Spencer's Face (Buckeye Hawks)

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Spencer's Face (Buckeye Hawks) Page 15

by Autumn Brown

  “Another three or four days.” She said as if she was embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I hate talking about that stuff, even with other girls. But I didn’t want you to find out for yourself.”

  I rubbed her tits as I kissed her even more. “So, in another three or four days, can we have sex?” I asked her. Please say yes. I wanted her to say yes.

  “I’m really not ready, Spencer.” she let me down easily, or she tried to. “Remember when we first started going out? You told me that you’d never pressure me.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.” I told her. I really didn’t want to push her. I wanted her to be ready, but I didn’t want to push her. I’d be no better than her other boyfriends if I did that. “Taylor, we need to stop again.”

  “Okay.” She said, then sat up. She put her bra back on, and then her shirt. I hated to see that happen.

  I put my shirt back on, then kissed her. “I love you.”

  “Will you still love me in another couple of months when I still haven’t put out?” she asked.

  “Yes, I will. I’ll still want you though. So you tell me when you’re ready.” I assured her as I pulled her close to my chest. “Hey do you want to play some music? I’ve started on another song.”

  “Did you send the last one in?” she asked me, excitedly. She was always interested in my songwriting. I loved it that she liked being with me. She was a fun girl, aside from being so cute that I could barely stand it.

  “I did. I haven’t heard anything yet.”

  “I should go. I’m supposed to be home before ten on the weekdays.” She said.

  I kissed her long and hard, then released her. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Text me when you get home.”

  It was our ritual. I had to make sure that she made it home safely. I probably should be the one driving her around, but I didn’t want to spend my money on a car right now. I wanted to save it for college. My mom and dad made sure that I had plenty of money before they died. My dad was a financial planner and he had everything set before they were killed. Todd and Janel put the money in an account for me. I’d get a lump sum when I turned eighteen, too, from their life insurance.

  Taylor POV.

  Oh my god. I’d never told a guy that I was on my period before in my life. Hell, I hadn’t told too many girls. So embarrassing. I had to tell my gym teacher once, Ms. Jacobs, because we were supposed to be swimming. I’d forgotten tampons and was using the stupid pads at school. No way in hell could I go swimming. And, that almost embarrassed me half to death. In fact, I didn’t even tell my mom when I started. She just assumed that I’d started by now, since I was seventeen now. She bought tampons every week, because my two sisters younger than me started theirs right after I did.

  Somehow, I felt closer to Spencer with him knowing though. I kind of liked the feeling of him knowing. Like we were in tune with each other now.

  On Saturday, I went to Spencer’s house. I did that almost every weekend. They had a pool. We swam and laid out. In Arizona that was a typical weekend. And, there wasn’t much else to do in Palo Verde. My family didn’t have a pool. We swam in the well from time to time though. I took my bikini with me. As we laid out together, talking, we held hands. Janel and Todd came out to swim. I quickly released his hand. I felt funny with public displays of affection in front of adults.

  “Why don’t you two swim? We bought some new floats.” Todd called out to us.

  “Sure.” I said as I stepped up.

  “Wait.” Spencer said, then whispered. “Can you?”

  I nodded. What was he asking that for? He knew I was a great swimmer. I loved to swim, and I loved to dive off of their diving board. Janel gave him a funny look, then looked at Todd really funny for some reason. I was lost. “Of course, I can.”

  I stepped up on the diving board and did a flip into the pool. Spencer followed. We swam around a while, then went after the new pool floats. We laid on those for a while, and talked to Todd and Janel. I loved hanging out in the pool with Spencer. It felt a little funny to be there with Todd and Janel though. They went inside about thirty minutes later. I could tell by their skin that they didn’t stay out in the sun too often. Spencer was much tanner now than when we started dating. I’d dragged him out here almost every weekend since his face had healed enough to come outside.

  I loved how Spencer looked in his swim trunks. I absolutely loved his chest and his legs. Well, actually there was no part of him that I didn’t like. I liked every part of him. I often wondered what real sex would be like. Did it feel as good as they say? I know being naked from the waist up felt really good the other day. We hadn’t done that since then. I think I slowed him down some, telling him that I wasn’t ready yet. I fully expected him to end things with me. He didn’t.

  Spencer rolled off of his float, and splashed into the water. He put his head next to mine on my float. I turned my head toward his, and he kissed me. He smiled at me, then he rubbed my stomach. “I love this new bikini. When did you get it?”

  “Last Sunday when my mom took us shopping in Phoenix.” I told him. Mom insisted on mother daughter time occasionally. All the girls loaded up in the van and went shopping while my newly acquired brother did weird stuff with my dad, like hunting and fishing and camping. Weird boy stuff.

  “Taylor?” he asked, as if he were asking permission for something.

  “Huh?” I asked. I could only guess what was on his mind when he said my name like that.

  “Are you still on your period?” he asked with his face next to my face.

  I was shocked for a minute at the question. “Yes.” Oh no! Was I leaking? I looked down between my legs. No blood, and no string hanging out. That would be embarrassing. Especially in front of his aunt and uncle. “Why are you asking?”

  “I thought girls couldn’t swim if they were on their periods.” He said.

  “Tampons.” I explained. I didn’t really like explaining feminine hygiene to anyone, but maybe I needed to. “A girl’s best friend.”

  “Oh.” He said flatly.

  From the tone of his voice, I don’t think he knew what a tampon was. I wasn’t explaining that much to him. He could look it up on the internet. “You weren’t still hoping for sex. Were you?”

  “I will always be hoping for sex. But I was asking because I was curious. There’s so much I don’t know. And I want to know everything about you.” he said as he stroked my stomach and then my arm.

  I loved hearing that. That he was interested in me, personally. I felt like he wanted to be closer to me, not just sexually but intimately. It was a funny feeling. We were getting so close that I was wondering if I could be apart from him for a full day. I’d seen him every day almost for over a month, and I wasn’t getting bored with him. I’d gotten bored with my other boyfriends after a few weeks of spending too much time together. I think my parents caught onto that fact, and didn’t try to keep me from seeing them too often. They used to try that, when I first started dating.

  “Everything?” I asked him.

  “Everything.” He said firmly.

  I rolled off of my float and into the water. My skin was getting too hot. The water was too deep to stand, so I swam to the side. Spencer followed and stood behind me against the wall. My back was still toward him. “Like what?” I asked him, even though I couldn’t see his face.

  He kissed me on the neck from behind. Damn, I loved being kissed on the neck. “Like where you’re going to college. And, what you’re going to study.”

  I turned around toward him, and grabbed his neck. I couldn’t reach the bottom here still. “Something in computers. I don’t know if I want to be a game programmer, or an app programmer, but I know I want to be a programmer of some kind. And, I’m not sure where yet. I have a couple of little scholarships, but I was hoping for a bigger one with a full ride somewhere.”

  “How?” he asked.

  “I have good grades. Good ACT scores. I’m fifth in the class right now. And, cheerleading scholarships aren’
t unheard of.”

  “See? I didn’t know you were that smart.” He teased me as he kissed me.

  I loved facing him like this. “Now you know.” I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  His face filled with joy. “Watch it. We may have to stop if my aunt and uncle come back out.” he warned me.

  “Got it.” I told him. “Do you know what number you are?”

  “In the class? No. I have good ACT scores though.”

  “How good?” I asked him. I knew he was under me in the class ranking. I was a little competitive when it came to that and ACT scores with everyone else. Somehow I wanted him to do better than me though.

  “I made a thirty on the last one. I’m going to take it again.”

  My mouth opened wide with surprise. “I didn’t know you were that smart.”

  “I guess we should talk more often.” he teased me.

  “Damn, and we could have been having sex all day and not learned a thing about each other.” I teased him back playfully.

  “Not today. You’re on your period. Remember?” he asked as he kissed me again.

  I felt so close to him. Well, I couldn’t get much closer unless we were to actually have sex. “Would you care too much?” I asked him in a whisper straight to his ear. I needed to know how much he loved me.

  “No. I hear you’re going to bleed the first time anyway.” He said in a whisper. “What’s the difference?”

  I felt something move inside me. Damn, I loved hearing that. He loved me enough. “Spencer. I want to try.”

  “Today?” he asked anxiously. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that he wanted it to be today.

  I pulled my head back to see his face. “No. Friday after the game. We’ll try. If it hurts too bad, I want to stop though.”

  “We’ll take it slow and easy.” He said, then kissed me again. “I’ll buy some condoms.”

  Oh I was so glad he remembered those. I wanted sex really badly, but I damn sure didn’t want to get pregnant. I was so happy that he was taking responsibility for that. I tightened my legs around his waist. I could feel myself throbbing against his stomach. He kissed me again, then slid his hand between my legs. I loosened my grip around his waist so he could feel me better. I could feel myself throbbing even more. It felt so good that I was about to lose control.

  I closed my eyes. I was embarrassed in front of him. He kissed me, making me a little less embarrassed. He rubbed me even harder, on top of my bikini bottom. I felt like he was trying to enter me with his finger even though my bikini was there. The feeling was overwhelming. I was pulsing so hard that I could feel my blood rushing between my legs. He continued to squeeze and release. Oh god it felt so good. I couldn’t wait to have actual sex. If it felt this good, I was about to become a slut. Well, just with Spencer.

  “Oh, Spencer.” I said to him as I attacked his lips. I wanted to kiss him hard and deep, just like he was grabbing me.

  “I need to get out of the pool for a minute.” He said quickly. There was an urgency in his voice. I released his neck and his body, and let him go. I hated to let him go, but he sounded like he really needed to get out of the pool.

  He ran for the steps and stepped out quickly. He grabbed his towel and ran behind the palm tree closest to the pool. I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on. Oh wait, maybe I knew. He was coming again, and didn’t want me to see it, or maybe he didn’t want to come in the pool. Hmm. He walked back toward the pool and dropped his towel on one of the chairs as he passed it. He waded over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “Better now?” I asked him with a smile.

  He nodded. “I’m sorry. I got myself too excited again.”

  I kissed him. I was actually getting used to this. We’d had to stop several times during making out. And, I’d felt him actually come twice. “I loved what you were doing to me.” I whispered in his ear.

  “I guess you know that I loved it too.” he whispered in my ear, as he laughed quietly.

  He picked me up and set me on the pool’s edge. “Hey.” I said. I wasn’t at all prepared for that. I loved being picked up by him. He felt so masculine to me when he lifted me. I could feel his biceps bulging.

  “You two, we thought we could grill some hamburgers.” Janel called out as she walked toward us.

  “Great.” Spencer said as he stepped back a few steps. He didn’t want his aunt and uncle to know what we’d just done.

  “Can I help?” I asked Janel.

  “No, I can handle it from here.” She said.

  I still felt guilty, though, so I stepped up to help her out. I cut up the tomatoes and onions. Spencer and I swam some more while Todd grilled the burgers. They smelled so good that I was in a hurry to eat all of a sudden. A few minutes later, Todd called us all to eat. I jumped out of the pool to make my burger. Spencer didn’t put any onions on his burger. I watched him carefully.

  “Hey, you love onions Spencer. Why aren’t you putting any on your burger?” Janel asked him. She knew why. She was teasing him.

  Spencer smiled at her, begging her to keep quiet basically.

  Todd smiled at him and put his arm around him. “I guess our little boy is growing up.”

  “You two!” Spencer said playfully to them. He wanted them to shut up. He sat with me on the bench swing. “Sorry about that.”

  I laughed at him, but kept on eating my burger. After we finished, we jumped back in the pool to swim some more. We never adhered to the rule about waiting thirty minutes after you eat. I think someone made that up. We swam hand in hand underwater to the other end of the pool. It was a game that we played often. If Todd and Janel weren’t still here, we’d play another game that we liked. See how long we could kiss underwater. That was a fun one.

  When it turned dark, Todd turned on the pool lights for us. That was so cool. They had a strobe light that flashed several different colors. It was fun to play with and swim in front of. Our bodies looked like they were changing different colors if we timed it right. It took so little to entertain us sometimes. Todd and Janel went back in about ten o’clock. I could stay another two hours if I wanted, and I wanted to. As soon as Todd and Janel were inside the house, Spencer came up to me and attacked me with his lips.

  We were in the deep end. I had to grab for the side. He pulled me under and kept kissing me. As he kissed me this time, though, he felt of my ass. He squeezed it several times. After several seconds, we had to surface.

  “We need to calm down, or you’re going to have to go behind that tree again.” I teased him.

  “Do you two need something to drink?” Janel called from the edge of the pool.

  She startled the both of us. Oh crap. I wondered what all she’d just seen, or heard. Spencer pushed away from me just a little. “Sure. A Coke. Do you want one, Taylor?” he asked me.

  I nodded my head. I was too embarrassed to speak. Janel turned and went back into the house.

  “Oh no.” I said to Spencer. “How much trouble are you going to be in? I should leave. Shouldn’t I?”

  “No.” he said as if I was being silly. As if I was overreacting. Boy, if that was my dad instead of Janel, I’d be getting whipped with a belt right now, and Spencer would be asked to leave the house and never come back.

  “No?” I asked, not believing it.

  “No.” he stated with finality to his tone. “She’s not going to be mad. I may have to listen to another birth control lecture tonight or tomorrow, but she won’t be mad at us.”

  “Wow. I can’t believe how different our parents are.” I said to him.

  “Well, they’re not actually my parents. That might be part of it.” he reasoned.

  “But they love you just like parents.” I said.

  “They do, but they don’t put their foot down like I see other parents doing. I have more of a say in my life than if they were my real parents. It’s a little odd. I think it’s because they’re not much older than me.”

  “Here you go.
” Janel yelled out as she approached us. She handed the Cokes to us.

  “Thanks.” I said to her. I really hoped she wasn’t thinking I was a slut right now.

  “You’re welcome.” She said to me. “Oh, Spencer. Can you turn out the lights back here, and lock the door when Taylor leaves? We’re going to bed.”

  “Sure thing.” He said to her.


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