A Spanking Good New Year: Short Story Collection

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A Spanking Good New Year: Short Story Collection Page 13

by Rayanna Jamison

  “This is beautiful,” she said, running her fingers over the soft flannelette top sheet.

  Will stood back and let her check the space out. He was grateful that he’d let his sister, an interior designer, help him with the finishing touches. He hadn’t known there would be a woman like Kylie he might one day want to impress, but here he was, master of this romantic bedroom, where fairy lights, braided through fresh evergreen branches, twinkled over the fireplace. The soft scent of cedar filled the room.

  Kylie turned back to him. “This is one sexy love nest,” she said, strutting toward him.

  He wanted to grab her and throw her on the bed and make love to her there and then, but he’d made that mistake before. He’d made love to Georgia before he’d set the ground rules and he’d never managed to get control over her after that.

  He opened his arms and Kylie walked into his embrace. He kissed her gently, mouth closed. When she opened her mouth and tried to force her tongue into his, he pulled back.

  “There’s lots of time for that,” he said even though his cock was pressing against his jeans so hard he worried he might be doing serious damage. “We have something to talk about first.”

  “Which is?”

  “Two things really, swearing and cheating.”

  “Really?” she smirked as though it was some sort of game.

  He led her to the bed where he sat down. She went to sit beside him and he shook his head. “You remain standing.”

  “Whatever you say, boss.” She clasped her hands behind her back, pushing out her round firm breasts. Her body was as tight a soldier on parade.

  “That’s a good position. Stay like that until I tell you to move.”

  “Sure, boss.”

  “This is your first time so I’m going to let some of your impudence pass. But here’s why you’re going to be spanked. Number one: I warned you about language and you defied me by swearing again almost immediately. It was like you were showing off for our friends and that is unacceptable.”

  He kissed the back of her hand. “I like you a lot. I want you so much my balls are turning blue, but you’re going to have to show me some proper respect, that you accept me as the head of this house, as the head of our relationship.”

  “Sure,” she said. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Raise your skirt above your waist and lie across my knees.”

  “Like this?” She lifted the hem of her dress and shimmied out of it, throwing it over the armchair in front of the fireplace. Underneath it, all she was wearing was a black garter belt and stockings. No panties, no bra. The ache in Will’s groin sharpened and his pulse raced.

  Her long hair spilled over her shoulders, partly obscuring Will’s view of her magnificent breasts. Her nipples were hard, begging for his mouth and tongue and teeth.

  Will caught his breath. “I’ve been wanting to see that beautiful body from the first time I laid eyes on you.”

  She approached him and draped herself across his lap. The back of the wide, lacy garter belt had a big black bow, like her bottom was a gift-wrapped present. He rubbed her buttocks slowly, enjoying the view of her long slender legs encased in fine stockings. She still wore her high heels, but Will knew she’d kick them off soon enough.

  “Do you know why you’re being spanked?” he asked, circling each buttock, forcing himself to take it slowly.

  “Because someone is all precious about the language that he hears?”

  Will grinned at that challenge to his authority. He lifted his hand and brought it down hard on the middle of her silky white backside.

  Smack! Kylie’s whole body tensed and she yelped. “Fuck! Your hands are hard!”

  “You liked that, did you?” Will asked. “Because you just asked me for a heap more, for your language alone. Now what is the other reason you’re here?”

  “Because you didn’t like me playing nicely with your friends. You wanted me to clean them out and hate me for being a card shark.”

  “Wrong. I wanted you to play honestly and let them learn something. I even warned you not to cheat but you ignored me. The moment you started tossing your winning cards again, you were saying, ‘Will, please spank me.’ I said this would happen if you did that and I never go back on my word. I expect the same from you.”

  Without another word, he began to spank her earnestly. His smacks rained down, all the way from the top of her thighs to her round bottom that was quickly turning crimson. She twisted on his lap, as sinewy and muscular as a cat trying to right itself in the middle of a fall. When she almost succeeded in wriggling off, he stopped and slid her to her knees, beside him on the floor.

  “Do you really think it’s going to be that easy to get out of your punishment?” He lifted her chin so she had to look at him.

  Her face was flushed and her eyes were tearful. She wasn’t crying, that was yet to come, maybe not today. A huge streak of resistance ran through her and it was holding back the thing he wanted most, her submission. He would be patient. She had to come to him at her own pace.

  She pulled her head away and studied the floor.

  Will reached for her hand. “Now you’re going back across my knees and you’re going to stop struggling. Do you hear me?”

  “I understand your words, but I don’t know if I can do what you want,” Kylie said in a quiet voice.

  “You can, baby,” he said. “And if it’s too hard for you to submit to me, I can help you. I can put you in a position where you won’t be able to struggle, your choice.”

  “I’ll try,” she said. “No promises.”

  She crawled across his lap and he held her there for the longest time before he said another word. She’d kicked off the pumps and her seams in her stockings were no longer straight. In small ways, she was starting to give in to him.

  When he began spanking again, she writhed and tried to get away from him, but he pinned both her hands in the small of her back. She could still twist and squirm but to little effect. Ignoring her pleas for mercy, he spanked her a couple dozen times, enjoying the warmth rising from her skin, enjoying the tingling in his hand from spanking her.

  Finally she stopped bucking and squirming; quiet sobs filled the room. He spanked a few more times, lightly, like the cool down after frantic workout.

  He helped her to her feet and held her close. She rested her head against his chest and her sobs quieted. He lay her down on the warm flannelette sheets and stood over her, stripping off his clothes. When he climbed into bedside her, there was a gleam in her eye again.

  “You are a truly dangerous,” she said, reaching for him. “And I like that in a man.”

  When Will had referred to Joseph, Amanda, Thomas and Megan, as our friends, Kylie almost lost her composure on the spot. She hadn’t been part of a tight group since high school and she wanted to belong again. They all got along so well together, she ached to be part of their close-knit circle. They were like siblings without all the emotional baggage that came with so many families.

  The nanosecond that it took the words our friends to leave Will’s mouth changed everything. It said he wanted her more than just as someone to sleep with, but also as someone to share his life with. She wanted him more than anything, but she couldn’t make it too easy. So when he told her to raise her skirt, flinging it off was the cheekiest thing she could think of to do to impress him. She knew the moment he saw her nudity underneath that he would understand she was ready for him. Ready. Willing. Able.

  The first spank had taken her breath away. He was a builder and worked with his hands. But he was also hockey player whose arms were toughened by years of stick practice. The two factors had combined to give him superhuman strength. She might have underestimated him she thought as she writhed on his lap. The small break where she knelt at his feet allowed her to regroup.

  When he called her baby, with more tenderness in his voice than she’d ever heard from a man before, something inside her softened. She could do this. She could survive the
spanking. Maybe she could be good for him, stop pushing back just for the sake of it. Crikey, she might even stop swearing.

  She still wrestled him during the second half of the spanking, but not as hard. It was a reflex to struggle and she didn’t want to give in to Will too easily. Still, being overpowered by someone she trusted, someone who had taken such good care of her, was like catching a big wave. She never knew exactly where the big ones were going, but they were always a fun ride.

  She hadn’t cried when Tyler blew her off in his crude and public way. She’d quickly realized that her ego was hurt far more than her heart was. She’d misjudged Tyler and wasted six precious months with him. Afterwards she felt dirty, sordid, and stupid.

  When she was with Will, she felt valued and protected. More than that, she knew when she was back in Sydney and they’d both moved on with their lives, she was going to feel good about him, about their time together.

  She’d found heaven in his arms and she was going to lose it. The fleeting nature of this perfection broke her heart. As Will smacked her bottom and the tops of her thighs, she finally let her guard down and started to cry.

  She wanted to hang on to him, to this moment, and never let it go. But that wasn’t going to happen. When he wrapped his warm arms around her and let her sob into his chest, a calm acceptance settled over her. She came back into the moment, into the heaven of being there with him, and stopped thinking about what might happen tomorrow or in a week or even in four weeks. For now, she had a rugged, caring man at her side with a hard-on that needed her full attention. She rested back on his pillows and waited to show him some magic of her own.

  Chapter 4

  When he woke her gently in the middle of the night, she sighed happily at the tender certain touch of his hand caressing her breasts as she lay on her back.

  “My bottom and thighs are still tingling from that spanking,” she whispered, even though they were the only two people in the house.

  “You’re lucky it wasn’t a harder one,” Will said, nudging her thighs apart with his strong fingers. He massaged her clit with a steady, loving rhythm. He boosted himself up on his other elbow, better to bend down and kiss her. “You’re smoking hot but that doesn’t mean you can get away with anything. It just makes the view better for me when I have to take you in hand.” He laughed affectionately. “You like that, huh? It’s getting kind of wet down here.”

  “Two can play at that game,” Kylie said and pushed him onto his back, rolling half on top of him. A sliver of streetlight shone in through the half-open bedroom drapes, turning his winter-pale skin luminous. With his dark hair and pronounced cheekbones, he looked mildly vampire-like and Kylie’s nipples hardened at the sight. She kissed his face all over while she stroked his erection. Every time her hand reached the bottom of his cock, her little finger caressed his balls. She kissed his ears while she played with him, breathing hard and saying how hot and wet he made her. His penis hardened in her hand and he growled with desire.

  Kylie pulled herself into a kneeling position beside him, as though she were riding her surfboard. Placing one hand on either side of her knees, she leapt to a standing position, like when she was ready to ride a wave. She stood over him, her legs spread and knees slightly bent. He was her board today. She knew she was flashing her pussy; that was her plan.

  “Come here,” he said, his voice hoarse.

  “How much do you want me?” She laughed, balancing over him as he shifted on the bed.

  “Enough to put you over my knee again if you don’t get back down here right now.”

  She squatted slowly, lowering herself down to cover his huge, hard penis with her wet, hungry cunt. She loved being on top like this; she could ride him forever.

  She woke in darkness, but Kylie knew that didn’t mean it was still night time. This far north, the sun didn’t rise before 9:00. Will wasn’t in bed beside her. She peered at the bedside clock, 7:00 AM. She’d been in bed for how long? Four hours or so, but she’d been asleep for far less than that. She wondered if she should get up and go look for him, but the bed was cozy and the gas fire was humming away on the far side of the bedroom. Before she could give the question serious consideration, she’d fallen asleep again.

  The smell of hot chocolate woke her. Will was sitting on edge of the bed, stroking her hair. Outside the partially opened drapes the sky was still dark.

  “What time is it?” she said.

  “Quarter to eight.” He smiled. He’d turned the fairy lights on again and the entire bedroom was bathed in soft warm light.

  “Do I have to get up?”

  “No, sleep as long as you like. I’m just used to getting up at 6:30 and I was tossing and turning. I got up because I didn’t want to wake you, then I thought you might like something to help you get your strength back.”

  “What makes you think I’ve lost any of my strength?” she asked, sitting up and accepting the cup of hot chocolate he held out to her.

  “We had a busy night. I don’t think triathletes work that hard.”

  “Too true, but I’m in good shape. I could do it all over again.” She patted his empty half of the bed, and grinned before sucking one of the marshmallows off the top of the chocolate, being sure to leave some of the sticky white goo on her lips for him to lick off.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” he said and took his mug to the other side of the bed.

  For a while they just sat there, drinking the rich, comforting treat.

  “Tell me about Christmas in Australia,” Will said. “What do you miss the most?”

  “The smell of summer.” Kylie’s eyes were fixed on the fire on the far wall, as though she was looking through it to her Australian home. “December is when the gardenias bloom and my parents’ front walk is lined with gardenia plants. Their perfume is one of my earliest associations with Christmas. That and the smell of ripe mangoes in a bowl on the kitchen bench – kitchen counter in your language.”

  “We have mangoes here.”

  “Yeah, I’ve seen them, small things from Mexico and the Philippines. The ones in Oz are as big as grapefruits and they have a smell that make your mouth water.”

  “But you have a Christmas tree and carols and all that?”

  “We do, but we eat in our air-conditioned houses or at our outdoor patios while songs like Winter Wonderland play in the background. In the morning my family goes for long bush walks in the park near my grandparents’ house. Everyone looks for Christmas bells –Blandfordia grandiflora, as Pop would say – orange, bell-shaped flowers that are kind of hard to find in the middle of suburbia. When we were kids, whoever spotted the most won a small bag of chocolate coins. Now we just do it because it’s tradition.”

  “That’s so different.”

  “It is. And we’d go to the beach in the afternoon. It’s not really Christmas Day if I haven’t caught a wave,” she said without thinking.

  “I’m sorry you didn’t get to go surfing this year,” Will said, his tone apologetic as though it was his fault that she was landlocked.

  “Sure I did.” She placed her mug on her side table. “Only this year I had a human surfboard.” She gave a low, sultry laugh. “Plus I got something I’ve never had before – a spanking.”

  “Knowing you for all of two weeks, I’d say it won’t be the last.” He put his mug down and reached for her.

  When he squeezed her buttocks, she shrieked with laughter. “My poor bum and thighs are still tingling from last night.” It didn’t sound like a complaint.

  “Only tingling?” He rolled her onto her stomach. “And yet I can’t see a trace of my handiwork. I’m not sure I did a good enough job.” He delivered a resounding smack. “That’s better, now you have my handprint on your bottom. The next time you disobey me, your cheeks will still be glowing the day after. That’s a promise.”

  “Don’t you mean a threat?” Kylie asked as the heat of desire swept over her again.

  The lovemaking plunged them back into a deep w
inter’s sleep. They surfaced at noon and together climbed into the massive double shower in Will’s en suite. It had one massive rain head in the ceiling and two showerheads on opposite walls. All three were controlled separately. A wide bench lined one wall. Will took one bar of soap and gave Kylie another. They lathered each other’s bodies, touching each other with a new and different intimacy, until Will’s enchanted hard-on popped up again. He sat on the bench and pulled Kylie to him, impaling her once again.

  “Oh my god you’re magnificent,” she moaned as they started their erotic dance one more time in yet another position.

  They’d barely begun when Will’s phone rang. He exhaled loudly and muttered a few choice words that Kylie was forbidden to say.

  “Sorry, that’s my business line. Gotta get it.” Will streaked out of the bathroom, grabbing a black bath sheet as he went.

  He came back to the room to find Kylie patting herself dry. He stopped to admire the white triangles left by her bikini.

  “I guess we can’t pick up where we left off?” he asked sadly.

  “The heat of the moment seems to have cooled.” She nodded at the way the towel lay flat over his groin. “But we can save it for later,” she added, kissing his neck.

  He hugged her tight for a minute and she sensed the news before he said it. “I might actually have to go back to work tomorrow.”

  “That’s good, isn’t it?” From a selfish point of view, she didn’t think it was good at all. But her father was an electrician, she knew when the work came in, a contractor had to be there or the next tradesman in line would get it.

  “It’s good for the bank balance, not so good for you and me.”

  “I thought you said no one wants contractors around at this time of year?” She masked her disappointment with an upbeat note in her voice. They only had four weeks left together. She’d been hoping that at least one of those weeks could be filled with fun and play, free from work and schedules. They’d be going their separate ways soon enough.


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