A Spanking Good New Year: Short Story Collection

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A Spanking Good New Year: Short Story Collection Page 18

by Rayanna Jamison

  At dawn the following morning she awoke, surprised she had gotten such a wonderful sleep. Her fire had been stoked, and a fresh gown set out for her to wear. It was beautiful. The soft green hue was perfect for her coloring. Eara had red hair too, so she must have known that it would complement her. Anna took her time dressing, asking a maid to help her with her hair. Glancing in the mirror, she felt beautiful, almost grown into a woman, although still awkward about the placement of her hands.

  A light tap on her door startled her. “Come in,” she called, and felt butterflies in her stomach for the first time in hours.

  “Your grandmother has asked you to join her for breakfast, my lady,” the servant stated, curtsying and then attentively waiting for a reply.

  “Of course. I shall be right down.” She smiled, feeling her stomach rumble in discomfort.

  Descending the stairs, she trailed behind the girl sent to invite her. The thick smell of the eggs and bread was heavy in the air as they approached the dining area. In her mind, Anna could already taste the delicious buttered bread, as the doors were opened and she stepped through.

  “Good morning, my dear,” her grandmother stated, with a smile betraying her true feelings.

  Anna stopped dead, as her eyes scanned the room and came to rest on the disapproving blue eyes of her jilted betrothed. She took a cautionary step back, as her father’s thick brogue warned, “Nowhere to run, lass.”

  Anna snapped her eyes to her grandmother, who gestured for her to sit. “We are all adults here, right, gentlemen?”

  Kenrick and Aleck nodded. “Aye, adults.”

  Seeing no choice, Anna walked up to an empty seat next to her grandmother and sat, admiring the peonies that were decorating the table’s centerpiece. Her grandmother had a few greenhouses, which meant she had flowers and vegetables at times of the year when many people could only dream of such luxury.

  “So, who would like to start?” Eara asked, watching the emotional fireworks explode within the two men present.

  Aleck hated being around his mother-in-law, so it made him more furious for the situation.

  Kenrick had enjoyed seeing Anna’s face, but it surprised him how confident she looked only seconds later.

  “I will!” Aleck stated, slamming his hand down on table. Pointing a threatening finger at his daughter, he tried to restrain himself from completely losing his temper. “You, young lady, are in a world of trouble.”

  Kenrick smiled in agreement. “Indeed.”

  Anna looked to her grandmother, who responded, “Now, now, lads, let’s be civil. Aleck, I will allow you to go first. Tell me what is happening.” The countess looked calm and confident.

  Ignoring her, Kenrick began the tale. “Lady Anna and I were to be married on New Year’s Eve, as is the tradition in the Campbell family. She faked being ill the past few days and then stole away in the middle of the night. Now, here we are.” Kenrick looked a lot calmer than he felt.

  “Enough of the crap, Eara. Annalise is getting married to Kenrick and that is the end of things,” Aleck snapped.

  Eara laughed. “Aw… Aleck, you learned a big boy voice, how cute.” Kenrick couldn’t believe her condescending tone as she continued, “You see, I agree. My granddaughter does need to be married. However, young man…” She lowered her glasses to glower at Kenrick. “Why do you think you are worthy?”

  Kenrick was losing patience. He wasn’t used to people questioning his motives or moves. “With all do respect, Countess, Lady Annalise is my betrothed and I have brought the reverend here to see us married before the day is through!”

  Anna sucked in a deep breath, as he shifted his gaze to her, before turning back to his hostess. “Why don’t you name what you want in return for not getting in my way?”

  Anna glanced nervously at her grandmother, who was considering what to say next.

  Kenrick plastered on his best smile, flirting with the older woman, hoping that in exchange she would give her blessing.

  “I like you, my boy.” Eara stated, “I think you have a backbone. I also like the idea of Anna being settled with a man old enough to know better, but still young enough to be a good husband to her.”

  “I’ll bring her to visit every year. I’ll ensure that she has everything she could ever want. I’ll marry her here at your home, and stay an extra evening so we can all celebrate together,” he offered, trying to seem obliging and sweeten the deal.

  “I’d like a child named after me,” Eara stated, wavering, with all the negotiations.

  Anna’s mouth fell open, as she realized that she was being bartered off here as well. “Grandmother!” she protested.

  Eara reached over and patted her hand. “Love, the grown ups are speaking.” Thus dismissing her entirely.

  Anna felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

  “Done!” Kenrick promised, confident now that the old woman would not be a hindrance.

  “I also would like to visit once a year for a month at your home. To get to know my great-grandchildren.” The old woman was on a roll, but she was being specific because of the way she was treated when Rosalyn married Aleck.

  Aleck had forbidden her from staying at the house, and when Rosalyn had tried to plead her case, Aleck had done everything to keep the woman away. Eara understood her approach to her new son-in-law had been too forceful, but did not want that same injustice to occur again.

  “Deals with the devil,” Aleck warned, under his breath.

  Eara was amused by it, not upset that he was offering his advice. She had to admit that in her younger years she had been a bitch to her son-in-law. Now, she didn’t want to make the same mistakes she had made before and alienate her only granddaughter’s husband.

  “Well, you’ll need to give us some time to prepare. I will have the servants ready our chapel; the wedding will be tomorrow morning. We will have a feast in the evening, and you all may leave for Inverarary Castle the next day,” Eara announced.

  Kenrick decided that he wanted this woman on his good side, despite the displeasure of not dragging Anna before the reverend then and there. One thing life had taught him was that patience was a virtue. If he gave a little on this end, he might gain more in the long run.

  “Done! But I have a few conditions of my own,” he stated.

  Anna’s head perked up, darting back and forth between her grandmother and husband-to-be.

  “First, Anna and I have to speak. Alone. Immediately!” His voice was unwavering, hinting at the seriousness. “Second, I will wait until morning to marry her, but I am going to punish her for running from me.”

  Anna felt her heart accelerate.

  “Lastly, tonight I claim my rights. I do not trust her to remain in bed since she has fled in the night before. It also ensures that she says those vows at the altar tomorrow or risks being ruined.”

  Anna wanted to cry. It horrified her that Kenrick was making these demands. Eara smiled, as the displeasure shone on her father’s face. “Grandmother!” she hissed, when the older woman seemed to be conceding.

  Instead of answering, Eara stood. Walking behind the adjacent chair, she bent and kissed her granddaughter’s head. Then, clasping Kenrick on the shoulder, she leaned in and smiled, saying, “Welcome to the family, my boy!” before motioning to Aleck to comply with his terms and leave the room with her.

  Anna stood. “Grandmother! Father!” Her voice choked as they wordlessly walked away. The doors closed, essentially trapping her within.

  “Sit down, Anna!” Kenrick commanded. His voice held no humor. He was in full authority mode, and abundantly aware that he was holding all the cards.

  Anna shot dagger eyes at him, trying to maintain her own control. She was alone with The Falcon, and no one would dare to interfere with what was about to occur between them.

  He leaned back in his chair, watching her. His eyes were gray, hinting at his mood. Tapping his fingers, his lips pursed, he remained oddly silent.

  “What?” she snapped, un
comfortable that he was just staring at her.

  “I’m waiting,” he offered, raising his hands in a show of openness.

  “For?” she asked, looking confused.

  “For some kind of apology, even something that remotely resembles one.” He was getting irritated by her attitude. It was completely disrespectful. Her arms were closed across her chest, as she began to angrily chuckle. The eye roll further infuriated him.

  “You put yourself in danger, leaving without anyone knowing where you had gone. The roads are dangerous, even for men who know what they are doing.” His scowl was troubling.

  Anna snapped, “I resent your condescending tone. I’m not a child, and it’ll be a cold day in hell before I give you an apology.”

  “Is that so?” he questioned, knowing that he could elicit one from her in seconds if he wished. Glaring at her, he was still somewhat amused. “I think that before we are done here, I will have a few of them!” She was undoubtedly going to make his life interesting. He allowed her to rant, curious about the feelings he was sure were rolling around in the stubborn head of hers.

  “I know you’re used to people cowering in your presence, and following your orders, but I don’t need to listen to you.”

  It amazed him that she was serious. Anna was completely void of any fear, which he had to momentarily admire. It almost saddened him that, within a few moments, her confidence would evaporate, as he would be forced to show her a side of himself she was unfamiliar with.

  “Aye, ye do,” he responded with finality. Kenrick stood and walked toward her, waiting and watching for any attempt on her part to flee. She pushed back in her chair at his advance. He half sat on the table in front of her. “Ye now belong to me, Anna, whether ye want to admit it or no.” He let his Scottish brogue flow out more strongly. “Tomorrow ye will promise to love, honor and obey me. However, before then, we are going to come to a little understanding.” He gazed deep into her eyes. Then Kenrick reached out his hand. “Come!” he ordered.

  Anna recoiled, watching him as if he was snake she wanted to avoid.

  “Do ye really wish for me to punish you here, where all the world could see?” His threat was not lost on her, but she didn’t think she’d be safe anywhere.

  His tone was soft, belying his meaning, coaxing her as she slowly stood. “I’m not entirely a brute, love. Let us go to your chamber, that way ye can rest after we finish this nonsense.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she snapped, “What are you going to do with me?”

  Kenrick tilted his head, with his hands on his hips. “Ye know what I mean.” His smirk riled her further, as he explained, “But you’ll not be the first bride to go to her wedding with a sore arse.”

  Anna blanched, looking at him with a mix of fear and horror.

  Kenrick expected a struggle, and warned, “Ye can walk or I can carry you. Either way I spent an entire day and night in a saddle because ye wanted to be defiant, and I intend to teach ye a good lesson about what defying me means.”

  Anna slowly backed away, trying to think of some means to get away from him. Kenrick stalked her like a lion until finally she darted to elude him and he clasped her around the waist.

  “No!” she screamed as he carried her to the door.

  Taking the stairs a few at a time, he ignored her commands to release her. She was already crying, as the panic set in. Until this moment she had really never thought that he’d beat her for defying him.

  “Where is your room?” he asked, as they walked down the hall. There were ten doors, all closed.

  “Piss off!” she hissed, slapping at him to try and get him to release her.

  All it did was sour his mood further. A sharper slap connected with her backside, “Enough! When I ask you a question I expect an honest answer,” he snapped, irritated that she was pushing him to the limits of his patience.

  A maid was coming toward them, so he decided to ask her. “Where is Lady Anna’s room?”

  The maid looked startled by the question, and pointed to the door almost across from where they were.

  Kenrick reiterated, by pointing to it. “Here?”

  The maid nodded, scooting away. She wanted no part in anything regarding Lady Anna and her soon to be husband’s issues.

  He held Anna with one arm as he opened the door and propelled them through it. The room was large. A beautiful draped canopy bed was in the far corner, and the fireplace had festive decorations around the outside. A large fur blanket was at the foot of the bed, and the sheets were drawn back. It was still early, maybe ten-thirty in the morning at most, and the curtains were drawn. It made the room look dark, although it was actually a sunny day.

  Kenrick tossed her unceremoniously on a sofa, before walking back and locking the door. Anna sat up glowering in his direction, and then launched into a run, going to the opposite side of the bed to put distance between them.

  Kenrick walked toward her slowly, trying to rationalize why this was happening and how to accomplish his goal that she should learn from this that while he was patient, he was not a man who would allow bad behaviour to go unpunished.

  “Come around the end of the bed. I’ll help you out of your dress,” he offered, trying to make it somewhat less confrontational. “If you cooperate it will go a lot easier, sweetheart.”

  Anna tossed a tin cup at him, which he easily dodged. “I won’t allow you to whip me!” she sobbed, feeling beyond helpless.

  Kenrick smiled. “I wasn’t asking for permission. Justice for your behaviour is necessary. Ye could have caused a lot of pain to both our clans. I plan on punishing ye.”

  Swiftly he faked her out with a move, and cornered her. When she felt his vice-like hand grip her arm, she knew all hope of escape was lost. She was appalled as he quickly began to undo her corset, and release the buttons of her dress. She struggled, as his hands moved swiftly, leaving her in nothing but her light shift.

  She covered her breasts, and whirled on him with fire in her eyes. “Let me go!” she ordered, her red hair wildly cascading down her back. As his hands clasped her wrists and tugged her to him, she tried to bite him.

  Kenrick bitterly laughed, as he held them higher leaving her no options, but to move where he intended. “I like to think I’m a fair man, Anna,” he began, trying to explain to her why this was happening. “I have tolerance for some things, but none for others.” He brushed a piece of hair from her eyes, and caressed her face. “There is a little secret I need to tell you, since we are about to be married.”

  Anna looked at him, trying to not tremble at the thought of him spanking her.

  “I believe that a wife should obey her husband, and when she doesn’t, it’s his duty to correct her. If you listen to me, your life will be much easier. If ye don’t, I predict ye will be in this position more times than not.”

  He pushed her to the bed; confident he could recapture her if she continued to be defiant. Rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, he didn’t advance. Instead he raised an eyebrow in warning. “Come to the end of the bed and raise your shift. If you comply I will stop after thirty. If you fight me, it will be much worse.”

  Anna shook her head in denial, as her hair clung to the wetness on her cheeks.

  “Yes, Anna. You disobeyed me, put yourself in danger, and could have caused a war between our clans. You’ve earned every lick of this.” Kenrick’s hand went to his sword belt, and he detached a leather strap from the side. Pointing to the bed, he was stern this time when he ordered, “Now!”

  In true Anna fashion, she shook her head and bolted for the door. She threw a table in his path and nearly tripped him, but he darted to the side and jumped part of the debris. Swinging her up into his arms, he marched back to the bed, and deposited her across the edge.

  One knee in her back made her immobile. As they struggled, Anna was screaming. Her pleas turned to apologies and begging as it finally became clear to her that she was completely at his mercy.

  Kenrick admired
the beautiful curve of her backside. He felt a quick stab of regret, knowing that soon it would be whipped red and causing her pain, but another part of him was steeling himself against feeling bad for punishing her when she deserved it.

  Lifting back his arm, he brought the leather down hard across her cheeks. Her screams rang out, as it fell again and again. Kenrick tuned her out, as he made sure to pepper her in all the spots that would leave her in pain for a bit. He was rougher then he would normally be, because he wanted this to be a deterrent.

  After several minutes, he stopped, confident that he had made her repentant. Removing the pressure of his grip on her, he sat on the end of the bed and pulled her close. He had lost track of how many times she’d apologised and begged him to stop. She was fully striped from her bottom to the backs of her knees, in angry red welts. Even he admitted to himself that he had been excessive, but he’d wanted to make an impression.

  Anna was beyond hysterical. She bolted up from his lap, sobbing as she rubbed her assaulted backside. Kenrick grabbed her hips after a moment and pulled her to him. Looking crossly at her, he pulled her back to sit on his lap. “You know you were asking for that, sweetheart,” he sighed.

  Anna sobbed, partly feeling betrayed and partly liking the comfort he was giving her.

  Rubbing her back, he murmured, “Shh…” feeling her relax back against him. Kissing her neck, he was stunned speechless when she grasped his face and pulled him down to her lips.

  Kenrick allowed it, excited at her reaction. He kissed her, slow and passionately. If she was turning to him now, it gave him hope for them going forward.

  After rocking her a bit, he laid her on the bed, and encouraged her to rest. “I’ll return later, love, and maybe if you’re up to it, we will have supper together?”


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