Fractured Spirit (Alpha World Book 5)

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Fractured Spirit (Alpha World Book 5) Page 25

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Aye, identical I be thinkin’,” Stacia nodded.

  “But you’re not one of the bridesmaids?” Karen asked, puzzled.

  “Nay, married women nay be allowed to stand as bridesmaids,” Stacia said as she finally got out of bed. “It be tradition tha’ the maids be paired up with potential partners.”

  Karen nodded, “Like I had been with Marian, or Erin was with Wilbur.”

  “Aye. It be one of the ways to try bringin’ people together to see iffin a spark exists between the pair.”

  “So, we’ll be at a secondary table?” Fluff asked as she slipped into her pants and situated her tail through the gap for it.

  “Aye,” Stacia nodded as she got her shirt on. “We’ll be goin’ to the house to get dressed for the weddin’.”

  “That’s good,” Alburet replied as he shrugged his armor on. “I don’t have my good clothes here.”

  “None of us do,” Karen added as she slipped her leather armor on. “Did you already message Gerald?”

  Rolling his eyes, Alburet grabbed his Mindstone and sent off the quick message. “Yes.”

  “Good,” Karen nodded as she attached her blades to her belt. “I’m ready.”

  Fluff’s armor went on with a jingle of scale, “I’m ready as well.”

  “Breakfast while we wait for Gerald to respond?” Stacia asked.

  “Probably the best idea,” Alburet agreed as he stepped over to the door, opening it with a flourish.

  The dining room was mostly empty. A handful of people sat around the room having breakfast. The four of them picked a table near the door and sat down. A Human male wearing an apron came over as they sat.

  “Morning. I’ll have your food out in a moment. Did you all want coffee?” the man asked with a professional smile. When they agreed, he departed to get them their drinks.

  “I never would have thought about staff,” Alburet absently muttered.

  “I arranged for them once we secured the Keep,” Kim said as she approached the table with Rolland in tow.

  “So that’s why we have staff,” Karen smiled pleasantly. “Want to join us?”

  “That sounds good,” Kim agreed, claiming one of the chairs. Rolland sat next to her. “What are your plans for the day?”

  “We be havin’ a weddin’ to attend,” Stacia said. “Me sister, Deirdre, be marryin’ Chris today.”

  “I thought they would tie the knot,” Rolland grinned. “He looks at her like I gaze at the beauty beside me.” Rolland winked at Kim when she turned to look at him.

  “Flatterer,” Kim smiled. She kissed his cheek before turning back to the group. “That is good news. However, you all seem a bit tense. Is everything else okay?”

  “Your drinks,” the server interrupted them, setting a carafe of coffee on the table along with six cups. “Will all of you be having breakfast this morning?” At their nods he left, telling them, “I’ll return with your meals shortly.”

  Alburet waited for the server to walk off before he replied to Kim. “We have an issue that we’ll be talking with Gerald about once he wakes up.”

  Kim’s face went from happy to serious at his words. “That doesn’t sound good. Has there been some kind of disagreement?”

  “Nay, nothin’ like tha’,” Stacia quickly rebutted.

  “We’re just going to have to break our party up, probably,” Alburet added. “I’ve been handed a quest that’s time sensitive, and Gerald is going to be tied up with guild and noble duties.”

  “Your food,” the server added a moment later as he started to set out plates. They were piled with eggs, bacon, sausage and toast. “Enjoy,” with that he went off to help another table.

  Lips pursed, Rolland frowned, “You were all grouping before the guild, right?” When they nodded, Rolland sighed, “I can see why you’re all a little tense. I don’t think he’ll take it badly, though.”

  “That is the hope,” Alburet muttered.

  “You think he might be upset because you handed him the guild and now are running off to do this?” Kim asked between bites.

  “Pretty much,” Alburet replied after swallowing. “I did talk him into taking over the guild, after all.”

  “Marysue did that, not you,” Karen pointed out. “You offered and then she pleaded with him to take it.”

  “Karen’s right,” Fluff added. “He is getting what she wanted for him. And we will still need to figure out what to do for a tank and healer. This quest is pretty important.”

  “We could be askin’ me sis and Chris,” Stacia offered. “After the weddin’, of course. Her healin’ will nay hurt ya minions, Asthore.”

  They ate in silence for a moment as everyone considered the option. “The rest of their group was only signed up for one month,” Karen mused. “If none of the pl…um, Two-souled come back we could probably work something out with them.”

  “That still doesn’t help if Gerald is upset,” Alburet sighed. “One problem at a time, please.”

  Rolland nodded, “I agree with you, Alburet. One step at a time. When are you going to talk with him?”

  “Once he says he’s good. I sent him a message this morning, just waiting for a reply,” Alburet told Rolland.

  It was on that note they heard Gerald’s voice, “I told you they would be down here. Al, you wanted to talk?”

  Alburet turned to see Marysue and Gerald headed their way. Kim and Rolland shifted their chairs over so the other two had room. They exchanged greetings as Gerald held one chair for Marysue, then sat down in the other. The server came by with a new carafe and more cups before the conversation picked back up.

  “I was expecting you to reply, not just show up,” Alburet told Gerald. “Yeah, I have an issue that I needed to talk with you about.”

  A small frown crossed Gerald’s face at the word ‘issue’. “What’s the problem?”

  “It revolves around the NDA,” Alburet replied.

  Marysue sat forward in her seat, looking worried, “Did you break it?”

  “No,” Alburet reassured her. The server returned, setting down plates for Gerald and Marysue. Alburet waited for him to leave, then continued, “I have reason to believe that I have limited time left here, though.” The tension in Alburet and his wives was obvious to the others at the table. “I have to be kind of vague here to not break any rules, so bear with me.”

  Neither Marysue nor Gerald touched their food as they waited for him to continue. As the moment stretched out Gerald spoke up, “Is it that bad?”

  Licking his lips, Alburet shrugged, “Yes. I was all but told my time here is going to end in the not too distant future. Pretty sure I won’t be coming back, either.”

  Marysue gasped, “Oh, that is horrible. Is there anything we can do?”

  Shaking his head, Alburet gave her a tight smile. “No. It’s all tied into the NDA. The problem is that I’ve been handed a time sensitive quest that’s also related. All four of us have, actually. We have to complete a few things before my time is up. At least one of them will require us to be at max level. With all the stuff you guys have to do with taking care of the guild and dealing with people it means we’ll probably have to find some other people to group with since you’re going to be busy.”

  Gerald seemed to deflate some, “I understand. I was worried you were going to say you wanted to take the guild back, and I was going to argue it. If you have to level faster, I understand. I’m a bit sad about it, but I get it.”

  “All of you?” Marysue asked.

  “Aye,” Stacia said softly. “We did nay want ya to be upset about it.”

  Gerald waved off the concern, “No, its fine. We’ve had a lot of fun, but this new responsibility is what I need. Making it to max level before our time is up would be fun, but I need the guild to thrive more than that. I have to prove how effective I can be as a leader,” his eyes rested on Marysue as he continued, “I have to.”

  Marysue seemed to slump a little in her seat, “Yeah, but I don’t want to s
top hunting with them, either.”

  “We can still group up on the days you two can find the time,” Alburet told her. “Plus, you might also consider teaming up with Kim and Rolland here, maybe add in another one of our Natives to hunt with sometimes.”

  “We’d be more than happy to do so,” Kim quickly added.

  “We plan to try to find another tank and healer from the guild to work on this quest,” Alburet told them.

  “I’ll be honest, I’m a little upset that we can’t go with you like we used to,” Gerald clarified. “However, I would feel awful if we stopped you from doing what you need to do.”

  “We’ll still get together and hunt, right?” Marysue quickly interjected. “Tonight the new testers will be showing up. Tomorrow morning we have a meeting with the contingent of crafters the King is sending to get the town back in order. We can hunt after the meeting,” her tone held a hint of pleading as she looked at them and to Gerald.

  “We would be happy to hunt with you tomorrow,” Alburet told her, feeling her emotional turmoil. “We have a wedding to attend today, so we won’t be getting ahead of you anytime soon.”

  Her smile solidified from the upset half-smile it had been into a normal smile. “Okay, good.”

  “We need to be goin’,” Stacia said. “We be needin’ to get home and dressed and see about getting’ to the church.”

  “Who is getting married?” Gerald asked.

  “Deirdre,” Alburet replied as he got to his feet.

  “Oh,” Marysue said, digging a small pouch out of her bag. “I didn’t know it would be so soon. Please give this to her on behalf of Gerald and myself.”

  Stacia took it, “It be me pleasure. We’ll be back for welcomin’ our new recruits tonight.”

  A moment later they said their goodbyes as Alburet, Stacia, Karen, and Fluffball went off to get ready. Kim and Rolland also left, citing duties they needed to attend to. Gerald and Marysue stayed to finish eating. His eyes kept tracking to Marysue, but he didn’t say anything.

  She looked over after a minute, “I’m okay. It was just shocking. I finally have real friends besides you and then they say they want to go hunting without us.”

  He covered one of her hands with his, “They aren’t ignoring us or doing it to be mean. Fluffball is easy to read, she was just as sad about it as you are. I’m sure the rest of them are, too. So don’t think of it as them saying goodbye, but more that there’s something they have to do.”

  Marysue nodded, “I’m going to leverage everything I can to find out what is happening to him when we leave here, before we come back.”

  “I will support you, if that’s what you want,” Gerald smiled at her.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  The quartet took their leave, then used their Homestones to appear just outside of their home in Stormguard. As they entered the house, Stacia spoke up, “Marysue be a bit upset about us needin’ to hunt without them.”

  “I noticed,” Alburet sighed. “I feel a little bad about it, but if it means accomplishing what I need to do, then she’ll just have to cope.”

  Fluffball seemed taken aback by his words and tone, but Karen patted her shoulder. “Damn right. Al better make sure he gets this done and takes us with him.”

  “But we can still group with them some,” Fluff pointed out a little anxiously.

  Turning to her, Alburet gave her a sad smile, “Of course. But if grouping with them slows us down too much then we will have to go without them. I won’t risk failing this quest just so she doesn’t feel bad. You are worth way more to me than her being upset for a little while.”

  Ducking her head Fluff nodded, “Okay, I just know what it’s like to not have any friends. I think she’s the same.”

  Stacia nodded, “Aye, ya be right.”

  “We’re dressing then heading over for the wedding, right?” Karen piped up, shifting the conversation away from its current topic.

  “That’s why we came back to the city,” Alburet said, heading to the bedroom. “A quick shower, then into fancy attire.” He paused to pull out his Mindstone, sending off a quick message to Vanessa.

  The women followed him, discussing what outfits they were going to wear to the wedding. They laid out the outfits they’d chosen, then bathed. Their shower was quick, with no dalliance or playing around. Outside, a carriage was parked at the curb. Vanessa was talking to the driver. She turned as the four of them left the house.

  “Alburet, the driver is aware of your destination,” Vanessa told him.

  “Thank you, Vanessa,” Alburet replied. “What’s the cost for the day for your carriage?” he asked the driver.

  “As I was telling the lady, sir, the cost to hire me for the rest of the day and into the night will run ten gold,” the driver replied.

  Alburet handed the older gentleman a few extra gold above the price he’d been quoted. “Let me pay you upfront. That way everything is taken care of.”

  The driver accepted the coin with a broad smile, “Much obliged, sir. If you need anything at all, just let me know.”

  Alburet nodded as he opened the door and handed his wives inside. Once they were in he gave Vanessa a smile, “Thank you for arranging the vehicle for us.”

  “My pleasure. I understand you’re attending a family wedding. Wish Deirdre well from me, and have a good time.”

  Alburet grinned as he stepped into the carriage, “Will do. Have a good day yourself. To the Temple please, driver.”

  The driver snapped the reins lightly to get the horse moving. “Right you are, sir.”

  When the carriage arrived at the Dark Lord’s Temple a few minutes later, there was a short wait as other carriages had arrived before them. Once they were stopped in front of the temple, Alburet helped each of the ladies out.

  As he turned to the driver, the driver held up a hand, “I know, sir. I’ll be waiting for you to be ready to attend the reception.”

  Alburet nodded, smiling at the driver as he took Stacia’s arm on his right and Fluff’s on his left, with Karen on Fluff’s other side. The Temple was arranged the same way that Alburet had seen it for his own marriage to Stacia. Grimgar, Alistern, and Stewart waited just inside the door to lead people to their seats. Off to the left of the door, Chris Eveningstar stood in a suit of black and red next to a small table that contained a book.

  “Big day, Chris,” Alburet greeted the obviously nervous Paladin. “Going to be joining the family in a bit. How do you feel?” Alburet didn’t need to ask, easily picking up on the jumble of happiness, worry, and fear the groom was experiencing.

  “Fine. It’s good of you all to come to the wedding.” Chris kissed each woman’s hand and shook Alburet’s with a firm grip. “Deirdre was a little anxious that you all might miss it, with all the guild stuff going on.”

  “Aich, I nay be missin’ me own sister’s weddin’,” Stacia disagreed.

  “I didn’t think you would,” Chris quickly replied. “It’s just that she’s a bit anxious since you missed her dinner.”

  “I be right back,” Stacia told Al, giving him a quick kiss before she walked off.

  They watched her go, Karen and Fluff trading a glance with each other. While Stacia went past her father, Alistern looked over at the group with a raised brow. Alburet shrugged at him before turning back to Chris. “Remember to breathe. If you made it this far, you’ve been okayed by Lilith and the other women. Alistern blusters, but if you’re here, then you’re good.” He leaned forward conspiratorially, “Also, call Alistern Dad. He likes that. He’s always wanted a boy of his own.”

  Chris blinked, but his head nodded slightly, “I’ll try it later.”

  “Well,” Alburet said, stepping back, “ladies, we should take our seats.” He motioned them to Stewart and Grimgar as he approached Alistern. “Dad, good to see the family is growing again. Deirdre made a good catch.”

  Alistern eyed him for a moment before speaking. “Aye. Deirdre was a bit worried ya all would nay make it this mornin�

  “Yeah, Chris told us. That’s where Stacia went off to.”

  “I be back,” Stacia said as she approached them from a side door. “She be relaxed now. Shall we take our seats?”

  Grimgar offered his arm to Fluff, “If ye be doin’ me the honor of lettin’ me escort ye to ye seat?” Stewart offered Karen his arm with a half bow.

  “Iffin ya will show me to me seat, Da’,” Stacia said, holding out her hand to her father.

  “Aye,” Alistern took her hand, turning to follow the others. “Iffin ya will stay right there a moment, sir, we be right back to seat ya.”


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