Killer Cuisine

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Killer Cuisine Page 20

by Velvet Vaughn

  He kissed her. “Relax. You didn’t scream. Too loud,” he added.

  She smacked him and he laughed. “Kidding. I caught most of them when I kissed you.”

  She could feel her face burning. She really would be mortified if everyone heard. She couldn’t help it though. He made her lose her mind. A mariachi band could’ve marched through the room and she’d have had no idea. “Then what are you sorry for?”

  “Everything. All the fights and misunderstandings. All those lost years.”

  Tears gathered in her eyes. “I’m sorry, too.”

  “I swear to you, I’ll try my hardest not to screw it up this time. I can’t make any promises because you know, I’m an idiot.”

  “No you are not,” she defended him. “You’re the man I love.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The crime scene had been released in the early hours of the morning. The crew Kendall hired worked through the night to rearrange the design of the set so that no one had to work in the area where Shandee had been murdered. A crew of COBRA Securities personnel had also been hard at work on set-up, including cameras inside to catch any potential crime. If they’d been in charge from the beginning, Shandee would still be alive, or at least they’d have made it damn near impossible for Priddy to plunge a knife into her chest.

  Dan hated to leave the bed this morning but he had to get to the site to oversee the operations. He’d made love to Kaitlyn twice more during the night…well one of those times, she’d made love to him. He smiled at the memory of how she’d woken him up. Maybe he couldn’t go six times like he had when he was a teenager, but he’d like to think he made up for it with technique.

  “What’s that stupid look?”

  He shook his head. He hadn’t even heard Alex approach. Man, he had it bad.

  “Ah.” Alex smiled and nodded like he had the secrets to the universe.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ve got it bad, my friend. The big L word.”

  “Oh? Then it must be the same stupid look you get when you watch the nightly news—oof.”

  Alex took him down hard. Dan barely had time to react before they were rolling around and grappling on the ground.

  “Save it for the ring,” Dante commanded. “Don’t make me kick your asses one-handed.”

  They both stopped. Dante towered over them with a big black sling over his arm and a pissed-off look. He held out a hand and helped Dan up and then Alex. “The van’s here and the contestants are inside.” He turned and walked away.

  Dan bumped knuckles with Alex which this time, was guy-speak for “it’s all good”. Then he headed to the next building to double-check security. He had a crew at work already but once it got closer to taping, it’d be all hands on deck with Logan, Dante and Dorian on site. He wouldn’t be surprised to see Luke as well. They’d geared Mason up as if he were one of them. Dan had no doubt he would be as soon as he rehabbed his leg.

  He inserted his comm device and did a mic test. After everyone checked in, he went in search of the head of the crew handling the revamped design. They should be about done and Dan wanted them gone as soon as possible. The less people around the better. He’d wanted to close the set to the public but Kendall argued against it. The tickets had already been sold and they’d had to postpone yesterday’s taping. The network honchos wouldn’t be happy if they had to refund.

  His cell rang and he checked the display. Tyler Redmond, COBRA Securities’ computer guru and hacker extraordinaire. “What’s up, Lightman?” He’d started calling him that in honor of Matthew Broderick’s character in War Games after he found out it was one of Tyler’s favorite movies.

  “Hey, I just got an alert that something’s penetrating the space around number one.” They’d given the warehouse containing the offices and meeting rooms the designation of number one and the building housing the set number two. “I’ve checked the doors and windows and they’re fine so I have no idea what this is. It’s not from the parking lot, either.”

  “Could it be a malfunction?”

  “Doubtful,” Tyler said. “I’m pulling up the feed now.”

  “On alert, everyone,” Dan said into his headphone as he headed for the other building. “We’ve got a possible breach.” To Tyler he asked, “Can you pinpoint where it’s coming from?”

  “It appears to be the airspace.”

  “We installed monitors on the roof,” Dan told him.

  “What the hell? It looks like a drone. Shit, it’s dropping something. Get everyone out. The roof is on fire. I’m calling the fire department.”

  Dan rushed through the doors to see flames already leaping into the air. “Fire. Get everyone out,” he ordered into the headphone. He burst through the door to number one and yanked the handle on the alarm. An alert shrieked. “Get out,” he barked, ushering people outside. Kait came running towards him, her eyes wide. Thank God. “Go,” he ordered, pointing to the door.

  “Kendall’s in her office on the phone. I need to get her.” She started to turn back but Dan grabbed her arm and urged her forward. “Go. I’ve got her.”

  “Then you’ll come out?”

  “After I make sure the building is clear.”

  She looked like she wanted to argue but she nodded and hurried outside. Flames were licking down the walls, the smoke thick and heavy. Whatever was used as an accelerant was fast-acting. Dan would bet jet fuel. He spotted Alex and pointed to the hallway where the green room was located. “Make sure all of the contestants get out. Then I need someone to do a head count.”

  “Roger that,” Alex said, taking off running.

  Dan hustled down the hall towards Kendall’s office. This part of the building hadn’t caught fire yet, and the alarm wasn’t as loud. In fact, the sound faded the further away he moved. Dammit. They hadn’t had time to do everything that needed to get done this morning. The other company should’ve made sure all of the fire alarms worked at the very least. He glanced over his shoulder to see the smoke condensing. He rapped on Kendall’s closed door and threw it open. She swung around, a phone held to her ear. “What—?”

  “Fire. Come on,” Dan grabbed her arm and tugged her toward the only exit at this end of the facility. “Anyone else in here?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  One of the agents held the door open and Dan urged her to it. “Go. I’ll clear the building. Alex,” he barked into the mic but there was no response. “Anyone?” The line was dead.

  The smoke was heavier now, making his eyes water. Navigating was difficult. He’d memorized the layout so he knew there was just one more office left to check. He opened the door and called out but no one answered. He turned to head outside when a loud crack sounded. Before he could react, something crashed down on him and the world went black.

  Chapter Twenty

  Mason heard Dan’s warning over the comm just as the roof burst into flames. He’d been trying to locate his wife with no luck. Despite what he told Abby, he hadn’t mentioned to Kendall that she was slacking on her duties. She’d actually done a better job after their confrontation. But when he woke up this morning and she wasn’t in her room, he knew she hadn’t spent the night in the house.

  He’d tried calling and texting but she wasn’t answering either one. He assumed she’d be at the facility when they arrived but he still couldn’t find her. Now the building was fully engulfed in flames and he had no idea if she was inside or not.

  He helped usher people outside and then did a quick head count of the contestants. They all made it out, thank goodness. He spotted Alex Mylonas and hurried as fast as his injured leg would take him. “All of the contestants are accounted for.”

  “Good. The staff as well. Have you seen Bradley? The comms are dead.”

  “No but there’s Kaitlyn.”

  They jogged over to her. She was holding on to Ronald and bouncing on her heels, watching the building intently. Black smoke poured out the doors and flames danced across the flat ro
of. Sirens grew louder as fire trucks barreled into the lot.

  “Where’s Dan?” Alex asked.

  “He went back inside but he hasn’t come out yet.”

  “Have any of you seen Abby? I can’t get in touch with her and I don’t know if she’s inside or not.”

  “I didn’t see her all morning,” Ronald said. “Are you sure she’s here?”

  Mason had his cell to his ear. “That’s just it…I don’t know. I keep calling but she doesn’t answer.” He cursed and hung up, then ran a hand through his hair. “Where could she be?” He glanced around the area. “Thank God all of you are out safe.” He absently rubbed a hand against his thigh. “Maybe I should go in and look for her?”

  “You wait here,” Alex told him. “This is a COBRA Securities operation. I’ll go in and look for her and for Dan.”

  “But she’s my wife.”

  “Stay here.” Alex took off for the building.

  “I’ll go ask around if anyone’s seen her today.” He hit redial and put the phone to his ear as he limped away. The fire was fully-engulfed now, the flames licking high up into the sky.


  Luke squealed into the lot and Logan jumped out before the SUV slowed. Smoke was pouring from the building in a thick black cloud. Thank God Jade was safe at home. She didn’t have to be at the studio until later so she hadn’t left yet. He and Luke had been on their way over when Tyler called to tell them the building was on fire. He immediately called Jade and ordered her to stay put. He only hoped his head-strong wife listened.

  He scanned the crowd looking for his brother. He spotted Kaitlyn standing close to one of the exits, her eyes glued to the building. He rushed over. “Kaitlyn, honey, you need to move away in case the building collapses.” She didn’t budge. “Kaitlyn?”

  She jerked and her wide eyes met his. He eased her back a safe distance away.

  Luke came rushing forward. “Thank God, Kait.” He pulled her into a hug.

  Logan was starting to get worried. “Kaitlyn, where’s Dan?”

  She shook her head, her face pale. “He went in to make sure everyone was safe but he hasn’t come out yet. Then Alex went in after him. They should be back by now, shouldn’t they?”

  Logan took off for the building.

  “Wait for the fire depart—” Luke called after him but it was too late. Logan disappeared into the thick smoke, dialing Peter Dennis, the head of their computer operations, as he ran.

  “Pete, I need a signal trace on Dan.” He dropped low and blinked through the thick wall of smoke. He held the phone against his chest and called out, “Dan, can you hear me? Mylonas?” No answer. He put the phone back to his ear.

  “You’re breaking up,” Peter told him. “If you can hear me, I’m sending it to your phone. Check your screen.”

  Logan coughed, tears pouring from his eyes as he checked the display. He started for the blinking red signal when Luke caught up with him. Navigation was difficult but they were gaining on the dot. He called out his brother’s name again to no answer.

  “Over here,” Luke shouted and Logan skidded to his knees beside his brother’s lifeless body lying in a pool of blood. A metal beam was hanging off one side of a wall. Was that what hit him?

  “Oh, God, please,” he prayed searching for a pulse.

  “He’s alive,” Luke said on a cough. “Let’s get him outside.”

  He hated moving him without accessing the injuries but they didn’t have time. If they didn’t move him out of here, the fire would get them if the smoke didn’t. They each lifted an arm over their shoulders and headed for the door. It was impossible to see now. They coughed and choked and ran into walls. Two lights blinded them as firemen dressed in gear appeared from the haze. One grabbed Luke’s arm and one his and they bustled them into the fresh air. As soon as they were outside, the firemen headed back in. He and Luke guided Dan to the grass and then they both collapsed in a fit of coughing.

  “We need to go back…Alex,” Logan coughed.

  A fireman appeared from the door with Alex in tow. Alex was completely covered in soot. Only the whites of his eyes were visible on his face. He coughed and croaked “Dan?” as he dropped to the ground.

  “Alive but unconscious.” Logan turned to see paramedics rush to his brother’s side. “He’s got a head wound.”


  Kait hugged herself and bounced on her feet. She couldn’t tear her gaze from the building now fully engulfed in flames. Ronald tried to console her but it didn’t help, so he went in search of bottles of water. It was scorching with the heat from the fire but she barely noticed. The only thing that could bring her comfort was for Dan to come walking out of the building—and now her brother, too. She’d tried to grab Luke’s arm to stop him but there was no use. He was bigger and stronger and determined. She was glad he went to help Dan, but she didn’t want him in danger, either.

  Mason was standing beside her, his muscles coiled tight. He looked like he was about to rush inside to help. Abby had been found safe and sound. She’d claimed a dead phone battery as her reason for not answering Mason’s calls. Now he felt guilty Alex had gone inside to look for her.

  Sounds were almost deafening: the crackle of the flames, sirens blaring, firemen calling out and issuing orders. Thick ropes of water poured onto the roof from a tanker truck. Hoses crisscrossed like writhing yellow snakes along the ground. Still, no sign of Dan, Luke, Logan or Alex. “Where are they, where are they,” she chanted. Two firemen in full gear disappeared inside. Dante and Dorian were trying to get in but firemen and now cops were blocking them and it was taking several to do the job. They were yelling that their coworkers were inside but the cops weren’t letting them through. Two more firemen in full gear entered the building. A few minutes later, the first set reemerged with Logan and Luke in tow. Kait gasped. Dan was draped lifelessly between them.

  “Dan,” she screamed and rushed over.

  Luke and Logan were covered in soot and coughing. Dan was scarily silent. Blood dripped to the pavement to mingle with puddles of water.

  They eased him to the ground. She slid a hand under his head. It was wet and sticky. She pulled it back…blood. “What happened to him?”

  Alex came stumbling over with Dorian and Dante following close behind and collapsed on the ground. They were all talking but she didn’t hear what they were saying. She was concentrating on Dan. He was too pale.

  “Excuse us, ma’am, we need to work on him.”

  She moved back and checked on the others. Medics urged them to the ground and fixed oxygen masks over their faces.

  “Luke?” Panic filled her stomach and she dropped down beside her older brother. She hated seeing him hurt.

  He lifted the mask with one hand and squeezed hers with the other. “I’m fine,” he croaked, his voice gritty from smoke inhalation. “Don’t worry about me.”

  The mask snapped back into place and she turned her attention to Dan. She squirmed her way to his side. Grasping his hand, she brushed a strand of hair from his face.

  “Ma’am, please, stay back.”

  Strong hands gripped her upper arms and urged her to her feet.

  “Kaitlyn, the medics need to help him.”

  She turned at the sound of her boss’s voice. Dion’s expensive, always-immaculate clothes were wrinkled and dusted with ashes. “What are you doing here?”

  “I had a meeting with Kendall. I’m ashamed to admit I rushed outside with the others.” He glanced down at Dan. “I should’ve tried to help.”

  She shook her head in instant denial. Dion wasn’t the heroic type. Luke was. Logan was. Alex was. Dan definitely was. A sob caught in her throat.

  Dion’s arm came around her. “He’s a good friend?”

  “I’ve known him practically my whole life.” And loved him just as long. She couldn’t control the shaking. The medics wrapped Dan’s head to stop the bleeding, and then attached a mask to his face as they lifted him to a stretcher. She prayed it was something
minor like a concussion. It reminded her of the time he suffered another blow to his head, courtesy of a serial killer targeting Matt and Jac Dianetti.

  Logan pushed his oxygen mask away and jumped to his feet.

  “Sir, please sit back down.”

  “That’s my brother,” he rasped, his voice destroyed from smoke. “I’m going with him.”

  “Me, too,” Kait said, wrenching away from Dion to rush to Dan’s side. The medics hustled the stretcher to the open doors of the waiting ambulance.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am.” A young man with red hair cut into a buzz stopped her before she could jump inside. “We only have room for one more. And this one looks like he could use some attention, too.” He indicated Logan with a nod of his head.

  Kait looked at Dan, then Logan. “Oh, yes, of course.”

  Logan reached out for her hand and she clasped it. “Can you take care of Luke and Alex? Make sure they get checked out at the hospital?”

  It was hard to listen to his gravely rasp but she understood.

  “Meet us there?”

  She nodded. “You get checked out, too,” she insisted.

  The doors slammed and the man ran around to the driver’s side and jumped in. He barely closed his door before the ambulance peeled away. She winced at the loud squeal of the siren. She needed to be there. She had to see for herself Dan would be okay.

  She spun around to find Luke on his feet, the mask gone, as was the one on Alex.

  “You need to get checked out,” Kait told her brother.

  “I’m fine,” he said with the same scratchy voice Logan used. “But Alex needs to go. He’s still not a hundred percent healed from the bullet wound.”

  She glanced over to see Alex doubled over, coughing. “I’ll get him and then drive you both to the hospital,” Kait said. “Alex, come with me. You need to get checked out.”

  “I can take him,” Dorian said.

  “You should stay with Kendall. I’m going anyway.”


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