Bar None (Aeon Book 3)

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Bar None (Aeon Book 3) Page 10

by Wendy Smith

  “Of course. I’m going to want to hear your voice by then anyway.” I crack a smile.

  “You got it bad, Ms. Clarke.”

  I nod. “You know it.”

  “It’s okay. I have it really bad.” His smile is half-hearted, and I know the feeling.

  “There’s a big part of me that’s scared of that. But I’m also glad.”

  “I’m not scary.”

  “No, but the way I feel about you is. It’s sudden and it’s overwhelming.”

  His smile grows. “Whoever thought a fake date to your sister’s wedding would turn into this?”

  “I’m pretty sure that was your plan all along. But I approve.”

  “My plan was to win your heart with great sex.”

  I laugh. “It was so much more than that.”

  He plants a kiss on my forehead. “I’ll always be on your side, no matter what. Just remember that.”

  I tear up again. “I will.”

  Jackson raises a hand to my face, wiping my cheek with his thumb as a tear rolls down it. “Don’t cry. We’ll be together again soon. I’ll make sure of it.”

  As I give him a final wave goodbye, I know my heart’s gone with him.

  He said he wanted to own me, body, heart and soul.

  But he already does.

  My flight home is a bumpy one.

  Bad weather and turbulence put me in an unsettled mood.

  And there’s something missing.

  In such a short time, Jackson Booth has turned my whole world upside down.

  I pick up my car from long-term parking, and head home. It’s only been a couple of hours, but I miss him.

  When I walk in the door, I drop my bag and kick off my shoes, wriggling my toes in the soft long pile of the carpet.

  I’d be happy to give you a foot rub.

  Jackson’s words come to mind and I smile. I could do with one of his foot rubs right now.

  Without him, my house seems cold and lonely.

  Except for someone I know who will be pleased to see me.

  I take a seat on the sofa. “Hello, baby.”

  Mr. Snuggles climbs up onto my lap, rubbing against me and purring. I place my hand on his thick fur and stroke him. He’s been the constant in my life these past five years, and he’s always happy to see me.

  “I don’t even know if Jackson likes cats. He’d better.”

  I pull my phone out of my jacket pocket and dial Jackson. His flight takes longer, but at least I can leave a message for him to let him know I got home safe.

  I close my eyes at the sound of his voice. “This is Jackson. Leave a message.”

  “Hey. It’s me. I just wanted to let you know that I’m home. The flight was okay, and now I’m going to have something to eat and take a nap.” I pause. “I hope you know how much this weekend meant to me. You are amazing, and I’m really looking forward to spending more time with you. I just wanted to tell you that.”

  I take a breath. “Anyway, I’m going to go, but I look forward to hearing from you when you land. You’ve given me a lot to think about this weekend. Bye.”

  After hanging up the call, I drop the phone on the coffee table and scratch the cat behind his ears. He purrs louder, rubbing around my hand.

  “I think our life is about to change a lot, Mr. Snuggles.”

  My phone buzzes. That can’t be Jackson so soon.

  Leia’s name pops up on the screen.

  Leia: Sorry I didn’t get to see you again before you left. Your boyfriend’s gorgeous. Hope he sticks around. Xx

  Leia: Oh. Shit. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.

  I laugh, picturing Leia’s frantic typing. When she’s not bridezilla, she’s so sweet.

  It’s wonderful to find a man who appreciates me for me and treats me right. And he’s right that I need to stick up for myself more.

  Me: I’m sorry I missed you too. It was a great wedding. Hope your marriage lasts. Xx

  I press send so fast, my hand shakes as I stare at the phone. Did I just do that?

  Past Miranda wouldn’t have been snarky, even as a joke.

  Biting my bottom lip, I smile. “What have you done to me, Jackson Booth?”

  Made me feel more like myself than I have in forever.

  Leia: Ha ha I deserved that. Love you, big sis.

  And he’s right. It’s about time.

  When the phone rings, I’m lying on my bed, facing the cabinet.

  “Hi.” I close my eyes and wait for his deep tone.

  “Hey. I just got home. Miss you already.”

  “I miss you too.” I sigh. “Cuddling up with the cat isn’t the same.”

  “You have a cat? Why didn’t I know this?”

  I laugh. “I guess we still have a lot to learn about each other.”

  “We do.”

  “What else do I need to know?”

  He does that deep chuckle that feels like it’s just for me. “I’m a pretty simple guy. I love what I do for a living, and I like spending time with you. That’s about it.”

  “I like spending time with you too.”

  “I guess the question is, when do I see you again?”

  It takes me a moment to come up with an answer. “I’m not sure. There’s some pretty heavy stuff going on at work right now, and . . .”

  “You know I’m here for you any time you want to talk.”

  I grip the phone tighter. “I’m glad I have you.”

  “Oh, you have me, darlin’. You sound tired.”

  I roll onto my back. “I am. It’s been a big weekend. I was just trying to have a nap.”

  “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “No. To be honest, I’ve been lying here wondering when you’d call.”

  He chuckles again. “Well, get some sleep. I might do the same thing. Talk to you soon?”

  “I’ll text you in the morning.”

  “You’d better.”

  As we disconnect the call, I stare up at the ceiling. I’m not looking forward to work tomorrow. It’s the first time I’ve really ever felt this way.

  The investigation weighs heavily on my mind and although we have to uncover who’s sharing Mollab’s secrets, I’m not sure if I really want to know.

  Because the answer could be devastating.



  Jackson: Have a good day at work. Thinking about you. Xxx

  Every morning he sends me a text like this. And every time, we end up texting each other throughout the day.

  Little by little, we’re getting to know one another.

  Halfway through my Friday morning meeting, I get a notification that there’s a Steve Reilly waiting in my office. Hopefully this means an update on the case.

  The FBI’s been pretty good with Molly and my wish that they don’t make their presence known around the office. The last thing we want to do is tip anyone off that we’re investigating the leak. But when you’re dealing with corporate espionage, there’s no other path to take.

  So far, all they’ve done is take data and we’ve had nothing back, but I know the investigation is extensive. It all takes time.

  He’s sitting on the sofa wearing jeans and a T-shirt, which is basically the Mollab uniform. He could fit in sitting out among the workers without a problem.

  I close the office door. “Agent Reilly.”

  “Ms. Clarke.” He stands, extending his hand. I shake it, and nod back toward the sofa.

  “Please, take a seat. And it’s Miranda. Would you like a coffee? I just put a Nespresso machine in here so we don’t have to send out.”

  He smiles. “Sounds great. And please, call me Steve.”

  “Thanks for coming in, Steve.” I open the cupboard behind my desk to make the coffee. Molly already had a small fridge of her own in here, but I used to bring her coffee as she’d get so lost in her work, she’d forget to take a break.

  “I don’t really have a lot to tell you, but wanted to touch base and make sure you knew we
were actually doing something.”

  I laugh. “I know you are. You’re awfully relaxed for an FBI agent. I thought you all wore suits.”

  He shrugs. “We are human. And I wanted to at least look like I fit in. Hopefully that won’t be too much longer.”

  “Do you take milk?”

  “Yes, please.”

  I pour two coffees from the machine and froth some milk before placing them on the coffee table with the sugar bowl.

  “How’s it going?”

  He drops a teaspoon of sugar in his coffee and stirs it. “As great as the information you’ve been able to supply is, we have had a few delays.”

  I nod.

  “We’re drawing closer, we think, but there are still terabytes of data to go through.”

  I frown. “Is there any way to speed it up?”

  He shrugs. “Not that I’ve been told. Mollab’s log files are . . . shall we say . . . extremely thorough.”

  His eyebrows rise when I laugh. “I’m sorry. Molly’s a stickler for logging everything. Which I think is going to ultimately be beneficial, but right now is a pain in the ass.”

  He nods. “Well, we appreciate it as we’re sure what we’re looking for is in there. But our forensics team is going over it with a fine-tooth comb.”

  “Is there anything we can do in the meantime?”

  “Just keep on doing what you’re doing. Business as usual.” His lips twist. “I’m sorry it’s taking so long.”

  I lean back in my chair and let out a loud sigh. “It’s just frustrating, you know?”

  “Someone you trust has betrayed you. That’s got to sting. But you keep on going as if nothing’s happening, and we’ll keep doing our job.”

  I nod. “Sure. I’ll give Molly a call and update her.”

  “Great. You haven’t come across anything else that seems suspicious?”

  “Nothing. There haven’t been any further tip-offs from other companies.”

  He leans back. “Well, the leaker could be onto us, but we’ll do our best to find the perpetrator.”

  “I know you will. Molly and I really appreciate your help.”

  “It’s what we do.”

  When he’s gone, I pick up the phone and dial Molly.

  It takes a while for her to get it, which is pretty unlike her. She’s usually got her phone attached to her ear.

  “Slacker,” I say when she finally answers.

  Molly laughs. “Sorry. I was just helping Brad with something.”

  “I see. You guys aren’t naked or anything, are you? I’m not interrupting?”

  She laughs harder. “No. He took the day off to do some work on a little building project. What’s up?”

  “I just had a visit from the FBI.”

  “Any news?”

  I sigh. “Not yet. Apparently someone’s penchant to log literally everything is slowing the process down.”

  All that does is cause her to laugh again. “Better to have too much than too little. I miss you. Get on that plane today and come and see me. Spend the weekend and get to know my town. We can talk some more when you’re here.”

  I smile at Molly’s words. Is it a little selfish that the first thing I think of is that visiting Nettle Downs means more time with Jackson?

  My best friend wants to see me, but my heart is yearning for my man.

  My man.

  And he is. I need to tell her all about him, but part of me wants to keep us to myself still. Maybe I’ll see how this weekend pans out.

  We’ve grown closer, but decided not to friend each other on Facebook yet because my family will all want to be friends with him too and I don’t want that kind of pressure on him. Even if he says he’s ready for it.

  “I’ll call now and organize the jet,” I say, and hold my breath for a moment, hoping she means I can use it. I still can’t believe that Molly leased an actual plane. If she wants me to spend more time in Nettle Downs, it’s going to come in handy.

  “Good. I miss you so freaking much. I love being here and things are going so well, and with Tom being settled, we’re just missing you.”

  I tear up at her words. But she knows I still have responsibilities here. At least until this investigation is over. And that seems to be taking forever. “I’ll get that sorted out for this afternoon and go home and pack.”

  “Give Mr. Snuggles a hug for me.”

  I laugh. “I will.”

  My stomach flips as I make the call.

  When it’s done, I bring up my contacts and tap Jackson’s name.

  For a moment, I study it before going back to the home screen.

  I think I’ll surprise him.



  With my flight set up, I head home to pack and sort out care for Mr. Snuggles. He’s a pretty understanding housemate. Being an indoor cat makes it easier to arrange.

  I knock on my neighbor’s door.

  Mrs. Creedy lights up when she opens it. “Miranda, dear, it’s so good to see you.” She takes a step back. “Please, come in.”

  She must be in her seventies, and she spends a lot of her time at home. I know she’s got a daughter who comes and goes, but for the most part, she seems alone. I think that’s why she likes taking care of Mr. Snuggles.

  He quite happily spends time here when I’m away, and she has a key to my apartment to come and go with him. The arrangement suits all three of us.

  I step into her living room. “I’m in a bit of a rush, but I was wondering if you could please take care of Mr. Snuggles for a few days.”

  She smiles. “Of course. Where are you off to?”

  “I’m going to Nettle Downs to catch up with my boss. She thought it’d be good to spend the weekend there.”

  She nods. “Sounds wonderful.”

  “There’s plenty of cat food next door. I just have a couple of calls to make and then I’ll be going.” I grin. “This time I get to fly in the company jet by myself.”

  “How exciting. Don’t you worry about Mr. Snuggles. He’ll be fine with me. Just have fun.”

  “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”

  “The pleasure’s all mine. He’s such a good companion.”

  With that sorted out, I head to my apartment, throw a few things in a bag, and make another call.

  Molly’s not long married, and I don’t want to impose, even though I know she’ll want me to stay with her. And while Jackson’s sure to want me to be with him, I’ll book the hotel as an excuse to stay in town.

  Before I walk out the door again, I make sure to stop and give Mr. Snuggles a good chin scratch.

  “One day soon, you are going to have to meet Jackson.”

  He lets out a loud purr, and I sigh before I drop my hand.

  “Sorry, buddy. But Mrs. Creedy will see you later, and I know she’ll give you plenty of attention.”

  He’s already curled up and asleep again, and I give him a quick pat on the head before I grab my bag.

  My heart races at the thought of seeing Jackson.

  I can’t wait.

  The flight isn’t gentle.

  My knuckles turn white as I grip the arms of the seat, and touching down is a relief.

  I’m going to have to get used to it.

  It doesn’t help that a week of working hard seems to have caught up with me at once, and I swear I could sleep all weekend.

  But that feeling of fatigue disappears when I lay eyes on Molly.

  Reaching her, I drop my bag on the ground as she hugs me.

  “I’m so glad you decided to come. Talking to you on the phone isn’t the same.”

  I nod. “I know.”

  “Let’s get going. I thought we might have a quiet drink before we go back to my place.”

  I run my tongue across my upper lip. “I should probably check into the hotel too.”

  Her eyes widen. “Hotel? I just assumed . . .”

  “I didn’t want to assume or impose on you. So, I booked a room at the
hotel in town.” I smile. “I figured I could get up in the morning and go for a walk. You wanted me to check the place out.”

  “I did, but you don’t have to stay anywhere else but my place.” Her expression blanks for a moment, as if she’s just remembered something. “Anyway, let’s go and check you in if you want to stay there, and if you change your mind, tell me.”

  “You gave in easily.”

  She shrugs. “You’re right. You need to experience Nettle Downs without me being in your ear about it. Come on.”

  As I follow her to her car, I narrow my eyes. She gave in way too easily. What’s with that? There are very few things Molly caves on, and I was sure for a moment she’d insist on me staying.

  I’m not going to press the point though. She’s going to leave me staying in town, which suits me.

  Last time I was here, it was for the wedding. I arrived the day before and Molly drove me straight to her place. We were so buzzed that we never took the chance to look around. And then Jackson happened. That weekend went by so fast, it’s a bit of a blur.

  This time, as Molly drives toward town, I take in all the sights I can.

  Between the airport and the town are rolling fields, some bright with color. In the distance, there are cows and sometimes sheep grazing. It’s so pretty, and nothing you see when you work in the city.

  I hope that it doesn’t change a lot when the Mollab headquarters is built and more people move here.

  She parks outside the hotel. It’s not far from Jackson’s bar—about a three-minute walk, and we enter to check me in.

  My room is on the first floor, looking directly out into the street. It’s small, but tidy, and perfect for a couple of nights. There’s a double bed in one corner. Jackson’s bed is bigger and more comfortable.

  “Are you okay?” Molly asks.

  “I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

  “You seem like you’re a million miles away. Did you want to head down to the bar now?”

  I smile. “I’d like that.”

  “Me too. We haven’t had a quiet drink together in ages.”

  I cock an eyebrow. “Since when were our drinks ever quiet? One of us usually got into trouble.”


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