LAUREN (Silicon Valley Billionaires Book 1)

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LAUREN (Silicon Valley Billionaires Book 1) Page 11

by Leigh James

  Of course, I hadn’t said no to him.

  “Gabe.” My voice was pleading. “I need to be here right now. If Leo finds something else tonight, I need to know immediately.”

  He shrugged, undeterred. “If something happens, I’ll bring you back. I promise. Now, call security and your driver. They know my address, unless it’s been so long that they’ve forgotten.” His tone was casual, but I knew that underneath it, he was one of the most stubborn men I’d ever met. Apparently, I was going home with him, either voluntarily or over his shoulder. I could live with that.

  “You promise? About bringing me back?”

  He put his hand on my shoulder and marshaled me out the door. “If it’s an emergency, I promise to bring you back. If it’s just you panicking because you’ve left Paragon for the first time in weeks, I reserve the right to refuse and keep you otherwise occupied until you calm down.”

  My stomach twisted with a mixture of desire and nerves. Otherwise occupied, indeed.

  We headed out to his Porsche Spyder, which was parked in the darkening lot. I texted my driver and Timmy, letting them know we were heading to Gabe’s estate. They pulled out behind us and followed us to the freeway. Gabe was quiet for a long time, then he glanced at me. “Are you going to fill me in on the latest details? About our mutual enemy? Did it look like those tests were close to being successful?” Gabe’s jaw was taut. He hated Clive Warren, and this was just adding fuel to the fire.

  “No. Not yet.” I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. I was angry about the whole thing as well as completely exhausted, wobbly and on edge. “But if they catch up? If they manage to pull a rabbit out of a hat? Paragon’s patch will be second, and in this market, that’s the same thing as losing. And then six years of work and billions of my investors’ dollars will be for nothing.”

  Gabe covered my hand with his. His touch sent waves of heat through me. “They—whoever ‘they’ are, Clive and/or his foreign buyer—they won’t get to market first. They’re behind. You’re weeks ahead of them with your development—and on top of that, they’ve stolen your trade secrets. You can still go to the authorities. You can file a cease and desist against them.”

  I shook my head. “Only against someone on American soil.”

  “Someone on American soil is at least a start.” We pulled up to his drive. “Get your legal team together tomorrow and see what your options are.”

  “I’m planning on it. I’ll text them tonight.”

  “See?” He placed his thumb against the scanner, and the gate swung open. “You should make time for me more often. I’m full of good ideas.”

  “I’m pretty sure I would have thought of convening with my legal team after this happened,” I huffed as he pulled me out of the car and up the walkway to his estate.

  “Aw, come on Your Highness, we all know that. No one is doubting your omniscient good judgment.” He flashed that dimple, and I couldn’t be mad at him, even though he was referring to me as Your Highness again.

  Gabe opened a bottle of wine, then hit a button, causing a fire to roar instantly to life in the enormous stone fireplace. He was probably trying to soothe me. It worked, at least a little. It felt good to be there. I relaxed into the deep leather couch in spite of myself, enjoying the warmth from the fire.

  Gabe sat next to me and touched his glass to mine. “Cheers. To finally getting you back here.”

  “Cheers.” I took a sip as I watched him, his big shoulders outlined against the fire. Heat crept through my body, and it had nothing to do with the flames in the nearby fireplace.

  “In other breaking news, since Clive is moving forward with selling your technology—or whatever it is he’s doing—he needs to be paid another visit from my team.” A muscle in his jaw twitched. “It appears old Clive doesn’t listen well. He needs to learn.”

  “Um…you don’t need to be the one to school him.” I loved that Gabe was protective, but his immediate urge to fight on my behalf was nerve-racking. “I appreciate what you did before—and I hope you know I value your support—but let my team take care of it. We don’t need to beat Clive to a pulp.”

  “He can’t get away with stealing from you. Why won’t you let me help? Dynamica has an interest in this too, you know.”

  “I don’t want you to do something illegal. I can’t have that kind of activity associated with my company. And I don’t want you…to get hurt.”

  “You’re worried about little old me?” Gabe leaned forward and looked me in the eye. “When you haven’t even made time for me in weeks?”

  I took another shaky sip of wine. “I thought you rescued me from work because you wanted me to relax. Instead, you’re sort of making me a nervous wreck.”

  “That’s because you’re fighting me.” A slight smile played on his lips, his eyes never leaving mine. “I guess you bring out my…intense side.”

  We stared at each other, neither one of us giving an inch.

  “Promise me.” I found the strength to make my voice firm. “Nothing else illegal with Clive. I’ve already done enough bad things to probably land us both in federal prison. I’m having him hacked, and your men have him under surveillance—that’s plenty. We don’t need to physically harm him.”

  Gabe shrugged. “I didn’t say that I was going to physically harm him. Although I’m sure you’re aware that is on my eventual to-do list.”

  “Then what? What’s the plan?”

  “You don’t need to know. In fact, it’s better if you don’t—then you won’t have to testify against me, if it ever comes to that.” His dimple returned, but I still groaned.

  “Forget about Clive for a minute.” The dimple disappeared as the muscle in his jaw jumped. “Now…about you. And me.”

  I swallowed hard. “Yes?”

  “I let you leave here a few weeks ago. I’ve regretted it ever since.” He paused for a beat, letting the words sink in. “I’ve left you alone because I know you need to be at Paragon. You’ve needed to get your compliance reports ready. How is it going, aside from the outside threats? Are you in good shape?”

  I nodded, relieved for the conversation to veer back toward work for a moment. “As of this afternoon, yes. We’ve finally completed another round of successful clinical trials That was the major stress. Now that we’ve done that, we can move forward to fine-tuning our reports. We still have a million things to do, but we’ve made significant, meaningful progress.”

  “Good…for several reasons, not the least of which is that you’re out of excuses. No more avoiding me, Lauren. We have unfinished business.”

  I gulped my wine. “I haven’t been avoiding you.”

  “If you say so, Your Highness.” He inched closer, running his hand down my arm. “You need to tell me once and for all. You either want to be with me, or you don’t.”

  My stomach fluttered, heat rushing through me, as I tried to fully comprehend what he was saying. “Want to be with you…how?”

  His brown eyes searched mine. He reached up and caressed my face, his strong fingers lingering on my jawline. I relaxed into his hand. Then, remembering I was in the middle of a negotiation, I sat up straight.

  “Like this.” He moved closer and wrapped his arms around me, and I felt hot with him so close, hot under his touch. “Like this.” He leaned in and kissed me, his lips strong and unyielding against mine. He parted my lips, then his tongue surged in, caressing mine.

  I felt heat shoot through me, straight down to that aching spot between my legs.

  “Is that all you want?” I asked breathlessly when he pulled away.

  He laughed, and the twinkle I’d missed seeing in his eyes came back. “Hell, no. I want you in my bed, in my pool, in my hot tub…” He looked around as if he were seriously considering the options. “On this couch, maybe bent over the island…”

  I felt myself turning crimson. Desire, fear, and disappointment vied for predominance inside of me. I pushed them all to the side and swallowed hard. “If you just w
ant a physical relationship, I think I’m ready for that.”

  He sat back, an amused look on his face. “Who said I just want a physical relationship—wait, did I say that? Sorry, babe. You’ve left me with too much time on my hands. My imagination’s been going a little wild.” He ran a hand over his wiry hair and I longed to touch it.

  I straightened myself, trying to be brave. “It’s okay. A strictly physical relationship would probably be…easier.” I’d struggled over the past few weeks with how much I’d been missing him, like I had an illness and he was the only remedy. The more time I’d spent away from him, the more time I’d had to examine my emotions, realizing they left me feeling vulnerable and exposed. Maybe it would be better this way? No messy emotional honesty necessary. Just Gabe’s big, sexy body…naked.

  “Huh.” His eyes pierced mine. The amused look was gone, replaced by a darker one. “Is that right?”

  “Mmm hmm. Yes.” I felt my cheeks burning.

  Gabe leaned forward, his fingers tracing my arm, sending sparks of heat through me. “So let me get this straight. You just want to be my business partner now? And our personal entanglement—”

  “Shouldn’t be an entanglement,” I offered, interrupting him. “It should just be straightforward. Satisfying. Easy and mutually beneficial.” I gulped more wine, finishing it in record time, realizing that I did not sound at all like myself right now. I’d just asked him to have a sexual relationship with no strings attached.

  And I’d never even had sex before.

  And I’d already stockpiled a large collection of real feelings for him.

  “Satisfying, easy and mutually beneficial. Huh.” He sounded like he was playing along. “Does that mean you want to stay?”

  I nodded.

  He smiled. “Perfect. Get undressed. I’ll just relieve you of your virginity and send you on your way, then.”

  My nerves thrummed. “Okay,” I said, recklessly.

  Gabe sat back and laughed. “Are you fucking kidding me, Lauren? I finally get you alone, and you’re backpedaling?”

  I winced and he stopped laughing and watched me, dead serious. “I think you’re worried about giving something besides your work your full attention. And you’re afraid to have feelings for me—because feelings are wild, unpredictable, and very unscientific little beasts.”

  I wrapped my arms across my chest, deciding silence was the best course of action for the moment. I worried that one of those wild, unpredictable and unscientific beasts might take over and seize the opportunity to out itself.

  He regarded me. “I’ve already let you have your way up to now—why not?” Even though he seemed as if he were agreeing with me, his voice had an edge to it. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer, putting my head on his chest as he continued to play with my hair. “But I’m just warning you—once I take you, you might not want me to let you go. Then you’re going to be in a bad position to renegotiate.”

  I looked up at him, and my breath caught in my throat. His eyes sparkled as if he were very, very sure of himself. “But that will suit me just fine. In fact, when that happens, I’ll feel free to put you into whatever position I want.”

  Once I take you. Whatever position I want. A thrill of desire ran through me. He lifted my chin and kissed me again, deep and urgent. I ran my hands down his torso, reveling in the strength I felt there. I melded my body against his, my hands roaming lower until they brushed against his massive erection. I paused, unsure of what to do.

  It’s now or never, said a tiny voice in my head.

  His eyes were hooded. “What do you want, Lauren?”

  “You. I want you to be my first.”

  Chapter 11

  I rubbed his cock, timidly at first. He moaned softly, as if it felt good, and rested his head back on the couch. With that small reassurance, I became bolder. I could feel his thickness pressing against his jeans, feeling as though it were going to burst through. He needed to be free. I felt the same way. I needed to finally end this aching once and for all.

  Gabe sat up a little, his pupils dilated as he watched me. He ran his thumb over my lip, and I bit into it softly. He grinned at me. “You’re feisty. Maybe you really are ready.”

  I grinned back. “Oh, I’m ready.”

  Just like that, the cloud that had been hanging over us lifted. He pulled me up so I straddled him, my body pressed against his thick erection. He kissed me, our tongues tangling. Moaning, I rubbed myself back and forth against him, the friction between my legs driving me wild. It was only a few seconds later that I realized he’d pulled back and was watching me. I stopped writhing, embarrassed, but Gabe’s labored breathing told me that I needn’t be.

  “You’re so beautiful.” His voice was ragged as he ran his fingers down my face again, then grabbed me at the nape of my neck, pulling me in for another deep kiss. His tongue lashed at mine, driving me into a frenzy. He moved his hips, grinding his erection into me.

  He stood up with me clinging to him. “I need you in my bed.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his middle. We staggered into his bedroom, and he laid me down.

  He stood back for a second, watching me. “Finally.”

  I agreed. He had no idea what that word really meant to me right then. But maybe I’d been wrong about that.

  His eyes were searching mine. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  Our eyes locked, and I nodded. I’d never been more sure.

  He didn’t hesitate. Leaning over me, he took off my clothes in a hurry as I tore at his—including his damn jeans this time—and ran my hands down his splendidly muscled chest. I pushed his boxer briefs down, and his cock sprang out, erect and enormous. I sucked in a breath. Enormous might be sort of an understatement.

  I pressed my face against his chest, relishing the taut lines of his muscles. I tilted my face up and kissed him, running my hands all over him until he growled.

  “Stop. Let me get on top of you, dammit.”

  I leaned back onto the bed, heat thrumming through me. He wasted no time taking off my bra and underwear. Then I was beneath him, spread-eagled, with nothing between us.

  He covered me with his body, and the only thing between us was his erection, fierce and throbbing. “You’re so fucking beautiful, it hurts.”

  I ran my hands down his naked skin. He was utterly amazing. Everything I’d glimpsed at and wondered about when I’d seen him dressed was true. He was physical male perfection, all rippling muscles, with an immense hard-on.

  He spread my legs a little with his knee, and I moaned. My whole body was throbbing, aching for him. I remembered what he’d done to me the last time I’d been in his bed and the pulsating pleasure his mouth had brought me. But that wasn’t what I wanted tonight. Tonight, I wanted to be taken. I wanted to forget about the world all around me, all of the troubles and treachery. I wanted him to fill me, to own me and possess me.

  I wanted to know, once and for all, what that felt like.

  He brushed the hair off my face. He looked as if he were going to say something, but I stopped him with a kiss. It was pleading, tentative, and searching. My kiss asked him all the questions I couldn’t. It explained all the things I wanted, which I couldn’t yet put into words.

  He moaned as my tongue sought his, and I arched against him. I spread my legs apart a little farther and wrapped my fingers around his cock, guiding it between my legs.

  “Not yet.” He pulled back. “I need to be sure you’re ready for me.”

  “I am.” I felt as if something in me were about to burst.

  He smiled at me then kissed me deeply, our tongues lashing again as our naked bodies pressed together.

  It felt so right. I hadn’t known it could feel this right.

  He palmed my breast, his heavy hand covering me, and he rolled my nipple between his thick fingers. He sucked and nipped at me. It hurt a little, but the sting increased the pleasure that coursed through my body. I arched under him, moaning, as my need f
or him intensified. Only one thing could complete me. I tried to position his cock in an approximation of where I guessed it was ultimately going, and he laughed.

  “I know you’re used to being in charge, but tonight, you’re not. Tonight, I’m in charge.” He rose up on his elbows for a moment, gazing at me. “Do you trust me?”

  I nodded. I did trust him—and I never trusted anybody.

  He gave me the lopsided grin that I loved. “Good. Just relax. I’ll take good care of you. I promise.” He went back to my nipple. I groaned and writhed beneath him, my desire soaking through me. I felt that empty pang between my legs again, keening for him. Maybe it was twenty-five years’ worth of pent-up sexual frustration, or maybe it was just Gabe that I wanted so badly.

  I did want him badly.

  He sensed my frustration and my urgency. He trailed his kisses down farther, past my downy curls to my thighs. He kissed them reverently, then he finally opened my warm, wet folds with his fingers. He sighed happily. “I missed this.” He kissed me there, his tongue lapping me with long, luxuriant strokes.

  I cried out as overwhelming sensation ripped through me, stunning me with the heat as much as the enormity of what we were doing. Gabe took my clit into his mouth and sucked on it, hard, nipping at it with his teeth. My whole body shook, consumed by feelings that were all new to me.

  He slid a finger into me. “Jesus, Lauren. You’re so wet for me.” He continued to nuzzle and lap at my clit, driving me into a frenzy as he took his time exploring me. He added another finger, sliding in and out of me gently but mercilessly, giving me enough of a taste to drive me wild.

  “You’re gonna come for me, baby, and I’m going to loosen you up. Then, I’m going to enter you, nice and slow. Are you ready?”

  I nodded, panting, more than ready.

  “Wait.” Gabe sat up, facing away from me.

  Wait? I opened my mouth to protest, but he got up and stalked over to the wall, touching some buttons, bringing a roaring fire to life in the fireplace. I studied his naked body, and my protest died on my lips. His physique was amazing, like a Greek god. Enormous shoulders led down to a sculpted chest, chiseled abdominal muscles, and divots near his hips that I planned to explore with my tongue when he got back in bed. I briefly looked at his thighs, which were massive.


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