Kanda's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 2)

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Kanda's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 2) Page 2

by Pixie Moon

  Glancing around, I see a long row of spacecrafts. They are in all sizes and shapes. Most of them are silver or black. I get a glimpse of a bright pink one before I’m drawn into a crowd.

  A crowd of scary beings. This shit is real! I can’t believe there are so many different species. I was so naïve. Parents should teach their kids about shit like this.

  Aliens come in all colors and shapes. Some with ridged foreheads and some with horns. I’ve seen beings with as many as six eyes. My eyes bulge when I see a four-eyed spotted alien start beating a smaller being with blue skin and a pointed chin. The fear in the smaller being is reflected in his big gray eyes.

  I shudder when the bigger alien hits its prey hard enough to slam him to the ground with a sickening sound of bones being crushed. My gaze stays glued to the deathly still blue skinned being.

  The jerking of my chain has me jumping and yelping in shock. Are we going to be beaten to death? My heart is pounding so loudly that I can’t hear much of the noises around me. That is fine with me. I don’t want to hear anymore death blows.

  I glance around at what I assume is a market and see all kinds of scary things. Food that is moving in tubs and aliens standing around munching on the live slimy looking creatures. The squeals of the creatures being eaten overpowers the sound of my heartbeat.

  A four-eyed being with a big nose is being held down by two scary as hell beings with three-black eyes and huge fangs. Another being is putting a thick ring through the smaller being’s nose. His screams are haunting.

  I whimper and Niya looks back. Her eyes silently beseech me to be strong. With a huge knot in my throat, I nod my understanding. Niya’s captor jerks her chain. She proudly turns and continues on.

  Bright color catches my attention. Material of all colors is on display. I see a green being with a tail bend down to a smaller version of herself. She says something to the child and then picks out some bright red material. Are some aliens better than others? Could some of them be nice and live normal lives with families and all?

  All types of beings are shopping the market. I fear the ones buying live beings. What kind of alien does that? I don’t want to be probed, eaten, or worse. I want to go home and be the most valuable player. I want to hear my little brother laugh and see him smile.

  I have to stay focused if I ever want to see him again. There has to be a way out of here and back to Earth.

  We stop and I look up. A chained blue male and a chained brown spotted female are being groped by some midnight blue fucker with clawed hands. My heart picks up its pace again. I don’t want to be here.

  I feel something staring at me and look up to see one menacing yellow eye looking me over. A shudder ripples through me. The being grins revealing a row of chipped brown teeth.

  I jump when my captor wraps my chain around my wrists and hands the end to Niya’s captor. He does the same to her and holds both of our wrist chains. A commotions draws his attention to the right.

  Movement on my left has me looking up into the mean yellow eye again. When he grins, I shake my head no. His eye squints and then he pulls back his fist. I cringe in fear.

  Niya kicks the alien as he’s swinging. The motion throws him off center and he misses me. In a rage he turns and hits Niya. She dodges but still takes a hit to the shoulder.

  A scream erupts from me. Our captor quickly shoves the evil alien away and shouts something. I tremble as the mean alien slinks into the crowd.

  A tear slides down my cheek. This is so hopeless. I’m beginning to believe that I may never make it home. Hell, all three of us will most likely be dead in a matter of minutes. My heart sinks and my stomach sours.

  Niya is now standing tall again. She is so brave. I need to face my impending death with grace just like her.

  I glance around her and see the maroon alien being looked over by a tan skinned alien with long purple hair. I’m a little shocked when I notice that the tan skinned alien is a female. She is rubbing his cock through his pants and he is shuddering beautifully.

  Once again I feel a touch of hope. Are some aliens nice and good to others? The maroon male is enjoying himself.

  At the sight of the midnight blue alien leading his new purchases away, I shiver in fear. I don’t think he’s going to be nice to them. Anxiety jumps from one of my nerve endings to the next. The cycle goes on and on. I’m a nervous wreck. I can’t handle this. My breathing becomes erratic as I’m pulled onto the platform. With my hands chained behind me I can’t even hug myself.

  I look to Niya for help. She stands tall and keeps her chin up. I can see that she still doesn’t feel well and I worry about her shoulder now as well as her stomach. She gives me a reassuring look and then stares straight forward.

  I look over at the maroon male and see that the tan being is paying for him. Currency moves from the tan being to a shirtless being with pink eyes and thick colorful nipple hair that is braided and goes down to his waist. Those weird long ropes of hair sway when he turns and gives one of our captors most of the currency.

  The maroon male’s pale blue eyes meet mine and he gives me a small smile. I give him one back. As he’s led away, I watch until he’s out of sight.

  I feel strange. I couldn’t speak to him but he was one of us. He was on our team. Dread fills my chest. Are Niya and I going to be separated too? I don’t want to be parted from her. She’s my anchor in the darkness.

  I whimper like a wuss when I see three blue and green scaly beings approach us. They have sharp elongated skulls and three claw looking fingers. I tremble when one of them comes near me and snarls. I swallow hard when I see that he has two rows of short sharp teeth. I take a step back and he swats me with his scaly tail. My hip stings where he hit me. I swallow again and try not to cry.

  When he goes to hit me again my captor pushes him away and says something in his high pitched tone. I’m surprised when the scaly creature responds back in the same language.

  I look over to see the other two males looking at Niya. She doesn’t even flinch when they get close or touch her hip. She just stares straight ahead.

  I blow out a relieved breath when the aliens walk off the platform. The male with the long nipple hairs calls out to the crowd. The alien fucker is obviously trying to stir up interest in us. I’d like to rip those long ropes of hair right off his nipples and then choke him with them.

  The chain around my hands is starting to make my hands feel numb. I just want to go home and take Niya with me. I look into the crowd of strange beings and wonder what will happen to us if we aren’t sold. Will these red-eyed fuckers kill us and leave our bodies to rot on this alien soil?

  I need to calm down. Maybe we can go home if nobody buys us. Deep down I know that’s not true. I look over at Niya and stand a little taller. I can be strong like her.

  Movement from the corner of my eye has me jumping. My nerves are strung so tight I’m starting to hurt all over. I look over and see two handsome purple aliens coming our way. The shock of black hair on top of their heads complements their skin perfectly. When they get closer I gasp when I see their eyes. They are beautiful. A pearl backdrop makes their blue diamond shaped irises stand out.

  They circle each of us and then talk for a moment amongst themselves. Their intoxicating scent lingers around me. I can’t take my eyes off of them. The slightly taller broader chested one calls to me on a level I’ve never felt before.

  The two males stop talking and turn to me and Niya. My heart leaps when the one I’m drawn to comes my way.



  ~ Klimen Trillobe ~


  There is something about the freckly human with the dark red hair and blue eyes that calls to me. I want to lick all of her tiny beauty marks. I want to see her come as I pump in and out of her.

  I want to see her look at me with more than lust in her eyes. Whoa! Where the black star did that come from? I like variety when it comes to females.

  She can be my sesien min and o
nce I am done with her she can go her separate way. My heart lurches at the thought of setting her free. The foolish thing wants to keep her.

  I take a deep breath to clear my wild thoughts. I’m sure with time I’ll be ready for new pussy to pleasure. Right now I must be overly possessive because I haven’t mated a female in a while. With time I should be back to normal.

  Circling the delicate female, I watch as she trembles. Soon she’ll find out that she has nothing to fear from me. Her sole purpose in my life is to bring me pleasure. The throbbing of my cock has me getting closer to her and sniffing her neck.

  She breaths in my scent and her small nostrils flare. Passion and confusion burn in her blue eyes. I fully understand both feelings. She twists me up like no other ever has. I have to touch her, taste her, spread her legs and mate her.

  I touch her dark fiery hair and the lopgenian holding her chain gives me a warning hiss.

  I reluctantly release her soft strands and look down into her bright blue eyes. “Have you been chipped?”

  The look on her face lets me know these cheap drikners haven’t put a communicator chip in her. Rizpa nin! She won’t be able to understand me until she’s already on our ship.

  “I don’t understand,” she says in a soft tone that goes straight to my cock.

  “You will soon enough, little human,” I say even though I know she can’t understand me. A strange part of me has to try to comfort her.

  She looks over at the female Rylem is looking at and then her worried gaze jumps back to mine. “You won’t separate us, will you? She is my friend.”

  That she is loyal pleases me. I quickly remind myself that she only has to please me in one way.

  Needing to possess her, I let her captor know I want her. The hiropian conducting the sell comes over and handles the deal.

  A strange and previously unknown part of me feels great relief the second her chain is passed to me. It’s done. My soul feels lighter. I’m not sure I like my response to her but I’ll get over it. Soon I’ll have the mystery surrounding my response to her figured out.

  I lead her over to Rylem who has just finished paying for the cute dark-haired female with the golden eyes.

  “You ready to get our females home?” The thought of bringing her into my quarters has pleasure flying through my veins. I haven’t had a sesien min in a long time.

  The way I’m responding to her, I believe I’ve waited too long. I take her small bound hand in mine and almost groan at the electrical current that passes between us. Her lust filled gaze darts to mine. I give her an approving smile and then turn to my brother.

  “Yeah, mine seems a little weak. I think she needs some rest and food.” Rylem takes his female’s elbow and starts to lead her off the platform. She looks at where their skin is touching and gives him a puzzled look and then raises her chin and follows along.

  That was strange but she is Rylem’s female to handle. I have my own to train.

  We keep the females between us as we make our way through the throng of beings. I won’t feel good until we get them on our spaceship and close the door behind us.

  ~ Kanda ~

  Fear and excitement are swimming through my veins.

  I don’t know what the big male intends to do to me when he gets me wherever we are going but I hope it’s nothing bad. I won’t be able to handle it if he turns out to be a monster.

  His scent is comforting. Maybe I can get him to take us back to Earth. When he finds out I’m part of a team he may return me. And Niya is part of a tribe. I’m sure they need her as much as Rogan needs me. Yes, we have mates that need us.

  A swarm of sadness circles my chest at the thought of never again seeing the big alien that’s holding my bound hand. What is wrong with me? I should be running and screaming—quietly, of course, I wouldn’t want to draw attention in this crowd. Especially since I’m tied up. Yes, I should be running. That’s what I should be doing instead of drooling over him and wanting him to be a part of my team—one of my mates.

  Loud snarling to my right has me looking that way. I stumble when I see two large beings going at it. They are scary as hell. The massive beings have four arms and their skin looks like that of a snake. Their three eyes are orange and make me think of hell’s fire.

  I scream when my arm is grabbed by something damp. I get a glimpse of a slimy green being with six arms right before my new owner pulls out a bigass knife and slices through the arm attached to the hand gripping me.

  A shrill scream comes from the being at the same time as it relaxes its grip. I jerk my arm out of its reach and watch as my owner growls out a few words I can’t understand. He kicks the being that is now howling and holding its dangling arm. The being raises two of its healthy arms and shakes its fists before slinking off into the crowd.

  The two males protecting us say a few words and then start moving at a faster pace through the crowd of freaky beings. I wish my hands weren’t chained behind me.

  We don’t get far before I watch in horror as Niya is suddenly being pulled violently to the left. I don’t see anything there but her body is steadily being pulled. I’m sure my new mate is too weak to fake some shit like this.

  Our males start yelling and then Niya’s owner pulls out a wicked knife and slices it through the air right next to her. A horrible scream comes from the spot and then a form begins to become visible.

  I recoil at the sight of the horn faced being with four bulging hate filled eyes. The being’s dark red skin is pitted and slick with an oily substance.

  The being screams again and violently pulls Niya’s arm. As her body jerks, her dark-haired owner growls and lunges forward. He quickly stabs the red alien in the chest two times and then slits its throat. A pool of black blood forms around the being. The evil alien barely got a hit or two in. Never try to steal from beings more badass than yourself.

  Niya is free and her attacker is dead. Shock at seeing so much violence has me shaking. As my owner leads me forward, I look back at the scary red being that can no longer hurt anyone or steal anything. Two blue and black creatures that have beaks are stripping the red alien’s body of all its weapons and valuables. From their excited chirping I can tell that today is a good day for them.

  I personally just want to go home. I don’t want to be in this nerve wracking environment anymore. My chain clinks as I’m led on to who the hell knows where. He could be taking me to a home in this horrible town or he could be leading me into the outback. Right now I think the outback would be my safest option.

  My jaw drops when I find that I was wrong on both guesses. Niya and I are led up to a spacecraft. Niya stumbles as she walks up the ramp. I move to reach out and help her but my bound hands can’t move. Her owner instantly steadies her.

  A second after we board the craft the big door closes with a thud. I wonder if that was a thud of doom. The silver corridor we are being led through is clean. That’s a good sign, right?

  Niya stumbles and then stiffens her spine and raises her chin. She needs help.

  I look up at my owner. “Where are we going? Niya is sick. You blokes don’t eat humans, do you?” My voice is a little shrill, but I can’t help it, Niya and I are in the shit.

  My male looks at me like he understands me and then calls out to his mate. I can’t understand a damn thing they are saying. That causes my stomach to hurt. What the hell is going to happen to us? I try to calm my mind before it comes up with some crazyass vision of me dying a torturous death.

  I tug on the hand holding mine. “You blokes are good, right?” Fuck, my voice is still shrill. Be like Niya, show no fear. Show no fear. “Don’t eat us or kill us slowly. We taste terrible and we cry badly.”


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