Small Wars, Faraway Places: Global Insurrection and the Making of the Modern World, 1945-1965

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Small Wars, Faraway Places: Global Insurrection and the Making of the Modern World, 1945-1965 Page 66

by Burleigh, Michael

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  The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the co
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  Abbas, Ferhat, 86–7, 88, 89, 129, 324, 348

  Abdullah, King of Jordan, 84, 100

  Abdullah CD, 161

  Academy of Peace and Tranquillity (Taiping racecourse), 173–4

  Acheson, Dean, 3, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 61, 64, 132, 136, 258, 259, 265, 267, 268, 446, 463, 493

  Achiary, André, 88–9

  Adams, John Quincy, 3, 52, 424

  Adamson, Joy, 353

  Adenauer, Konrad, 176

  Adoula, Cyrille, 393, 396, 397

  Afghanistan, 3

  Africa, 6, 102, 121–2, 379–408. See also individual countries

  and Britain, 401–8

  and United States, 378, 379–82

  Afrikaner National Party, 355

  Agatha Operation (1946), 96

  Ah Shoo, 183

  AIOC (Anglo–Iranian Oil Company), 76, 263–4, 265–6, 268

  Air America, 461

  Air Defense Command, 59

  Ajax Operation, 269–74

  Aldrich, Winthrop, 301–2

  Algeria, 6, 85–90, 352, 381

  Constantine Plan, 345

  and Cuba, 445

  demonstrations against the French and crackdown on Muslims, 88–90

  failed coup (1961), 348–9

  French rule, 85–86, 88–90, 129–30

  independence, 347, 351

  Muslim population, 322

  OAS attacks and killings, 350–1

  rise in nationalism, 86–7, 88

  and Second World War, 87–8

  Algerian Communist Party, 338

  Algerian war, 321–52, 401

  atrocities committed by FLN, 326

  background, 321–2

  Barricades Week, 347

  battle for Algiers, 332–6, 351

  criticism of French over, 337

  death toll, 326

  and de Gaulle, 341–2, 344–5, 346–7, 348, 349, 351

  Evian Agreement (1962), 351

  fighting between FLN and French, 323, 330, 345, 346, 348

  first phase, 323

  French counter-insurgency strategy, 330–1, 336

  French troop numbers, 328

  peace talks, 349, 351

  and Soviet Union, 338

  staunching of flow of FLN arms from ALN bases in Morocco and Tunisia, 335

  and United States, 338–40

  use of torture by French, 333–4

  Algiers, battle for, 332–6, 351

  Ali la Pointe, 332, 335

  Alliance Party (Malay), 187

  Almond, General Edward ‘Ned,’ 140–1

  ALN (Armée de Libération Nationale), 322, 328–9, 335, 345–6, 348

  Al-Wafd (Delegation) Party, 81

  American Friends of Vietnam, 232

  American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 252

  Amin, Mufti Hajj, 100

  Anadyr Operation, 443–4

  Anastasia, Albert, 416

  Anderson, George, 451

  Andropov, Yuri, 281

  Anglo–Egyptian Treaty (1936), 81–2, 84

  Anglo–Iranian Oil Company. See AIOC

  Anglo–Iraqi Treaty (1922), 74

  Anglo–Persian Oil Company, 74, 76

  Angola, 401

  Anvil Operation (1954) (Kenya), 371–2

  Ap Bac, battle of (1963), 469–70

  Apocalypse, Operation, 351

  Appian of Alexandria, 10

  Aquino, Benigno, 208

  Arab Revolt (1936–9), 93

  Arafat, Yasser, 289

  Aramco, 265, 274

  Árbenz, President Jacobo, 411–2

  Arc-en-Ciel (Cholon), 220

  Armas, Carlos, 412

  Armée de Libération Nationale. See ALN

  Armée Nationale Congolese (ANC), 386

  Aron, Raymond, 340

  ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam), 461, 469–70, 490

  Assault Brigade 2506, 435–6

  Association of the Friends of the Manifesto, 88

  Atkinson, Brooks, 53

  Atlante Operation, 223, 224

  Atlantic Charter (1941), 15, 359–60

  atom bomb, 67, 114–15, 131, 132

  Atomic Energy Commission, 59

  Atoms for Peace campaign, 256

  AT&T, 417

  Attlee, Clement, 101, 111, 112, 115, 267

  August Storm operation (1945), 104

  Aussaresses, Major Paul, 334

  Australia, 121

  Autumn Harvest Rebellion (1946) (Cholla), 71

  Ayub Khan, General, 314–5, 317, 413

  B-29 Superfortress, 59–60, 101, 144, 152, 228

  Baghdad Pact, 288, 290, 316

  Balfour Declaration (1917), 90, 120

  Bali, 45

  Ball, George, 247, 392–3, 446–7, 449, 463, 468, 481

  Ballard, J.G., 118

  Banda, Hastings, 404, 408

  Bandung Conference (1955), 4, 318, 337, 380

  al-Banna, Hassan, 83, 86

  Bao Dai, Emperor, 33, 125, 128, 215, 232, 238

  Baring, Lady Molly, 353, 354, 355

  Baring, Sir Evelyn, 353, 354–5, 356, 361, 363, 364, 370, 371, 374, 375–6, 377

  Barnett, Correlli, 117

  Batista, Fulgencio, 415–21

  Bay of Pigs, 434–6, 437, 448, 492

  Beal, John Robinson, 107–8

  Beaufre, General André, 331

  Bedell Smith, General Walter, 256

  Beeley, Harold, 340

  Begin, Menachem, 91, 92


  and the Congo, 384–6

  Ben Badis, Sheikh Abd al-Hamid, 86

  Ben Bella, Ahmed, 87, 321–2, 328, 329, 339, 348, 352, 445–6, 455, 493

  Ben-Gurion, David, 91, 289, 297–8

  Bergson, Henri, 248–9

  Beria, Lavrentii, 60, 278

  Berlin Wall, construction of, 430

  Best and the Brightest, The (Halberstam), 469

  Bevin, Ernst, 62, 94, 115, 119–21, 122, 123, 124

  Biaggi, Jean-Baptiste, 327

  Bigeard, Colonel Marcel, 331, 333–4, 335

  Binza Group, 389–90

  Birch, John, 105

  Bissell, Richard, 429, 437

  Blaizot, Roger, 127

  Blanc, Camille, 349

  Blundell, Michael, 361

  Bohannan, Lieutenant Charles ‘Bo,’ 199, 235

  Bohlen, Charles ‘Chip,’ 51, 61, 446

  Bolivia, 414

  Bonesteel, Charles, 68

  Bonsal, Philip, 423

  Boothby, Bob, 402

  Born Free (Adamson), 353

  Borodin, Mikhail, 30

  Bose, Chandra Subhas, 15, 17, 22

  Boucher, Major-General Charles, 166, 167

  Boumédiène, Houari, 348, 352, 493

  Bourne, Geoffrey, 187

  Brewster, Owen, 63–4

  Brezhnev, Leonid, 279, 455

  Bridges, Styles, 317–18

  Briggs, Sir Harold, 168–9, 175, 177

  Britain, 114–25, 257–63

  abandoning of support for Greece and Turkey, 56–7

  and Africa, 401–8

  armed forces reduction, 403

  and Egypt, 81–2, 83–4

  election (1945), 115

  election (1950/51), 257

  and India, 21–5, 121

  and Indonesia, 43–4, 45

  and Iran, 75–77, 79, 264–75

  and Iraq, 74–5

  and Korean War, 160

  maintaining of overseas empire after the war, 122–3
/>   and Malay Emergency, 6, 157–89

  and Middle East, 73–4, 288–9

  nuclear weapons, 262

  and Palestine, 90–9, 120–1, 123

  post-war economy and decline, 114, 115–19

  post-war rationing, 117–18

  relationship with Dominions, 121

  and restoration of French rule in Indochina, 35, 123–4

  and Second World War, 114–15

  and South Africa, 404–5

  and Suez Crisis, 283–303, 339

  trade unions, 117, 119

  and United States, 259–62

  winter (1947), 117–18

  British Advisory Mission (BRIAM), 466

  British Petroleum (BP), 76, 274

  Broadbent, Robert, 367

  Brockway, Fenner, 375

  Brooke, Field Marshal Alan, 114–15

  Brunei, 188

  Buddhist crisis, 470–1

  Bulganin, Nikolai, 300, 317

  Bumboko, Justin, 390

  Bundy, McGeorge, 446, 460–1, 480, 482–3, 486, 487, 489

  Burgess, Guy, 299–300

  Burke, Admiral Arleigh, 426

  Burma, 15

  Bush, George W., 1, 3

  Butler, Major-General Smedley, 410

  Butler, Rab, 258, 263, 297, 299, 301, 302

  Buttercup Operation (1953) (Kenya), 370

  Byrnes, James, 49–50

  Cabot Lodge, Henry, 215, 471–2, 473, 474, 477, 479

  Cadogan, Alexander, 124

  Calvert, Brigadier ‘Mad Mike,’ 167

  Cambodia, 35, 230, 231

  Campbell, Judith, 440

  Camus, Albert, 337

  Can, Ngo Dinh, 471

  Canada, 121

  Can Lao (Revolutionary Personalist Labour Party), 238–9

  Carlton Greene, Hugh, 177

  Carpentier, Marcel, 127, 128

  Casablanca conference (1943), 402

  Castle, Barbara, 375

  Castries, Colonel Christian, 225, 227

  Castro, Fidel, 9, 417–36, 442, 493

  and Agrarian Reform Law, 424–5

  background, 417–19

  and Bay of Pigs fiasco, 436

  CIA operations against and plot to assassinate, 429–30, 434–5, 439

  and Cuban Missile Crisis, 452–3

  Kennedy’s vendetta against, 436

  personality, 420

  popularity, 421

  pronounces himself a Marxist-Leninist, 430, 440

  regime of, 421–6

  relations with Cuban Communist Party, 423–6

  rise to power, 419–21

  sponsoring of subversion, 454


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