The Princess and the Outlaw

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The Princess and the Outlaw Page 11

by Leanne Banks

  “That’s because you are special,” Amelie said and reached to embrace her.

  Pippa hugged the woman and Amelie’s gaunt frame frightened her. She was so thin. She felt so fragile. At the same time, Pippa had learned that Amelie was a strong, strong woman.

  Goldie poured her another glass of champagne, but Pippa asked for water. She had to drive back to the palace.

  “This has been delightful,” Amelie said. “But I’m pooped. Tomorrow I’ll be stronger, though, I promise,” she said, wagging her finger.

  “Of course you will,” Pippa said. “I would expect nothing less. I have to go away for a few days, though, so I’ll check in when I return.”

  Amelie frowned. “Away? We’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you, too,” Pippa said, hating the prospect of leaving the Lafittes behind. With Amelie in such fragile health, Pippa wondered if something would happen to her when she was gone on the Italian holiday.

  “Good night, darling. Happy birthday,” Amelie said. Paul followed, giving her a kiss on her cheek.

  After they left, Pippa turned to Nic. “I should probably go.”

  “You didn’t finish your cake,” he said.

  How could she? she wondered. She could barely breathe, let alone swallow Goldie’s cake.

  “You’re gonna hurt Goldie’s feelings,” Nic added.

  She winced. “I can’t eat that entire cake,” she whispered.

  “Let’s take part of it to the guest quarters. That should help,” he said. “Bring your champagne.”

  She shook her head. “I have to drive back to the palace,” she said.

  “I’ll handle that,” he said.

  “How?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “Trust me.”

  Pippa decided, for once, to trust him. Heaven knew, she’d seen an entirely different side of him with the way he was dealing with his mother’s illness. “Lead me on,” she said, lifting her glass of champagne.

  She followed him out the door and he led her into the guest bungalow. A breeze flowed through the window, more delicious than any central air-conditioning could ever be. “This feels nice in here. Have you had a hard time adjusting to the small quarters?”

  “There are interruptions from my parents when I’m working sometimes, but for the most part, I’ve liked it. I don’t need that much space,” he said.

  She laughed. “I’m thinking of your yacht. It’s huge.”

  “That’s different,” he said.

  “And your ranch in Texas?” she asked. “Your big, big ranch? Is that different, too?”

  “And your big, big palace?” he returned.

  “I live in a small suite in the big, big palace,” she said. “And I’m prepared to live in a small apartment.”

  “Why are you making the big move now?”

  She shrugged and moved around the small den of the bungalow. “It’s overdue. It just took me a while to see that.”

  “Have a seat,” Nic said from behind her.

  Too aware of his presence, she felt a dozen butterflies dancing in her stomach. She sank down onto the sofa and took a sip of her second glass of champagne. Nic sat beside her holding the plate with her piece of cake and soft gelato.

  “It was better a few minutes ago,” he said, scooping up a bite with a spoon and lifting it to her mouth.

  She opened her mouth and swallowed the sweet treat. “It really is delicious. Goldie could be a bakery chef.”

  “Goldie is a lot of things,” Nic said. “Bodyguard, medic, mechanic, cook. Hell, he would make a great nanny.”

  She smiled. “He’s so big and brawny. That’s a funny image.” She took another bite of cake.

  “All packed for your holiday?”

  The cake stuck in her throat and she coughed. Nic handed her the glass of champagne. She took a quick sip, then shook her head. “No, I’ve procrastinated. The palace stylist chose some things for me, so I’ll take them. I hate to admit it, but I’m dreading it, which is ridiculous. Who wouldn’t be happy with a trip to Capri?” She made a face. “But with those appearances and the fact that I’m supposed to spend time with the count, it doesn’t feel like a holiday. It feels like an assignment.”

  “Do you have any free time?”

  “The last day,” she said.

  “I could meet you,” he said.

  Her heart stopped, then started at his suggestion. “Oh, that would be—” Fantastic, she thought before she stifled herself. “We shouldn’t. I’m sure my bodyguard will be there.”

  He shrugged. “We could get around him,” he said. “But if you’d rather not—”

  “Are you sure you can leave Amelie?” she asked.

  He nodded. “She’s been fairly stable. It would be just a day or two. To be honest, I have business with a colleague in Rome. I’ve been putting it off. I could take care of business, then meet you in Capri.”

  Although she knew it was insanity to even consider a secret rendezvous, Pippa could not make herself say no. She opened her mouth to try to form the word and her lips refused. Her whole body and being wanted to be with Nic and she was bloody tired of denying herself. “Yes,” she finally said and closed her eyes. “But this could be messy. You know that, don’t you?”

  Nic laughed. “I’ve been dealing with messes since I was six years old.”

  She wondered what it was about Nic that made her feel stronger. When she was with him, she felt as if she could do almost anything.

  He met her gaze and he must have read her feelings in her eyes. Pulling her slowly toward him, he gave her a dozen chances to turn away, but she didn’t. She couldn’t. But she couldn’t help wondering why he continued to pursue her. He was experienced. He could have any woman he wanted.

  “Do you want me just because you can’t have me?” she whispered, the fear squeezing out of her throat.

  “No,” he said. “Besides, we both know I can and will have you. The question is when,” he said and lowered his mouth to hers.

  Pippa melted into him. She was afraid to trust him, afraid to trust her feelings because she never really had before, but her fear of missing him was bigger than her fear of trusting him.

  She kissed him back with all the passion in her heart and felt his surprise and pleasure ripple through her. He paused just a half beat before he kissed her more thoroughly.

  She slid her fingers through his hair, craving the sensation of being as close to him as possible. He leaned back on the sofa and pulled her on top of him. She felt his arousal, swollen against her, and the knowledge made her even more crazy. She squeezed his shoulders and biceps and shuddered against him as he took her mouth in yet another kiss that took her upside down.

  Pippa couldn’t remember feeling this way. Even though she and Nic had been involved before, they’d never gone all the way. Now she wondered how she could possibly fight how much she wanted him.

  She felt his hand tenderly rub her back. “Hey, you know where this is headed, don’t you?” he asked against her mouth.

  Pippa moved her mouth from his and buried her head in his shoulder, taking desperate breaths.

  “Pippa, are you sure you’re ready?” he asked.

  He wasn’t going to make it easy for her. He was going to make her choose. And maybe that was part of the reason she wanted him so much. It was time.

  She lifted her head to meet his gaze. “Yes, I am.”

  He sucked in a quick, sharp breath and chuckled. “I’m ready, too, but I want you to think about it a little longer.”

  Pippa blinked. “Pardon me, are you refusing to be with me?”

  He rose to a sitting position with his arms still around her. “I don’t want you to do something impulsive and regret it.”

  Anger flickered through her and she narrowed h
er eyes. “You sound like my family. You sound like you don’t trust me to make my own decisions.”

  “It’s not that. I’m protecting you,” he said.

  “That’s what they say, too,” she said. “No one trusts me to make my own decisions. No one,” she said and pushed away from him.

  “I’m going home,” she said.

  “I have to drive you,” he said. “You’ve had too much champagne.”

  Pippa stood, wrapping her arms around her waist, feeling humiliated. “Goldie can take me.”

  “I will take you,” Nic said, rising.

  Pippa bit her lip, feeling rejected and vulnerable. She wanted to hide.

  “Pippa, you know I want you,” he said and cupped her chin with his hand. “How much of a demonstration do you need?”

  She swallowed over the desire pulsing through her. “It seems so easy for you to turn it off,” she whispered.

  He took her hand and placed it over his chest where his heart thundered against her palm. “Does that feel easy? I can show you more,” he said as he moved her hand to his hard abdomen.

  “S’okay,” she said breathlessly.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “You’ve confused me,” she said, clinging to him.

  “Well, damn,” he said. “Why would I do that?”

  She looked up, studying his face. “I thought you would be the ruthless type when it comes to sex.”

  He held her against him for a long moment. “I am, but for some reason just not with you,” he said.

  Confusion and a half dozen other feelings swarmed through her like bees. The part of her that knew she was no beauty queen stabbed her with self-doubt. Pippa had made it a practice not to think about image, but all the criticism she’d received from the press over the years suddenly bombarded her. Maybe she wasn’t sexy enough. Even though he’d been aroused, he’d been able to stop without a great deal of effort. At the same time, she’d lost all sense of time and place and could have gone much further without a second thought.

  Self-conscious, she pulled away. “I really should get back to the palace,” she said.


  “I don’t want to talk right now, if that’s okay. I have so much I need to do in a short amount of time to get ready for this trip.”

  With Goldie following in another vehicle, Nic drove her to the palace, and the silence between them was so uncomfortable that Pippa could barely stand it. Yes, she knew she’d told him she didn’t want to talk, but now she would be leaving for her holiday, and she would just be full of doubts. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe this had been a close call and she could get her head back on straight with this trip.

  He stopped a block away from the palace. “Can you make it the rest of the way?”

  “Of course,” she said. Overwhelmed by all the feelings tugging her in different directions, Pippa bit her lip. “Thank you for the birthday celebration and the ride to the palace. Listen, there’s no need for you to make a special trip to Capri. I’ll be there only a day and—”

  “Are you saying you don’t want me to come?” he asked, his gaze dark and penetrating.

  She took a deep breath. “I’m saying you know my situation. I may not be able to spend time with you. The decision is completely up to you. Ciao,” she said and got out of the passenger side of the car.

  Chapter Eight

  Pippa arrived in Italy the next day. Count Bianchi greeted her at the airport. He was nearly bald with a paunch, but she tried very hard not to compare him to Nic. It was difficult because she had begun to compare every man to Nic.

  “A pleasure to meet you, Your Highness,” he said.

  “And you, Count Bianchi,” she said.

  “Please call me Sal,” he said. “You’re such a lovely young woman. I’m pleased to have you by my side.”

  “Thank you very much, Sal,” she said. “Tell me about your children.”

  During the ride, to Sal’s chateau, she learned that Sal’s oldest child was, in fact, older than her by five years. Sal also had several grandchildren. He showed her several photos and mentioned his wish to marry again.

  Pippa rode the fence by praising his children but not encouraging any discussion of her interest in him. After a quick respite in her room, she shared dinner with him in his formal dining room. Finally, they made the trip to the museum where Pippa made a brief speech encouraging historical and genealogical research.

  Pippa begged off when Sal invited her to join him for a nightcap.

  The following day, she geared up for a ride on a yacht, complete with photos. Afterward, she helped christen a new cruise ship with the count by her side. Every second, she damned Stefan for arranging this. Someone had clearly given the count entirely too much hope and she had to find a way to let him down easy. A chauffeur drove them back to his estate after the event.

  “Have you enjoyed yourself?” the count asked, leaning toward her.

  Pippa discreetly scooted away. “It’s certainly been a long day. I’m more than ready for a good night of sleep.”

  “I understand you’ll be in my country tomorrow night,” the count said. “I would love to show you Capri. I know several restaurants and beaches that might please you.”

  “I couldn’t trouble you,” she said. “You’ve already done too much for me.”

  The count sighed.

  “Sal, may I ask you? How long has it been since your wife passed away?” she asked.

  He looked at her in surprise. “Ten months and three days.”

  She smiled and took his hand. “You’re still counting days,” she said gently. “I don’t want to be presumptuous, but I don’t think you’re ready for a new wife. I know you’re lonely, but I encourage you to take your time. You’re a good man. You deserve a good woman.”

  He inhaled and smiled at her. “I’m an old fool to think I could attract a young princess like you.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not that,” she rushed to assure him. “I can tell that you’re still not over your wife. I’m sorry for your pain, but at the same time, I know you’re fortunate to have experienced that kind of love.”

  “Yes, I am,” he said and began to talk about his former wife. Nearly an hour later, they arrived at his home. He appeared startled by the passage of time.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve bored you,” he said, clearly chagrined.

  “No apologies necessary. I treasure a good love story, and that is what you and your wife had,” she said.

  “You’re such a warm, lovely person. I wish I were at a different place in my mourning,” he said.

  “The right time will come,” she said and pressed a kiss against his cheek. “The right woman will come.”

  He gave a soft chuckle. “Funny how the young can teach us so much,” he said and helped her out of the limousine. “If I can ever do anything for you, it would be my pleasure,” he said and kissed her hand.

  “Thank you, Count Sal. My biggest wish for you is someone who will provide comfort to your heart. In the meantime, enjoy those grandchildren.”

  Sal gave a light laugh. “I’ll take your advice.”

  * * *

  The following morning, Pippa left the count’s estate. After her last meeting with Nic, she wasn’t sure he would meet her. She’d been so temperamental. He’d been so calm. His calmness infuriated her. She felt as if she couldn’t control her passion. She didn’t want to feel alone in her feelings and wanted to know that he felt the same way.

  As she walked into her room with a lovely view of the ocean, Pippa stood in front of the open windows and inhaled the sea air. Her resort was located just outside the busy section of the beach, so she was able to enjoy the view without the crowds thronging to the pebbled beaches. Although Chantaine had its share of rock
y beaches, Pippa had to confess Capri offered breathtaking vistas of steep cliffs, narrow gorges and limestone formations.

  The sight was so beautiful she thought it might just clear her mind, and that was exactly what she needed. She refused to wonder if Nic would show or not. She had one day to truly relax and enjoy herself and that was what she intended to do. Pulling on the bathing suit the palace stylist had purchased for her, she glanced in the mirror and shrugged. Not too bad, she thought, then slathered herself with sunscreen from head to toe and grabbed her cover-up.

  Situated on a hill, the hotel offered several decks with lounge chairs for sunning and enjoying the gorgeous views. Pippa accepted the assistance of staff to position an umbrella over her as she reclined in a chaise longue. She stared at the rocky coastline, willing it to clear her head. It occurred to her that Amelie would have loved this. The thought made her unbearably restless. Perhaps a magazine or book, she thought, rummaging through her bag. She pulled out the book on French history she’d been reading just before bedtime during the past month.

  A shadow fell over her. Another waiter, she thought. Pippa had never been one to overindulge, especially when it wasn’t even lunch yet. But perhaps a mimosa… She glanced up to see Nic standing over her.

  Her heart lurched and the rush of pleasure she felt was so powerful that she couldn’t squeak out a sound, let alone a word of greeting. He was dressed in jeans, a shirt and a ball cap, and his expression was gently mocking.

  “Still pissed?” he asked.

  She could argue that he was the basis for her irritation and confusion, but she was so bloody glad to see him that she knew it would be a waste. “Not too much.”

  “That’s good. You want to chill here on the deck or are you in the mood for a little adventure?”

  “Adventure,” she said without waiting half a beat. “I’ll tell my security I’m taking a tour.”

  Within a half hour, she was riding on the back of a motorcycle, clinging to Nic for her very life as he zigged and zagged around the curvy streets. If Stefan or Giles knew, they would have her head. Nic took another curve and she burst out laughing at the thrill.


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