What a Girl Needs

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What a Girl Needs Page 2

by Aimee Duffy

  ‘Georgia, you okay?’ Shey asked.

  She wanted to snip back with, what do you think? but bit her tongue. Everything grated at her since she got home to find Calvin teaching Shey how to cook. They looked disgustingly happy, with huge grins and puppy-dog eyes, as they moved around the kitchen.

  Which was her first cue that she was not feeling like herself. Shey’s happiness made her happy, or it usually did.

  Damn Max for offering his stud services. Damn her for wanting them.

  She could only imagine what he was like in bed. His body was built, could probably give her the best work-out of her life. All power, ego and sex on legs. It wouldn’t make a damn bit of difference, though. He couldn’t make her come, no man had and she’d lost hope a long time ago any of them could.

  ‘This pasta’s really good. He’ll make a decent cook out of you yet,’ Georgia said, hoping Shey would drop it.

  Calvin glanced at Shey, then turned to her. ‘Do you want me to leave so you two can talk?’

  Georgia’s throat got thick, and she tried to swallow against it. Calvin understood how close they all were and she knew he would go home if that was what she needed. Which, regardless of how much Shey loved Georgia, would make her friend unhappy. With Shey’s new job, the couple hardly had much time together as it was.

  She tried to dial her pissy mood down a notch. ‘No, stay. I’m sorry.’

  The lovebirds shared a look that said they didn’t buy it. Georgia’s skin prickled with irritation, but she ignored them and skewered a hunk of pasta. Forcing it into her mouth, she made herself chew, barely registering the oregano or tomato flavors.

  What the hell was she going to do? Work was going to be more than awkward, especially if Max insisted on having that conversation again. Though the thing that played on her the most was the way he told her she’d been wrong that he’d never looked at her.

  And she had to admit she’d noticed, but it had been so much safer thinking she was imagining it. Better for them both if she was the only one having hot and heavy dreams about Max swiping all the crap off her desk and taking her there, or against the filing cabinets, or even in the changing rooms of the store.

  ‘Georgia, spill it. You look like you want to pounce on something.’

  If only Shey knew.

  Her friend’s golden eyes burned with determination as she waited for Georgia to say something. Both her roomies knew her well enough to know she’d never lie, and they also knew her too well to be led astray by evading their questions.

  Seeing no way around it, Georgia shrugged. ‘Something happened at the office today. With my boss.’

  ‘The one with the hot ass?’ Shey asked, and was admonished by a glare from Calvin. She patted his hand. ‘Her words. You know I think yours is—’

  ‘Woah, too much information, Shey. I think my pasta’s about to take a return trip.’ Georgia was only half-joking. She’d heard more than enough on their Friday nights out when Eloisa and Shey wouldn’t shut up about all the amazing kinky sex they’d had. Which Shey was still having.

  Though he’d been smiling at Shey, when Calvin turned to Georgia his expression was serious. ‘He isn’t harassing you, is he?’

  Georgia thought about what Max had said. It was inappropriate, sure. And, well, a little insulting. And oh so very tempting. But he hadn’t pushed, hadn’t made a move to do more. She was certain that after she put her foot down with enough force to snap a spiky heel, he’d back off.

  ‘No. He propositioned me.’ Her stomach tingled just thinking about it.

  ‘How?’ Shey asked.

  Georgia sighed. ‘He asked me to be his… fake girlfriend, with all the benefits.’

  Shey’s chin dropped, but she recovered quickly. ‘I don’t get it. Why fake?’

  That was something she hadn’t asked herself until now. ‘I don’t know.’

  Could he still be hung up on his ex? Maybe he thought having Georgia at his side would make Clarissa jealous and take him back? And as a way of saying thanks he’d have a go at making the woman who’d never had an orgasm come.

  A shudder ran through her and her stomach turned over.

  ‘You can report him for sexual harassment if this gets out of hand,’ Calvin said.

  With the frown he was sporting and his clenched jaw, Georgia guessed he’d like to do a lot more than make a complaint about him.

  Shey squeezed his arm. ‘Trust me, Georgia can look after herself. Right?’

  The last part was directed at her and she nodded, but wasn’t sure if it was the truth this time. Calvin’s frown deepened, obviously he didn’t agree with his girl.

  ‘She’s right. Maxton Briggs the Second isn’t any different from other guys who’ve been on the end of a tongue lashing from me.’

  But none of those other men had been her boss and Georgia hadn’t wanted them like she wanted Max. No, she wanted to give him a different kind of tongue lashing altogether. Damn she had to stop fantasizing like this. She had to be proactive, had to think of a diplomatic way to deal with this. Thank God Eloisa walked in then, because if anyone knew where she stood in situations like this it was the newly qualified attorney of the house.

  Georgia told her friends the full story.

  Chapter 2

  As Georgia made her way to Max’s office the next day, she was resolved to stop him from pushing her before it got out of hand. Last night she’d stayed up late with the girls and Calvin. She now had a plan of attack.

  Offense was the best form of defense, after all.

  Max’s PA frowned when she entered the hall, but Georgia didn’t stop. She walked right past the desk, making a beeline for his office at the far side of the lobby. Her heels clattered on the polished wooden floor. The place was big enough to host a pitch-and-put tournament, unlike the cramped hole she’d been shoved into, and that just annoyed her more.

  ‘You can’t go in there!’ the woman trilled.

  Georgia heard shuffling, then footsteps but she didn’t spare the woman a glance. Her stomach was bubbling with the thought of opening his door, seeing him, and having her plans crash and burn. Arguing with his PA would only give her more time to chicken out.

  She pushed his door wide and stormed right in. Max was on a call, grinning at something the other person had said. Her heart stilled as she took in his black shirt which was rolled up his forearms, silver tie knotted loosely and his wavy hair pushed back from his face.

  Oh hell. She could just clear his desk right now, lie down with her legs spread and ask him to give it his best shot. He’d never looked so casual and relaxed, yet so completely fuckable that everything flew from her mind and her body revved up for his.

  His PA was beside Georgia in a heartbeat, then urging her back out the door with a hand on her forearm. Georgia snapped out of her daytime fantasy and glared at the woman. She took a step back.

  With an apology, Max ended his call.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Mr. Briggs. I couldn’t stop her.’

  Nothing would have stopped her. Except maybe busted kneecaps, but his PA was too meek to dare.

  ‘It’s okay, Lucy. Leave us and close the door.’

  ‘But Mr. Briggs, your next appointment is due soon.’ Lucy wasn’t giving up.

  His smile was easy, like this happened to him every day. ‘Tell them I won’t be long if they arrive before this meeting’s over.’

  The way he looked at her, like he was down with the plan to screw six ways till Sunday on his desk, left no doubt in her mind about how attracted to her he was. Georgia had to swallow hard and lock her shaky knees so she didn’t abandon her plan there and then and jump straight on him.

  Lucy frowned at Georgia before she left. Maybe barging into his office wasn’t the best idea she’d had. With little to no sleep the night before and her body vibrating with nerves all morning, she didn’t want to put this off any longer. Only thing was, now she was here the perfectly polite speech she’d practiced dropped out of her head, like she hadn’t spent an
hour going over it, in front of a mirror, to practice keeping the bitchy out of her expression.

  Instead all she could focus on was his throat and the flash of skin showing where two buttons had been left undone. A hot flush spread up her neck, and also down, until the tingly feeling in the pit of her stomach came back.

  ‘Something I can help you with?’ he asked, his eyes flicking down her body.

  She fought the urge to tug at the hem of her skirt – though whether to hike it up or down a bit, she didn’t know.

  ‘What you said yesterday—’

  ‘Take a seat.’

  She did, on one of the chairs at the other side of his desk. Not because he’d told her to, but because her legs had started to shake and sitting would be the safer option. ‘Yesterday when you—’

  ‘Look.’ Max held his hands up.

  Her eyes narrowed and again she had to keep her mouth shut before she said something she’d regret. Eventually. Maybe.

  ‘It came out wrong, okay? I didn’t come to ask if you wanted to start a fling,’ he said, his expression serious.

  Great, now all she could think about was that he didn’t really want her and her lungs cramped. She sucked in a few breaths until the jerky movements faded. ‘What did you mean?’

  Max raked a hand through his hair. ‘I did want you to come to the late summer ball with me at the end of the week, and it would be a bonus if you agreed to pretend to be my date. But when I saw the email I wanted to choke all the bastards that had treated you like a blow-up doll and I lost my head.’

  Georgia frowned. He’d totally blown her out of the water. Especially now that it sounded like… ‘So you thought offering a few pity fucks might sweeten the deal for me?’

  She slammed her teeth shut with a clatter and her gaze dropped to his desk. Eyeing the stapler, she wondered if it would clip her tongue to the bottom of her mouth. Maybe that way she’d be forced to think before she spoke.


  His voice dripped with command and she couldn’t not meet his eyes again. They were hard, just like his expression. Shit, she’d gone too far. Then his tone changed again.

  ‘You’re very beautiful. From the first day I came here and saw you get out of that little red car, I wanted you. Then you leaned in and kissed that…’ Max’s jaw tightened. ‘Guy. I was pissed off because I was attracted to you and I had no idea if you were serious with the guy. I tried to keep away as much as I could after that.’

  She couldn’t do anything except blink at him. To have him say he wanted her…

  Her heart was going too fast, pumping hot blood around her body, including the inappropriate parts. She had to squeeze her knees together, but it didn’t stop the pulsing between her legs. He’d no doubt used that low, seductive tone on purpose, probably knowing it made women melt. Well, she was damned if she’d let him see the effect it had on her; she was nobody’s pity ride.

  She’d never been this turned on, or pissed off.

  ‘Knowing you’re single now makes me want you more. And I know you want me too. It’s pointless trying to deny it.’

  She had to stop her jaw from dropping. The arrogant, condescending, pigheaded ass. There was no way he could know what she felt. She didn’t know what she felt.

  ‘How can you be so sure of yourself?’

  Irritation bubbled just under the surface. She knew this conversation was getting dangerous, because her hand itched to slap that self-assured smirk right off his face.

  ‘I know when a woman’s checking me out. And right now? Your cheeks are flushed, your pupils are dilated and you’re squirming in the seat like you need something between your legs. It’s obvious you want me.’

  Max spoke the words with such confidence, she wished she could force the lie out that she’d never thought of him in that way.

  What the hell was she doing anyway? She was here to end this conversation for good, preferably in a way that meant she still got to keep her job. Briggs wasn’t exactly her dream, but she was left alone to get on with her work. And it had perks, like the huge discounts on the amazing clothes and shoes. She never imagined fucking the boss would be a perk she couldn’t have.

  Still, it was time to say what she came here to. ‘What you said yesterday was inappropriate and offensive. It crossed the line and broke sexual harassment laws put in place for a reason.’

  The smile slipped and his expression hardened. His blue eyes glinted like chips of ice and she shrunk back into the chair. Not because she was scared, but because she was suddenly melting on the inside, wondering what hot angry sex with him would be like.

  Would he tear her blouse open, popping the buttons? Rip her skirt right up the slit for easy access? Bend her over the desk, teasing her with his fingers while he pounded into her, pushing her toward her first-ever orgasm? Her clit throbbed as her lacy panties soaked through.

  Forcing herself back to reality, she realized it would probably be the same as sex with any other man. A huge bitch-slap colored with disappointment.

  ‘I won’t harass you, Georgia, but I will have you in my bed. That’s a fact, and not just because I want to fuck you so bad. You want me, too, and you need a man who isn’t a selfish bastard.’

  ‘Please, you have no idea what I need.’ She meant the words to slice through him, but her ability to castrate a guy with her tongue had deserted her. His comments made her breathy, almost pant, and she squirmed a little at the way heat arrowed right between her legs.

  The smile came back. ‘I know exactly what you need.’

  Max rose, then rounded the desk. He hauled her to her feet by her shoulders, but despite the speed he moved her it didn’t hurt. His palms were gentle cupped around her arms and he pulled her close. A glance down was all she needed to see how hot he was for her. How much he really did want to fuck her. A little wordplay and he was half-mast. Her lacy boy shorts were soaked.

  She had to pull back and not just because he was her boss. In the scheme of things, that didn’t matter. Max would know if she faked it. He didn’t seem the type who needed his ego stroked with her moans. His was so inflated with over-confidence she had no doubt he knew how to deliver on his promises. What he was suggesting they do was too tempting.

  But it didn’t mean he could get her off. She was strong, despite the way his proximity screwed with her senses. And she had her pride. Maybe she wouldn’t be a pity fuck, but she would just be a tool for him to face off against his ex, or maybe even get her back. Georgia would just be a screw to fill the gap.

  Hell. No. Max’s place was solely in her fantasies, where he could almost make her come with just a look. That way was safer: it meant he’d never know how much of a freak she was.

  She pushed out of his hold and knocked the chair over as she backed toward the door. ‘Sex doesn’t do anything for me apart from burn a few calories. I work for you, but that doesn’t mean you can treat me like an easy lay.’

  His jaw ticked and his eyes flamed in a way that made her want to go to him, drop to her knees and ask for instructions. Maybe unzip his fly, take him into her mouth so hard and fast he’d see stars.

  Jesus, what was wrong with her?

  ‘I’m beginning to think nothing about you is easy.’

  She reached for the door handle, needing to get out before she crossed his office and let him do all the things he told her he would. Her body was alive with something hot and dangerous, something that made her want to lash out, give it to him hard, just to see him punished.

  Which cooled her off. Where was all the insanity coming from?

  ‘You’re right, I’m a contrary bitch. Remember that next time you try to tell me what I need.’

  Georgia was out of his office before he had a chance to reply. She slammed the door behind her and headed for her hobbit hole, ignoring Lucy’s startled expression. Her legs were shaking, her whole body trembling, and she had a flush like she’d just come down with a fever.

  ‘He’s wrong, he’s so not what I need,’ s
he muttered as she stormed down the corridor to her office, scowling at the fact she couldn’t even lie convincingly to herself. She slammed the door of her cubbyhole closed and slumped against it with gritted teeth. Adrenaline ripped through her veins alongside a whole truckload of pissed off. Not to mention the fact her body was vibrating, almost begging to be touched.

  Georgia grabbed the hem of her skirt and tugged it around her hips. She wasn’t gentle about sliding her hand into her panties, less so about parting herself and rubbing her fingers over her flesh. She was soaked, burning hot and the little nub had swollen. But all the rubbing, all the building, went fucking nowhere. As usual.

  She stifled a scream and righted her clothing. How the hell did she expect any man to make her come when she couldn’t get the job done herself?

  * * * *

  They both needed time to calm down and Max had given it to her. Two days had passed since he’d contacted Georgia, despite the fact he’d wanted to go straight to her office, lay her down on the desk and teach her a lesson they’d both enjoy.

  Again he’d made a mess of asking for this favor, which was seriously screwing up his plan to pay that bastard Marcello back. If he couldn’t convince everyone he’d moved on from Clarissa – despite her rubbing her new relationship in his face, when it came time to drop Marcello the other designers could get antsy and walk. If Georgia could just pretend to be besotted with him for a few functions, that’s all it would take.

  The end-of-summer ball his father had organized for his precious designers was fast approaching and the perfect chance to put his plan into action. As he pulled up outside, Briggs decided to use a different approach with Georgia that might get her to agree.

  Time to turn on the charm. Something he’d long since lost patience for. Public humiliation would do that to a guy.

  On the way through the store, he practiced a little on his staff. The sales women returned his smiles with a chorus of Good morning, Mr. Briggs. By the time he reached Georgia’s side of the building, with a coffee one of the girls had given him on the way, his smile came easier, though he knew he’d have to freeze it in place for this meeting.


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