Kanda's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 2)

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Kanda's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 2) Page 6

by Pixie Moon

  More laughter rumbles through the door.

  “I see your little human is shy, Klimen. Maybe she’ll get over it since she’s such a pretty little thing,” the new bloke says.

  I blush at being talked about in a flattering way. To these blokes freckled chests and faces may truly be pretty. That’s something to think about. Klimen did say dagrinians claim their females in front of others. That thought doesn’t disgust me at all. Klimen definitely brings out a few hidden sides of me.

  If I’m willing to change and try new things then why am I hiding in the bedroom? I boldly walk out of the bedroom like the queen of the nudists would.

  When the male rushes me, I squeak like a startled baby rabbit. I struggle as strong arms press me to a firm chest. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so bold. Klimen’s hand on my back and his scent filling my lungs calms me enough for me to notice that all the bloke is doing is sniffing my neck. The new bolder me didn’t fare too badly. Plus, I showed Klimen that I’m not weak!

  He releases me and smiles down at me. “You have been taking good care of Klimen and he has been taking good care of you. All is well.” The bloke’s icy blue gaze moves to Klimen. “You found a treasure for sure.”

  Klimen puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me in close. “Yes, I have.” He looks down at me. “Kanda, this is Drandok Mobe. He brought us some food that Hilam’s human made.”

  Klimen’s scent helps keep me calm as I make it through my first run as being a nuddy in front of others. The tall male is polite and he’s not ogling me like a piece of meat. Maybe these blokes are different from the ones on Earth.

  Remembering my manners, I say, “Thanks for bringing the food. Would you tell the cook that I appreciate it? It tastes wonderful.”

  Drandok gives me a brief nod. “I will pass on the message. Megan will be pleased.” His warm gaze moves up to Klimen. “I’ll be off.”

  I watch as he turns and leaves. That he didn’t leer at me before he goes makes me feel even more secure, but I just don’t know if I can wander naked around the ship. Unless that’s natural here for females. And what was up with the sniffing.

  “Why did he sniff me and does Megan walk around naked? When can I meet Megan and see Niya?” This is such a different place. I need to know more.

  He leads me into the kitchen area. The smell of Megan’s cooking wafts through the air. “Drandok gave you a normal check to see if we were staying healthy. Mating is good for the mind and body. It is important. You’ll have to get used to being smelled and seeing me smell other females.”

  I’m not too sure I want his hands on other females. If he does it the same way Drandok did to me though, without lust, it might be alright. Sometimes change is not easy but necessary.

  Klimen leans against the counter. “On to your next question. Megan wears short dresses when she’s doing things away from home so Hilam can claim her easily anywhere he wants to. She may go nude in their quarters or not. That is their business. You will see them together in the near future and they will see us together as will the others. You get to see Niya when Rylem knows she’s ready to leave his quarters.”

  So, the others don’t openly walk around nude. It’s good to know what to expect. I’m a little saddened by his continued refusal to let me see the other women. The promise of getting to see them lightens my mood though. If he turns out to be a liar, I’ll have to fight the urge to kill him.

  “Where are my clothes?” He is so distracting that I keep forgetting to ask.

  He snatches a bite of sliced fruit and sucks it into his mouth. I envision him sucking me as I follow him to the closet that’s just outside the kitchen area. He pulls out a drawer from a chest that is built into the wall and points at a few dresses and my clothes.

  “I had Hilam replicate a few dresses for you. When we leave my quarters you are allowed to wear a dress. Nothing else, do you understand?”

  His tone is pointblank again and it makes me want to slap him. But I don’t because that would be rude, plus I want to look the dresses over. When he continues to stare me down, I roll my eyes. “Yes, I get it. Naked in here, dresses out there.” Sheesh, he can be an arse. I’m startled when I see a gleam of humor in his eyes before he leaves the closet. Maybe he’s not as emotionally distant as he seems on the surface.

  I pull out a sky blue dress, a dark yellow rose one, and a sea green one with a sparkling waistband. They are all soft, stretchy, and short. My core heats at the thought of how easily Klimen can claim me in these dresses.

  When my stomach grumbles, I put the dresses up and head into the kitchen. We eat in a peaceful type of silence. At times, he is an easy mate to be around.

  After I lick the last of the sindot juice from my fingers, I look up into his diamond eyes. The color is that of the roiling ocean and the shape of his irises never fails to amaze me. He has expressive eyes. Eyes I love to watch darken as he comes.

  Not wanting to fall for his allure at the moment, I ask, “Do you have any living family?” A vision of Rogan pops into my mind. I can’t stop worrying about him.

  “Yes, Rylem is my brother. He is the owner of your friend.” He slides me across the couch until our bodies are touching. “You don’t have to worry about her. Rylem will take good care of her.”

  “I can’t help it. I naturally worry about her and my best mate. Rogan needs me.” Surely he can see that we need to go back and get my brother. My own words surprise me. After being here with Klimen, I don’t want to go back to Earth. I do however want to see my brother.

  Klimen takes my hand and gives it a gently squeeze. “Earth is a long way from here and it’s not on our course. We can’t go there. Trust Rogan to take care of himself. What about your parents?”

  I like the feel of his fingers surrounding mine. They are comforting. Comforting is good. I steel myself and then answer his question. “They died getting food. It happened four years ago when I was eighteen. Rogan and I were picking and eating berries from some bushes when our parents went to some other bushes closer to the edge of a steep drop off. The ground suddenly shifted and they just fell to their deaths. The sound of their dying screams echoed in my dreams for over two years. They also haunted Rogan. He’s been my best mate for as long as I can remember. We are a team, don’t you see? We have to go back for him.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about your parents. I’m glad Rogan was your best mate for so many years, but we can’t go back. He has to find a new best mate.” Klimen’s eyes take on a wounded hazy look. “Rylem and I had to do it when our best friend died on a mission. It was so senseless. A barpolian thought Miglin was someone else and killed him in a rage. I was seventeen and Rylem and Miglin were nineteen. It was supposed to be a simple mission.” His gaze changes to one of determination. “You have to let the past go. We all lose people and we all have to move on.”

  Pain spears through my chest. I know he’s right. The dagrinians didn’t take me from Earth. They saved me. I have to try to trust Rogan to take care of himself. Just like Klimen, Rogan and I know the pain of loss and the struggle of continuing on.

  He gives me a soft kiss and then hugs me tightly to his chest. “Now that you are away from Earth’s damaging sun’s rays and toxic atmosphere you could live an extremely long time. An Earth year is twelve moon cycle whereas a Dagrin year is twenty moon cycles. One day I’ll show you Dagrin. My parents are currently traveling. They are going to like you.”

  My heart skips a beat at his last sentence. He wants me to meet his rellies! I’ll take that as a good sign. I tilt my head so I can look into his handsome face. “Are your rellies on a mission?”

  He releases a chuckle. “No, their mission days are behind them. They are retired mission coordinators for a division of our government. Sometimes they help train a promising government agent. It keeps them going.”

  It dawns on me that I don’t know what he does on this spacecraft. “What is your job?”

  “I’m a pilot plus I map and control safe routes for missions,�
�� he answers in his regular straight to the point tone. No big ego involved, just plain facts.

  This time I like him being so matter of fact. Then a new thought hits me. “If you are the pilot, who is flying this craft? Do you need to leave?”

  He chuckles and leans down and plants a kiss on my lips before answering. “No need to worry. Riflan and Malldrot are handling it for now. They know I have important things to be doing. What did you do on Earth?”

  “We lived mostly in the bush. I was trained to track all types of food—plants and animals. I can also trade for a fair price. We had a small solar computer that we used to keep us up to date on life and for entertainment. It would stop working sometimes and Rogan would climb the tallest tree to get it to work. He’s still working on his patience.” I’d love the chance to watch him become a fully rounded grownup mate. With effort I push the pain aside.

  “Where you’re concerned, I’m still working on my patience. I want you all the time.” His hand skims down my arm and comes back up to cup my breast.

  My core instantly heats up. “I want you all the time too.” I moan when his fingers roll my nipple and his lips graze my neck. Nobody but Klimen can fire such strong desire within me. I eagerly straddle his lap and wish he was naked. I rub my clit into his cloth covered erection. Need starts pounding through my veins.

  The beeping sound that comes from the comm unit on his forearm band scares me half to death. Klimen had my total focus. In the bush that can be a bad thing. Looks like I have some work to do myself.

  Klimen reads a message and groans as he plants me on the couch and stands. “I have a few things that need my attention. Let’s put this on hold until this evening.”

  “Do I get to explore your body tonight?” I really want to check this control freak out. He is too delicious not to. I silently beg him to say yes.

  He moans and drops his head back for a moment. Then he looks at me with hungry eyes. “Yes, but don’t push me too far. You may not like what you get,” he warns.

  I hold back a victory dance but I fist pump the air when he turns and heads into his office.



  ~ Kanda ~


  Watching Klimen eat has been a form of delicious torture.

  He devours his food with focus and appreciation. A bolt of electricity shoots around in my lower belly when his intense focus turns to me. I know just how persuasive and passionate he can be. That knowledge has my juices flowing. I eat my last bite of fruit and slowly lick the stickiness from my fingers.

  His gaze narrows and becomes even more intense as he watches me suck and lick my fingers. I stare straight into his eyes and silently let him know what I’m going to do to him.

  Tonight he is mine to explore, mine to taste, mine to devour.

  As soon as my last finger has been licked until it’s sticky-free and both of us are heated, he takes our plates to the sink and deposits them into it. I watch as he turns on his heel and rakes his heated gaze over my naked body.

  My nipples harden under the power of his gaze. A small smile curls one corner of his mouth. He starts stripping and once every glorious centimeter of him is revealed he motions me to the bedroom.

  “Come, sesien min.”

  At his words, I only falter for a moment. I don’t like being just a sesien min to him. I breathe in his arousing scent and choose to ignore my station here. Instead I choose to get pleasure where I can. Life is too short and uncertain to not savor the gifts that are offered.

  He climbs onto the bed and props his back up with several of the gold and blue trimmed pillows. I take it he intends to watch every moment of my exploration. Having his total attention has excitement and lust circulating through my veins.

  I step up to the edge of the bed and move his right foot out until his legs are spread wide. The rich dark plum color of his balls adds a nice color pop to the golden sheets they rest upon. The lighter tone of skin looks just as good against the silky material.

  With him spread out for me as though he were an immense smoldering sex-servant I decide that he is my sesien min. Yes, he is here for my pleasure.

  I boldly climb on the bed right between his splayed legs. Running my hands over his thick muscles, I thoroughly enjoy the ripple of his muscles and the feel of his soft leg hairs caressing my palms.

  He has a sprinkling of purple hair on his chest, arms, and legs. I like his smooth pubic area. It invites me to lick it, but I don’t. Not yet. I scoot up and run my hands over his hips. When they jerk and his erection thickens I lick my lips.

  I glide my hands over every dip and groove in his muscled arms and chest. The heat in his eyes looks like the ocean churning. I can easily get lost in the waves. Leaning forward I lick his corded neck and then inhale his arousing scent. Liquid drips from my center. Preparing for penetration.

  As I roll one of his plum colored nipples, I whisper, “Why do you smell so good to me? Why does your scent arouse me like nothing else?” I don’t expect an answer from my sesien min, but I get one.

  “A substance in our skin naturally triggers this response to us from humans. The arousal response means we are extremely compatible. That’s why you will like the scent of other dagrinians but only be highly aroused by a few.” He arches when I kiss his neck and twist his nipple. “I’m glad we are compatible. Your arousal triggers mine making our mating extremely pleasurable.”

  I twist his nipple again and the moan he releases fires my blood to a new level. Needing more, I straddle his hips and rock into his rigid flesh. When he tries to grab me, I put his hands over his head and hold them in place. Those ocean waves in his eyes churn violently.

  Slanting my mouth over his, I urgently explore his mouth. The touching of our tongues sends a zapping current straight between my legs. I rock harder into his steely erection, but I only get a little relief.

  I debate guiding his massive donger inside me but the low growl he releases says I might not have the upper hand for long. Where is some rope when a sheila needs it?

  I pull my mouth from his and stare into his stormy eyes. “This is my time, remember?” I long to add sesien min to the end of that sentence, but I don’t. Instead I tighten my grip on his wrists and press them into the golden pillow.

  Klimen releases a soft growl. “For the time being. I can only be pushed so far, little human.” He thrusts his hips upward causing me to shiver as his steely flesh presses harder into the pearl between my spread legs.

  I press his hands down one more time and then work my way down his body. I get stuck at his nipples for a short while. The dark plum colored points trigger sparks in my core when I rake my tongue over them.

  At his low growl, I continue my downward path. This time I don’t stop until I’m a breath away from his dusky dark red crown. I run my fingertips along the sides of his length and then rest my hands on his open thighs. I love the way his muscles bunch under my touch. The feeling is heady. I press his thighs a touch more open to let him know I’m in charge. My clit pulses at the thought.

  Another growl from him lets me know I won’t be in charge forever. I glance up to make sure his hands are still over his head. Yep, I want to tell him he’s being a good sesien min, but I’m not dumb enough to do that.

  I inhale his scent. Down here so close to his solid donger his aroma has my mouth watering. I kiss and lick a path along the left side of his thick veined erect flesh. His muscles flex under my tongue and he groans.

  Needing to fully taste him, I lap up his dark plum shaft. The pulsing of his veins makes my clit ache. His scent and flavor is so hedonistic that I shift my body so I can grind my pussy against his firm leg. As I press into him we both groan.

  Hunger has me sucking his beautifully fat crown into my mouth. I moan when he shivers. I grip his shaft not surprised when my fingers don’t touch. I can’t get much of him in my mouth but I sure can work over his sensitive crown.


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