Billionaire Beast (Billionaire Bikers MC #2)

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Billionaire Beast (Billionaire Bikers MC #2) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m not in the mood.”

  “You’re never in the mood. Have you found someone else, or do you have some hard-on for your fat roommate?”

  Gritting his teeth, he took a step away from Friday. The apartment had a lot of pictures of him and Temperance. His friend wasn’t slender. Temperance possessed curves that some women deemed fat. He loved her shape, and spent most of his time wishing he could hold onto those lush curves. She was at least a size sixteen, but he didn’t care. He loved Temperance no matter her size.

  “I’m not going to do this with you. I want you to leave,” he said.

  Just as Friday was about to open her mouth, he heard the front door slam. Temperance was home.

  Chapter Three

  Temperance slammed into her apartment and started to pace the entrance hall. “What the hell have I done?”

  “Tempe, is that you?”

  She looked up to see her best friend, Jay. She shared her apartment, and Jay was a bad boy accountant, or that was what he told her. They’d been friends for the longest time, and shared a lot together.

  “Yes, it’s—” She cut off when she saw a red head coming out of his room. The other woman wore a revealing dress that did nothing to really cover her body. “Erm, okay.”

  “Tempe, this is Red. Red, this is Tempe,” Jay said.

  “I have a real name. Emma is my real name, and I’m leaving. I can’t believe you would pick her over me. You’re an asshole, Jay, and you can find someone else to fuck and be your girlfriend.”

  “What? No, no, no, I’m not his girlfriend. I’m just his friend. We room together.”

  “Weird,” Red said, before leaving.

  “Weird? How are we weird? It’s normal what we do, right?” Temperance asked.

  “I don’t know. I guess it’s pretty weird. We’re not young anymore.”

  “So? How does it have to be weird? I’m twenty-nine years old, and so are you. We’re both not attached.”

  “Yeah, I don’t really care what my Friday night is thinking.”

  “Friday night?”

  “Yeah, you’re usually over at your parents’ house, on a Friday night.”

  Temperance rubbed her temple. “Please tell me you’re not one of those guys who label their women based on the day of the week you screw them?” She moved toward the couch and slumped down. Her night was going from bad, to great, to worse. The bad boy accountant image fit Jay perfectly.

  “Does it matter? She thought I was being insulting only calling her Red, when I have her in my phone as Friday.” Jay pulled out his cell phone, pulling up the other woman’s information, and showing it off to her.

  “You’re a pig, right? You get that.”

  “Does your boss let you get away with that mouth, or has he discovered you’ve got a hot, sexy side?”

  She groaned, grabbing a pillow, and putting it over her face.

  “That’s not exactly the answer I was going for.”

  “It’s complicated, Jay.”

  “Is that why you slammed the door to get into the apartment?”

  “I didn’t slam anything.”

  “Er, you did, and you weren’t quiet about it either. It was an almighty slam.”

  Peeking around her pillow, she watched as he did the action as well as if he knew all along what he was doing. “It wasn’t like that.”

  “It was. I’d just been about to give Friday the update that she was boring me, and you interrupted me. Completely messed with my muse.”

  “How am I even friends with you?”

  “I’m adorable, and I’ve never been mean to you.”

  That was true. She’d been friends with Jay ever since playschool. Their parents had been close, and she had been close with Jay. Even throughout school, and then into high school, he’d stuck by her side. She’d been the chubby, awkward kid, but he didn’t drop her. Everyone knew not to mess with her unless they wanted to face his wrath. He took care of her. They ended up going to the same college, and yes, he took her virginity, which was the creepy part of their relationship. Temperance hadn’t been able to handle the feelings he’d inspired, and she’d cut it off before he had the chance to. They had gotten past it. Their friendship came before anything else. Jay fucked around, and she had the occasional dates. Unless it was serious, they had each other. To this day, Temperance had never had a serious boyfriend, and she doubted she ever would.

  She let out a sigh. “I did something stupid.”

  “How? You’ve been at work all day.”

  “That was the problem. My boss, Richard, he wanted me to stay behind. He has this new account, and I can’t tell you about it, so don’t ask. Anyway, something has been a little different today, and we crossed a line.”

  “You crossed a line? Sounds exciting.”

  “Be serious for a second, Jay. Honestly, it’s scary.”


  “I slept with my boss.”

  Silence fell in their small apartment, and she chanced a glance at Jay to see him frowning. The moment he caught sight of her staring, she groaned. “You think badly of me, don’t you?”

  “What? No?” He shook his head. “Of course not.”

  “You’re being weird with me, Jay. Please give it to me straight.”

  “You slept with your boss?”

  “There wasn’t any sleeping taking place. We had sex. Hot sex.” She sighed. “Mind-blowing sex.”

  Jay nodded, and a second later he stood up. “This is the boss you’ve been talking about a lot, right? Richard Bruce?”

  He was acting strangely, almost as if he was jealous, but that couldn’t be the case. Jay was never jealous. He complained about other women being jealous but never about her.

  “He’s my boss, Jay.”

  “It’s not like that. You’ve been attracted to him long before now, right?”

  Biting her lip, Temperance had to think, and she knew the truth. “I guess, yeah.”

  Jay nodded.

  “Is something wrong?” Temperance asked.

  “No. It’s not.”

  “I made a huge mistake. I’m going to have to give in my resignation letter.”

  “How was it?”


  “The sex. How was it?” Jay poured them both a glass of wine, offering her one, which she took. She needed everything to help her come to terms with what the hell had just happened in her life.

  “It was … amazing. I mean, it was only in the office but he knows what to do with his hands, and mouth, and it has been so long.” Her cheeks heated recalling the way he held her ass, riding her pussy as he did.

  “I’m happy for you. What are you going to do now?”

  “I don’t have a clue.” She groaned, dropping her head back against the couch. “I’m going to have to quit.”

  “Well if you do, you know I’m here.”

  “You’re supposed to be supportive, and tell me not to worry about it.”

  “I’ve never visited you at your office, have I?” he asked. “I don’t know who this Richard is?”

  “Huh? No, I don’t think you have. You’re always dealing with numbers, and clients.”

  “Yeah, it shocks the fuck out of women when they find out an accountant has blown their mind.”

  “It makes a change for me to be the crazy one, and not you.”

  “This guy must mean something to you to go that next step.”

  “I really don’t know. I like him. He’s … different. Yeah, he’s different, and when he looks at me, he sees me.” She smiled recalling how intensely Richard watched her, the heat in his gaze.

  “You’re a sexy woman, Tempe, and he doesn’t even know the real you.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, chuckling.

  “I know how much you like to have fun, and experiment, and I’ve also seen you in action. Don’t forget I had you first.” Jay stroked her cheek, and she smiled at him.

  “Very true. You were my first corruption.” />
  He laughed, pulling his hand away. “If this guy has any sense, but I don’t think he does as they’re all the same. Rich, wealthy, with very little dick.”

  Temperance shook her head. “He’s rich, wealthy, smart, and he’s very well endowed in that department.”


  Jay was not acting how she imagined. “What’s wrong?”


  “So, do you have someone to replace Friday?” Temperance frowned. “What about Monday and Wednesday? I know you had a big argument with them a couple of weeks ago. Are you letting them go as well?”

  “Yeah, I guess I’ve been a bit lax in my judgment lately.”

  “What’s going on? What have you done with my friend?” She touched his cheek, laughing as she did so.

  “I’m fine.”

  He held onto her hand, locking their fingers together. They had done this a lot growing up. Their parents had found their friendship to be sweet at first, and then become a little uncomfortable. Neither of them had seen that they were developing, and that they were no longer allowed sleepovers. Of course, Jay was the first to lose his virginity, and he told her all about it. She never felt jealous though.

  Jay was her best friend, and she loved him.

  “I’m going to head to bed. I’ve still got to work tomorrow.”

  “Didn’t he drop you off?” Jay asked.

  She finished her wine and winced. “Not really. Afterward, he went into the bathroom, and I did the whole disappearing act. I didn’t really think it through.”

  “Do you think he could come here?”

  “I hope not.”


  Shit, she had found someone.

  Jay’s heart raced as he stared at his best friend. What the fuck was he to do? He didn’t want to lose her, and yet, he saw the look in her eye. She wanted Richard, and it went far beyond just fucking. Was there a way he could share her? He’d never been averse to sharing a woman, but Temperance had shown no desire for it. Jay was willing to do whatever it took to win her over.

  “Do you want him to come here?” Jay asked.

  “I’m not sure. How about you? How has your night been?”


  He didn’t want to talk about how he’d been pacing the apartment, scared out of his mind about losing his best friend, and the only woman he’d ever loved. “I watched some television.”

  Lies, all of it.


  “What do you do when the woman you fucked runs out on you?” Richard asked, pulling up his pants.

  He was so fucking angry finding her doing the disappearing act.

  “Why are you asking me?” Lewis asked.

  “I called Russ, and he’s busy.”

  “So? I’ve got business to take care of.”

  “Everyone knows you’ve been dealing with Mandy. Give a guy a break and help me out.”

  “There’re seven other men you can call who’ll help you out.”

  “I’m not looking for just any opinion. I want yours or Russ’s.”


  Tugging on his suit jacket, he glared at his cell phone. He had it on speaker, and his so-called friend was starting to really piss him off. “You know what it’s like to connect to another woman.”

  “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Lewis. You’ve just spent every moment of your adult life hunting for a woman who went missing years ago. Mandy is not just some kind of pussy to you. She means something.”

  “What are you trying to get at?”

  “Are you being obtuse on purpose? I’ve just had sex with a woman, and she’s more than just some random pussy.”

  “Oh, okay, now that makes sense. She ran out on you?”

  It seemed like a switch went off inside of Lewis’s head.

  “Yeah, she ran out on me.”

  “Who is she?”

  “She works for me.”

  “Wow, you’re breaking your own code there.”

  “Yeah, I don’t need you to spell it out for me. I know I broke my own code.”

  “Wait, are we talking about Temperance? You screwed Temperance?”

  “Yes, I screwed her, and she ran out on me.” He rubbed the back of his head, trying to figure out what the hell to do. Richard couldn’t recall ever being in this position before, and he was out of his depth.

  “What do you want to do?”

  “Go after her.”

  “Then why don’t you?”


  “Go after her? You know her address. You’ve just been screwing her. Go after her, and do whatever the hell you want to do.”

  “Bye,” Richard said, hanging up the phone.

  He took a seat behind his desk, accessed the secured employee files, and typed in Temperance’s name.

  Her details came up, and he quickly typed them in his phone so that he could get directions.

  Before he had the chance to talk himself out of what he was about to do, he was in his car, and following the road toward her apartment. She lived in a really nice area, which he was happy about. The last thing he wanted was for her to be in an awful place. Temperance never made anything personal, and when he actually thought about their time together, she never talked about herself.

  Today was the first that that they had ever crossed the line.

  They were both usually … he didn’t know the way to describe the way that they were. After what he’d experienced with her underneath him, he wasn’t going to give that up.

  He followed the directions until he was pulling up outside of a large building. There was parking outside, so he pulled up and made his way into the building. There was a guy on reception, and Richard nodded toward him before making his way toward the elevator. No one stopped him.

  Pressing in the correct floor he’d need, he waited while staring at his reflection in the mirror. His hair was a mess from Temperance running her fingers through it, gripping him as he rode her pussy.

  Just the memory of her squeezing his dick was enough to make him hard all over again.

  He adjusted his length and grew impatient with the slow moving carriage. The moment the doors opened, seconds later he was knocking on Temperance’s door. He didn’t like to be kept waiting, so he kept on knocking, growing more agitated by the second.

  “What the hell?” a guy said, opening the door.

  Richard wasn’t impressed. He checked the number on the door, and then looked back at the man.

  “I’m looking for Temperance Harris,” he said.

  “Who are you?”

  “Who are you?”

  “You’re knocking on my door.”

  “I’m here to see Temperance. I wasn’t aware she had visitors.”

  “This is my apartment,” the man said.

  Richard didn’t like him, as he was trying to stop him from getting what he wanted.

  “Jay, what is going on?” Temperance asked, and suddenly there she was. “Richard?”

  “Yeah, you remember me.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “You ran out on me.”

  “It’s not cool to come and stalk her. Kind of creepy,” Jay said.

  “Jay, don’t,” Temperance said.

  “Why don’t you mind your own business?”

  “Do you think I’m scared of you?” Jay asked, stepping forward. “Big old businessman.”

  Richard stepped forward about to show him that he was more than just a businessman.

  “Don’t, Jay, he’s a biker, too. Don’t mess with him,” Temperance said.

  “What?” Jay asked.

  He stared at Temperance wondering how the hell she knew that. “We need to talk.” Richard noticed she was wearing a bathrobe, which only served to piss him off.

  Closing the door, he kept on glaring at Jay.

  “I’m not leaving you alone with him. The rich think they can get away with all kinds of crap.”

  “He’s my boss.”

  “The boss you just had sex with!”

  “Jay. Please.” She growled the last part out between clenched teeth.

  “Fine. Fine. If you know what the hell you’re doing.”

  “I do.”

  He watched as the mysterious Jay walked away. Richard liked that he was prepared to stay with her to keep her safe. Jay cared about her, that much was obvious.

  All of Temperance’s blonde tresses were falling around her in waves, and he found he couldn’t resist touching her.

  Reaching out, he twirled some of her hair, finding it soft to the touch.

  “What are you doing here, Mr. Bruce?”

  “Mr. Bruce? We’re back to that? Seriously, after I was just balls deep inside you.”

  “God, you’re going to be vulgar.”

  “Don’t,” he said. “Don’t pretend you weren’t with me the whole way.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Then don’t pretend you weren’t someone different. I heard you, Tempe, and you came apart in my arms.”

  “What are you trying to say?” she asked.

  “Don’t be my employee. Be the woman you were tonight.”

  “That’s not going to work. We crossed the line, and now we have to uncross it.”

  Richard shook his head. “There are some things you cannot uncross.”

  “This has to be uncrossed.”

  “We fucked, and I’m not going to forget it.” He stared down at her, and he stroked her cheek, forcing her to look up at him. “Don’t push me out.”

  “You had a woman come to the office today, and she wasn’t a client. I’m not stupid, Richard. I know she was there for you. To service you.”

  “I can’t deny that Tina wasn’t there for that reason.”

  “And now you’re following me home.”

  “How do you know about the club?”

  “The club?”

  “The fact I’m a biker.” Richard folded his arms, and watched as she walked away. The robe only went to her knee, and it was plain white giving off the air of innocence.


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