Pride and Retribution

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Pride and Retribution Page 14

by Lyndsey Norton

  He knew Robert Hastings would be here soon and spitting nails, just as Wilfred would be if a rake of his standing had snatched his sister away to a supposed love tryst. He sat and stared into the fire, considering how his life might be with Lucy beside him, until the doctor arrived, his face looking pinched with the cold. The butler hustled him straight into the bedroom without a glance at Wilfred. He continued to sit and stare into the fire as he knew somebody would tell him Lucy’s condition.

  He became aware of a commotion on the landing and suddenly Robert Hastings, the Earl of Bassett, burst through the door with rage etched onto his face. ‘Where is she?’ he demanded harshly as he flicked his cloak off his shoulders and revealed he was still in his evening wear.

  Wilfred stood up and faced him without flinching. ‘She is in the bedroom with the doctor.’

  ‘What the hell did you do to her?’ Robert raged as he crossed the room in three steps and clutched Wilfred by the shirt front.

  ‘Nothing, on my honour….’ he started, but Robert cut across him

  ‘Your honour!’ he spat. ‘What honour is that, the honour of whores and rakes?’ Robert shouted.

  Wilfred needed to contain Robert’s rage, so he grabbed him by the coat, swung him easily around and forced him into a chair beside the fire. ‘Are you going to listen to me first, or are you going to continue to spout your mouth off and ruin your sister more than I have already done so?’ he took a deep breath. ‘For if you continue like this, I shall have no alternative but to call you out for insulting my integrity!’

  Robert was aware of just how strong the Earl of Buxton was and he became keenly aware of the fire in his eyes and tried to rein in his temper. ‘Explain then!’ he demanded.

  Wilfred released him and went to the decanters that the butler had provided. He poured two brandies and offered one to Robert. He almost snatched the glass, but gulped at the contents to fortify him for the bad news he knew was coming.

  ‘I don’t quite know where to begin, other than to explain that I love your sister.’ Wilfred started, whilst staring into his glass. ‘It surprised me almost as much as it will surprise her, when I tell her, of course. But last evening I couldn’t let her be duped by Markham.’ He looked at Robert to see his reaction and Wilfred was satisfied to see the look of utter distaste on Robert’s countenance. ‘Precisely! The Duke was propositioning Lucy to accompany him out onto the terrace!’

  ‘In this weather?’ Robert couldn’t stop himself from interjecting.

  ‘In this weather and I knew it was only a step away before he asked her to accompany him somewhere more private. You’ve seen him in action, just as I have and he wouldn’t have stopped with a quick kiss in the library. I knew he was going to rape her, just like he did Redmond’s sister last winter and Parfitt’s daughter before Christmas.’ He sighed deeply. ‘I may have committed political suicide, but I asked Lucy if I might have a word and I’m afraid I insulted her by inferring she was another one of Markham’s paramours.’ He cocked an eyebrow at Robert, who nodded understanding. It was obvious by his demeanour that he now understood why this fiasco had occurred.

  ‘What did she do?’ Robert asked softly.

  He laughed mirthlessly. ‘She slapped my face yet again and left through the terrace doors. I had assumed she would return through the front and go to her room, but twenty minutes later Markham was asking where she was.’ Robert nodded again and sighed as he fully recollected Markham asking. ‘I fetched a cloak, went out through the front door and followed her footsteps to the stables.’ He took a deep breath. ‘I assumed I would find her in there with the horses, but there was a coachman tending his team who denied seeing her, so he helped me find her. She was almost here, before I found her lying under the big oak tree, in just her ball gown.’ He poured himself another drink and offered the decanter, Robert held out his glass and Wilfred filled it. ‘She was frozen to the bone, so we brought her here. She was stripped by myself and a maid, placed in the bed with hot bricks and I hate to admit it, but I climbed in beside her.’

  Robert was immediately on his feet. ‘Did you violate her?’ he demanded and Wilfred shook his head.

  ‘She never regained consciousness and I’m cross with myself for nodding off and not paying attention.’ Robert slowly sat again. ‘When I woke at dawn she had started with a fever. A very serious fever.’ Wilfred looked at the bedroom door. ‘The Doctor is with her now.’

  ‘You realise that I’m going to have to ask you to marry her?’ Robert spoke calmly.

  ‘I do and I will. I wouldn’t dream of arguing about it. But whether she will agree is another matter.’

  ‘I’ll have to make certain she understands the folly of refusal.’ Robert said as he too looked into his glass. ‘She can be headstrong and impractical, at times, but no one ever said she was stupid.’ Robert sighed and looked at Wilfred. ‘Maybe I should thank you for saving her from a particularly nasty introduction to sex. I saw the last girl Markham raped and I wouldn’t want that to happen to my sister. Apparently she has never been the same since and cannot stand to be alone in a room with a man.’

  ‘I know exactly what you mean. I happened to meet one of his mistresses and she begged me to take her on as his ministrations would kill her eventually. So I agreed.’ Wilfred sighed. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many scars on a woman before. Apparently Markham favoured a riding crop when he was annoyed or unhappy about anything.’

  ‘Was that Harriet Saunders?’ Robert asked innocently.

  ‘It was.’ Wilfred agreed without prevarication.

  ‘You’ll have to let her go, you know.’ Robert said firmly, ‘Lucy will never agree with you keeping a mistress.’

  ‘Harriet is not really my mistress.’ Wilfred said with a smile. ‘I can put my hand on the bible and swear that I’ve never had carnal knowledge of her.’ He sighed. ‘I only did it to help her, she was so distressed and the state she was in when I got to her house…’ he closed his eyes as the picture of Harriet among her strewn and shredded belongings flashed across his mind ‘…I wouldn’t like to find another woman in that state, particularly your sister.’

  ‘I feel embarrassed because I wasn’t watching her.’ Robert said suddenly, ‘and I should have been. But I honestly didn’t think Markham would take an interest in her. He hasn’t so far. I assumed she’s not pretty enough for him.’

  Wilfred looked at him sharply. ‘Your sister is very beautiful and I’m surprised you can’t see it. I assure you most of the male population of the ton has.’

  ‘It’s probably because she’s my sister. I’ve been looking at her face for twenty two years.’ He sighed again and looked around the room. ‘Thank goodness this didn’t happen in the new year, as my Aunt will be living here then.’

  The doctor appeared. ‘Who is her husband?’ he asked firmly.

  ‘I’m her brother.’ Robert told him, ‘and this will be her husband.’ He indicated Wilfred.

  ‘Well, you did a fine job of thawing her out, My Lord.’ The doctor said brusquely, ‘but she has developed a rather nasty fever. At present I don’t want to bleed her, but I will if it continues into tomorrow and if all else fails I shall try to bring her out of it by applying a blister. But that will be a last resort.’ The doctor sighed and looked at both men in turn. ‘She keeps calling for someone called Betsy?’

  ‘Her maid.’ Robert informed them.

  ‘I’ve instructed Abigail to keep her warm and try to get as much hot broth down her as possible. I’ve left some fever powders, so try and get at least one down her.’ He sighed again. ‘I’ll be back tomorrow.’ and with that he shook both gentlemen’s hands and left quickly.

  Mrs. Herbert came out from the bedroom. ‘You can both see her now.’ She said and bustled away.

  Wilfred strode purposefully into the bedroom and Abigail was just replacing the flannel into the basin.

  ‘She’s not well, Your Lordships.’ She said firmly and moved away to the fire.

  Robert mov
ed up beside the bed and took his sister’s hot and sweating hand. ‘Lucy? Can you hear me, poppet?’

  She opened her wild eyes and stared at him as if he was a ghost. ‘Tell Buxton!’ she tried to shout. ‘Tell him I’m not one of Markham’s whores.’ She shook her head and tears started. Wilfred rushed to the other side and he grabbed her other hand.

  ‘I know you aren’t, Lucy.’ Her feverish eyes swivelled to the sound of his voice. ‘I had to get you away from him.’

  ‘You could have just asked….’ She muttered as her eyes closed and she faded back into her shivering fever. Wilfred wondered what he could have asked for, but Lucy probably wouldn’t remember when she was feeling better or more likely wouldn’t tell him anyway.

  The maid hustled them out of the room and the two men were just left looking at each other.

  ‘I suppose I shall have to inform my mother and arrange for Lucy’s things to be sent over.’ Robert looked at Wilfred. ‘Do you want your valet here or will you come back to the manor?’

  ‘I would prefer to stay here. Lucy will want to ring a peal over me, before anything else.’ He smiled indulgently. Robert nodded and left.

  Wilfred sat in the chair and resumed staring into the flames. All he could do was wait. I’m no good at waiting either! Wilfred thought as he stood up and went back into Lucy’s bedroom to take charge of her care.

  Chapter Nine

  Robert arrived back at Bassett Hall, luckily before any of the guests were up and around. Evelyn was sat in the breakfast room with his brothers and she rose at his entrance.

  ‘Well?’ She demanded abruptly.

  ‘Not quite as bad as I thought.’ Robert said as he dropped into the chair at the head of the table. ‘Buxton took her to the Dower House. Apparently he insulted her to drive her away from Markham and she took off across to the Dower House without a cloak. He and a coachman found her shivering under the Oak!’ Evelyn slowly sank back into her chair.

  ‘Damn!’ Benjamin said firmly. ‘It’ll be common knowledge amongst the staff by luncheon.’

  ‘Better than her bloodied corpse being discovered in the shrubbery!’ Evelyn said sharply. She looked at Robert. ‘What does Buxton intend?’

  ‘Marriage.’ Robert said equally firmly. ‘He didn’t even argue about it.’ He smiled slowly. ‘It would appear that he’s as much in love with Lucy as she is with him!’

  ‘Thank heavens!’ Evelyn said in relief. ‘At least there won’t be a massive scandal.’

  ‘I wouldn’t count on it remaining a secret, Mother.’ Tim said knowledgeably. ‘You know how the servants gossip and there are a lot of strange servants here.’

  ‘And Lucy won’t necessarily go into marriage without a fight!’ Benjamin finished.

  ‘She’s not stupid.’ Evelyn said softly. ‘If she realises that her reputation is finished unless she marries the Earl, then she will eventually comply.’ She sighed. ‘A lot will depend on the way it is put to her.’

  ‘Well at the moment she is in no fit state to receive a proposal of marriage.’ Robert said and Evelyn’s head jerk around to look at him. ‘She has a fever. Quite a serious fever. Doctor Keyes has been out to her already and will come back tomorrow.’

  ‘Will she survive?’ Evelyn asked, her heart hammering in her chest.

  ‘I don’t know. She’s burning up, that’s for sure.’

  ‘I need to get over there at once.’ Evelyn said as she lurched out of her chair and practically ran from the room. Not one of her sons tried to stop her.

  After Evelyn had left the room, Robert looked firmly at his brothers. ‘We need to be vigilant, so a catastrophe doesn’t occur at our house party.’ He said. ‘Be aware and keep a watch on Markham’s whereabouts at all times. I don’t need him sneaking off to the Dower House to try and rape her when she’s sick!’

  ‘Do you think he would do such a despicable thing?’ Timothy asked, his eyebrows climbing towards his hairline.

  ‘It’s best not to put any depraved act past that bastard!’ Robert said forcefully, ‘if it hadn’t been for Buxton, we would probably be burying our sister today! We all fell down on the job last evening, including me!’


  Evelyn had already had a sleigh made ready and was a skilled curricle driver. She was happy to take the reins as Jethro made her snug with a heavy fur rug.

  ‘You go careful, Madam.’ He said with a frown. ‘You don’t need to turn this over and get more injured.’

  ‘I don’t know, Jethro, it might do me some good!’ She answered with a smile, clicked her tongue and the horse trotted away happily.

  Everywhere was white and the snow tumbled out of the trees as the sleigh swept past to disturb the air. The previous night’s storm had blown itself out around dawn and now the air was frigid and still again. The Sun had been out for such a short time and now the clouds had formed into another grey blanket. Evelyn had a feeling another storm would arrive by the next day. She hoped it would rain soon and wash the snow away.

  She pulled the horse to a gentle stop outside the Dower House and a groom was already there to lead the horse away to the stable.

  ‘Good morning, Mrs. Hastings.’ The butler, Jenkins murmured as she carefully negotiated the steps. Jenkins actually put his arm out for her at one point. Everyone at Bassett Hall knew about Evelyn’s back and acted accordingly.

  ‘It’s alright, Jenkins. My back is feeling a lot better lately.’ Evelyn said firmly.

  ‘That may be, Madam, but you can’t afford to jar it trying not to slip over, now can you.’ He spoke as if to a child, but Evelyn took in the spirit it was meant.

  ‘Yes, I see what you mean.’ Evelyn said as she skidded on the top step. ‘There is ice under the snow.’

  ‘I intend to have some clinker and ash down by midday. I’ve already collected from most of the fires.’ Jenkins smiled. ‘I was about to start when I saw the sleigh appear over the hill.’

  As she stepped into the hall Evelyn smiled, patted him on the arm and said. ‘Thank you, Jenkins. Please don’t let me keep you from an important task.’ He smiled, gave her a small bow and reached for his thick coat that was lying on a chair. Four footmen were waiting, all wrapped up against the cold and they traipsed out the front door to find the wheelbarrow full of ash standing just around the corner of the house.

  Evelyn shed her cloak as she mounted the main staircase and left it draped over the banister with her hat and gloves on a nearby table. Mrs. Herbert met her at the top of the stairs.

  ‘Mrs. Hastings!’ She blurted as she shook her head. ‘Such scandalous going’s on!’

  ‘Don’t worry about it, Mrs. Herbert. The Earl will do what’s expected of him, but Lucy is a different proposition.’ She smiled patiently. ‘Now tell me everything.’ She commanded and put her arm through Mrs. Herbert’s and strolled along the landing listening to the woman gripe.

  ‘Abigail undressed her, although she said the Earl had almost all of her top half uncovered by the time she got there…’

  ‘Was Lucy wet and cold?’ Evelyn enquired evenly.

  ‘..Oh! Yes, Madam. Abigail said she was soaked right through to her chemise! And cold? She was blue with it!’

  ‘Then the Earl acted correctly in getting her out of her cold, wet clothes and he could not possibly have violated her if she was still half dressed when Abigail got there.’ Evelyn explained to try and quell some of the housekeeper’s indignation. ‘Did he dowse her in a hot bath?’

  ‘No, Abigail advised against it, in case Miss Lucy had some kind of seizure and the Earl didn’t argue. But as brazen as a light skirt, he stripped off his own clothes and dowsed himself!’

  ‘Good. I can do without the Earl of Buxton coming down with a fever. His father the Duke would never forgive us!’

  ‘Well, if you say so, Madam.’ Mrs. Herbert said doubtfully. ‘Anyway, Abigail left Miss Lucy in bed with hot bricks and the Earl was still in the bath!’ She sighed. ‘It was just after dawn when he rang the bell and called for the d
octor, Madam.’ Mrs. Herbert put her hand on the handle to prevent Evelyn from just walking in the door. ‘What’s going to happen, now?’

  ‘Now, I’m going to see my daughter, Mrs. Herbert.’ Evelyn said with a smile as she lifted the housekeeper’s hand off the knob and turned it to open the door.

  Evelyn was surprised that the sitting room was empty and went to the bedroom door. As she opened it, she could hear a masculine voice encouraging Lucy to drink.

  ‘That’s it, Lucy. Drink it all down.’ He sighed. ‘I know it’s disgusting, but it will help, I promise you. If you don’t take another mouthful I’m going to pinch your nose and pour it into your mouth so you have to swallow it!’ There was a spluttering sound and then Lucy was coughing. ‘Well done, Lucy.’ Evelyn watched with a small smile as the Earl of Buxton pulled her daughter into his arms and patted her back as she coughed up whatever liquid had gone down the wrong way.

  ‘How is she doing, My Lord?’ Evelyn asked quietly, making Wilfred jump as Lucy quietened.

  ‘Well, I’ve just managed to get the second fever powder down her. So with any luck her fever should break during the night.’

  ‘Do you know a lot about fevers, then?’ Evelyn asked as he laid Lucy down on the bed and deftly covered her naked body up.

  ‘Yes.’ Wilfred said firmly as he reached for the cold flannel and rung the water out. ‘My sister Caroline had quite a time with them when she was young.’ He wiped Lucy’s face with the flannel. ‘I was the only person that could get the fever powders down her and we found that the more fluids she drank the better it was for her.’ He carefully turned Lucy over and rinsed her back and buttocks. ‘This was also important, to help cool her.’

  Evelyn had noticed her daughter was naked and only covered by a sheet. ‘Have you had anything to eat?’ She asked as she perched on the edge of the bed and took Lucy’s hot hand.


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