Fractured Spirit (Alpha World Book 5)

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Fractured Spirit (Alpha World Book 5) Page 4

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Yup. Going to go hit up the Alchemist, and stop by Pablo’s Provisions, then it’s off for lunch.”

  “Ye all be takin’ a day or two off?” Grimgar asked.

  “Tha’ be the plan, aye,” Stacia replied. “We been out for two weeks. A few days to recharge be a good idea.”

  “Oh, aye,” Grimgar agreed. “We used to do much the same, back in the day. I be seein’ ye tomorrow. Do nay forget I wish to talk with ye.”

  “I won’t,” Alburet replied as he motioned the women towards the door. “Enjoy the boom in business today.”

  “Tha’ I plan to, lad,” Grimgar chuckled.

  As they made their way to Herbal Remedies, they caught sight of Gerald and Marysue briefly as the duo ducked into Plated Goods. “I bet Gerald gets shining armor. High Steel or something white-tinged,” Alburet chuckled.

  “Some kind of white,” Karen agreed. “Then he would really look the part of her white knight, right?”

  “Is that so bad?” Fluff asked. “It’s good that they’re getting along so well now.”

  “It be nay bad, Fluff,” Stacia agreed with her. “It be refreshin’ to know tha’ so many people be able to find love.”

  “Speaking of,” Karen grinned. “Did you notice the way Leggylass was showing off her armor to Ironhand?”

  “It be nice,” Stacia murmured as she eyed Karen. “Ya do nay need to hide so much behind ya mask with us, Karen.”

  Karen bit her lip for a second, then nodded once. “Too many years of practice. I’m working on it.”

  Fluff kissed her cheek, “I’ll help.”

  Lips quirking in a lecherous grin, Karen looked at Fluff, “Oh, really?”

  Alburet chuckled, “She just can’t help herself. It seems you have an equal in the whole physical love category, Stacia.”

  Stacia shook her head, “Nay, but she does come in second easily.”

  Grinning, Karen waggled an eyebrow at Stacia. “A shower later, was it?”

  Facepalming, Alburet groaned, “Can we keep it clean for two minutes?”

  “We’ll be keeping it clean for longer than that,” Karen responded quickly.

  Alburet shook his head as Stacia giggled and kissed his cheek. “Ya walked into tha’ one, Asthore.”

  Fluff smiled fondly at their banter, her cheeks showing only the barest hint of pink. “Maybe we can be nice to him for now. After all, he did finally agree to give us what we all wanted.”

  The trio of women exchanged glances. Smiling broadly, Stacia and Karen agreed with her. Alburet just shook his head again, wondering how complicated his life was going to end up. “Look, there’s Herbal Remedies,” he said as he darted forward to grab the door. “After you, ladies.”

  Each of them paused to kiss his cheek with a murmured word of thanks as they entered the shop. Tongue in cheek at being had again, Alburet followed them in with a resigned sigh. Arion Greenthumb regarded them all with a raised brow.

  Arion’s smile was blandly professional as he greeted them, “Might I help you today?”

  “Need to stock back up on potions, we used all the ones we took with us,” Alburet told the merchant. “Also, you are invited to a banquet tomorrow for the guild. It seems only fair to invite the merchants the guild has agreements with, since your goods helped us take Gwain’s Keep. Your potions made a pretty big difference.”

  Arion blinked in surprise, “I thank you for the invitation. Where is it going to be held?”

  “My receptionist will be in touch with the info. I just wanted to invite you in person,” Alburet grinned.

  “I’m honored. What potions are you looking for today?”

  “Healing for the lot of us, and a single mana potion for me,” Alburet replied. “Let’s get the third grade of healing potion, a total of fifteen, please, plus one mana potion of the same grade.”

  Arion nodded as he went into the back, coming back with a case with twenty potions in it. He counted out the healing and mana potions before storing the rest under the counter. “That will be two thousand nine hundred gold.”

  Alburet dug his portion of the cost out of his bag with Fluff and Karen adding theirs as well. “Thank you kindly,” Alburet told Arion, as he slotted them into his potion belt. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I look forward to it, and thank you for the business,” Arion replied as he scooped the coin off the counter.

  “I’m sure more of our guild will be along today and tomorrow,” Karen added.

  “I’ve seen two groups already. I look forward to doing more business,” Arion chuckled.

  The group exited the shop just as Lambert’s group came walking up. “It seems we’re all over today,” DrBone laughed. “Ran into Violet at the armor shop and you guys here.”

  “Everyone from the raid is likely to be restocking,” Fluffball replied. “It makes sense. We all needed to upgrade after that.”

  “True,” Lambert said. “The merchants are all talking about the banquet tomorrow as well.”

  “It seemed fair to invite them,” Alburet cut in. “We just have to hit the provisions store last.”

  “We just came from there,” Friendzone added. “Pablo was restocking his shelves. We were thinking of hitting the zones after the banquet and camping out for a day or two in them.”

  “Not a horrible plan,” Karen mused. “I wonder if I can talk my friends into trying that.”

  Alburet rolled his eyes, “We just got back to civilization, give it a day or two first.”

  The combined groups chuckled at his delivery. DrBone nodded, “I kind of agree, but our group only signed up for a single month. So, we kind of want to jam as much as we can before the test is over for us.”

  “That is reasonable,” Fluff agreed. “Are you going to jump back in for the next round?”

  “Can’t,” Friendzone sighed. “I took the month off of work already. It’s gonna suck not being able to just cruise like we did.”

  DrBone patted Friendzone’s shoulder, “Isn’t that the truth.”

  “Let’s get our potions and head out,” Lambert said. “We’ll do as much as we can before it’s over.”

  Alburet nodded back, “Have a good hunt.”

  As the group wandered away, Fluff seemed a little withdrawn. “Penny for your thoughts?” Alburet said, giving her arm a gentle squeeze.

  “In five months we will be ejected from here, for a bit at least. They really want to get a day of vitals on us at the minimum. It makes me sad to think that we’ll be separated for a time,” Fluff replied.

  “I’ll be with you there,” Karen told her. “Besides, we might be able to sign back up and come right back after that.”

  Fluff’s lips twitched up slightly, “You would be okay with that?”

  “Hell yeah,” Karen intoned with all seriousness. “I love this world. All my friends are here and it’s so much fun. Besides, we all know Stacia is going to need us to help keep Al in line. Otherwise he’ll just bully her.”

  “I don-” Alburet began.

  “Aye. Besides, we would be sad iffin ya did nay come back,” Stacia cut in over Alburet. “Me husband be a brute at times, and as we be knowin’, iffin the three of us are together he does nay throw his weight around.”

  Alburet kept quiet. As the silence stretched they all looked at him. “Oh, do I get to make my rebuttal now?”

  “Nope,” Karen replied as she smirked at him. “Can you honestly say that when we’re not here, you aren’t going to dominate the fuck out of her?”

  His mouth opened to retort then closed it. Shrugging, he sighed, “Okay, that’s a fair point, but I don’t bully her. Besides, she wants me to dominate her.”

  “Of course me be wantin’ tha’,” Stacia giggled. “I know tha’ ya mellow some when Fluff is here, ya protective side kicks in. It be sweet and it makes me smile to see ya like tha’ as well. Our kids will be so well taken care of, with all of us to look after them. Fluff’s kids will be adorable little purr boxes and Karen’s full of energy
bouncin’ off the walls.”

  The trio of Two-souled were silent at her words. Her implication that they could have kids with Alburet seemed off to them. “If we have kids,” Alburet whispered, struggling with the words as images of Kaylee filled his mind. He let out a ragged breath. “Please, can we change the subject for now?” he asked, his forehead creased in pain.

  Stacia eyed him with worried eyes, “Aye, Asthore, iffin tha’ be what ya wish.” She exchanged concerned glances with the other two as they fell silent for a time.

  By the time they reached Pablo’s Provisions, Alburet felt mostly okay again. “Sorry about that,” he apologized as he held the door for them. “I feel better now.”

  Each of them kissed him briefly as they entered the store, concern writ large on their features, though they said nothing. Pablo watched them enter with a raised brow, “Welcome to my shop again. I just have to ask, if I hold the door on your way out do I get kissed as well?”

  The quartet blinked in surprise, then they began to laugh. Stacia was the first to reply, “Nay. It be tha’ we just pledged our lives at the Dark Lord’s Temple.”

  Pablo nodded, his lips thinning slightly. “I see. Everyone has their own ways, I suppose. The Lady Peace says we should show no one disdain or hatred for their views. On top of that, you’ve all been loyal customers.” His lips eased back to a more neutral expression. “Your guild has been most kind to frequent my shop as well. I apologize if my words were unkind.”

  “It’s fine,” Fluff spoke up. “Even on the other world we know that religions don’t always get along. At least here you all seem more accepting and less aggressive to other’s views.”

  Pablo bowed his head, “Peace dictates that we treat others as we would wish to be treated. Her husband, Justice, is not quite as welcoming, as history has shown. What can I do for some of my best customers today? Did the large tent work out well for you?”

  “Aye,” Stacia replied. “We be needin’ to stock back up on food and drink. We should mayhap see about another tent as well, iffin ya have another of the large ones in stock.”

  Pablo came out from behind his counter, ushering them over to the food and drink. “Pick out what you wish while I grab the tent for you. I shall be back shortly.”

  As he walked off, Karen relaxed a little, having tensed up when he started talking about religion. “Not as severe, but back on Earth I’ve been degraded for some of my views before. Not including my father’s pointed words on those subjects.”

  Alburet nodded, “I can understand. Dad was always very religious. Thankfully he was never the ‘you accept my religion as the only one’ kind of believer.” His eyes dimmed for a moment as he thought back on the letter his father had left him. “He even told me to find my own path at the end of his life.” Sadness washed over him briefly, until Stacia helped brush it away. He gave her a thankful squeeze.

  “Ya can always join me in me faith. All of ya can, iffin ya be wantin’ to. The Dark Lord does nay be havin’ a lot of dogma ya have to be followin’.”

  “Can we talk about it later?” Fluff asked as she picked out her favorite tea, orange with hints of passionfruit.

  “Aye, mayhap after lunch and our bath,” Stacia said as she brushed against Fluff’s arm to pick up a flask of her own.

  Fluff quickly kissed Stacia’s cheek, “That would be okay.”

  “Edging in on my first wife?” Karen asked Stacia with a playful tone as she pulled Fluff against her chest.

  “First…wife…” Fluff’s voice held a mix of joy and disbelief.

  “Of course. Even Al there is second fiddle compared to you,” Karen murmured into Fluff’s ear before nipping it gently, which sent a shiver down Fluff’s spine.

  “I can’t argue that,” Alburet said as he snagged Stacia. “I married Stacia first, so she would be viewed as my first wife in her God’s eyes. Truthfully though, I would feel wrong to set any of you over the others. It feels flawed to me to use numbers or anything of the sort in our relationship.”

  Stacia nodded, “Aye, we be equals, but even in a perfect relationship we will all have favorites for some thin’s. It just be the way it be. It nay be bad, unless people start to feel hurt from it. I do nay mind iffin Karen thinks Fluff is better than me; she be soft, cuddly and wonderful. I can nay fault her for wantin’ to snuggle with Fluff over another.”

  Fluff blushed a light pink as they spoke, “But I’m not…”

  “To all of us, you are,” Karen whispered. “You are worth so much more than you let yourself believe.” Turning to Stacia, Karen asked, “Can we take a moment later to show Fluff how she’s seen by each of us? I think it would help her understand.”

  Stacia thought a moment before she nodded, “Aye. Iffin we do tha’ tonight we will nay be able to walk in Asthore’s mind until tomorrow, though.”

  “That’s fine with me,” Alburet quickly said.

  Karen eyed him, then whispered to Fluff too softly for the others to hear. Fluff shook her head, “No, tonight we see a memory of yours, Al. We want to know you better.”

  Arms tightening on Stacia, he gave a short, sharp nod. “Okay. Tomorrow, though, we show Fluff how we see her.”

  “Agreed,” Stacia and Karen said in unison before smiling at each other.

  “I have the tent. Have you all picked out food and drink?” Pablo asked as he came back. He slowed at seeing them paired off and facing each other, “Is there a problem?”

  The four of them turned to face the shopkeeper. “Nope,” Alburet coughed after the single word, grabbing a handful of jerky from the shelf next to him. “Almost done.”

  Pablo was quiet as he waited for them to finish shopping. He didn’t seem inclined to make small talk, only giving them their total once they’d chosen all their supplies. As Alburet packed the food and drink into his bag, Stacia spoke up. “We be havin’ a banquet tomorrow for the guild, in celebration of our victory at the Keep. We also be invitin’ all the shopkeepers who we be havin’ agreements with, as ya stuff helped us win. Would ya be inclined to attend?”

  Pablo considered it for a moment, then nodded. “I would be delighted. Might I bring my wife?”

  “Of course,” Alburet replied. “If you have kids, bring them as well if you’d like.”

  “We have not yet been blessed with children, but we still have hope,” Pablo said, his demeanor shifting back to a friendly open one. “Where is the banquet being held?”

  “Our receptionist will let you know,” Alburet told him. “She should be sending out invitations in a short while.”

  “I look forward to it. Thank you again,” Pablo said.

  The group left the shop shortly, after exchanging farewells with Pablo. As they walked back towards their home, Alburet sent a message to Vanessa about the shop owners and the banquet. “Okay, that’s done and it’s about noon. Any requests for where we go for lunch?”

  “How about that pasta place?” Karen suggested.

  “Oh, I be likin’ that’,” Stacia agreed. Fluff nodded along with her words, agreeing as well.

  Alburet shrugged, “It seems we have an accord, and they happen to be on the way home.”

  Chapter Five

  After a meal of lasagna paired with a wonderful red wine, they made their way back to their home. “I’m stuffed,” Alburet sighed in a pleasant way.

  “Tha’ be what she said,” Stacia deadpanned.

  Karen snickered, “I may have created a monster. But at least she is a sexy beast with many talents.”

  Rolling his eyes, Alburet looked over at Karen on the other side of Fluff. “You are an evil, evil woman.”

  “Right?” Karen laughed. “Besides, you like it that way.”

  “We all do,” Fluff added, which earned her a kiss on the cheek from Karen.

  The banter was light for the rest of the trip back to the house. They greeted the few guildies who were coming and going from the guild hall before stepping into their home. “I believe we be takin’ a bath together, aye?”r />
  “Yup,” Karen agreed with a broad grin.

  “Iffin ya all want to drop ya things off, I should be checkin’ the bath to make sure it still be good,” Stacia told them as she moved towards the master bedroom.

  “We’ll join you shortly,” Karen replied as she pulled Fluff gently along behind her towards the guest room.

  Fluff wore a bemused expression as she was towed along behind Karen. “You don’t need to lead me, I know the way.”

  “I know, but it’s fun,” Karen chuckled as she bumped the guest room door open with her hip. “Besides, it might take us a minute to get ready.”


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