Sufficient Encouragement: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (When Love Blooms Book 1)

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Sufficient Encouragement: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (When Love Blooms Book 1) Page 25

by Rose Fairbanks

  She began to sob. “He said he would leave a mark for you to believe me.”

  He grabbed her shoulders to pull her close, but she stiffened in pain. He misunderstood.

  “Forgive me; of course, you are still repulsed by me.”

  “No, no,” she said firmly. Then she began to pull one side of her sleeve down to expose the bruises. “You see.”

  Wickham’s fingers had left ugly bruises, but then lower, near her breast, was one from his kiss.

  “Dear God,” Will said with true remorse.

  He did not say anything else, did not move a muscle, and Elizabeth continued to silently cry. She was not even half done with her piece yet.

  “Elizabeth, you must tell me. Did...did he violate you?”

  She shook her head vehemently. “No...not entirely; not really, that is. He thought you would not have me. He was especially keen that you marry me.”

  He let out a bitter laugh. “Then he does not know you as well as he thinks he does.”

  “Oh no, he understands me perfectly. He knew exactly what I would do.”

  “Which is?”

  “Come to you for help and...”


  She met his eyes. She had once thought he was capable of wanting her dishonourably. Now she knew he would never accept such a proposition. “I cannot be indebted to you, sir. There is only one thing I can give.”

  “I will not have you only out of obligation. You do not need to repay me for finding some way to protect your family.”

  “You are honourable, and that is why you will not spurn my belated acceptance to your proposal.”

  “I thought I was the last man in the world you could accept. Leave me in peace. I will call on your relatives when I have come up with some plan to get rid of Wickham.”

  He moved to step past her, undoubtedly to open the door and escort her from his home. She reached for his arm, and he paused just long enough for her to whisper, “Will.”

  In an instant, he pushed her against the wall and kicked the door shut. He stood before her, breathing heavily, his eyes searching hers. A tear trickled down her cheek, and he caught it with his thumb.

  She whispered, “Could you, that is, would you please replace the memories of Wickham?”

  His gaze had dropped to her mouth, but he appeared not to hear the words she said, for he blurted out, “What?”

  “Please kiss me. Kiss away the memories.” Her heart ached for him.

  He paused. His eyes had returned to hers and searched them again.

  “Please...” She was unable to finish before his lips met hers.

  Wickham’s kiss had been ugly and rough, but Will’s kiss was so soft and tender that she cried. He released her mouth and kissed her eyes as his hands smoothed away her tears. He kissed her forehead and cheeks before returning to her mouth. There he applied gentle but insistent pressure, and she began to respond. This was exactly what she imagined. Exactly as it should be.

  He released her mouth and kissed her again and again with increasing frequency until he caught her bottom lip. She gasped, and then he covered her mouth fully and almost shyly flicked his tongue in her mouth. It was heavenly and intoxicating.

  She entirely forgot about Wickham and what he had done. She only felt Will. She felt his strong arms surround her and pull her close. Then his hands grazed her body, sending sparks of fire everywhere. She felt warm but only wanted to rub closer to him. She pushed further into him and wound her arms around his neck to keep her balance as her legs threatened to melt under her.

  At last, he pulled his mouth away from her lips and travelled down her neck. He tugged at her sleeves and tenderly kissed her bruises. His lips swept across her collarbone and then lower. Suddenly, he stopped, causing her to open her eyes. His were upon her again, and she understood him at last.

  “Yes,” she told him. Yes, match Wickham’s mark. Brand her whole body.

  For several glorious moments, he licked and sucked below her neckline, and she ran her hands through his hair in approval. His lips travelled up her neck and to hers once more before parting from her body at last.

  “I have no idea if I have kissed enough to make a mark, but I needed to taste your lips again.”

  Elizabeth smiled broadly and then seemed to catch his words. “No idea? You have not done that before?”

  “I kissed Sally Parker, the housekeeper’s visiting niece, on the cheek when I was eight years old. Otherwise, no, honourable gentlemen do not have much reason to kiss ladies.”

  Elizabeth laughed in reply.

  “Have I erased the memories, Elizabeth?”

  She wanted to say yes, but Wickham had chosen wisely how to leave his mark. “You will on our wedding night.”

  Will’s face showed panic. “But you said he did not violate you.”

  She gulped. “I said not entirely.”

  His face suddenly looked grim and hard, and she turned away. “I...I understand.” She tried to move, but he still held her in his arms.

  “I love you. Do you understand that?” He punctuated it with a deep kiss. “Do you?”

  “Yes,” she replied breathlessly as he trailed kisses down her throat. “Yes.” She did not know if she was replying to his question or encouraging him for more.

  His hands travelled over her body again, this time unhurried and fully exploring. She pressed into him once more and ran her hands up his chest before resting them on his neck and easing her fingers under his cravat, causing him to groan. His fervent kisses slowed, and he kissed up her face and paused on her forehead. When her breathing evened, she laughed.

  “I would ask if it usually feels so wonderful, but I suppose you have no idea.”

  He returned her laughter. “I doubt anything about you is usual, but I will say it was thrilling and everything I hoped for.”

  She raised an eyebrow and wickedly asked, “Everything?”

  He growled into her ear, “For now; the rest must wait for our wedding night.”

  She was still in a daze. “Wedding night?”

  “I believe you declared I am honour-bound to you.”

  She grinned. “You certainly are after all of this!”

  He swiftly kissed her lips. “It would be best if we quit discussing that. I only have so much control.”

  Oh, she wanted to tease! But she decided for once not to allow her spirits to lead her astray. She sobered and chose to address what needed to be said. “You still love me?”

  “Did you doubt I would?”

  “I thought you would hate me. I thought...I thought you would think less of me than I do of you at the moment.” She hung her head. “You should think less of me.”

  “I think less of myself. You are clever. If I had not first insulted you and then gave offence at every turn, you would have seen Wickham’s lies. To know that I could make such a clever, intelligent woman believe I was so arrogant and cruel that she needed to intervene so her sister and my friend could marry is humbling.”

  “I was wrong! So wrong!”

  “No, I hold the greater blame.”

  “Very well, we shall not quarrel over this, but only because I find you so lovely right now.”

  He looked surprised. “You find me lovely?”

  “Have you never been complimented on your looks?”

  “Not by Elizabeth Bennet. In all the times I imagined and hoped for it, I never put those words in your mouth.”

  “What words did you put in my mouth?”

  He tapped her nose. “Later, minx. You shall not distract me. I nearly wish to shout on the rooftop that Elizabeth Bennet finds me lovely.” She pursed her lips, and he gently kissed them. “You are content to only esteem me to begin our marriage?”

  “Oh, Will,” she murmured. “I more than esteem you. I do not know when it happened, but all the while Wickham was...assaulting me, I could only think how I had to see you again and tell you. I love you. I loved you when you offered me marriage, but my pride was wounded. I had det
ermined to never marry another, but when he attacked me after my refusal, all I could think of is that I had to see you. I would see you and make you love me again.” She whispered the last words.

  He shook his head a little and then leaned his forehead to touch hers. “My lovely Elizabeth, I could never stop loving you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Georgiana returned to her London home after a day of shopping with her aunts and female cousins. Aunt Eleanor and Aunt Catherine butted heads at every turn. Georgiana was too overwhelmed and Anne was too timid to help Lady Belinda attempt to facilitate any compromises. Exhausted, she wanted nothing more than to see her brother for a moment before resting until dinner. Seeing the butler in the hall intrigued her.

  “Oaks, is something amiss?”

  “A Miss Elizabeth Bennet insisted on meeting with the master…”

  “Lizzy is here?” Georgiana began walking down the hall.

  “I would not go in—” He gave up as she threw open the door.

  William and Lizzy had been in an embrace and immediately parted.

  Georgiana blushed scarlet and murmured an apology. She turned to leave.

  “Georgie, wait,” Lizzy said.

  Georgiana turned and saw her friend was blushing as well, but she held out her arms, and the younger girl fell into them.

  “I have missed you so much!” Georgiana said as she squeezed Lizzy tight.

  “And I you.” Lizzy returned the squeeze.

  “But what are you doing here?”

  Lizzy laughed and pulled back. She looked at William with so much affection in her eyes that all of Georgiana’s anxieties were immediately calmed.

  “Tell her our news,” Lizzy said to William.

  He returned the affectionate gaze for a moment before turning his attention to Georgiana. She could tell he was attempting to control a smile. “You will be very cross with me, Georgie.”

  “Why is that?” she said.

  “Because I will remain your dearest brother, but I am afraid you will have to share the role of my dearest girl with my wife.” He allowed the smile to win at last. “Elizabeth has agreed to marry me.”

  Georgiana clapped her hands and laughed. “I knew it would be so!”

  “Thank you for securing my letter,” William said to her.

  “You read it?” she asked Lizzy.

  “As soon as Mrs. Harrison gave it to me. I believed it immediately,” she said and quickly glanced at William before casting her eyes down.

  “And then you arranged to come to London!” Georgiana supplied the rest when it seemed neither her brother nor her future sister was forthcoming with more information.

  “Sir,” Oaks entered the room, “there is a Mrs. Gardiner asking if you have any information on the whereabouts of her niece.”

  “Oh! I forgot! I did not mean to worry them!” Elizabeth began walking towards the door, but William gently grasped her hand.

  “Please assure her that Miss Elizabeth is well and invite her to the blue drawing room. We will go up directly.”

  The butler nodded and left for his tasks.

  “Oh, Lizzy! You will have to meet the family. James is engaged. Did you know? Of course not.” Georgiana chatted on nearly without a breath as they walked. “Richard was engaged first, but then James finally decided to offer for Anne. Of course, my aunts wanted both of them for William first, but never mind that. Aunt Eleanor has already hosted one party, but we could host a dinner with all of us here soon. You will adore Lady Belinda.”

  She finally ceased speaking as she realised they were several steps behind her. Lizzy appeared to be walking slowly up the stairs and leaning heavily on William’s arm “Are you injured?”

  “My ankle is healing slowly,” Lizzy said and offered a weak smile.

  Georgiana knit her brows. She had sprained it over three weeks ago. “Should we go back?”

  “We will be there in only a few more steps,” William said. “Go on ahead and assure Mrs. Gardiner that all is well.”

  She nodded and upon opening the door was surprised to see Jane as well. “Jane?”

  “Georgie!” She was pulled into another embrace.

  When they separated, Jane introduced her to Mrs. Gardiner. By the time they had completed that, William and Lizzy had arrived, and the task of introductions fell to Georgiana. Soon they were all seated with refreshments.

  “I hope you are not very cross with me for using subterfuge and coming here without a chaperone,” Lizzy said to her aunt.

  “I daresay it rather depends on the result of your errand,” Mrs. Gardiner replied with a smile.

  Elizabeth again looked at William to make the announcement. “I have asked for Miss Elizabeth’s hand in marriage, and she has accepted.” He smiled so widely that Georgiana believed his face would crack. Congratulations immediately came from Jane and Mrs. Gardiner.

  They had just finished their tea when Mrs. Gardiner stood. “It has been a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Miss Darcy, and I look forward to many more meetings, but we must return home.”

  Georgiana immediately extended an invitation to the proposed dinner, to be held in two days’ time, and was readily accepted. William assisted Lizzy down the stairs again. She managed to overhear the ending of their conversation.

  “I regret that I cannot call on you tomorrow, Elizabeth,” William said.

  “Well, my arrival was unexpected,” Lizzy said with a smile. “In seriousness, I do understand the importance of your task tomorrow and wish you Godspeed.”

  “It is for both of us, my love.”

  Georgiana had no idea what errand William had on the morrow but blushed to hear his private words of endearment and directed her attention to Jane and Mrs. Gardiner.

  The ladies soon boarded a carriage and returned to Gracechurch Street. William offered her his arm, and the siblings walked back to their house with identical full smiles on their faces. She knew her brother was happy to finally gain Elizabeth’s acceptance, and she was happy for him. However, her smile was of a more selfish motive, and she acknowledged it without regret or guilt. She felt as though she had gained a real family through her acquaintance with Elizabeth. Whatever life held in store for her, it could be neither boring nor terrifying with five sisters.


  Darcy and Bingley exited a hired coach and arrived at Arlington’s bachelor apartments where Denny was being kept under the watchful eyes of Mr. Truman and other men Richard hired. They had chosen to meet there instead of at the Matlock or Darcy residences for superior privacy. Upon entering, Darcy was pleased to see Denny seated and looking nervous as his relatives sat seemingly unaffected. All the better to unnerve the man.

  After a cool greeting, Darcy directly began. “I apologise for our late arrival. Mr. Bingley’s cousin is a barrister and was most helpful in assisting us.” He laid several papers before Denny. “You see before you, Mr. Denny, a list of extortion cases sentenced to death or transportation in the last several years.”

  Denny’s mouth dropped open. “No, see here, I am no street urchin. My family is respectable! A jury will not see me hang.”

  Arlington smiled smugly. “You would like to think that, but you targeted a peer of the realm, his wife, and his nephew.”

  “Not me! Wickham!”

  “You would be willing to testify to that?” Richard asked.

  Denny grew silent. “You will never take this to trial. You do not have anything asking for money, and you would not like to bring ladies into this.”

  At last, the earl sat forward and boomed, “I am sick unto death of this Wickham fellow being a menace to my family. My brother, George, was too kind to him, and William has been as well. I have no attachment to him, and while there is no cause for my countess to testify, I will defend her honour if needed.”

  Denny visibly swallowed. “Surely we can agree to something.”

  Richard laughed menacingly. “You expect payment! For us to protect your life!”

do you want, then?”

  The other men looked at Darcy and allowed him to speak. “You will rejoin your regiment and act as though you never knew the name Darcy. Go on with your miserable life however you please.”

  Denny quickly bobbed his head in assent. “And Wickham?”

  Darcy frowned. “He has proved to be much less trustworthy. He is being watched and shall not manage to leave his post. I will deal with him in person when his duties are complete.” He nodded at Arlington. It seemed his cousin ensured the loyalty of Captain Carter by recommending the Derbyshire Regiment, and his company in particular, for service.

  Having secured Denny’s agreement, all that was left was for him to sign a contract stating he would never harass a Darcy, Fitzwilliam, Bingley, Bennet, or Gardiner relative again. Darcy soon left for his next errand.

  An hour later, he arrived at Mr. Gardiner’s warehouse. It was not lost on him that before meeting Elizabeth, he never would consider entering such a place. He could be friendly with those beneath him, but to see an unacquainted man at work? Still, he desired to settle matters as soon as possible, and time was a growing concern.

  “Mr. Darcy,” Mr. Gardiner said upon his entrance, “a pleasure to meet you. Please have a seat.”

  Darcy sat and nervously tapped his leg, uncertain how to begin.

  “Since I am rather sure you are here about Lizzy, you may as well speak frankly.”

  “Sir, I do not know how much she has told you about her encounter with Mr. Wickham.”

  The older gentleman scowled. “Not nearly enough. I have had a letter from my brother, Bennet, saying he lost quite a bit in cards and now owes this Mr. Wickham a considerable sum.” He sighed in disgust. “Then he jests that since Lizzy is so headstrong in seeing to her own affairs, I had best consult her on how long she intends to stay with us, and that in his opinion, the lengthier the stay, the better. He gave me leave to act on his behalf for her.”

  Darcy scowled as well. “She has told the truth to you?”

  Mr. Gardiner shook his head. “Not really. We had a letter from her sister, Mary, stating Elizabeth missed Jane and would be arriving the following day. My wife and Jane kept insisting it was all in hopes of her meeting with you.” He looked Darcy up and down. “Clearly, she saw to that directly, but I had thought there were more nefarious reasons for her sudden departure and resistance to any discussion of Longbourn.”


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