A Spanking Good New Year: Short Story Collection

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A Spanking Good New Year: Short Story Collection Page 9

by Rayanna Jamison

  “One.” Her father’s voice was dark and loud, and everyone in the room gasped as he began to count. “If I get to three, Ria, you get extras with the strap.”

  She didn’t need to be told. She was well aware of what happened when he got to three. She forced herself to stand, refusing to look up as she slowly made her way to his side. When she reached him, he took hold of her upper arm, and began to march her across the room towards the hallway. She had never felt as afraid of a spanking as she did today.

  “Harold, wait!”

  At the loud cry, she looked up to see her husband standing next to them. “If you don’t mind, sir, Ria is my responsibility now, and I agree that she needs to be thoroughly punished for her actions. But, I’m her husband, and her correction is my responsibility.”

  Ria said nothing, her eyes darting between the two men as she watched the exchange with her stomach in her throat. Her father was red-faced and sputtering in surprise, along with nearly everyone else in the room. But Troy, Troy stood straight and tall, looking her father in the eye – something most people couldn’t and wouldn’t do.

  His voice rang out firmly through the room. “I assure you, sir, I will be thorough, and this kind of behavior will not be taken lightly. Next time you see Ria, she will be one very sorry girl with one very sore bottom, and I will make sure everyone in the room gets an apology before we leave tonight. I know this not what you expected, but with all due respect, sir, this is how it is going to be from now on. Aurelia is my wife, and my responsibility and the only one who will be correcting her from now on will be me.”

  Even she gasped at the implied meaning of his speech.

  “Well shoot, son! If it bothered you so much, why haven’t you said something before now? Y’all have been married for years!”

  Troy cleared his throat awkwardly, at the mention of the elephant in the room. “Well, sir, to be perfectly honest, until recently I was remiss in that aspect of my husbandly duties. But, I assure you, that is no longer going to be an issue. Now, if you could point me towards your study, and perhaps instruct me as to where you keep your paddle?”

  Her father’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head at Troy’s speech, but he only nodded. “Straight down the hall, last door on the left. And the, uh, paddles are kept in my bottom desk drawer. Aurelia knows where.”

  She was rather roughly transferred from her father’s grasp to that of her husband, and her mind was racing as Troy pulled her down the hall. Her heart was heavy with guilt and relief as he shut the door behind them, and stared down at her, looking formidable and unamused.

  “I’m sorry Troy. I didn’t mean to get into trouble this time. I swear. You don’t have to do this.”

  “If not me, then who, Ria? I told you I didn’t like that your father disciplined you this way, but I never understood before that the only reason he did so is because I wasn’t. So the way to rectify that is to make certain, not only that he knows that I will be disciplining you from now on, but also to make sure that you leave here with a long lasting reminder of what happens when you act up in public. And alcohol, Ria? Quite frankly, I’m shocked. So, let me make this very clear. Tonight, I am going to pull up your skirt and paddle your bare bottom, and I will be doing so in your father’s place. And tomorrow I will do so again, as your husband. From this point on, Ria, if you get in trouble here, you will be dealt with both here, and again at home. Do you understand me?”

  She gaped at him, wondering where his inner Dom had come from, seemingly appearing out of nowhere in a matter of minutes. Trembling, she nodded. “Yes, Troy. I understand. And again, I really am sorry.”

  “Yes, well.” He sighed deeply, looking more like her nerdy intellectual husband, and less like a serious stern Dom. “You’re certainly about to be.”

  He looked uncomfortable, and oddly confident as he strode around her father’s study. She watched as he opened the dreaded desk drawer, and pulled out her father’s most formidable paddle – a heavy oak one. It wasn’t the one her father usually used, but she knew deep down it was exactly what he would have chosen today.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off of it as Troy held it tightly in his hand, swinging it through the air for good measure. “This will do.”

  Raising his eyebrows at her, he took a seat in her father’s massive leather desk chair, and patted his knee expectantly. “Come along now, my naughty wife. If I don’t see you over my knee in the next five seconds, I’m going to start counting.”

  Her eyes bugged out of her head as she flew across the room, nearly knocking him over as she flew over his lap.

  He chuckled to himself. “Well now, that’s certainly effective. I’ll have to remember that for the future.”

  He flipped her skirt up, and hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties, and even as she knew her bottom’s doom was imminent, her heart soared at the idea of future spankings from him. It was the third time in a span of minutes he had made reference to the future, and while she was trying not to get her hopes up too terribly, Troy wasn’t one to say things he did not mean.

  Her panties sailed down her thighs and landed in a pool near her knees. She shivered. This was a lot different than being bent across her father’s desk – more exciting, but also a bit more taboo. To be bare bottomed in her father’s study over her husband’s knee gave her a feeling that was deliciously naughty.

  Troy, as well as herself, was keenly aware that there was a house full of people who would likely hear every thud of the paddle or every squeal of pain she made, just as they had when Lorelei was getting hers. Not only did he have something to prove to her, and to himself, but he also had to prove something to her father as well. Troy was a man of his word, something that was to be greatly admired, but that did not bode well for the fate of her backside tonight.

  “All right, Ria. I’m going to give you a warm up now with my hand.”

  No sooner, than she nodded her agreement, did his hand fall hard across her lower thighs, landing with a force that left her gasping for air. “Troy! Not so hard! It’s supposed to be a warm up!”

  “Don’t tell me how to do my job, Ria. I’m perfectly capable of disciplining a naughty bottom. You see, with all the research and experimenting we have been doing, I have learned one thing. It is not rocket science.”

  She laughed, even as his hand came down again, in the same exact spot with an equal amount of force – and again, and again, and again. Each swat seemed harder than the last, but that wasn’t even possible, of that she was sure. The pain of her husband’s hard hand was like nothing she had ever felt, and she was soon crying piteously, knowing the spanking was quite a long way from over. Be careful what you wish for, she thought to herself. Fantasy is a lot more fun than reality.

  Finally, he stopped, and began to rub with the same hand that had previously meted out dozens of punishing blows. Even the soft circular massage couldn’t quiet the ache in her tender bottom.

  “Normally, I would send you to the corner to think about what your naughty behavior had gotten you, and what you still have coming, but quite honestly, I’d like to get this over with. You’ll have plenty of time to think between tonight and tomorrow.”

  She couldn’t help the tears from falling as she wept with regret. Ria hated the corner, but she would have happily welcomed a break before her imminent meeting with the thick oak paddle.

  The interlude was over way too quickly, and soon Troy patted her on the bottom. “Stand up and bend over the desk. I want to be sure I have full range of motion.”

  She obeyed quickly, fearful that he would begin counting.

  “Your sister got twenty,” he told her, even though she was well aware. They had all heard every single swat, and every cry that had followed from their place in the living room.

  “You are older, and should know better, so you will get twenty-five.”

  “Yes, sir.” She knew there was no use in arguing that her sister had stolen the flask from her purse. She wasn’t supposed to h
ave it in the first place.

  He said nothing, and she knew he was concentrating on the task at hand.

  Her only warning was the sound of the air moving as the paddle sliced through on its way to meet its target before her backside exploded in the kind of torturous pain only wood could provide. Thousands of bees were stinging her at once, and she couldn’t keep herself from crying out, despite her best intentions to stay silent.

  There wasn’t a chance to draw a breath before it fell again, and again, twice in fast succession. He hadn’t been joking when he said he wanted to get this over with.

  “This is the very last time I want to have to do this, Ria, the very last. But make no mistake, I meant what I said. If you get in trouble here, you also get in trouble at home.” As he spoke, every few words had been punctuated by the crack of the paddle against flesh, and they were, thankfully, now up to eighteen. She was no longer able to hold back the tears, as he was not holding back on the force with which he wielded the paddle. Her father didn’t swing that hard.

  “Yes, sir!” she gasped desperately, forgetting that she didn’t want to say it. She was beyond anything but concentrating on surviving the rest of the spanking. If this was how her dear husband wielded a paddle, there was not a doubt in her mind that she would be inclined towards much better behavior from here on out.

  “Six more!” he said as the nineteenth one fell, right across the crease of her thighs.

  “Owie!” she wailed. “Please! I can’t take six more!”

  “You can and will,” he told her.

  “No!” She couldn’t stop herself from flying into a standing position, covering her bottom as she turned to face him. “Too hard! You’re going too hard!”

  She was a blubbering mess as she pleaded with him. “Please don’t use quite so much force, baby, or switch to a lighter paddle. I’m going to be black and blue tomorrow if you don’t.”

  She didn’t add that it wouldn’t be the first time, but she honest to goodness had learned her lesson, and she knew how terrible he would feel if she woke up covered in bruises. This was too important. If she couldn’t convince him, she risked ruining every bit of progress they had made this week. There wouldn’t be a thing she, or her father, or even Lucas would be able to say to convince him otherwise.

  Desperately, she grabbed at the paddle in his hand. “Faster, and lighter. I promise it will do the job just as well as slow and hard. Please.”

  She could see the wheels turning in his brain as he considered. Seconds seemed like minutes as she tearfully awaited his final verdict.

  “All right.” He nodded seriously. “Thank you for telling me. Now turn back around, and get back in position. Let’s finish this. I want nothing more than to take you home and put you to bed.”

  She giggled, even as she turned, and bent, offering her bottom up for sacrifice. Home and bed sounded quite lovely to her as well, given how they usually ended things after a spanking session.

  This time, Troy kept his word, and the swats fell quickly, one right after another like gunshots echoing through the room.

  When it was over she didn’t move, sobbing quietly against the cool wood of the desk. She heard the opening and closing of the drawer as Troy put away the dreaded implement. Finally, she felt his hands on her body as he pulled her panties slowly back into place as carefully as he could with her throbbing swollen backside, and pulled her skirt back over to cover her.

  “Turn around Ria. Your punishment is over, for today at least.”

  She turned, and flung herself against him, soaking his white shirt with hot tears. He said nothing, holding her tightly as they both waited for her cries to subside.

  Finally, when she could speak coherently, she pulled back and craned her neck, gazing up at him. “I have just one question, Troy. Did you really mean everything you said about the future, or were you just saying those things for my father’s sake?”

  “I don’t say things I don’t mean, Ria. You know that.”

  “Yes, b-but,” she sputtered, wiping her eyes, as she struggled to form a coherent sentence. “But, what about our experiments? We said a month at least. It’s barely been a week! I didn’t mean to rush you into a decision before you were ready.” She didn’t add that she had been sure he was going to say no.

  “There are many more minor experiments to be had, experiments within the experiment, if you will. But, as far as I’m concerned, the results of this one are conclusive. I have been remiss in my husbandly duties. My lovely wife cannot perform her duties to her full potential unless I am performing mine – and neither can we reap the benefits.”

  His eyebrows wiggled suggestively at the last part, and she giggled happily. “There are a lot of benefits.”

  “Indeed. And I plan to exploit them to their full potential at every opportunity,” he said, bending down to kiss her lips. “And on that note, Mrs. Black, go out there and say your apologies. I want to get you home and in bed with me where you belong. It’s a brand spanking New Year, and I don’t want to waste a minute.”

  The End.

  About the Author

  Rayanna Jamison

  Rayanna Jamison has always dreamed of becoming an author. She credits a big move from Oregon to Utah in 2013 as the catalyst that finally began her writing career. She now lives in Southern Utah with her husband, two children, two dogs, and her mother. She writes what she loves to read, which is fun romantic stories about submission in its many forms. When she is not writing, she enjoys reading, cooking, crafting, and shopping, and that's just in her spare time. When the kids and husband are home, she can be found baking with her daughter, watching her son and his friends, and hosting neighborhood block parties. She loves exploring her new area, and finding fun new things to do with her family.

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Rayanna Jamison and Blushing Books!

  Catching Her Cowboy Daddy

  Santa, Sir

  Cole for Christmas

  Other Uses for a Wooden Spoon

  Corbin’s Bend Series

  A Perfect Partnership

  A Holiday Ruse

  Ginger UP

  Love Multiplied Series:

  Green Valley Brides, Books 1 & 2

  Luke’s First Bride, Book 3

  Vegas Nights Series:

  Collared, Book One

  Audio Books:

  The Bishop’s First Bride

  Bride Two Soon

  A Prairie Promise

  Libby Campbell

  ©2016 by Blushing Books® and Libby Campbell

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Libby Campbell

  A Prairie Promise

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter 1

  “Oh calamity!” Kylie stood back and kicked the locked door, as if it was willfully refusing to open just to frustrate her. She’d adopted the expression oh calamity from a book she’d read recently and was using it to try to tone down her profanity. But it wasn’t as satisfying as true swearing. It was like light beer and skinny lattes – a poor facsimile for the real thing.

  “Oh fucking calamity!” she shouted and gave the house next door a quick guilty look. The lights
were on and that meant the charming Will Reimer was home, preparing a turkey dinner for her and four other friends, all of them, except Will himself, transplants from faraway cities. Will called it his Orphans and Strays Christmas Dinner and everyone had been assigned a dish to bring. Kylie was responsible for dessert, but that was on the other side of the locked door.

  This was no time to be proud, she decided. She’d locked herself out a couple of times before and Will had the spare key. Only now, she was going to have to listen to another one of his lectures about taking more care before she left the house.

  You’re not in Australia any longer and when you step into the subzero cold of the Canadian prairies, you better have your act together. Yada, yada, yada.

  She followed the path he’d shoveled between their two houses, bending her head into the wind. She wanted nothing more than a hot bath after her long run, but now she was going to cop a blast from Will, her self-appointed guardian.

  Running kept her sane in this frigid climate. Being stuck between four walls made her twitchy, like a tiger trapped in a cage. When she was twitchy, her impatience to escape the four walls made her forgetful and careless. Will knew that and had suggested that instead of just throwing on her running gear and bolting out the door, she stop and think about the environment she was stepping into. She could ignore the prairie winter but it wouldn’t ignore her, he’d said. It was a difficult adjustment for someone who lived a block from one of Australia’s finest beaches. When she wanted to catch a wave at home, all she had to do was slip on her bikini, cover it with a rash vest, and pick up her board. On the other hand, she was only in Canada for six weeks and maybe Will was right and she should be a little more careful.


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