Tales of Norse Mythology

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Tales of Norse Mythology Page 20

by Helen A. Guerber

  In token of affection for the dead and of sorrow for his loss, all had lain their most precious possessions upon his pyre, and Odin, bending down, now added to the offerings his magic ring Draupnir. It was noted by the assembled gods that he was whispering in his dead son’s ear, but none were near enough to hear what word he said.


  Dorothy Hardy

  These sad preliminaries ended, the gods now prepared to launch the ship, but found that the heavy load of fuel and treasures resisted their combined efforts and they could not make the vessel stir an inch. The mountain giants, witnessing the scene from afar, and noticing their quandary, now drew near and said that they knew of a giantess called Hyrrokin, who dwelt in Jötun-heim, and was strong enough to launch the vessel without any other aid. The gods therefore bade one of the storm giants hasten off to summon Hyrrokin, and she soon appeared, mounted upon a gigantic wolf, which she guided by a bridle made of writhing snakes. Riding down to the shore, the giantess dismounted and haughtily signified her readiness to give the required aid, if in the meantime the gods would take charge of her steed. Odin immediately despatched four of his maddest Berserkers to hold the wolf; but, in spite of their phenomenal strength, they could not restrain the monstrous creature until the giantess had thrown it down and bound it fast.

  Hyrrokin, seeing that now they would be able to manage her refractory steed, strode along the strand to where, high up from the water’s edge, lay Balder’s mighty ship Ringhorn.

  Seventy ells and four extended

  On the grass the vessel’s keel;

  High above it, gilt and splendid,

  Rose the figure-head ferocious

  With its crest of steel.

  —The Saga of King Olaf, Longfellow

  Setting her shoulder against its stern, with a supreme effort she sent it with a rush into the water. Such was the weight of the mass, however, and the rapidity with which it shot down into the sea, that the earth shook as if from an earthquake, and the rollers on which the ship glided caught fire from the friction. The unexpected shock almost caused the gods to lose their balance, and this so angered Thor that he raised his hammer and would have slain the giantess had he not been restrained by his companions. Easily appeased, as usual—for Thor’s temper, although quickly roused, was evanescent—he now boarded the vessel once more to consecrate the funeral pyre with his sacred hammer. As he was performing this ceremony, the dwarf Lit provokingly stumbled into his way, whereupon Thor, who had not entirely recovered his equanimity, kicked him into the fire, which he had just kindled with a thorn, and the dwarf was burned to ashes with the bodies of the divine pair.

  The great ship now drifted out to sea, and the flames from the pyre presented a magnificent spectacle, which assumed a greater glory with every passing moment, until, when the vessel neared the western horizon, it seemed as if sea and sky were on fire. Sadly the gods watched the glowing ship and its precious freight, until suddenly it plunged into the waves and disappeared; nor did they turn aside and return to Asgard until the last spark of light had vanished, and the world, in token of mourning for Balder the good, was enveloped in a mantle of darkness.

  Soon with a roaring rose the mighty fire,

  And the pile crackled; and between the logs

  Sharp quivering tongues of flame shot out, and leapt

  Curling and darting, higher, until they lick’d

  The summit of the pile, the dead, the mast,

  And ate the shrivelling sails; but still the ship

  Drove on, ablaze above her hull with fire.

  And the gods stood upon the beach, and gazed;

  And while they gazed, the sun went lurid down

  Into the smoke-wrapt sea, and night came on.

  Then the wind fell with night, and there was calm;

  But through the dark they watch’d the burning ship

  Still carried o’er the distant waters, on

  Farther and farther, like an eye of fire.

  So show’d in the far darkness, Balder’s pile;

  But fainter, as the stars rose high, it flared;

  The bodies were consumed, ash choked the pile.

  And as, in a decaying winter fire,

  A charr’d log, falling, makes a shower of sparks—

  So, with a shower of sparks, the pile fell in,

  Reddening the sea around; and all was dark.

  —Balder Dead, Matthew Arnold

  Hermod’s Quest

  Sadly the gods entered Asgard, where no sounds of merriment or feasting greeted the ear, for all hearts were filled with anxious concern for the end of all things which was felt to be imminent. And truly the thought of the terrible Fimbul-winter, which was to herald their death, was one well calculated to disquiet the gods.

  Frigga alone cherished hope, and she watched anxiously for the return of her messenger, Hermod the swift, who, meanwhile, had ridden over the tremulous bridge, and along the dark Hel-way, until, on the tenth night, he had crossed the rushing tide of the river Giöll. Here he was challenged by Mödgud, who inquired why the Giallarbridge trembled more beneath his horse’s tread than when a whole army passed, and asked why he, a living rider, was attempting to penetrate into the dreaded realm of Hel.

  Who art thou on thy black and fiery horse,

  Under whose hoofs the bridge o’er Giall’s stream

  Rumbles and shakes? Tell me thy race and home.

  But yestermorn five troops of dead pass’d by,

  Bound on their way below to Hela’s realm,

  Nor shook the bridge so much as thou alone.

  And thou hast flesh and color on thy cheeks,

  Like men who live, and draw the vital air;

  Nor look’st thou pale and wan, like man deceased,

  Souls bound below, my daily passers here.

  —Balder Dead, Matthew Arnold

  Hermod explained to Mödgud the reason of his coming, and, having ascertained that Balder and Nanna had ridden over the bridge before him, he hastened on, until he came to the gate, which rose forbiddingly before him.

  Nothing daunted by this barrier, Hermod dismounted on the smooth ice, and tightening the girths of his saddle, remounted, and burying his spurs deep into Sleipnir’s sleek sides, he put him to a prodigious leap, which landed them safely on the other side of Hel-gate.

  Thence on he journey’d o’er the fields of ice

  Still north, until he met a stretching wall

  Barring his way, and in the wall a grate.

  Then he dismounted, and drew tight the girths,

  On the smooth ice, of Sleipnir, Odin’s horse,

  And made him leap the grate, and came within.

  —Balder Dead, Matthew Arnold

  Riding onward, Hermod came at last to Hel’s banqueting hall, where he found Balder, pale and dejected, lying upon a couch, his wife Nanna beside him, gazing fixedly at a beaker of mead, which apparently he had no heart to quaff.

  The Condition of Balder’s Release

  In vain Hermod informed his brother that he had come to redeem him; Balder shook his head sadly, saying that he knew he must remain in his cheerless abode until the last day should come, but he implored Hermod to take Nanna back with him, as the home of the shades was no place for such a bright and beautiful creature. But when Nanna heard this request she clung more closely to her husband’s side, vowing that nothing would ever induce her to part from him, and that she would stay with him forever, even in Nifl-heim.

  The long night was spent in close conversation, ere Hermod sought Hel and implored her to release Balder. The churlish goddess listened in silence to his request, and declared finally that she would allow her victim to depart provided that all things animate and inanimate would show their sorrow for his loss by shedding tears.

  Come then! If Balder was so dear beloved,

  And this is true, and such a loss is Heaven’s—

  Hear, how to Heaven may Balder be restored.

  Show me through all the wor
ld the signs of grief!

  Fails but one thing to grieve, here Balder stops!

  Let all that lives and moves upon the earth

  Weep him, and all that is without life weep;

  Let Gods, men, brutes, beweep him; plants and stones.

  So shall I know the lost was dear indeed,

  And bend my heart, and give him back to Heaven.

  —Balder Dead, Matthew Arnold


  J. C. Dollman

  This answer was full of encouragement, for all Nature mourned the loss of Balder, and surely there was nothing in all creation which would withhold the tribute of a tear. So Hermod cheerfully made his way out of Hel’s dark realm, carrying with him the ring Draupnir, which Balder sent back to Odin, an embroidered carpet from Nanna for Frigga, and a ring for Fulla.

  The Return of Hermod

  The assembled gods crowded anxiously round Hermod as soon as he returned, and when he had delivered his messages and gifts, the Æsir sent heralds to every part of the world to bid all things animate and inanimate weep for Balder.

  Go quickly forth through all the world, and pray

  All living and unliving things to weep

  Balder, if haply he may thus be won!

  —Balder Dead, Matthew Arnold

  North, South, East and West rode the heralds, and as they passed tears fell from every plant and tree, so that the ground was saturated with moisture, and metals and stones, despite their hard hearts, wept too.

  The way at last led back to Asgard, and by the roadside was a dark cave, in which the messengers saw, crouching, the form of a giantess named Thok, whom some mythologists suppose to have been Loki in disguise. When she was called upon to shed a tear, she mocked the heralds, and fleeing into the dark recesses of her cave, she declared that no tear should fall from her eyes, and that, for all she cared, Hel might retain her prey forever.

  Thok she weepeth

  With dry tears

  For Balder’s death—

  Neither in life, nor yet in death,

  Gave he me gladness.

  Let Hel keep her prey.

  —Elder Edda, Howitt’s version

  As soon as the returning messengers arrived in Asgard, the gods crowded round them to learn the result of their mission; but their faces, all aglow with the joy of anticipation, grew dark with despair when they heard that one creature had refused the tribute of tears, wherefore they would behold Balder in Asgard no more.

  Balder, the Beautiful, shall ne’er

  From Hel return to upper air!

  Betrayed by Loki, twice betrayed,

  The prisoner of Death is made;

  Ne’er shall he ’scape the place of doom

  Till fatal Ragnarok be come!

  —Valhalla, J. C. Jones

  Vali the Avenger

  The decrees of fate had not yet been fully consummated, and the final act of the tragedy remains to be briefly stated.

  We have already seen how Odin succeeded after many rebuffs in securing the consent of Rinda to their union, and that the son born of this marriage was destined to avenge the death of Balder. The advent of this wondrous infant now took place, and Vali the Avenger, as he was called, entered Asgard on the day of his birth, and on that very same day he slew Hodur with an arrow from a bundle which he seems to have carried for the purpose. Thus the murderer of Balder, unwitting instrument though he was, atoned for the crime with his blood, according to the code of the true Norseman.

  The Signification of the Story

  The physical explanation of this myth is to be found either in the daily setting of the sun (Balder), which sinks beneath the western waves, driven away by darkness (Hodur), or in the ending of the short Northern summer and the long reign of the winter season. “Balder represents the bright and clear summer, when twilight and daylight kiss each other and go hand in hand in these Northern latitudes.”

  Balder’s pyre, of the sun a mark,

  Holy hearth red staineth;

  Yet, soon dies its last faint spark,

  Darkly then Hoder reigneth.

  —Viking Tales of the North, R. B. Anderson

  “His death by Hodur is the victory of darkness over light, the darkness of winter over the light of summer; and the revenge by Vali is the breaking forth of new light after the wintry darkness.”

  Loki, the fire, is jealous of Balder, the pure light of heaven, who alone among the Northern gods never fought, but was always ready with words of conciliation and peace.

  But from thy lips, O Balder, night or day,

  Heard no one ever an injurious word

  To God or Hero, but thou keptest back

  The others, laboring to compose their brawls.

  —Balder Dead, Matthew Arnold

  The tears shed by all things for the beloved god are symbolical of the spring thaw, setting in after the hardness and cold of winter, when every tree and twig, and even the stones drip with moisture; Thok (coal) alone shows no sign of tenderness, as she is buried deep within the dark earth and needs not the light of the sun.

  And as in winter, when the frost breaks up,

  At winter’s end, before the spring begins,

  And a warm west wind blows, and thaw sets in—

  After an hour a dripping sound is heard

  In all the forests, and the soft-strewn snow

  Under the trees is dibbled thick with holes,

  And from the boughs the snow loads shuffle down;

  And, in fields sloping to the south, dark plots

  Of grass peep out amid surrounding snow,

  And widen, and the peasant’s heart is glad—

  So through the world was heard a dripping noise

  Of all things weeping to bring Balder back;

  And there fell joy upon the Gods to hear.

  —Balder Dead, Matthew Arnold

  From the depths of their underground prison, the sun (Balder) and vegetation (Nanna) try to cheer heaven (Odin) and earth (Frigga) by sending them the ring Draupnir, the emblem of fertility, and the flowery tapestry, symbolical of the carpet of verdure which will again deck the earth and enhance her charms with its beauty.

  The ethical signification of the myth is no less beautiful, for Balder and Hodur are symbols of the conflicting forces of good and evil, while Loki impersonates the tempter.

  But in each human soul we find

  That night’s dark Hoder, Balder’s brother blind,

  Is born and waxeth strong as he;

  For blind is ev’ry evil born, as bear cubs be,

  Night is the cloak of evil; but all good

  Hath ever clad in shining garments stood.

  The busy Loke, tempter from of old,

  Still forward treads incessant, and doth hold

  The blind one’s murder hand, whose quick-launch’d spear

  Pierceth young Balder’s breast, that sun of Valhal’s sphere!

  —Viking Tales of the North, R. B. Anderson

  The Worship of Balder

  One of the most important festivals was held at the summer solstice, or midsummer’s eve, in honor of Balder the good, for it was considered the anniversary of his death and of his descent into the lower world. On that day, the longest in the year, the people congregated out of doors, made great bonfires, and watched the sun, which in extreme Northern latitudes barely dips beneath the horizon ere it rises upon a new day. From midsummer, the days gradually grow shorter, and the sun’s rays less warm, until the winter solstice, which was called the “Mother night,” as it was the longest night in the year. Midsummer’s eve, once celebrated in honor of Balder, is now called St. John’s day, that saint having entirely supplanted Balder the good.

  Chapter XXII



  Besides the hideous giant Utgard-Loki, the personification of mischief and evil, whom Thor and his companions visited in Jötunheim, the ancient Northern nations had another type of sin, whom they called Loki also, and whom we hav
e already seen under many different aspects.

  In the beginning, Loki was merely the personification of the hearth fire and of the spirit of life. At first a god, he gradually becomes “god and devil combined,” and ends in being held in general detestation as an exact counterpart of the mediæval Lucifer, the prince of lies, “the originator of deceit, and the backbiter” of the Æsir.

  By some authorities Loki was said to be the brother of Odin, but others assert that the two were not related, but had merely gone through the form of swearing blood brotherhood common in the North.

  Odin! Dost thou remember

  When we in early days

  Blended our blood together?

  When to taste beer

  Thou did’st constantly refuse

  Unless to both ’twas offered?

  —Sæmund’s Edda, Thorpe’s translation

  Loki’s Character

  While Thor is the embodiment of Northern activity, Loki represents recreation, and the close companionship early established between these two gods shows very plainly how soon our ancestors realized that both were necessary to the welfare of mankind. Thor is ever busy and ever in earnest, but Loki makes fun of everything, until at last his love of mischief leads him entirely astray, and he loses all love for goodness and becomes utterly selfish and malevolent.

  He represents evil in the seductive and seemingly beautiful form in which it parades through the world. Because of this deceptive appearance the gods did not at first avoid him, but treated him as one of themselves in all good-fellowship, taking him with them wherever they went, and admitting him not only to their merry-makings, but also to their council hall, where, unfortunately, they too often listened to his advice.


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