaaawd, I love your ass…” Autumn murmured, mostly to herself and semi-muffled. She was burying her nose in the middle of my ample butt cheeks, while rubbing and massaging them.

  Initially, I was shy about her advances since I could see that Josh was in the room and sitting cross-legged on the floor, flipping through a surf magazine.

  I hadn’t yet told either of them that I’d been sexual with each of them, separately.

  But it now appeared the cat was out of the bag as Autumn and Josh exchanged a glance with each other that could only mean one thing. They were seducing me, as a team. I wasn’t surprised, since introducing them to each other - they’d been inseparable.

  Josh watched as Autumn worked her way into bringing me to fuller arousal. Rubbing my ass, pushing her face deeper into my warm doughy cheeks, she reached under and around, slipping her fingers under the slight piece of sheer material hugged close to my chubby pussy. She petted then probed my moistening pussy lips.

  I was so relaxed from the warm slumber of my dreaming mind transitioning to wake-fullness, that it was easy for me to forget exactly who was eagerly teasing my ass and probing my pussy.

  As soon as Autumn’s finger touched my clit however, I was instantly wide awake and deeply aroused. Autumn used my already flowing juices to sweetly rub my now swelling pussy. I began to whimper a bit from the erotic caresses teasing me and reached upwards and behind me to pull her face down towards my face for a long, sensual, sideways kiss.

  I liked the delicate weight of her slender body resting on me, like a butterfly that had lighted upon her with teasing, probing antennas. All the while, as we kissed sensually, she continued to toy with my sweetly swollen, well-lubed pussy.

  Josh crawled up onto the bed with us. He was all ears as well to our sex sounds, and as soon as he found the chance to join, he was eager to please as well.

  While Autumn tended to my lower body, he enjoyed my upper half. Peeling off my soft cami-top, he focused on my tits and was glad to find I had taken my bra off for the nap. Warm, round and full – he caressed my ample tits nice and slow, picking up the urgency as he wanted to pace the attention with Autumn’s efforts below.

  Squeezing them together to lick, nip and suckle at my hardening nipples, he saved the bolder, firmer grips and nipple tweaks for the screaming orgasm he knew I’d have eventually.

  I respond to sensual touch quickly and intensely. I love breast-play and was never shy about the thrill I got from a good suckle-fest. Dipping in for a slow, sensual kiss every now and then, he enjoyed the view as Autumn’s head and face were pretty much buried in my pussy.

  I was moaning softly, my hips moving upwards to meet Autumn’s efforts. I was feeling crazy with pleasure, to have the two of them at the same time with such devoted, tender efforts.

  A man and a woman? At the same time? This was a first for me.

  I surprised myself by surrendering so willingly to them. Secretly, I’d been hoping for just such a scenario between the three of us. As my pleasure increased, my shyness dissipated. They had caught me at a weak point, just outside the edge of sleep where half of me was still in sleep mode, and the other half waking to meet reality.

  My right hand held gently to Autumn’s hair and head while the other was wrapped around Josh’s torso, who was half-way lying on top of me at this point.

  He couldn’t help but to laugh a little when I started to come. As I came, I felt that inner tigress come to life and didn’t want to be passive any longer. As much as I wanted to make good use of his cock for myself, I was liking better the idea of seeing Autumn fucked by Josh. A true Taurus woman – she was very feminine and sexual with the singing voice of an angel.

  When Autumn came up for air, getting better blood-flow after being released from my soft, gripping inner thighs, she saw the wicked grin on my face and that I was whispering in Josh’s ear. Anticipating the shift in dynamics, Autumn slipped out of her own barely-there panties and laid herself on top of me.

  “You’re blissful to lay on, you know that? So soft, like a pillow. Doughy.” She whispered. “That and you smell like a sweet, vanilla-spice flower. Like a gardenia. Something rich and golden or warm.”

  We began to kiss and Josh positioned himself behind Autumn, taking his time teasing and taunting her tight, wet pussy first with his fingers and mouth. It wasn’t until Autumn started to push herself up and back up at him, beckoning him to plunge into her – that he stopped tormenting and teasing her. Ever the responsible one, he had gloved himself for all the fun loving ahead of us.

  I got another thrill when I pulled out of the kiss to watch Autumn’s face as Josh first penetrated her. That moment, was always very telling for any woman. It was luscious to witness, to feel Autumn’s body on top of mine.

  As Josh began to pump Autumn, I reached under her to carefully and gently toy with her swollen clit. It was amazing to be able to let my other fingers stretch out and feel Josh’s shaft moving in and out of Autumn while still teasing her clit with my forefinger.

  I made eye contact with Josh and this egged him on, his thrusting getting quicker and harder. I switched up my clit-play from gentle tippy-tip caresses to full palm rubs, doing my best to keep some sort of rhythm with Josh’s thrusts. A bit of a gymnastics effort was required and I amused herself by thinking this was an entirely different ‘bottom’ experience than I had ever had.

  “Oh GOD, you two…” Autumn moaned breathily. “Fuck me… please…”

  It wasn’t too long before Autumn was coming too, and I was being bitten – a trick Autumn used to muffle herself. I loved the nips, took pride in them actually.

  Luckily for me, Josh was still rock hard and now that Autumn was pleased, he pushed his way into me. I hadn’t fully anticipated it and was momentarily surprised by the firm entrance. It literally took my breath away. His thrusting was nice and slow, firm and deep. With Autumn writhing on top of me, post-orgasm, and Josh’s skillful fucking, I knew I was going to lose my head for the second time.

  This was a first for me, to be in a threesome with a man and a woman.

  “Gaaawd you’re tight Clara… fuck me I love your tight pussy…” Josh panted, his eyes half-closed savoring the feel of my firm pussy. I would squeeze Josh’s cock just right to get him to come, when I wanted him to come. For now, I wanted a bit of a fuck-fest, his cock felt that good inside me. Autumn on top of me was pushing her right over the edge…

  Allow me to back up a bit…

  It’d been a few months ago that Autumn had made her move with me.

  Initially, I’d resisted her advances as I had never been with a woman before, but I always felt attracted to Autumn the entire time I was in a relationship with Jaxon – my former boyfriend. When Autumn made the move, my first inclination was to resist – but I found myself enjoying a different kind of kiss – one from a woman.

  It was in that moment, I’d come to the realization, why not?

  We’d known each other now for two years, upon meeting when we were each dating two brothers – Jaxon and Jay. Neither of us were involved with them any longer, our mutual long term relationships ended around the same time and an unexpected friendship had developed between us. What did it matter if I explored this with Autumn? We’d already played together with Jay…

  That one illicit night was seared in my memory when I’d enjoyed a blowjob threesome with Autumn and Jay – Jaxon’s brother. Naturally liquor had been involved, but after the night’s antics were over, we agreed it would be best not to tell Jaxon.

  Although Jaxon and I had shared a long term relationship, with two of
the three years being open - based on certain understandings and agreements – it had been hard for me to not tell Jaxon about the oral threesome. I knew that the only reason he would have been upset was because it was his brother, not because I had wandered without telling him.

  Autumn was skilled at picking up momentum and liked to take advantage of my inexperience with women. Autumn’s sex life had started at a much younger age than mine. At first, this intimidated me. But that quickly dissipated each time we got together.

  Chapter 7

  { A Private Invitation in the Hollywood Hills }

  We spent the early hours of Halloween bar and club hopping along the Sunset Strip where I took in in all the devilish costumed delights of the G-B-L-T (Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgendered) community of Santa Monica and Hollywood. Frolicking with a group of drag-queens and sugar-daddies who preferred this particular kink, which was always an adventure.

  I was costumed simply in a black, body clinging, mesh-lace piece of lingerie that bedecked me from neck to ankle - a one piece.

  Beneath it, I wore an open, nipple-baring black bra that lifted and highlighted my breasts. A simple black thong hid coyly underneath the stretchy lace. I was robed in a thick ruby toned cape with a hood, fashioned from the eras of the priestess.

  It had been chosen for and gifted to me, by Josh and had been fawned over in delightful approval by the drag queens who also ‘ooohed’ and ‘aawwhed’ over my hair and makeup. Autumn and Josh had taken the direction with my costume, and in the end, I had looked in the mirror declaring half-jokingly that I was the adult, plump, sexualized version of Little Red Riding Hood. All I needed was the basket.

  What made my costume complete was the elaborate face paint that Autumn had insisted on be-decking me with.


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