Regency Spymasters 01 - Spy Fall

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Regency Spymasters 01 - Spy Fall Page 11

by Diana Quincy

  “Uncle,” she said to Darling. “I’m ready.”

  Uncle? Cosmo shot the other man a questioning glance. Darling was an only child, and so had no nieces or nephews.

  “Are you, dearest?”

  “Yes.” Her honey-colored curls—shot with streaks of copper—bounced as she bobbed her chin. “Nurse allowed me extra sweet buns.”

  “That is grand.” Affection shone in Darling’s face. “Although I should think you are sweet enough.”

  The girl giggled; her hazel eyes sparkled with the exuberant delight unique to children. She was finely dressed, in the loose style of gown commonly worn by young females, its brown fabric adorned with a cheerful floral print.

  “What a lovely child,” Mari said.

  “Yes, isn’t she?” Darling replied with obvious warmth.

  Smiling down at the child, Cosmo said, “Won’t you introduce us to your charming companion?”

  “Certainly.” He took the girl’s delicate hand into his. “Miss Lamarre and Lord Cosmo, allow me to present Anna, my ward.”

  “Your ward?” Cosmo looked from the girl to Darling and back again. “This is a surprise.”

  “You have been away from Dorset for many years,” Darling said. “Things do change.”

  “Apparently so.” He knelt, putting himself at the child’s eye level. “I’m very pleased to meet you, Miss Anna. How old are you?”

  “You need to brush your hair,” she answered; her eyes moved from his unruly locks to his face. “And I have six years. How old are you?”

  Charmed, he gave a light laugh. “I am very old. And you are correct that I should brush my hair. My mother used to always tell me so.”

  She looked at Mari. “Is she your mother?”

  Suppressing a burst of laughter at the way Mari’s expressive dark brows shot up, he said, “No, she is my friend.”

  “Where is your mother? Why didn’t she tell you to brush your hair this morning?”

  “Anna,” Darling said, “such inquiries are impolite.”

  “Oh, it’s quite all right. I appreciate a forthright lady.” He turned his attention back to the girl. “My mother lives in heaven.”

  Anna’s eyes rounded. “My mother lives in heaven too. She died when I was very little. I don’t remember her.”

  “You don’t say,” Cosmo said. “Do you suppose your mother and mine are sitting on a cloud together right now, enjoying a cup of tea?”

  “Uncle says my mama watches over me.”

  “I’m certain your uncle is correct.”

  A carriage pulled up and a footman jumped down to open the door. “Our conveyance is here,” Darling said. “It was lovely to see you, but we must away.”

  Cosmo straightened up, his eyes still on the girl. “Darling, do bring your ward to visit Langtry. It would cheer Aldridge considerably to make her acquaintance.”

  “Where do you live?” Anna regarded him with inquisitive eyes. “Is it near Kenwood?”

  “Yes, very,” Cosmo answered. “It is also near the coast. If you come to visit, we shall go to the beach and look for fossils.”

  Interest sparked in her eyes. “Oh, I love shells. May we go, uncle?”

  “I don’t see why not.” Darling started toward the carriage. “Come along, Anna.”

  “It was very nice to meet you, Miss Anna,” Cosmo said. “I do hope to see you again very soon.”

  “We shall endeavor to visit soon.” Picking Anna up, Darling swung her into the coach in a gesture that seemed a familiar ritual between the two.The girl laughed and helped launch herself into the conveyance. The nurse climbed in after her, followed by Darling. Cosmo looked on as the carriage jerked forward and ambled down the busy street.

  “Well, well, well,” he murmured.

  Mari glanced up at him. “Do you care to explain that look on your face?”

  “Beg pardon?” He’d almost forgotten her presence. “I’d wager my inheritance that girl is Darling’s bye blow.”

  She looked after the vanishing coach. “Do you think so?”

  “Why else would her existence be a secret?”

  “Not exactly a secret. He’s out with her in the middle of town.”

  “And yet the fact that he has a ward is hardly common knowledge.”

  A doubtful frown marked her face. “I suppose their coloring is somewhat similar, but they do not look very much alike.”

  “She’s six years old, which means Darling wasn’t as devoted to Elinor as he would have had us all think.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “The timing of that child’s birth suggests he was tupping her mother during the same period he was pressing his suit to make Ellie his wife.” Tapping a finger against his lips, his thoughts fell into place. “Perhaps my sister discovered his perfidy. That would explain her sudden decision to wed elsewhere. I’ve always been confounded by the swiftness with which she met and married Laurent and moved to France.”

  “He certainly seems to dote on the child.”

  “Exactly my point.” He offered his arm, and they proceeded walking. “He tends to her as one would a beloved daughter.”

  “You do realize she could hold his affection even if she were just his ward.”

  “Then why the need for secrecy? Darling was like a son to my father and almost as close as a brother to Elinor and me. Why keep Anna’s existence a secret unless he is attempting to hide his dishonorable and disloyal behavior toward my sister?” He smirked. “What an unexpected turn of events.”

  She shook her head in reproof. “You seem more amused than aggrieved.”

  “I hate the idea that he might have hurt Ellie, although I honestly don’t think she ever cared for him in that way.” He suppressed a smile. “But Darling was always the perfect boy who grew into a model gentleman. He’s the saint; I’m the sinner. Those were our roles.”

  “And now you delight that he is not perfect after all? Surely you already knew that.”

  “Of course I was aware. God’s teeth, no one is perfect.” They paused at a corner. Looking both ways, he escorted Mari across the street. “Darling has always been the soul of discretion. Nothing but good manners and courtesy from that one. Today’s revelation rather shatters that image.”

  “Who do you suppose Anna’s mother is?”

  “I’ve no idea.”

  “You were very good with the girl.”

  “Was I?” The notion surprised him. For the most part, he took little notice of children unless they made a nuisance of themselves by crying and carrying on, in which case he found them aggravating. But something about Darling’s ward drew him. Perhaps the sensation stemmed from latent brotherly affection he harbored for the girl’s father. After all, he was practically her uncle. “It’s rather like riding in your balloon.”

  “What is?” she asked.

  “You think you know everything about a person or a place just because they are so familiar to you. And then you get a look at the larger picture and see you really didn’t know anything at all.”

  “You have said Lord Darling is a decent sort, and it does speak well of him that he is raising her.”

  “Quite right. I am not at all surprised he would look after his own flesh and blood, even a child born on the wrong side of the blanket. Darling always does the right thing.” He looked off in the direction of the viscount’s long-departed coach. “Or at least I thought he did.”

  Chapter Ten

  That evening, long after the household had retired, Mari slipped out of her chamber and down the stairs. Now that she knew about the secret cupboards and hidden passages, she planned to renew her search with an eye toward discovering the clandestine spaces. Entering the conservatory, she tread silently on the parquet floors and examined the walls inch by inch, trying to detect any hidden panels.

  “It’s not there.”

  She turned around, not at all surprised to find Cosmo lounging against the doorjamb in a loosely belted dressing gown that revealed the dark tufts of hair
on his chest. His large feet and rounded masculine calves were also bare.

  Her blood rushed at the sight of him, not because he’d caught her snooping, but because she felt certain he wore nothing under the deep-purple dressing gown. “Where then?”

  “You’re standing on it.” She looked down at the blue-and-beige geometric motif of the Axminster carpet beneath her feet. When he knelt at the corner, she saw that the ends of his mahogany mane were damp, as though he’d just bathed. His velvet gown stretched open to bare a wide swath of strong male thigh dusted with dark hairs. “If you would—”

  She stepped away, allowing him to toss back the rug to expose the trapdoor. She went toward it, but he moved to the same spot so quickly she almost slammed into his hard, bare chest. The scent of soapy-clean man and cedar whirled around her. “Not so fast.”

  She bit her lip, her body sensitive to the proximity of his. “Why would you show it to me if you won’t allow me to search it?”

  “Oh, I didn’t say I wouldn’t allow it.”

  She crossed her arms and fixed a firm look on him. “Speak plainly.”

  “Very well.” His eyes were warm. “I’ll show you the secret chamber beneath us once I get you beneath me.”

  A tremor of arousal shivered through her. “You would coerce me to lie with you even if I were unwilling?” She spoke with false bravado because they both knew he wasn’t forcing her to do anything she wasn’t already burning for.

  He looked down at her white dressing gown, to where the hardened tips of her breasts pressed against the delicate fabric. He traced a light finger over one hardened point, lazily sliding it over to the other aroused tip, leaving a shivering trail of sensation in its wake. “You hardly appear unaffected,” he said, the waver in his voice suggesting he wasn’t either.

  “Very well. We have an agreement.” She smiled shakily, pulling her belt loose. It was folly, but she wanted him again. She’d craved him in this way ever since their glorious previous encounter. Her gown fell open to reveal the bare skin underneath. “Just so you are aware, I would have done it for nothing.”

  The chords of his throat slid up and down. “So I had hoped.” His eyes were glued to where the open robe exposed a column of pale skin from her neck down to the valley between her breasts, over her belly, to the triangle of fur shielding her sex.

  Wrapping his large hands around her waist, he swept her off the floor with ease, carrying her to the piano with that strapping stevedore’s body of his. It was a male show of strength and dominance that should have rattled her. Instead, it excited her.

  He set her atop the pianoforte, and the coolness of the sleek surface pressed through her gown to her heated skin. Spreading her legs apart with firm hands, he stepped between them, causing her gown to fall open, revealing her bare thighs. He drew a sharp breath. “I have never known a woman like you, Mari Lamarre.” He bent to her breasts, taking one heavy tip into his mouth, scraping it lightly with his teeth before drawing it into his lips, suckling her with a strong, insistent mouth.

  She moaned, brushing kisses atop his head as he feasted on her breasts, molding them, loving them with his mouth and tongue and teeth. Slipping her hands under his robe, she pushed the fabric away, feeling the broad strength of his shoulders and the enticing warmth of his skin before the dressing gown slipped off, leaving him completely bare. His mouth came up to meet hers, and he settled those exquisite kisses on her, his tongue moving inside her mouth with demanding, provocative strokes.

  Then he was lifting her off and away from the pianoforte, turning her so that her back faced him. His hands cupped and massaged her breasts while he kissed her neck. Abruptly he bent her over, his hands moving to the sides of her hips to pull her back. “Have you ever made love like this? I’m going to take you from the back.”

  Shaking her head no, and realizing she was no match for him when it came to the sensual arts, she braced her palms against the pianoforte at his gentle direction, bending forward to take him as he penetrated her from behind. She gasped in surprised appreciation when he entered her with a quick decisive stroke at an angle that allowed for deep penetration, hitting a particularly sensitive spot she hadn’t even known existed. Holding her hips steady, he pounded into her, thrusting harder and deeper with each movement, the drag and pull creating a delicious friction. The slapping sounds of their physical union reverberated through the dark chamber.

  One of his hands slid away from her hip to the place between her legs, flicking expertly over just the right spot, the intense sensation making her almost delirious. She came violently, pleasure quaking through her in powerful waves. He quickly followed, reaching his own climax with a series of fierce shudders. With one final stroke, he released his seed inside of her. For a few moments, all quieted save their harsh breathing. He slipped a strong arm around her waist, resting his roughened cheek against her shoulder. She practically collapsed against him since all strength had abandoned her quivering limbs. He pressed a gentle kiss between her shoulder blades, the moist heat of his quick breaths spreading gooseflesh over her skin.

  “Coupling with you is a superior experience.” His hand stroked down her back and over the swell of her buttock. “Are you all right?”

  She was far better than just all right. Her insides glowing with lazy sexual satisfaction, she turned around and kissed him. “Supremely so.”

  He returned her kiss so tenderly that her heart expanded in her chest. Suddenly, he drew back, his face grave. “Bloody hell. I neglected to withdraw again.”

  She should care, of course. A pregnancy would be a disaster, but she couldn’t seem to summon the emotion. Instead she shrugged, feeling warm inside. “That was careless of us.”

  “You don’t seem overly concerned.” His dark gaze sharpened on her. “Does this happen often with your other lovers?”

  The warm feeling vanished. Straightening away from him, she reached for her dressing gown and drew it on, pulling the fabric closed to shield her bare skin from his gaze. “I wonder if you comprehend the number of insults in that question.”

  “Beg pardon?” The crétin had the temerity to appear surprised. “I’m afraid I don’t understand. It is a reasonable question.”

  She tied her belt, tightening it with an exaggerated movement. “How many other lovers do you think I have?”

  “I’ve no idea.” His lips pressed into each other. “Perhaps you’d care to enlighten me.”

  “I doubt that’s possible.” That he assumed she took numerous lovers shouldn’t matter to her. He certainly made no secret of his own numerous liaisons. But it grated and left her feeling deflated somehow. Pushing all emotion aside, she said curtly, “I’ve fulfilled my end of the bargain. Now, if you please…” She gestured toward the trapdoor. “It is time for you to honor yours.”

  “Very well. Although you are wasting your time. ” Moving over to pull it open, he stepped aside to allow to her to descend into the cramped space. “There is nothing here to find. These are all empty, dusty passages that have not been used in years. What exactly is it that you think you’re looking for?”

  She shot him a wry look. “Full disclosure was not part of our agreement.”

  “All the same.” He stepped down after her. “I think I shall come along and keep an eye on you.”

  They were at breakfast the following morning when Boyle announced the delivery of two packages.

  Instantly on alert, Mari placed her teacup back on its dish with great care, observing Aldridge’s reaction to discern whether this might be the signal he’d been waiting for. His reaction suggested it was not. Cocking his head toward the butler, the marquess showed only polite interest in the news, and no detectable sign of alarm or distress.

  “Splendid.” Cosmo wore a pleased look on his face. “Have the large one delivered to the stables and the smaller one taken to Miss Lamarre’s chamber.”

  “My chamber?” Mari asked with an upward lift of her brows. “I cannot accept a gift.”

h, do tell us what it is,” said Rosie Chalcroft, her eyes alight with obvious interest. She’d stopped by on her morning ride and had been immediately invited to join them for breakfast.

  “It is a thank you, if you will,” Cosmo said to Mari, “for taking me on the ride of my life in the balloon.”

  Her face warmed at the memory of their sky-bound lovemaking. Meeting his eyes with her own, she detected an answering spark of heat there.

  Maxim, who along with Marcel was making a rare breakfast appearance, said, “You went up in the balloon, Dunsmore?”

  Breaking eye contact, Cosmo took a bite of kidney pie. “I did.”

  Rosie’s probing gaze moved between Cosmo and Mari. “When did this occur?”

  “A few days past, when you and Maxim went into the village,” Mari said.

  “Who gave chase?” Marcel asked.

  “Two of the stable grooms. Not to worry.”

  “Did you jump as well?” Maxim asked Cosmo with genuine interest.

  “Goodness no.” Cosmo affected a theatrical shudder. “If the good lord had wanted us to fly, he’d have given us wings.”

  Aldridge said, “Really, Cosmo, you have no appreciation for progress. Next thing I know, you’ll be off to join the Luddites.”

  Cosmo finished chewing a bite of kidney pie. “It is not progress I object to, it is the putting of one’s life in danger on a routine basis.”

  “Which you do every time you mount that stallion of yours,” Mari replied.

  “Do you not enjoy riding, Miss Lamarre?” Rosie asked.

  “I do not. I never learned,” she said, avoiding looking at her brothers, both of whom knew the real reason she didn’t go anywhere near horses.

  Aldridge’s attention went from Mari to Cosmo. “I find it difficult to believe you convinced Cosmo here to go up in your balloon.”

  Cosmo passed a cloth napkin over his lips. “Miss Lamarre’s passion for aerostation has opened my mind to the delights it can offer.” He rose to his feet. “Miss Lamarre, I would be most grateful if you would accompany me.”


  “If it is not too much trouble.”

  Her brothers stood also, practically fidgeting with impatience. Again she wondered why they had decided to take breakfast in the big house this morning, rather than having the food delivered to the cottage as they usually did.


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