Fractured Spirit (Alpha World Book 5)

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Fractured Spirit (Alpha World Book 5) Page 11

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Marysue smiled as she walked with her arm in Gerald’s. Her armor was also white, soft flexible leather that molded to her almost as closely as Karen’s did. Alburet blinked, not expecting that from the normally reserved healer. “We have potions and everything,” Marysue said as they stopped next to the foursome.

  “Looks like we’re ready to go, then,” Alburet agreed. “Did we want to go back and knock off the spiders from before first?”

  Gerald’s lips twisted in distaste, his helm leaving his face visible. “Yes, we should repay them for before.”

  “I can Cleanse Poison now, so we should be good to go,” Marysue told them.

  Alburet got to his feet, motioning toward the stairs with a bow. “Ladies, after you.”

  Stacia, Karen and Fluff joined arms as they started towards the stairs. “As ya wish,” Stacia called back to him with a grin.

  “Is the transfer for the guild done?” Alburet asked as he walked along beside Gerald.

  “That was what we did before coming here,” Gerald replied. “It should kick through in an hour, they said.”

  “Good,” Alburet felt some tension leave his shoulders. “Thanks again, both of you, for doing this.”

  “It is our pleasure,” Marysue smiled. “It’s been fun. I don’t know what would have happened if we hadn’t met you.”

  “You would have led a much calmer life,” Alburet snorted.

  “This has given us a chance to get to know each other better,” Gerald added with a glance at Marysue. “For that, I am very grateful.”

  “Wait until you get titled,” Alburet laughed. “I’m not taking back the guild, so you get that headache. Though if we do get the land around the Keep, most of our merchants have asked to set up shop there.”

  Gerald let out a soft whistle, “That will give a huge boost to development.”

  “That is the hope,” Alburet agreed as he followed the duo down the hallway to the right portal. “Let’s get ready to kill some eight-legged freaks for now.”

  “Sounds good,” Gerald said as he let Marysue step onto the rune first.

  Alburet paused a moment before stepping onto the rune. The five others all turned towards him as he appeared. “Spiders, here we come,” Alburet said as he summoned Tiny and Bob without words or motions. Appearing in the usual clouds of smoke, the Destroyer and Imp both seemed eager to go.

  “I come as called, master,” Tiny rumbled.

  “I’m ready to kill things with fire,” Bob added. The group paused, taking in the Improved Imp. Standing at about four and a half feet, Bob seemed to swell with pride as they looked at him. His coloration was darker, slowly approaching the Imp Lords’ coloration that Alburet had seen at the Dark Lord’s castle. His wings had grown again as well, and as the group watched Bob began to flap them, slowly rising into the air. “Yes! Flight! I shall rain fire down on your foes from above!”

  “For how long?” Alburet asked.

  “I can only go for maybe five minutes at a time right now,” Bob replied.

  “Such a normal male,” Karen coughed.

  Bob dropped to the ground, a hurt look on his face. “Ow.”

  Karen began to laugh, “Sorry, Bob. You lobbed that one.” She stepped over and gave him a hug, as well as a kiss on the cheek. “All better?”

  Bob’s eyes were wide as she stepped back from him. “Uh, yeah.” The group all waited, but it seemed Bob had locked up mentally.

  “Well, we’re all here, along with your minions,” Gerald said. “Let’s go kill some freaks.”

  The group let out a small cheer as they walked towards the Webbed Woods. As they neared the edge of the forest, Marysue cast a new spell she had received from an Ability. Circle of Vigor bathed the group, giving them all bonus Constitution equal to double their level.

  “Nice buff,” Alburet said.

  “Thanks. Extra health always seems like a good idea, which made it an easy choice,” Marysue replied.

  “I wonder,” Alburet mused as he applied Demonic Haze to himself and watched as his Constitution buff stacked with Marysue’s. “Huh, so it looks like the buffs stack,” he told them as they reached the path leading them into the woods proper.

  “Hmm, so if you put together the right group you might be able to stack up all the buffs,” Gerald mused.

  “I’m going to go up, master. Maybe I can see them before they ambush you that way,” Bob said as he began flapping his wings to gain height.

  Alburet used Copy on Bob, causing his duplicate to appear in the air beside him. “Take your double with you, and drop down to us if you get into trouble.”

  “Will do,” Bob agreed as both of him flew into the canopy above the group.

  Alburet then used his other Copy on Tiny, “Double you up as well. Since Stacia can’t control the spiders, this is the most efficient way I can help.”

  “We have a lot of tanks,” Gerald chuckled.

  “We are stronger as well,” Tiny rumbled.

  “He has a number of Abilities now, including a stun,” Alburet told Gerald. “I doubt we’ll need it here, but in appropriate zones it could come in very handy.”

  “No doubt,” Gerald agreed.

  “Incoming,” Bob called from above them.

  Chapter Twelve

  Bob’s warning was followed by two Fire Bursts into the undergrowth just off to their left. The sound of mandibles clacking and insectile screeching came from the three spiders that had been prepared to leap out at the group.

  “Nice job, Bob,” Alburet called out as Tiny, Tiny Jr., and Gerald all pivoted on the trio.

  The group went to aid Tiny Jr., as Alburet referred to Tiny’s Copy, first. Karen appeared behind the spider, her blades sinking into its back. A moment later Fluff’s claws carved into its side. Both of them got in a second attack before Alburet slammed his own flame-coated weapon into it. That was enough to kill it, and they turned to help Tiny next. The next spider crumbled after just a few seconds, much as the first had. When they reached Gerald, half the spider’s life was already gone, between him and both Bobs damaging it. It died pathetically a scant moment later.

  “Well, that was different than last time,” Gerald chuckled.

  “I think this is going to be anticlimactic,” Karen snorted. “Shall we just keep going? If I recall we need to kill some Mutated ones and the Queen?”

  “Sounds about right,” Alburet agreed.

  Setting off deeper into the woods, it was easier to get a jump on the spiders with Bob above them. He would either burn the vegetation back to flush the Trappers out of hiding, or knock the Widows directly out of the trees. Cackling the whole time, Bob was grinning maniacally, “Who’s the best? This Imp, that’s who.”

  The group below him mostly ignored his antics. Alburet did praise him from time to time though, as Bob deserved it. Almost two hours of walking later, they found the first Mutated Webber that they needed for their quest. They paused as Bob called out to them, the twin Fire Blasts that hit it revealing it to them.

  The monster was four feet tall, a spider’s body supporting a human torso. Atop that torso sat the regular spider head with clacking mandibles. Its hands glowed a sickly green as it lobbed a spell up at Bob, who swore as he purified the debuff from himself.

  “He has a curse that lowers all attributes by a fifth,” Bob called down to them as he threw another set of Fire Blasts.

  “I’ll tag him,” Gerald said as he blurred towards the monster. Everyone blinked, as they hadn’t seen his Charge ability until then. Gerald had cleared fifty feet in a second, his shield slamming into the Mutated Webber, stunning it. “Let’s go, guys,” he called back to them.

  Karen laughed as she darted forward, “I wish I could do that.”

  Fluff closed the distance to twenty feet before she leapt towards the mob. She landed behind it, spinning to sink her claws into its back. “I think my Leap is still good.”

  Karen huffed as she got there a moment later, her daggers digging into the monster. “
Damn show offs,” she grumped. “If I was a Shadow Dancer instead of an Assassin I could get there just as fast.”

  “If wishes were horses,” Alburet said as he finally got there.

  More Fire Blasts hammered into the creature from above as Bob and Bob Jr. continued the barrage. Tiny and Tiny Jr. both got there a split second after Alburet. Tiny slammed his shield into the creature’s body, stunning it again. Tiny Jr. stunned it as well, just as the first one wore off. The mob died quickly, the stuns allowing the others to land devastating critical hits.

  “Huh,” Marysue sighed. “I feel a little out of place. Barely any damage done to Gerald at all.”

  Stacia nodded, “At least ya can do tha’. With all of them piled around it I could nay even try to get close enough to use me blades.”

  Marysue’s lips ticked up, “True enough. Hmm, next time we get three of them we should go tag team the one on Gerald. Might as well have a little fun while the others kill off the rest of them.”

  “Aye, sounds good,” Stacia agreed.

  Over the next two hours the group moved deeper into the Webbed Woods, slaughtering every spider they found. Pausing for a bit of jerky and tea, everyone seemed relaxed.

  “It’s kind of nice, no pressure or anything out here,” Alburet said as he finished his jerky.

  “Very different than the last two weeks,” Gerald agreed. “The mornings got a little stressful, wondering what surprise we would get attacked by. The Keep was fun, though, even though it was as stressful as a board meeting with William in attendance.”

  Rolling her eyes, Marysue snorted, “Dad isn’t that bad.”

  “You never had to face off against him before a board,” Gerald replied. “Trust me, it’s stressful.”

  “We be goin’ to see all the zones in order?” Stacia asked.

  “That was my hope,” Fluffball added.

  “That was my thinking as well,” Gerald agreed. “See all of the zones and hit the dungeons. It won’t give us much in the way of experience, but it will be fun.”

  “I’m all for fun,” Karen laughed. “We still have five months before the test ends, after all. I know Fluff and I are going to try and join right back up, so we aren’t in any kind of rush.”

  “I will be doing the same. Hopefully,” Marysue said, the last word sounding doubtful.

  Covering her hand with his, Gerald spoke, “Mary, we’ll both talk to him. I’m sure we can work it out. You know he wants you to be happy.”

  “Yeah,” Marysue looked away with a sigh. “He still doesn’t listen when I talk to him, though.”

  Getting to his feet, Gerald held out his hand to her. “Together, right?”

  Her glum expression fell away as she took his hand. “Yes.”

  “So, when are you going to give her a ring?” Karen asked as she got to her feet.

  Gerald froze in place at Karen’s words. Marysue blinked, her eyes going from Karen back to Gerald. “Ring?”

  “It’s obvious you both love each other,” Karen said. “Gerald, she is obviously as head over heels for you as you are for her. Why are you waiting?”

  Gerald huffed out a breath, his eyes angry as he looked at Karen, “Our relationship is not your business.”

  Marysue touched his arm, “Gerald? Were you seriously considering…”

  Gerald looked at her as she trailed off into silence. Taking a deep breath, he licked his lips. “I want everything perfect. You deserve nothing less. I’ve always hoped one day to ask you. I was sure it would never happen, but over the last few weeks we’ve actually started down a path that has made me the happiest person alive. That path leads to a question, but I want it to be perfect for you.” He swallowed. “You’ve always been the perfect princess in my heart, and I want to treat you like one.”

  Marysue’s lips quivered as she listened to him. Her hand gripped his arm a little tighter. “You mean you want to ask me?” Her eyes shone with happiness and tears. “Even after all the things I’ve put you through?”

  “I always hoped that one day I would be worthy enough-” Gerald began.

  Marysue kissed him, cutting off his attempt to explain. The others all looked on with respectful silence. Stacia and Alburet could feel the true unadulterated love the duo felt for each other. Eyes meeting briefly, Stacia and Alburet shared a small smile as the kiss lingered.

  “Now that is what I’m talking about,” Bob whistled in tandem with his copy.

  That separated the couple, both of them going red in the face. “Shall we go find the Spider Queen?” Gerald asked quickly.

  Marysue nodded, “Yes, that sounds good.”

  Gerald and Marysue started further into the woods while the others got up to follow after them, while exchanging glances. Alburet felt his lips tug up after meeting Stacia’s eyes; they had clearly felt the couple’s embarrassment.

  “Think they’ll be okay?” Fluff asked softly.

  “Sure, once Gerald finally stops obsessing over trying to make everything perfect,” Karen replied equally quietly. “That is the one thing that might hinder their relationship. He holds her on such a high pedestal that it makes it hard for him to take steps forward.”

  “Where women are concerned, all men are lost,” Alburet chuckled. “We just do the best we can.”

  “Aye, we know tha’ be true,” Stacia said, her eyes twinkling. “Lucky for ya, ya be havin’ us three to help keep ya straight.”

  “I wouldn’t mind seeing him a little bi-curious myself, no need to keep him perfectly straight,” Karen snickered.

  Shaking his head, Alburet rebuked her hope. “Nope. Not going to happen. I do not find the male physique attractive.”

  “We all need our dreams. It’s hard to keep coming up with new ones when you keep achieving your old ones,” Karen replied.

  Fluff giggled, “So I’m a dream?”

  “Of course you are,” Karen grinned. “The softest dream made flesh.”

  “Incoming,” Bob called out from up ahead, dropping Fire Blasts onto a Mutated Hunter. The group quickly engaged the monster, cutting it down in short order.

  “That’s the last one of those that we needed for the quest,” Gerald said as he looted the corpse. “Just the Spider Queen left.”

  “She should be here in the woods,” Karen said. “I wonder if it’ll be a normal dungeon or something more like the Cursed Woods?”

  “Seems odd that we aren’t seeing as many spiders,” Fluff commented, realizing they’d only encountered a few of the mobs in the past hour.

  “Maybe we’re close to the Queen finally,” Karen grumbled. “We should totally go see Sergeant Granite and kill the Langistor Queen on the island today after this.”

  “If we find the Spider Queen soon, we can do that,” Gerald agreed.

  Bob and his Copy landed on the ground next to Alburet. “Just up ahead the branches are all coated in web, which hasn’t happened before. I also saw spheres of webbing amongst the trees.”

  “Good to know,” Alburet said. “Guys, Bob thinks the Queen is just ahead of us. The trees are liberally coated in webs and he saw egg clusters.”

  “I didn’t say egg clusters,” Bob frowned.

  “Spheres where a Spider Queen is? That all but screams eggs,” Alburet told him.

  “Sounds likely,” Gerald agreed. “You think we’re going to get a lot of small adds?”

  “Probably,” Karen cut in. “Bob should probably be ready to use his Fire Bursts on them.”

  “Yeah,” Alburet nodded. “Bob, use your mana sparingly and be ready to nuke the fuck out of any adds. Tiny, you are to grab any adds that show up.”

  “Understood,” Tiny rumbled.

  “Fine, but I was really looking forward to melting the giant spider,” Bob sighed.

  “Stacia, if you can’t join us on the boss then help Tiny, okay?” Alburet asked.

  “Aye, I will do me best,” Stacia added.

  “We just going to rush in and see what happens?” Fluff asked as she flexed her finge

  “We have forty levels on her, so why not?” Gerald chuckled. “Everyone ready?”

  Once everyone nodded, the group began to move further into the wood. After a few minutes they found a clearing that was a good fifty yards across. The trees around the clearing were liberally coated in webs, including the branches that occluded the sky above them. The trees were coated in thick webs around the clearing, leaving only one path for them.

  “This does seem to be it,” Gerald commented. “Here we go.” With those words he strode into the clearing, shield and weapon at the ready.


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