Small Wars, Faraway Places: Global Insurrection and the Making of the Modern World, 1945-1965

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Small Wars, Faraway Places: Global Insurrection and the Making of the Modern World, 1945-1965 Page 69

by Burleigh, Michael

  Masaryk, Jan, 62

  Masferrer, Rolando, 418, 496

  Massu, General Jacques, 36, 329, 332–3, 342–3, 345, 347, 496

  Massu, Suzanne, 329

  Mathenge, Stanley, 364

  Matos, Huber, 425

  Matthews, Herbert, 420

  Maudling, Reggie, 408

  Mau Mau insurrection, 6, 353–78

  alienation of potential supporters by Mau Mau, 372

  arrests of by Kenyan police, 364–5

  attacks on loyalist Kikuyu by Mau Mau, 363

  bombing of by RAF, 373

  and Collective Punishments Ordinance (1951), 363

  concentration camps, 374–5, 376

  creation of protected villages, 372–3

  detaining of suspected Mau Mau, 372

  hanging of Mau Mau, 368, 374

  Hola Scandal, 376

  initial response to by British, 364

  and Kenyatta, 362–3

  killings and atrocities committed by the Mau Mau, 363–4, 365–7

  Mau Mau forest camps, 373–4

  murder of Ruck family, 365, 368

  oath taking, 361–2, 363

  Operation Anvil, 371–2

  Operation Buttercup, 370

  Operation Hammer, 374

  Operation Progress, 375–6

  origin of name, 361–2

  police abuses and atrocities, 370–1

  psychologically breaking of Mau Mau detainees, 375–6

  raids by, 366–7

  settlers and anti-Mau Mau campaign, 368–9

  Mboya, Tom, 381

  MCP, 181, 188

  Meany, George, 482

  Mendenhall, Joseph, 473

  Mendès-France, Pierre, 323

  Menon, Krishna, 306

  Menzies, Robert, 295

  Meong, 212, 213

  Mesopotamia, 74

  M’Hidi, Larbi Ben, 334

  MI6, 8

  Michaelis, Colonel John ‘Iron Mike,’ 139–40

  Middle East, 73, 288–9

  and oil, 73–81

  post-war collapse of European authority, 73–4

  US policy in, 94–5

  Middle Eastern Defence Organization (MEDO) project, 316

  Mikoyan, Anastas, 281, 282, 427, 442, 449, 455

  Military Assistance and Advisory Group. See MAAG

  Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV), 465, 470

  Miller, Harry, 168

  Millspaugh, Arthur, 78

  Minh, General Duong Van, 463–4, 472

  Min Yuen (Masses Movement), 162, 169, 173, 182, 183, 185, 186

  Mirza, Iskander, 317

  Mitchell, Sir Philip, 354

  Mitterrand, François, 323, 328, 334

  Mobutu, Colonel Joseph, 389–91, 396, 397–8, 497

  Mogambo (movie), 353

  Mohammed Reza Shah, 78, 80

  Mollet, Guy, 298, 327–8, 344

  Molotov, Viacheslav, 50, 79, 230, 262, 278, 279, 338

  Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1939), 110

  Monckton Commission (1970), 407

  Mongoose Operation, 438–9, 442, 443, 454

  Monroe Doctrine, 409, 411

  Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard, 93, 97, 175

  Morocco, 324, 338

  Morrison, Herbert, 121, 264, 265, 267

  Morthur Operation (Congo), 395

  Morton, Jack, 177

  Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), 280

  Mossadeq, Mohammed, 9, 77–8, 79, 80, 263–9, 496

  operation to overthrow, 263, 269–74

  Mouloudia Football Club (Algeria), 86

  Mountbatten, Lord, 24–5, 43, 45

  Moutet, Marius, 128

  Mouvement National Algérien, 321

  Moyne, Lord, 93

  Mozambique, 401

  MRP (Mouvement Républican Populaire), 128

  Munongo, Godefroid, 393, 395

  Murphy, Robert, 87, 340

  Music USA – Jazz Hour (radio programme), 256

  Musketeer Operation, 295

  Muslim Brotherhood, 285, 286

  Muslim League, 23, 307

  Naegelen, Marcel, 90

  Naguib, General Mohammed, 84–5, 286

  Nagy, Imre, 281, 282, 283

  Naipaul, Sir Vidia, 10

  Nair, Govindan, 311

  NASA, 383

  Nasiri, Colonel Nematollah, 272, 273

  Nasser, Colonel Gamal Abdul, 9, 82, 84, 285, 288–90, 303

  arms deal with Soviet Union, 290

  assassination attempt against, 286

  death, 497

  and Eden, 289

  nationalization of Suez Canal, 291–3

  rise to power, 286–7

  and Suez Crisis, 298, 300–1

  National Agrarian Reform Institute (INRA), 424

  National Iranian Oil Company, 274

  National Liberation Front. See Viet Minh

  National Security Act (1947) (US), 58–9

  National Security Agency, 256

  National Security Council. See NSC

  National Will party, 79

  nation-building, 122

  NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 62, 113, 123

  Navarre, General Henri, 20–2, 217, 222–3, 224, 227

  Navarre Plan, 222

  Nazism, 1, 92

  Nedelin, Mitrofan, 428

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 23, 24–5, 121, 309–10, 311–12, 314, 317–20, 497

  Nendaka, Victor, 389–90

  Nenitas, 195–6

  Nepal, 319


  and Indonesia, 39, 40, 43–4, 45–6, 63–4

  New Guinea, 46

  New Zealand, 121

  Nhu, Ngo Dinh, 232, 234, 238, 470, 472, 474

  Nicaragua, 409, 413

  Nigeria, 4–5, 404

  Nitze, Paul, 133

  Nixon, Patricia, 414

  Nixon, Richard, 55, 153, 228, 246, 380, 414, 423, 426, 428, 429

  Nkrumah, Kwame, 319, 360, 391, 400–1, 404

  Norte, Ilocos, 203

  Northern Rhodesia, 407, 408

  North Korea, 20–1, 70, 71, 72, 105

  NSC68, 132–4

  NSC 5613/1, 413

  NSC (National Security Council), 51, 59, 108, 254, 254–6, 434

  nuclear weapons, 252–3

  Britain, 262

  China, 488

  France, 341

  Mao Zedong’s view on, 67

  Soviet Union, 60, 253, 262–3, 382, 428, 440–1

  United States, 59–60, 253, 262, 382, 428, 440–1

  Nuri as-Said, 75, 288, 292

  Nyaga, Captain Nyagi, 373

  Nyasaland (Malawi), 403, 404, 407, 408

  OAS (Organisation de l’Armée Secrète), 321, 349–51

  O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 394–5, 398

  O’Daniel, John ‘Iron Mike,’ 221

  O’Donnell, Justin, 391

  Odría, Manuel, 413

  Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), 198, 257

  oil, 73–81

  Open Skies campaign, 256, 382

  Operations. See specific operation

  Organisation de l’Armée Secrète. See OAS

  Organisation Spéciale (OS), 129–30, 321

  Organization of American States (OAS), 411, 418, 436

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 265

  Orta, Juan, 430, 434–5

  Ortiz, Jo, 327

  Ortsac Operation, 440

  Osman China, 186

  OSS (Office of Strategic Services), 20, 32, 33, 3
5, 36, 39, 46, 56, 249

  Overseas Food Corporation, 122

  Pak Hon-yong, 135

  Pakistan, 8, 23, 305, 306–7

  and China, 319–20

  joins Baghdad Pact, 316

  Kashmir dispute with India, 305–6, 309–10, 315

  and Korean War, 314

  and United States, 312–18

  Palestine, 82, 84, 90–1. See also Israeli-Palestinian conflict

  British Mandate in, 90–9, 120–1, 123

  British restriction on Jewish immigration to, 91, 92

  Exodus saga, 98

  King David Hotel attack, 96

  partition, 99, 100

  and Soviet Union, 99

  and United States, 94–5

  Zionist attacks against the British and response to, 96–8

  Panama, 409

  Pan-American Conference (1948), 256

  Panikkar, Kavalam, 311

  Paraguay, 413

  Park, Daphne, 389, 390–1

  Passage to Freedom Operation, 236

  Patel, Vallabhbhai, 312

  Pathans, 313

  Pathet Lao, 230, 461, 462, 463

  Patria, La (ship), 92

  Patti, Archimedes ‘Al,’ 32, 33, 34, 35, 39

  PBSUCCESS Operation (1954) (Guatemala), 412

  Pearl Harbor (1941), 15

  Peng Duhai, 143–4, 146, 150

  Penkovsky, Oleg, 441

  People’s Anti-Japanese Army. See Huks

  People’s Democratic Army, 71

  People’s Liberation Army (PLA), 66, 68

  Perlmutter, Amos, 99

  Perón, Juan Domingo, 418

  Persia, 74, 76

  Petraeus, General David, 6, 162

  Pflimlin, Pierre, 342, 343, 344

  Pham Van Dong, 31, 230

  Philippines, 15, 25–7, 191–210

  attempt to disband Huks by Americans and beginning of armed struggle, 194–5

  conflict between Huks and Japanese occupiers, 26–7, 192–3, 208

  conquest and occupation of by Japanese, 25–7, 191–2

  corruption of police force and attempt to improve reputation of by the Americans, 200

  counter-insurgency campaign against the Huks, 202–5

  deployment of police death squads (Nenitas) against the Huks, 195–6

  efforts to get Magsaysay elected in 1952 election, 206–7

  elections (1951), 205–6

  ‘eye of God’ campaign, 203

  Huk activity, 199–200

  independence (1946), 45

  and Lansdale, 197–207

  US conquest of and counter-insurgency campaign, 6, 25, 193–4

  US economic assistance, 209

  Philippines Communist Party, 192–3

  Phillips, Rufus, 473

  Pierce Arrow, Operation, 484

  Piñeiro, Manuel, 422

  Piroth, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles, 227

  Pishevari, Jafar, 79

  Platt Amendment, 415

  Pleven, René, 126–7

  Pliyev, General Issa, 444

  Po, Tony, 461

  Podgorny, Nikolai, 455

  Poland, 281

  Pollock, Jackson, 256

  Pol Pot, 2–3

  Pomeroy, William, 209

  Pompidou, Georges, 349

  Portugal, 401

  Potsdam conference (1945), 33–4, 101, 110, 114, 115

  Potter, Henry, 363–4

  Poujade, Pierre, 325

  Powell, Enoch, 377

  Power, Thomas, 448

  Powers, Gary, 383

  Preferential Alliance, Treaty of (1936), 81–2, 84

  Presidential Advisory Committee on Weather Control, 253

  Pritt, Denis, 365, 376

  Profiles in Courage (Kennedy), 433

  Profumo Affair (1963), 402

  Progress Operation (1957) (Kenya), 375–6

  Project Beefup, 465

  Project Tiger, 465

  Puerto Rico, 409

  Pye, Lucian, 466

  Qavam, Ahmad, 79–80, 268

  Quezón, Aurora, 208

  Quick Strike Operation (1953), 253

  Quiet American, The (Greene), 233, 242

  Quiet American, The (movie), 242–3

  Quirino, Elpidio, 197, 199, 205, 207

  Quirino, Tony, 207

  Radford, Admiral, 255

  Rahman, Prince Abdul, 186, 187

  Raja, Brigadier K.A.S., 394

  Rashidian brothers, 270, 271

  Razmara, Haj-Ali, 263, 264, 265

  Red Army, 19, 66, 76, 79, 99, 113, 281, 283, 445

  Renard, Delphine, 350–1

  Renville Agreement, 45

  Resurrection, Operation, 343

  Reza Shah Pahlavi, 77–8, 264, 266, 267, 268, 271–2, 273, 274

  Rhee, Syngman, 21, 69–70, 71, 72, 131–2, 136, 141, 154

  Rhodesian Front, 408

  Riahi, Taqi, 272

  Richardson, John, 464–5, 472

  Ridgway, General Matthew, 147, 148–50, 229, 255

  Roberto, Holden, 381

  Robertson, Brian, 175

  Rolling Thunder Operation (Vietnam), 487, 489

  Romania, 283

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 95

  Roosevelt, Kermit, 269–70, 271–2, 273–4, 285–6, 290, 497

  Roosevelt, President Franklin D., 2, 27–8, 44, 47, 49, 58, 94, 102–3, 125, 409–10, 411

  Platt Amendment rescinded by, 415

  Roosevelt, President Teddy, 409, 411

  Rosselli, Johnny, 429, 430, 494

  Rostow, Walt, 462, 463, 479, 481

  Rotheray, George, 173

  Roxas, Manuel, 194–5, 196

  Roy, Manabendra Nath, 15

  Royal Dutch Shell, 274

  Ruck, Roger and Esme, 365, 368

  Rumpunch Operation (1961) (Congo), 395

  Rusk, Dean, 55, 68, 136, 434, 435, 446, 469, 481

  Sadat, Anwar, 82–3, 84

  Safari, Operation (1960) (Congo), 387

  Sainteny, Jean, 35–6, 37, 38

  Sakhalin Island, 111

  Salan, General Raoul, 217, 223, 329, 332–3, 342–3, 344–5, 347, 348–9, 350, 351

  Salazar, António de Oliveira, 401

  Salisbury, Lord ‘Bobbety,’ 287–8, 299, 407–8

  Sandys, Duncan, 403

  Sarawak, 181, 188

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 117

  SAS, 167

  Savak, 274

  Scali, John, 451

  Schelepin, Aleksandr, 430, 455

  Schwarzkopf, Colonel H. Norman, 78, 271–2

  SDECE (Service de Documentation Extérieure et de Contre-espionage), 213

  SEATO (South East Treaty Organization), 231, 261–2, 262, 316

  Second World War, 13, 21–2, 47, 114, 321

  Semichastny, Vladimir, 455

  Serov, Ivan, 279

  Sétif (Algeria), 88–9

  Shao Liu, 172

  Shark Operation (1946), 96–7

  Sharon, Ariel, 289

  Shepherd, General Lemuel, 140–1

  Shepilov, Dmitri, 279, 280

  Shorty Kuk, 185

  Shtykov, General Terentii, 69, 132

  Shuckburgh, Evelyn, 258

  Sillitoe, Sir Percy, 169, 362–3, 364

  Simpson, Howard, 219, 220, 242

  Sinatra, Frank, 416, 429

  Singapore, Japanese invasion (1942), 14

  Sino–Soviet split, 455, 456, 457–60

  Sino–Soviet Treaty (1950), 67, 113

  SIS, 269, 270

  Sison, Teofilo, 199

Siu Mah, 186

  Sjahrir, Premier Sutan, 45

  Skrine, Sir Claremont, 78–9

  Slim, Bill, 167

  Slim, Field Marshal, 175

  Smith, Bedell, 270

  Smith, Earl, 420

  Smith, Ian, 408

  Smith, Rupert, 162

  Smuts, Marshall Jan, 355

  Snows of Kilimanjaro, The (movie), 353

  Solarium Project, 255

  Solod, Daniel, 400

  Somen, Izzie, 361

  Somoza, Anastasio, 413, 435

  Somoza, Luis, 435

  Sorenson, Ted, 446

  Soustelle, Jacques, 324, 326, 341

  South Africa, 121, 355, 403, 404–5

  South East Asia Command (SEAC), 43, 124

  South East Treaty Organization. See SEATO

  Southern Rhodesia, 355, 407

  South Korea. See Korea

  South Persian Rifles, 76

  South Vietnamese Army, 241

  Soviet Union, 2, 4, 8, 50, 52–4, 62, 109–14, 277–81

  and Algerian War, 338

  and China, 65, 67–8, 102–5, 106–9, 112, 113, 282–3

  and Congo, 387–8, 396–7

  and Cuba, 427–8, 441–2, 455

  and Cuban Missile Crisis, 442–56

  and Egypt and arms deal with Nasser, 280, 290

  Foreign Ministry, 279–8

  and Ghana, 400

  and Guinea, 399, 400

  and Hungary, 281–2

  and India, 317

  and Iran, 78–81

  and Kennan’s Long Telegram, 50

  and Korea, 68–70

  and Korean War, 134–6, 150–2

  and Latin America, 410–11, 420, 430

  and Middle East, 73

  and nuclear weapons, 60, 253, 262–3, 382, 428, 440–1

  and Palestine, 99

  and Poland, 281

  post-war relations with the West, 110–11

  post-war relations with United States, 50–4, 61, 101, 134

  Sino-Soviet split, 455, 456, 457–60

  and Suez Crisis, 299–300

  and Vietnam, 239–40, 468, 485–96, 487

  Special Branch

  and Malay Emergency, 169–70, 182–6

  Spruance, Raymond, 206, 207

  Sputnik, 382

  Stafford, Bill ‘Two-Gun,’ 166–7

  Stalin, Joseph, 2–3, 31, 53, 58, 60, 61, 109–14

  and China, 7, 19, 65, 67, 68, 104, 112

  death, 152, 277

  on Eisenhower, 245

  encounters with Mao, 67

  and India, 305

  and Iran, 79–81

  Khrushchev’s criticism of, 279, 457

  and Korea/Korean war, 131–2, 134–5, 142, 143, 144, 150–2

  and Palestine, 99

  post-war foreign policy, 110–11

  purges, 31, 112, 280

  Sterling Area, 117, 121, 161

  Stern, Avraham, 93

  Stern Gang, 93, 96, 97

  Stettinius, Edward, 49


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