Bar None (Aeon Book 3)

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Bar None (Aeon Book 3) Page 7

by Wendy Smith

How do I take this? Maybe I should assume he’s being supportive.

  Grinning, I look around. Miranda’s nowhere to be seen. I have a sudden urge to see her—hold her. “She’s an amazing woman.”

  He seems to nod in agreement. “She’s loaded too. She could do a lot to help your business.”

  I bristle. “I don’t need help with my business.”

  “Oh, I just assumed . . .”

  “Assumed what?” This guy has just hit my last nerve, and I’ve only known him a short time.

  He shrugs. “Doesn’t matter. She’s pretty tight with it. I doubt you’ll see any of it, if that’s what you’re hoping for.”

  My mouth falls open. Unease creeps across his expression. It’s like he expected one reaction and got another. But I don’t think that way. It doesn’t matter to me whether Miranda has money, or if she earns more than me, or if she could buy the whole town of Nettle Downs.

  I want her.

  If I had my way, I’d take her home to live with me behind the bar and we would work together. But life doesn’t work that way, and she needs to be herself. And if that means we do this long-distance thing while she focuses on her career with Molly, then that’ll be our life.

  “I’m not sure what this is about, but I care about Miranda. And I don’t give a shit about money. I had no idea she had any. So, if you’ll excuse me . . .”

  I need to be with her.

  “Just making conversation.” He holds up his hands.

  I look around. Alex is watching our exchange, and I shoot her a smile with and nod. “Sure.”

  I head inside and find Miranda in her bedroom with a woman who must be her youngest sister. She introduces us, but all I can think about is holding my girl in my arms and forgetting about everything and everyone else.

  She’s not your girl yet. Not really.

  But she will be.

  “Your brother-in-law was a bit weird today.”

  Miranda looks at me. It’s not too late, but everyone’s gone to bed. Miranda’s sisters and their families live out of town, so we’re all under the one roof right now. The only one not staying here the night is Barrett. With the wedding tomorrow, they’re all keen to get a good night’s sleep.

  I have other plans for Miranda, but she’ll sleep well when I’m finished. In the meantime, there’s something I want to address.

  “Which one? Weird in what way?”

  “Grant. He implied I was with you for the money I never knew you had.” A wave of anger hits me again.

  All she does is laugh.

  “You’re not offended?”

  Miranda shakes her head. “I know the truth.”

  “I hope so. I don’t give a shit if you do have money. I just want you.”

  She smiles, slipping her arms around my waist. “I know you do.”

  “Good. Because I want you right now.”

  Miranda lets out a squeal as I pick her up and drop her on the bed. Need flares in her expression, and she pushes herself up, stripping off her shirt as I do the same.

  I can’t wait. I drop to the bed and crawl on top of her. “You’re all mine, Miranda.”

  She laughs. “I am?”

  “Every single little part of you. Maybe you don’t know it yet, but you are.”

  Her smile lights up my whole heart. “If you say so.”

  “I’m glad you agree.”

  She reaches for my face, running her hand down my cheek, her fingers combing my beard. “Didn’t I agree to that for the weekend?”

  I laugh. “You know this isn’t just gonna be for the weekend.”


  “What’s it going to take to prove it to you?”

  Miranda bites down on her bottom lip. She wriggles underneath me, throwing her arms above her head. “Show me.”

  I nuzzle her breasts through her bra. Her breathing grows heavier as I nudge her nipples with my nose. “I need you naked, lady.”

  Pulling her up, I fiddle with her bra for a second before the clasp comes apart and I slide it down her arms.

  “That’s better.”

  She seems to drink me in as I kneel over her. “You’re amazing. Did you know that?”

  I shake my head. “No, I’m just a man who’s crazy about a woman.”

  “This is happening so fast.”

  “I think the speed of this is because it’s just meant to be.” Lying down beside her, I lick her nipple.

  She giggles.

  “I love the sound of your laugh. I get the feeling you don’t do that as often as you should.”

  “Being with you is making me very happy.”

  “Give me a few minutes and I’ll make you a lot happier.”

  Her smile’s so big, it extends to her eyes. I love making her smile this way.

  I just hope it’s enough to make her fall for me.

  She’s already out of bed when I wake, and the smell of vanilla floats through the house.

  I take in a deep breath. Miranda’s mother is the best.

  It’s just Miranda at the table when I get there, but there’s already a pile of pancakes that could feed an army.

  “Morning.” I round the table and peck her on the lips.

  “Good morning. I didn’t want to disturb you; you looked so peaceful.”

  I shrug. “You can disturb me any time.”

  “I made extra this morning.” Miranda’s mother delivers more pancakes to the pile. “I know you like them.”

  “They’re brilliant, Laura.”

  “Don’t let me forget to give you the recipe.”

  Slowly, the table fills with the family, with the overflow sitting in the living room. I know Miranda has her issues with her sisters, but I love this feeling. They’ve made me a part of their family in such a short space of time.

  It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about all I missed over the years. I like this. I want to be a part of something like this.

  I want my own family more than ever.

  “Are you okay?” Miranda reaches over and squeezes my knee.

  “I’m fine. What about you?”

  “A bit nervous for Leia, but otherwise, fine.”

  “You sounded very fine last night,” Alex says.

  I half expect Miranda to withdraw, but instead, she lights up like a Christmas tree and laughs. That’s my girl.

  Alex’s face falls. I assume that wasn’t the reaction she was after.

  Miranda gives me a sly smile and slowly slides her fork into her mouth.

  I have to hold a napkin over my mouth to stop myself from spitting out the mouthful of pancake I just started. I know I’ve got her.

  She’s all mine.

  After breakfast, everyone disappears to get changed for the wedding.

  I follow Miranda to the bedroom. Not being part of the bridal party, I’ve got it easy. I pull on my shirt and suit pants while she changes on the other side of the bed.

  “I’m hopeless with ties. Are you any good at tying the knot?” I turn.

  She takes my breath away.

  She’s wearing a long lilac dress that fits her curves to perfection. All I see is her as everything else fades into the background.

  “Do I look okay?” she asks.

  “Darlin’, you look incredible.”

  She smiles.

  I walk around the room, and slide my arms around her waist. “You’re not wearing any makeup yet, so . . .”

  “There’s nothing to ruin.” She laughs.

  I bend my head and give her a tender kiss.

  “I just need your help zipping up. And I can sort out your tie. I used to wear one for school.”

  My eyebrows rise. “Now, there’s a picture.”

  “I’m sure I still have the skirt somewhere.”

  She turns around and I run my fingers up her spine.

  “Jackson,” she murmurs.

  I zip her up before we get into any trouble. That can wait until later.

  Miranda turns.

ng’s changed with you. Am I finally getting through?”

  She places her hands on either end of my tie. “Maybe just a little.”

  I laugh at the look of concentration on her face as she starts the knot. Her tongue darts out while she slips each half of the material around and under to get it tied.

  “What made the difference?”

  Her expression straightens. “I can be myself when I’m with you. I’m always cautious at home. I don’t want my family to know the ins and outs of my life.”

  “But you’re happy for me to?”

  She wraps her arms around my chest. “You feel right, Jackson. I can’t explain it.”

  I close my eyes and take a breath near her hair. She smells of vanilla from breakfast. Again. She should wear that scent all the time. “That’s the way I feel about you. For what it’s worth I can’t explain it either, but I’m not about to walk away from it.”

  She pulls back. “I’m glad you agreed to come with me. I don’t think this weekend would have been as much fun without you.”

  “We still have one more night.” I raise my thumb to her cheek, running it down to her jaw. “But I think you and I both know it’s not enough.”

  Miranda drops her gaze. “I should go out to the living room. Everyone’s getting hair and makeup done in there.”

  I nod. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “Dad’s taking his car separately with Mum. They’ll give you a ride to the ceremony, and then afterward, we can spend the evening together.”

  “I’ll be looking forward to it.”

  With that, she detaches from me and walks toward the door. Shooting me one last smile, she disappears into the hallway.

  Leia’s a beautiful bride.

  She walks to the bridal car with her sisters, her head held high. And so she should. For all her bridezilla ways, it looks like she’s pulled off everything she wanted. I hope the day goes well.

  Standing beside the car, I offer a hand to all the ladies as they step in. Miranda leans over and kisses me on the cheek. “See you soon.”

  I watch as the car disappears into the distance.

  “Time to go.” Brian smiles and nods toward his car. “We’ll meet them at the other end.”

  I nod.

  It’s a short drive to the church, and I offer Laura my arm as we get out of the car. She takes it with a smile.

  “You’re a good man, Jackson,” she says.

  “I try my best.”

  “Well, I’m glad Miranda found someone like you.”

  “Me too.” I grin.

  I lead her through the door and follow her directions to take her to her seat. When she’s seated, I turn.

  “You can sit here with me.” She pats the chair next to her.

  I shake my head. “No. I should . . .”

  “You’re family today. So, you sit here. Brian will sit on my other side.”

  “Thank you.” I sink into the seat beside her. “You’ve all made me feel very welcome.”

  She smiles. “I’m glad. You’re the first man Miranda’s brought home in a very long time. That makes you special.”

  “Your daughter’s very special to me.”

  Laura nods. “I can see that.”

  “I’m so glad she invited me along this weekend. Meeting you all has been a real pleasure.” I nod toward the altar where the groom stands, fiddling with his cufflinks. “And being able to attend Leia’s wedding is an honor.”

  Her smile widens. “You’re good for Miranda. I like you. You’re welcome anytime.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  When the music starts, I turn to look down the aisle.

  Maddy comes first, followed by her mother and Katie.

  I catch my breath.

  My girl is walking toward the altar, and when she locks eyes with me, her whole face lights up.

  I want to always bring that smile to her face. I want to make her beam like that every day of her life.

  Every minute I’m around her, she captures a little more of my heart. If I could, I’d take her home with me and never let her go.

  She’s the chief operating officer of a huge gaming company, but I can see her after hours behind the bar with me as we serve customers and share kisses. The bar could be a family business again. If she wanted it, it could be ours.

  I track her movements as she walks past me, gets to the altar, and turns. Leia walks up the aisle, but I barely notice. My eyes are only for Miranda.

  Whatever’s left of my heart cleaves to her as she meets my gaze again. She’s such a walking contradiction, so strong, and yet her family makes her retreat. With me, she never has to do that. With me, she can be herself.

  One last smile and she wipes her cheeks with her palms, straightens up, and focuses on her sister. It doesn’t stop me from focusing on her.

  I’ve never been short of female companionship if I wanted it, but Miranda’s different. She’s my one.

  I already know it, and I think she does too.



  “How would you feel about getting out of here?”

  Miranda looks around. The speeches are done, the cake’s been cut, but it’ll be hours before her family goes home. “Why?”

  “I want to sneak off and make the most of our last night together. Do you have a key to your mom and dad’s place?”

  She raises an eyebrow at me and holds her arms up. “Where would I hide a key?”

  I run my gaze up and down her body. “Oh, I can think of a few places.”

  Miranda bursts out laughing. “No. I don’t have a key on me.”

  “I can find a hotel.”

  Her expression freezes for a moment, but mischief dances in her eyes and she draws closer. “For one night? That feels dirty.”

  “It does, doesn’t it? One hotel coming right up.”

  She hooks her arm in mine, watching my phone as I google the possibilities.

  “This one looks good.” I point at the screen.

  “Compared to that one, it looks like a palace.” She points at the bottom of the screen and I laugh.

  “We’ll have to stop for supplies along the way.” I waggle my eyebrows at her.

  She pulls her arm away from mine and reaches up to cup my face. “You’re a man of many surprises, Jackson Booth.”

  “I’m just desperate to spend every second I can inside you before I go home.”

  Her mouth falls open. “Aren’t you assuming a lot?” That cheeky smile just about undoes me on the spot. Miranda’s been so uptight this weekend around her family, and it’s not drink making her relaxed because I know she hasn’t had much.

  “We are sneaking away from your sister’s wedding reception to spend the night in a hotel.” I shrug.

  She nods. “Fair point.”

  I put the phone to my ear as I dial the hotel. Miranda rests her head on my other shoulder, and I close my eyes, enjoying her being near. I wasn’t kidding about needing to be inside her. She knows I want more with her, but if this weekend is all I get, I intend to make the most of it.

  Making a booking is simple. They’ve got plenty of empty rooms, including one with a king-size bed. That sounds like us.

  I turn my head and plant a kiss in Miranda’s hair. “Ready to go?”

  “More than ready. What are you doing?” she asks as I tap on the screen of my phone.

  “Ordering an Uber before you change your mind.”

  She snuggles up closer. “I’m not going to change my mind.”

  “There’s a Seven-Eleven across the street from the hotel. We’ll get checked in and I’ll go and get some condoms.”

  Realization crosses her face. “Oh. Those supplies.”

  “Figure we’ll need a few. I’m gonna grab some popcorn too.”

  Her brows knit. “Popcorn?”

  “I want to prove to you that this is more than just sex. So, I figure we’ll watch a movie and talk.”

  Her expression softens. “I love that

  “Before I go . . .” I walk over to the nearest table and pick up a full bottle of bubbly white wine.

  A smile spreads across Miranda’s face. “I like the way you think.”

  “Thought you might. Let’s go. The Uber’s only a few minutes away.”

  I tuck the wine under my jacket, and we head out the door and into the cool evening air. Miranda shivers.

  “I’m getting a sense of déjà vu.” I smile. “I’ll give you my jacket, but you’ll have to carry the bottle.”

  She laughs. “That sounds like a good deal to me.”

  Slipping off my jacket, I pass the bottle to Miranda and place the piece of clothing over her shoulders.

  “That should keep you warm.”

  The smile that lights her face is all encompassing. “I’m sure you’ll be doing plenty of that soon, anyway.”

  “This Uber had better hurry the fuck up.” I laugh.

  As I say that, the headlights of an oncoming car flash, and the Uber turns and pulls up in front of us.

  “Cinderella, your carriage awaits.”

  The hotel clerk’s eyebrows rise as we walk toward the front desk. I flash her a smile, and take in her name on her jacket tag.

  “Hi, Tara. Jackson Booth. I called a short time ago about a room.”

  She nods. “I’ll need a credit card, and if you could please just fill in this form.”

  “Sure thing.” I take the pen she offers and start writing out my details.

  “Do you have any luggage to be taken up?”

  I chuckle. “No. We just sneaked away from a wedding reception for a quiet night.”

  Miranda leans over my shoulder.

  Tara smiles. “I understand.”

  When I’m finished, she takes my form and feeds it into the computer.

  “I’ve just upgraded you to a suite at no extra charge.”

  Miranda snuggles in against me. “Thank you so much. We really do appreciate it.”

  “It’s no problem. Congratulations.”

  Miranda and I exchange a look.

  I pick up the swipe cards Tara places on the counter. “Thanks.”

  We walk quickly to the elevator, and as soon as we’re out of earshot, I turn to Miranda. “Do you think she thought we were the bride and groom?”


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