A Spanking Good New Year: Short Story Collection

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A Spanking Good New Year: Short Story Collection Page 24

by Rayanna Jamison

  Carissa dropped her glass on the table and scrambled to right it before it spilled.

  “Jade, one has nothing to do with the other. I have no intention of ripping off your father or any other condo owner at the complex. We aren’t going to allow new purchases to become rentals, but we aren’t going to allow the association to stop the current rentals from remaining rentals.”

  “One does have to do with the other.” She shoved her chair back and turned completely to face him. Her father watched with some fascination as she took Garrick on. “You want full transparency from me, but not from you? How the hell is that fair? You should have told me about this. And you should have told me about the club.”

  “We can talk about it later.” His lips thinned and the danger became apparent in his eyes.

  “No, we’ll talk now.” She stood up from the table.

  “Jade, I think he means it. He isn’t going screw me over, don’t make a scene on my account,” her father called after her, but she was already stomping toward the front door.

  “Jade.” One word. One syllable spoken from his lips made her damn near melt from the authority in it. “I told you we’d talk later. It’s freezing out here, and you didn’t bring your coat.”

  Too angry to feel the winter chill, she pointed a finger at him. “How did you know I’d be at the club?”

  His lips parted, his breath played in the air and he shook his head. “Jade.” Sucking in his breath, he arched one eyebrow. “You never clear your history on your computer. I was looking up something, needed to find an old link, and your entire history was there. Collar-Me? Really, Jade? I saw you had the membership application for the club open, and I figured you’d come to the party.”

  She blinked. He’d seen her history? He’d seen all of the links she’d saved, all the websites she’d visited. The cold was no longer an issue; her cheeks were burning up. “You looked at my history.”

  “It was before. And it changes nothing, Jade, nothing.”

  “Fuck that.” She yanked away from him when he reached out for her.

  “Jade, be careful. I know you’re upset, but that doesn’t change the rules.”

  She regarded him quietly, not sure what to say or do, and afraid of every option playing in her mind. “You never tell me about work. You didn’t tell me about your club, you didn’t say anything even after you’d seen my computer. Do you think this is all a joke? We are all here for your amusement?” Her breath came faster as she spoke.

  Horns blared in the street. The stench of exhaust floated between them as they stood outside the restaurant.

  “It’s not a joke. None of this is a joke.” He reached for her, but her mind had already turned off. He’d seen everything in her computer and had kept it from her. He’d known she’d be at the club.

  Without another word, she turned on her heel and ran. He called after her, but she waved down a cab. Just as she opened the door, he caught up to her, his chest heaving from the exertion. She didn’t wait for him say anything; there was nothing to say.

  She jumped in the back of the cab, slammed the door shut, and directed the driver where to go. Garrick’s hand was on the handle of the door when the car pulled into traffic. She heard him curse, then shout her name, but she blocked it out. He’d seen everything inside of her, and he’d been holding himself back.

  She thought she’d be safe with him. She’d been a fool.

  Chapter 5

  Garrick stretched his back and stood from his bed. It had been a hell of a night. Sleep denied him just as easily as Jade had.

  Two days since her outburst at the restaurant and she still wouldn’t take his calls or respond to his texts. Not mentioning he’d seen her history on the computer might have been rude, but did it really warrant the reaction she gave him? Even the issue with her father, if she’d given him just a minute to explain, she’d know that he and Jamison had shot down the association’s plans. Her father wouldn’t be out of any real estate, no one in the deal would. He was all for making good money, but not at the expense of anyone else, not like that. People lost in real estate deals all the time, but it wouldn’t be because of his greed. She should have known that about him, did know that about him, but something else had triggered her little fit.


  The woman was scared out of her fucking mind because they weren’t ruining things. Because they were still them, only better, a more amplified version of them. Sure, he’d had her on her knees, he’d watched her suck him off while he held the end of his tie wrapped around her neck, but underneath they were still them. She’d been punished a few times, a solid spanking for mouthing off, a belting for cursing at him, but after, they’d reconnected. Things were working. And if they weren’t, she wasn’t telling him about it.

  He picked up his phone on the first ring, not even looking at the caller ID, just hoping.

  “Hey, lover boy.” Carissa’s sarcastic tone wasn’t exactly what he had in mind as a way to start the day.

  “Carissa.” He ran his fingers through his hair and headed toward the bathroom. New Year’s Eve was upon them, and he had one last meeting before he could enjoy the evening – if he could enjoy the evening. Without Jade at his side, the party held little interest to him.

  “You have to do something about Jade.”

  His ears perked up. “What’s wrong? Where is she?” He darted back into his bedroom ready to grab his keys and fly down to the parking lot, pants or not.

  “Calm down. She’s fine. Well, not fine, but safe.”

  “What’s going on? I thought she had the morning shift today?”

  “She does. She’s at work now. Look, she knows she’s wrong. She misses you and is being so fucking stubborn I’m ready to clock her over the head with a pan and drag her to you.”

  A small sense of relief mingled with a darker feeling. He didn’t want her suffering, even if it was her own doing. It wasn’t for her to cause herself grief – that was his job.

  “Out with it,” he demanded. The past two days had worn him down; he didn’t have the energy to be sweet with Carissa.

  “She’s not eating, she’s not sleeping. She thinks she’s completely ruined it. I told her to talk to you, I told her that’s not how these things work, but she won’t listen – said she blew you off too many times.”

  “Did she ever find a dress for the party tonight?”

  “What? No, I mean, she has one but she’s not planning on going.”

  “That’s fine. Can you be at her apartment when she gets home from work? To help her?”

  “I just told you, she won’t listen to me. What am I going to help her with?”

  “She’s going to have to make a decision, it’s not going to be easy and I can’t be there for it. She’ll need you.”


  “Because you’re her friend. And you’re a submissive, you’ll understand.”

  “Did Jamison say something?”

  “Jamison? No.” He didn’t need more drama at the moment. “He hasn’t said a word, why?”

  “Nothing. I’ll be at her apartment when she gets home. What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to be waiting for her answer.”

  “You make no fucking sense.”

  Jade shoved the key into her apartment door, balancing the bag of groceries in one hand and fighting her purse strap on the other arm. Just as the key finally turned, the door swung open.

  “Shit!” Jade stumbled forward, but managed to catch herself before falling flat on her face.

  “Sorry.” Carissa rushed to grab the bag of frozen appetizers and wine from her arms, peeking inside. “Planning a pity party for one?”

  “Don’t start.” Jade shut the door and bolted it while shucking off her winter coat. “I’m hungry and thirsty. Mini Quiche and white wine seemed the way to go.” Or depressed and hopeless, whichever description worked best to keep Carissa from continuing.

  “Whatever. I don’t think you’ll be needing them, thou

  Jade followed her to the kitchen, running her fingers through her hair. “Oh, yeah? Why’s that? Decided not to go to the Dark Lace New Year’s party tonight and stick with me?” Not that Jade wanted or needed an audience to her curling up into a ball on her couch and stuffing her face until the sadness started to fade. Although, seeing as she’d pushed away the one man in her entire life that she loved, she figured it might take more than what she had in the grocery bag.

  Garrick’s texts had stopped the day before. At first she’d been grateful, then she realized why they’d stopped. He’d given up. And why shouldn’t he? She had assumed the worst about him, insulted him, yelled at him in the street and then run away like an idiot. Her father had called her that afternoon to apologize, and to explain that Garrick had been telling the truth. He’d shot down the association. He wouldn’t lose any property to Garrick or any of the other owners.

  There’d been a time not long ago, when Jade would have jumped to his defense with her father. She would have taken his side in a heartbeat, because she knew he was a good soul. Even when he was doing horrible things to her, it was out of love that he did them. After a particularly hard spanking, he’d kissed her hot cheeks while she stood in the corner. He’d rubbed arnica cream over them to keep any bruises from forming, and even though it was completely her fault for having cursed at him when she didn’t get her way, he’d held her tight and wiped away her tears. He never belittled her, or made her feel less than everything he wanted. Yet the first sign of imperfection on his part, and she had gone for his throat.

  “No, I’m going to the party. I could use a good distraction myself.” Carissa opened the freezer and hid behind the door, keeping Jade from knowing what she really thought.

  Jade’s cell buzzed in her back pocket, and she pulled it out. It buzzed again and again and again. “What the hell?” Swiping the screen, she found five messages popped up on display – all from Garrick.

  I get you’re scared.

  I get you don’t understand some of your feelings, or mind. And I get that you think everything is a mess right now. What I don’t get is why you think hiding from this will make it better?

  I don’t do games, you know that.

  I want you, Jade. I want you for my girlfriend, my best friend, and my submissive. I want to own every inch of your body, your heart, and your soul. All cards on the table, I love you. But you have to make a decision, and it has to be tonight. No more waiting, no more stalling.

  A package will be delivered shortly. If you decide to be mine, accept it, wear it and meet me at the party as planned. Although, when you arrive, you’ll be directed to a private room. Wait there for me.

  Jade stared at the screen, unable to breath or think. He wasn’t done with her?

  “What is it?” Carissa plucked the phone from her shaking hand and read over the texts. She let out a low whistle. “Fuck, this man is hot.” Looking unapologetic she gave Jade back the phone. “If only he wasn’t yours, or, you know, Garrick.”

  “What do I do?” Jade looked back at the screen. Isn’t that what she wanted? Another chance? A way to fix the mess?

  Carissa patted her arm and pointed to the table when the doorbell rang. “You just sit, that’s probably his package.”

  Jade didn’t move to sit or to get the door, instead she just watched Carissa do all the moving. She greeted the delivery man, signed something, and took a box from him. Jade swallowed, wetting her dry throat, when Carissa brought it back to the kitchen.

  “What is it?”

  Carissa rolled her eyes. “Well, I’d have to open it to find out.” Putting it down on the table, she stepped away. “Open it, Jade.”

  Jade took a deep breath. “What—”

  “Open the fucking box.” Carissa pushed it toward her. “The man has all but begged you, now just put a little trust in him and open the damn thing.”

  “Trust him? I totally trust him. I mean, except for the whole computer thing.”

  “Wait.” Carissa put her hand on the package. “Are you really upset about that? How many times has the man used your computer while he was here? So, he saw your history and didn’t tell you. Did you want him to say Hey Jade, what’s this kinky shit you have on here? Do you really wanna take it in the ass while being tied up to the bed?”

  Jade stared at her for a long moment. “No.” She shook her head. “That wouldn’t have been good.” A smile started to break through her and she soon found herself giggling. “Okay, he was trying to be nice, but what about the club?”

  “Does he tell you about all of his investments? No, because you fall asleep when he talks business.”

  Another good point.

  “So, he used the opportunity to approach you, not only about your submissive side and his dominant side, but to start making something more of your relationship. Really, it was kind of fucking sweet, him waiting there for you to show, and then swooping in and taking over. Tell me you didn’t find that hot.”

  Solid arguments, all of them.

  “Why am I so afraid then?”

  Carissa shook her head. “I don’t know, because what we don’t know, scares us? Because we see a future that might be real, but you can’t possibly understand why or how it will be, and it terrifies us?” Jade couldn’t be sure if Carissa was talking about her own experience or generalizing.

  Without putting more energy into her doubts, she grabbed the box and tore the tab down the middle, opening it. Shuffling through the tissue paper she found a jewelry box and lifted it out. Taking a deep breath, she pulled off the lid.

  Two diamond tennis bracelets lay in the box, each spread out next to the other, shimmering in the overhead kitchen light. Her breath blew out at the sight of such simple beauty. She’d never owned anything so stunning before.

  “Holy. Fuck,” Carissa whispered, as though, if they were too loud, the delivery guy would come back and take it away. “Two.” A smile formed on Carissa’s lips. “Fuck, he’s hot.” She shook her head and searched through box. “No note.”

  “I think he said everything he wanted to say in the text. Why two?”

  “Two?” Carissa rolled her eyes. “After everything you’ve seen, read, and have done with him, you have to ask?” She pointed to Jade’s wrists. “Two bracelets, two wrists, two cuffs.”

  “Cuffs?” Jade’s shoulders sagged a bit. “Not a collar, but cuffs?”

  Carissa gave her a gentle shove. “You think after what’s happened the past two days, he’s giving you a collar like this? No. He’s telling you to put these on and go to him. He’s telling you to mark yourself as his, and go meet him. Besides, if you want a collar, you have a little more work to do.”

  Jade looked at the bracelets, really looked at them, imagining what they would feel like on her wrists. Would the symbolism make them heavier or lighter? Did she even deserve them after what she’d done?

  “You asked me what you should do. You should put them on, get in that dress, and get to that party.”

  “We haven’t even had sex yet,” Jade blurted out.

  Carissa scoffed. “You’ve done plenty else, from what you told me. Sex isn’t everything. But I doubt you’ll be able to say that after tonight. Now go.”

  Jade sucked in her breath. She knew what she wanted, but she still wasn’t sure she had the strength to get it.

  Chapter 6

  Music played in the ballroom while Garrick paced the kitchen. He’d thrown the party every New Year’s since he and Jamison had started their little company. They only had a handful of employees, but they still managed to fill the house with guests. Between bankers, brokers, and all of their staff, the party never failed to be a success. The only stipulation being no business was to be discussed. The evening was for social purposes only. He doubted they all stuck to the rule, but at least they managed to do so while within his earshot.

  Jade had been to the party before. The few times she’d shown up she had brought a date. His soul had been twisted into knots
those years. Still, nothing compared to the anguish of doubt he battled while dodging the servers in the kitchen.

  “Man, she’ll be here. Calm down.” Jamison entered through the back door, having successfully avoided the crowd of partygoers. “And when she gets here, what are you going to do?” He plucked a stuffed mushroom off of a passing tray and leaned against the stainless steel counter.

  “I’m torn. I want to punish her, but at the same time, I just want to hold her.” He raked his hand through his hair; certain that it probably stood on end, since he had been doing exactly that dozens of times since getting dressed.

  “So.” Jamison shrugged and popped the mushroom in his mouth. “Do both. She deserves it, and she knows it.”

  “What if she doesn’t come?”

  “She’ll show, whether or not she comes is entirely up to you.” Jamison laughed and looked at his watch. The playful grin slipped. “I have to go.”

  “You’re ditching your own party for another?”

  “Depends. I might be back, I might not.” Jamison wouldn’t give any more information than that, but Garrick knew better than to push. “The party runs itself, I’ve made the rounds. No one will miss me – or you – if things go right.”

  “Just go.” Garrick waved him off. Jamison was right, the party was in full swing and their presence was no longer required.

  “Sir.” Julia, the party planner they hired to put the event together every year, interrupted them. “The front desk says your guest has arrived. She’s been brought up to the room as you instructed.” She gave her usual plastic smile and waited for his nod before she headed back out to the party. “Jamison, I see you sneaking out that door,” she called to him without even turning around. “Happy New Year,” she exclaimed and walked through the swinging doors.

  “She’s still pissed at you.” Garrick laughed and straightened his tux. Jamison didn’t bother responding. The door shutting behind him, his only answer.

  She was there.

  Garrick took the back stairs leading up to the servant quarters of the old mansion. She’d been brought to a room on the third floor, all the way in the back of the house. An audience, he did not want.


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