Falling For Jack

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Falling For Jack Page 7

by Christina Carlisle

  “You could start by telling me why you said anything about our…our being intimate.”

  Good. She wasn't the only one grappling for words or was his hesitation deliberate? She couldn't tell.

  “I thought we had agreed to keep that information to ourselves,” Jack added, with a twist of his mouth.

  “My mother guessed.”

  “She guessed? You must have given something away.”

  The inquisition was on, well and truly. She looked along the aisle for one of the attendants. Surely they must be near to the flight leaving, for heaven’s sake.

  “I…I actually didn’t say anything, Jack, except that you had behaved like a gentleman.”

  “Huh. Such a gentleman that I seduced you and made you pregnant.”

  He wasn’t taking this well and who could blame him? Being accused of making a baby with a royal princess, then to be literally forced to accompany her to Challoner to face the music.

  “Excuse me, Your Royal Highness. Mr. Lucas.”

  Thank goodness. They were being interrupted at last. She concentrated on what the flight attendant relayed about the safety features of the aircraft, even though she had heard it many times before.

  “Mr. Lucas.” The attendant turned to Jack and gave him a flashing smile. “For your information, we have a satellite phone, a fax and a computer on board should you wish to make contact with your business.”

  “He won’t require them.” She could have bitten out her tongue as soon as she’d said the thoughtless words, which had drawn an enigmatic look from Jack.

  “And we have a well-equipped gymnasium. There are showers and toilets at the rear of the plane and when you are ready to sleep, we have a comfortable bed for you.”

  “Thank you. A double bed?”

  The attendant blushed under Jack’s teasing manner and Lara could have hit him.

  “I’m afraid not, sir. The main bedroom is for Her Highness but we will ensure you are very comfortable.”

  “I’m sure you will.”

  Lara pressed her lips together. He was flirting with the attendant. How dare he? She turned to look out of the window as the plane began to taxi toward the main runway.

  A touch on her knee made her jump. “We haven’t finished this conversation by a long shot,” he said, settling into his chair as the jet began its ascent.

  When the seat belt sign had been turned off, she remained seated not quite sure what to say next to the handsome and relaxed man in front of her. He was casually dressed in a short-sleeved blue and white checked shirt and clean, but very old, jeans with a tear across one knee. On his feet were navy sneakers and as she watched, he bent forward and removed them revealing one navy and one black sock.

  “You’re wearing odd socks,” she couldn’t help remarking.

  He grinned. “So I am. That’s what comes of having to leave home in a hurry. Does it bother you?”


  “Are you going to stay dressed in your Barbie doll outfit for the whole of the flight?”

  She sucked in a furious breath. She was sure he was being deliberately offensive first by openly flirting with the attendant and now, restarting his attack on her.

  “I will change shortly,” she replied, knowing she sounded prim. She politely refused the champagne the attendant now offered, noting Jack settled for a beer.

  “Let’s get back to sorting out our relationship, Lara. We need to get the story straight before meeting your parents.”

  She returned his intense stare. He was right, of course. For both their sakes, they couldn’t afford any more slip-ups and she did owe him a proper explanation.

  Gripping the arms of the chair, she began, “I was hesitant in talking about you and my mother suspected something had happened between us.”

  “She was right.”

  Lara waved a hand in the air to stop him interrupting. This was bad enough to explain as it was without his cryptic comments. “She asked if you had forced yourself on me.”

  She could sense his sudden tension and hurriedly continued, “I said no but we had made love—become lovers. She asked if we’d used protection and…and I couldn’t bring myself to answer.”

  She swallowed as Jack shifted in his seat.

  “That’s when my mother told me you would be invited to the palace as a friend of the family and we would wait and see if I was pregnant. My mother and the king, and probably their advisors, have it all planned.”

  “Why didn’t you tell the queen you couldn’t possibly be pregnant?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  “Besides, you could have taken a pregnancy test in Australia within a few days without this panic to get you home and insist I come with you.”

  “The palace wouldn’t risk anything like that in case word leaked out.” She frowned. “I guess you know all about a woman’s reproductive cycle?”

  “I was married, Lara.”

  Politeness kept her from questioning him further but she wondered if his wife had perhaps had a baby and miscarried.

  “My mother is more comfortable to let nature take its course.”

  “And you always do what your mother says, except tell the truth which leaves me to be the fall guy?” His harsh words ripped into her.

  She leaned forward, her eyes filling with tears. Suddenly it was important that he understood. “Jack, you know I had never been with a man before. When you made love to me, it was as if you tore away every conceivable reservation I have ever had. I know we didn’t have actual intercourse but, the way you caressed and kissed me, it was as if we had been the most intimate a man and woman can be, at least, it was to me. To tell my mother that it hadn’t happened would have destroyed something very precious and I couldn’t do it.”

  He was silent as she wiped a stray tear from her cheek. Would he understand? This man of the sea who had stolen her heart? Yes, he’d been married and probably had lots of relationships before and after his marriage. To him, their little episode on the island meant nothing. To her, it had changed her life.

  Jack took a long swallow of beer before speaking. “I think it might be best if we both stick to the story that you might be pregnant.”

  His voice sounded strange, deep and sort of husky. His expression had softened and a small smile played around his mouth. She had shown her vulnerability to him but she didn’t care. If it was only for three weeks, she would cling to every memory of being with him.

  “Did the advisor question you about…about a possible pregnancy?”

  “Obviously. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here, although he was very discreet. I thought for some obtuse reason of your own you had lied about our association so I kept quiet and did what I was told.”

  She twisted a tissue between her fingers. This was dreadful. “Did the advisor offer you money to keep quiet?”


  “They probably will when we get to Challoner. And I think you should take what they offer, which will be a substantial amount, I’m sure. It’s the least you deserve after putting up with this.”

  He finished his beer, placing the glass on the small table between them. “I don’t know whether you mean to be deliberately insulting, Lara, or whether these statements come naturally to you.”

  “I don’t know why you should be offended by my suggestion. You are dropping everything to fly to Challoner and losing pay because of it. You were hounded by the media and made to look like a criminal. You have been embarrassed and even threatened by my family. Why shouldn’t you seek recompense?”

  He watched the angry spark in her eyes. She seemed to have recovered from her bout of shyness and was bouncing right back at him. From what she said, Lara still believed him to be a lowly paid fisherman. That puzzled him. He knew very well his background had been checked by the Challoner officials on behalf of the royal family and government. It appeared Lara had not been informed and he wasn’t sure why. Surely she was going to be mighty pissed when she found out? Perhaps there w
ere reasons he didn’t know about and for the moment, he decided to play the game.

  “We’ll see. At present, I have been well recompensed. A flight in a luxurious private jet, an all-expenses paid holiday in Europe and the company of a beautiful princess. What more could a man ask for?”

  “Have you no shame? What about when we meet my parents and they accuse you of seducing their daughter?”

  He smiled. “I’m not worried about that. After all, they would have to know you would lose your virginity at sometime, and I think you’ve done well to last until you’re twenty-four years old.”

  Color rose in her cheeks as she said in a fierce whisper. “But, I’m still a virgin and you are insulting now.”

  This time he couldn’t help laughing. “Well, if it worries you so much, tell your parents you are still virginal. Otherwise, we’ll wait until you get your period and when you do, that will be my signal to fly home. Do I get the use of a private jet to take me back?”

  If looks could kill he would have been dead several times over in the past thirty minutes, he decided. He watched as she flung off her seatbelt and taking her handbag, walked toward the bedroom at the rear of the plane.

  Refusing another beer from the very attentive attendant, he leaned back in the comfortable chair, his expression thoughtful. He shouldn’t have teased her. In fact, he had been cruel slamming the words back in her face. He knew, for all her royal upbringing and mostly because of it, she was naïve and vulnerable and he was playing on it.

  He had to admit to being intrigued with Lara and still very smitten. She was an enigma. From what she had told him, she had spent some years in Australia at boarding school and then at university, but in a cloistered atmosphere with someone watching her every move. Who she talked to, who she partied with, who her men friends were.

  His guts tightened as he thought of her with other men. Had she had any serious relationships? He knew she was innocent sexually but there was such a thing as meetings of the minds. He’d seen all her various moods on the island. The proud look he had teased her about, which had caused him to label her a snob and then the opposite, an innocence and naivety she couldn’t hide. But, most of all, the fire and passion when he’d made love to her. The astonished look of pure ecstasy when she had climaxed and trembled in his arms.

  He went over what she had said about them making love. It must have taken courage to admit his lovemaking had meant so much to her. And he had been so overcome by her declaration he hadn’t been able to respond. He’d gulped his beer like an embarrassed teenager. So what if he had to face her parents? He’d made love to her, hadn’t he? As he’d said at the time, there were many ways of making love, and he couldn’t deny that if he’d been carrying protection with him nothing on earth would have stopped him from taking her virginity—so, who was he kidding?

  Jack glanced at his watch. She was taking her time. He hoped he hadn’t upset her too much. He wasn’t usually an unkind person but with her, his harsh words came easily, and she gave as good as she got. Still, it would have been pretty daunting for her to have spoken to her strict parents and admit a sexual relationship with a man she had met only hours before, a poor fisherman, at that.

  Getting up, he stretched his legs. Boy, it was going to be a long flight. They had been told they would land in Singapore to refuel but wouldn’t be allowed to leave the aircraft for security reasons so they were stuck together whether they liked it or not.

  He noticed the attendants were in the galley preparing dinner and he walked to her bedroom at the back of the plane. He knocked and without waiting for Lara’s consent, opened the door.

  She was brushing her long, blonde hair and hearing the door open, whirled around to face him. She had changed and was wearing a light gray jumper with matching slacks. She looked classy and beautiful. His heartbeat skyrocketed.

  “What are you doing in here?”

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay. I’m sorry if I upset you.”

  He caught a lock of her hair in his hand. It was like finest silk beneath his fingers. Lifting it to his nose, he inhaled the delicate perfume. Lara tugged away but her eyes told him another story. Excitement and desire lay in their depths. She wanted him. He leaned forward and pulled her into his arms, her soft curves molding to the contours of his body.

  He could feel her heart pounding wildly against his chest as she clung to him and when her lips parted under his demanding mouth, he was lost as he drank in her sweetness.

  She pushed away and her pleading voice penetrated his consciousness. “Jack, stop!”

  He looked down into her imploring eyes and drew back. “I’m sorry, Lara. I didn’t mean this to happen.” He shook his head in bewilderment as once again he realized he had lost control as soon as she was close.

  “It’s all right.” She was breathless and her lips were pink and swollen from his passion.

  “It’s still there, isn’t it?”


  “This thing between us. This sexual awareness—this lust. And it won’t go away until we make love properly. Until you can feel me inside you…”

  “Don’t. Don’t say anymore, Jack. You’re right when you say it’s lust because that is all it is. A physical need, and when you have had me, there will be nothing left between us.”

  He watched her turn away, straightening her hair in front of the mirror. “Please go,” she murmured. “I’ll be out in a moment.”

  He returned to his seat and endeavored to calm himself. He wanted her so much...was he nothing but an animal with the primal urge to mate? Yet she had responded, and how. She had pressed against him and his arousal had been hard on the curve of her stomach as she had returned his kisses with a reckless eagerness. He hadn’t chosen the right time or place but he knew she wanted him with equal lust. Perhaps she was right. When he did make love to her, truly made love to her, it would cure this insatiable need for each other.

  Lara sat abruptly on the bed as Jack closed the door. Her hand holding the hairbrush was shaking and she hastily placed the brush on the dressing table. Oh goodness, didn’t he have any idea of what he was doing to her? Didn’t he know the strength of will she had needed to stop herself from begging him to take her right here on the bed and to hell with everything else?

  I would have joined the mile-high club, she thought hysterically. Making love—no, as far as Jack was concerned, having sex a mile above the earth. How were she and Jack to behave when they met her parents? After all, they could hardly keep their hands off each other and she couldn’t imagine it would change.

  She brushed her hair again with long, soothing strokes, attempting to plan the next three weeks in her mind. Three weeks. She would have her period then as she was always very regular and she would have to tell her mother she wasn’t pregnant and… Jack would leave.

  And how would he cope with life in the palace? Would he think it all a huge joke? What would her parents think of the handsome fisherman? Too many questions and no answers. She took a deep breath and steeled herself to return to her seat.

  She opened the door and moved through the cabin to find Jack reading a magazine about fishing. The crew had certainly thought of everything.

  She peered at him over the top of the magazine and smiled. “Could we determine how we are going to act toward each other in front of my family? Then, we can put it from our minds until we land.”

  “Good idea.” He lowered the magazine and gave her a slow, sensual smile. “It could upset the works if I behave like I did a few minutes ago.”

  She willed herself not to blush. “Nevertheless, my family knows we have been intimate so, if you agree, I think we should be relaxed and friendly with each other.”

  “No touching?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Won’t your parents find that strange? After all, I am potentially the father of their grandchild.”

  “It would be inappropriate.”

  “You mean it won’t look good as far as pa
lace protocols are concerned that a poor Australian fisherman tried to hold your hand, and the news might be leaked to the press.”

  She sighed with frustration. He was being difficult again. She tried a different tactic. “No one will know what we do in private.” She smiled at him again hoping he would be reasonable.

  “Does that mean I can visit your bedroom in the middle of the night?”

  She should have instantly corrected him but some imp inside her made her rebel and she gave him a coquettish look from beneath her lashes.

  He leaned forward, his face inches from hers. “Lara, you’re playing with fire.”

  Suddenly she couldn’t breathe as his sheer closeness and magnetism made her giddy. “I know,” she whispered, her tongue licking her dry, bottom lip.

  “Your Highness. Dinner will be served in half an hour. May I offer you an aperitif?”

  Saved. She nodded and accepted a glass of French champagne. To her surprise, Jack also took a glass and clinked it against hers. “To us and the next three weeks,” he said, and although she hadn’t taken a sip, she felt instantly intoxicated by this man.

  Dinner was served on the central table, which doubled as a conference area. Now it had been set with the finest china and cutlery and crystal glassware. Fortunately for her, Jack had decided to ease the sexual tension and they were able to talk comfortably.

  She took the opportunity to tell him about her country, including its impressive history and the royal lineage dating from the fifteenth century. “My brother Carl is the crown prince and will succeed my father when he dies,” she explained as she finished her main course of veal with mushrooms, realizing how hungry she had been.

  “The royal family doesn’t have a say in the ruling of the country?” He appeared genuinely interested and plied her with inquisitive questions throughout the meal.

  “No. Not now. It used to, but like most of the small European countries, we have a government in power. The royals are figureheads. We continue to exist by the grace and favor of the government and our people.”

  “What’s the population?”


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